C. Biodiversity Biodiversity Control of Ecological Degradation
C. Biodiversity Biodiversity Control of Ecological Degradation
C. Biodiversity Biodiversity Control of Ecological Degradation
The settlement
densification process that occurs in suburban areas is a realization of the increasing
demand for space in urban areas. in hilly suburban topography conditions, physically the
land cannot be developed for settlement, but with the densification process it will lead to
land conversion into residential areas
C. biodiversity biodiversity control of ecological degradation
biodiversity is a term that is often used by conservation biologists. