Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Nutrition and Diet Therapy
DIET. Macronutrients
- Kailangan ng katawan pero hindi 2. Contribute to the bulk energy needed for
sufficient. the metabolic system
An enzyme can function as a catalyst, which "Bolus" formed. The length of time food is
speeds up the chemical reactions without in the mouth is brief small amounts of
itself being changed in the process. carbohydrates changed
Absorption Esophagus
The passage of nutrients into the blood or Food travels through this muscular
lymphatic system. Nutrients must be in their tube Connects the mouth to the
simplest form stomach
Peristalsis and gravity act to move
Carbohydrates: simple sugars the bolus
Proteins: amino acids The cardiac sphincter opens at the
Fats: fatty acids and glycerol lower end of the esophagus to allow
Most absorption occurs in the small passage of bolus into the stomach
intestine; some occur in the large intestine. Stop and Share
Water is absorbed in the stomach, small
intestine, and large intestine. What symptom results when the cardiac
sphincter does not close properly?
What is the name of the condition?
What prevents this condition from
Stop and Share Chyme: semiliquid mass of food and gastric
Indigestion or heartburn occurs because of
stomach acid flowing back into the Pernicious anemia: lack of intrinsic factor
Small Intestine
This is called gastroesophageal reflux. The
Hormones released
proper closing of the cardiac sphincter
prevents the acidic content of the stomach Secretin causes the pancreas to
from flowing back into the esophagus. release sodium bicarbonate to
neutralize the acidity of chyme
Cholecystokinin triggers the
The temporary storage of food gallbladder to release bile
Mixing of food with gastric juices
Regulation of a slow, controlled
emptying of food into the intestine Emulsifier fat after it is secreted into
Secretion of the intrinsic factor for small intestine
vitamin B12 Produced in the liver; stored in the
Destruction of most bacteria gallbladder
inadvertently consumed
Small Intestine
Hydrochloric acid prepares the
gastric area for enzyme action Enzymes are found in the pancreatic
Pepsin breaks down proteins juice that is secreted into the small
In children, rennin breaks down milk intestine.
proteins Pancreatic proteases (trypsin,
Lipase acts on emulsified fats chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases):
split proteins
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Pancreatic amylase: converts
Complete the following objectives to starches (polysaccharides) to simple
prepare for your class: sugars
Pancreatic lipase: reduces fats to
Identify the 3 parts of the stomach fatty acids and glycerol
Define chyme Produces enzymes
Identify the condition that results Prepares foods for absorption
from a lack of the intrinsic factor in
Lactase, maltase, sucrase convert
the stomach
lactose, maltose, sucrose to simple
Fundus: upper portion of the stomach. sugars
Peptidases reduce proteins to amino
Body of the stomach: middle area
Pylorus: end of the stomach near small Twenty-two feet long
intestines Villi, hairlike projections, increase
surface area for maximum absorption
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A patient with a duodenal ulcer asks you
The use of food by the body after digestion
where the ulcer is located. How do you
results in energy
Occurs after digestion and absorption;
The small intestine is divided into nutrients are carried by the blood to the cells
three of the body
The duodenum is the first section of Oxidation
the small intestine. o Nutrients combine with oxygen
The jejunum is the middle section, o Carbohydrates reduce to carbon
and the ileum is the last section. dioxide and water
Large Intestine o Protein to carbon dioxide, water,
and nitrogen
Colon walls secrete mucus to protect against o Also known as aerobic
acidic digestive juices in the chyme.
Major tasks of the large intestine: Energy is released as nutrients are
Absorb water
Anaerobic metabolism reduces fats
Synthesize some B vitamins and without the use of oxygen.
vitamin K
The complete oxidation of
Collect food residue carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is
Stop and Share commonly called the Krebs cycle.
Anabolism is the process of using energy
The cecum (blind pocket), colon and rectum from oxidation to create new
make up the large intestine. Contents travel compounds.
Catabolism is the breakdown of
Ascending colon compounds during metabolism.
Transverse colon Controlled primarily by hormones
Descending colon secreted by the thyroid gland:
Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine Energy
1 gram of carbohydrate yields 4 kcal
Stop and Share 1 gram of protein yields 4 kcal
1 gram of fat yields 9 kcal
What condition is associated with too much 1 gram of alcohol yields 7 kcal
thyroid hormone?
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What condition is associated with too little
thyroid hormone? If you eat a dessert with 19 grams of fat in it,
how many calories from fat does it have?
Hyperthyroidism: metabolism speeds up and
171 calories
the body metabolizes its food too quickly,
and weight is lost. Fat contains 9 kcal per gram
Convert body weight from pounds to Each gram of carbohydrate provides 4 kcal.
kilograms A body needs a constant energy supply. A
Multiply kilograms by 24 (hours per half day supply of carbohydrates is stored in
day) the liver and muscles for use as needed. The
Multiply the answer obtained by 0.9 for stored form is called glycogen.
a woman and by 1.0 for a man
Protein-Sparing Action
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The primary function of proteins is to build
Calculate the BMR for a woman who weighs 1 and repair tissues. When enough
10 pounds. carbohydrates (at least 50- 100 g/day) are
110-pound woman: BMR 1,080 kcal ingested, protein is spared.
1 10 pounds + 2.2 (pounds per kg) - 50 Normal Fat Metabolism
Without an adequate supply of
50 kg x 24 hours in a day = 1,200 kcal carbohydrates, fat is metabolized to meet
1,200 kcal x 0.9 =1,080 kcal energy requirements. Ketones are produced
as a byproduct of fat metabolism. Ketosis
170-pound man: BMR 1,854 kcal may result.
170 pounds + 2.2 (pounds per kg) - Stop and Share
77.27 kg
With a partner role-play the following: A
77.27 kg x 24 hours in a day = 1,854
patient asks the nurse about starting a high-
protein, low-carbohydrate diet. How should
1,854 kcal x 1.0 -1,854 kcal the nurse respond?
Carbohydrates Stop and Share
Facts Carbohydrates are necessary for energy.
Lack of adequate carbohydrate intake may
The primary source of energy for the body.
result in ketosis (a condition in which acids,
Least expensive and most abundant of the
called ketones, accumulate in the blood).
energy nutrients. Named for the chemical
Protein is best used for building and
elements they are composed of carbon,
repairing body tissues.
hydrogen, and oxygen.
Central nervous system, red blood
cells, and brain use only glucose as
Providing Fiber
Dietary fiber is found in grains, vegetables, Glucose is the central nervous
and fruits. Recommended intake is 20-35 system
g/day. Fiber lowers blood glucose levels;
may prevent some colon cancers; and helps
prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and Also called levulose or fruit sugar
diverticular disease by softening the stool. Ripe fruits, honey, soft drinks
Food Sources Sweetest of all the monosaccharides
Monosaccharides Sucrose
Cholesterol is a sterol
Fatlike substance
Exists in animal foods and body cells
other lipoproteins in the blood and they then
become LDL.
Low-density Lipoproteins (LDLs)
Composed of 45% cholesterol with few
triglycerides. Carry most of the blood
cholesterol from the liver to the cells.
Elevated blood levels greater than 130 mg/dl
of LDL are thought to be contributing
factors in atherosclerosis. "Bad cholesterol"
High-density Lipoproteins (HDLs)
Lipoproteins Carry cholesterol from the cells to the liver
In the initial stages of fat absorption, bile for eventual excretion. Levels of HDL
joins with the products of fat digestion to greater than 35 mg/dl are thought to reduce
carry fat. Later, protein combines with the the risk of heart disease. Exercise,
final products of fat digestion to form maintaining a desirable weight, and giving
special carriers called lipoproteins. up smoking are all ways to increase one's
Lipoproteins carry the fat in the blood to the HDL. "Good cholesterol"
body cells. Metabolism and Elimination
Classified according to mobility and density The liver controls fat metabolism. The
Types metabolism of fats occurs in the cells. Fatty
acids are broken down into carbon dioxide
Chylomicrons and water, releasing energy. A portion of fat
Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) not needed for immediate use is stored as
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) adipose tissue. Carbon dioxide and water are
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) waste products removed from the body by
the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
First lipoprotein identified after eating
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Largest lipoprotein
Lightest in weight Your client asks you about a new dietary
Composed of 80-90% triglycerides supplement that advertisers claim provides
essential nutrients and lowers cholesterol
Very-low-density Lipoproteins (VLDLs) "naturally". How do you advise your client?
