NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Nutritional Assessment
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Nutritional Assessment
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Nutritional Assessment
San Pablo
College of Nursing
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Learning Objectives :
. At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
. .
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
The milk group is counted on to provide most of the calcium
requirements. It provides riboflavin, high-quality protein, other
vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, and fats. The milk allowance
is used in the form of fluid, whole or skim milk, buttermilk,
evaporated milk, dry milk, and cheese. A portion may be used in
The meat group provides generous amounts of high-quality
protein. Iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, and zinc are supplied. At least once a
week, liver, kidney, and salt water fish such as salmon, oysters, and
mackerel should be included in the animal protein allowance. There are
several non-meat alternatives that provide the same nutrients as animal
flesh. Vegetarians may combine plant sources such as grains and legumes,
grains and nuts/ seeds, and legumes and nuts/seeds to meet the complete or
high quality protein needs of the body.
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
1. What time did you go to bed the night before last? _______________________
- Was this the usual time? _______________________
2. What time did you get up yesterday? _______________________
- Was this the usual time? _______________________
3. When was the first time you had anything to eat or drink? _______________________
- What did you have and how much? _______________________
4. When did you eat again? _______________________
- Where? What and how much? _______________________
5. When did you eat next? _______________________
- What did you eat and how much? _______________________
6. Did you eat or drink anything else?
a. Anything from 1st to 2nd meal? 4
b. Anything from 2nd to 3rd meal?
c. Anything from 3rd meal to bed time?
7. Was this day's food intake different from usual? _______________________ - If so,
why? _______________________
8. Is weekend eating different? _______________________ - If so, why?
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
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NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
How much each time?________ How much would you say you drink each day?_____
11. Do you drink alcohol? ___________ How often? ________How much?___ Beer,
wine, others?
NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
3. Dietary History
The dietary history is more complete than either the hour recall or food frequency
questionnaire, although it ally includes both of these sources. The dietary history contains
additional information about the following:
1. Economics
a. Income
b. Amount of money for food each week or month and individual
perception of its adequacy for meeting food needs
2. Physical Activity
a. Occupation
b. Exercise
c. Sleep - hours/day
3. Ethnic and Cultural Background
a. Influence on eating habits
b. Religion
c. Education
4. Home Life and Meal Patterns
a. Number of household members
b. Person who does shopping
c. Person who does cooking and relationship with this person
d. Food storage and cooking facilities
e. Type of housing
f. Ability to shop and prepare food
5. Appetite
a. Good, poor, any changes
b. Factors that affect appetite
c. Taste and smell perception
6. Allergies, Intolerances, and Food Avoidances
a. Foods avoided and reason
b. Length of time of avoidance
7. Dental and Oral Health
a. Problems with eating
b. Foods that cannot be eaten
c. Problems with swallowing, salivation, and food sticking
8. Gastrointestinal Concerns
a. Problems with heartburn, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, distention
b. Frequency of problems
c. Home remedies
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NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
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NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
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NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Other Consideration
1. Meal Patterns. Meal or menu patterns are helpful in planning but they must take into
account the family's habits and needs. For example, the traditional pattern for breakfast
recommended by nutritionists are:
fruit bread or
rice egg or
substitute hot
The following is a good menu guide for lunch and dinner:
meat, fish, or poultry
fruit or
2. Planning for the Week. It is best to have a weekly menu plan. In hospitals, the practice of
dietitians is to prepare a so-called “cycle menu.”
Nutrition survey is an epidemiological investigation of the nutritional status of the population by
various methods together with an evaluation of the ecological factors of the community.
Significance of Nutritional Assessment
1. It is the first essential in nutritional planning.
2. It provides data and information for planning and evaluation.
3. It helps define priorities and responsibilities of public health system at the national,
regional, provincial, city, municipal, and barangay levels.
Methods of Nutritional Assessment
A. Methods that provide direct information
1. Clinical examination
2. Biochemical examination
3. Anthropometric
4. Biophysical technique
B. Methods that provide indirect information
1. Studies on food consumption
2. Studies on health conditions and vital statistics
3. Studies on food supply situation.
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NCM 105: Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
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