Made by the liver to transport lipids Any new dietary "supplement" for which a
throughout the body. Composed of 55-65% nutrition claim is made should be carefully
triglycerides. Carry triglycerides and other evaluated. If the item is not included in the
lipids to all cells. As the VLDL lose RDA or DRI, it is safe to assume that
triglycerides, they pick up cholesterol from medical research has not determined that it
is essential. Ingestion of dietary supplements
of unknown value could, ironically, be
damaging to one's health.
Fat Alternatives
Complementary Proteins
Olestra: Made from carbohydrates and fat
Occurs when a combination of
FDA-approved for use in snack food incomplete proteins is eaten on the same
Government requires that food labels day to make a complete protein
indicate olestra "inhibits the Examples: com and beans, rice and
absorption of some vitamins and beans, bread and peanut butter, bread
other nutrients" and split pea soup, bread and cheese,
Contains no calories; can cause bread and baked beans, macaroni, and
cramps and diarrhea cheese, cereal, and milk
Simplesse: Made from egg white or milk Food Sources
Animal food sources
Oatrim: Carbohydrate-based; derived from
Complete proteins
oat fiber
Meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese
Dietary Requirements
Plant food sources
The Food and Nutrition Board's Committee
on Diet and Health recommends that people Incomplete proteins
reduce their fat intake to 30% of the total Corn, grain, nuts, sunflower seeds,
kcal. American Heart Association's newest sesame seeds, and legumes
recommendation is to consume </-7% of Analogues
saturated fats, 8-10% polyunsaturated fats
and 15% monounsaturated fats. At present, Meat alternatives made from soy protein
36% of kcal in U.S. diets is derived from and other ingredients to simulate various
fats. kinds of meat
Tofu is a soft cheese-like food made
Conclusion from soy milk
Fats provide energy, carry essential fatty Stop and Share
acids and fat-soluble vitamins, protect
organs and bones, insulate from cold, and Your client is concerned because her
provide satiety to meals. Composed of daughter is a vegetarian and does not eat
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and is found meat. Your client states, "My daughter does
in both animal and plant foods. not eat meat, so I know she doesn't get any
protein. She is ruining her body." How do
Each gram of fats provides 9 kcal. Digestion you respond?
occurs primarily in the small intestines. An
excess of fat in the diet can result in obesity Although animal foods are the best sources
and possible heart disease or cancer. of complete proteins, foods that provide
incomplete proteins can be combined to
make complete proteins. The best sources of
incomplete proteins are legumes, corn, Dietary Requirements
grains, and nuts. Soy protein and tofu are
Determined by size, age, sex, and physical
nutritious meat replacements.
and emotional conditions. The National
Functions Research Council of the
Building and repairing body tissue The National Academy of Sciences
Regulating body functions considers the average daily requirement to
be 0.8 of protein for each kilogram of body
Metabolism and digestion weight.
Fluid and electrolyte balance
Development of antibodies To determine your requirement
Stop and Share What are the signs and symptoms you may
expect to see with too much vitamin D? …
What are the signs and symptoms you may too little?
expect to see with too much vitamin A? …
too little? Excess Deficit
• Deposits of • Poor bone and
Excess Deficit calcium and tooth formation,
• Birth defects, hair • Night blindness; phosphorus in soft rickets which causes
loss, dry skin, dry, rough skin; tissues, kidney and malformed bones
headaches, nausea, increased heart damage, and and pain in infants
dryness of mucous susceptibility to bone fragility
membranes, liver infections; and Calcium and phosphorus can cause
damage, and bone blindness or stool and low is
and joint pain xerophthalmia
Vitamin D Deficit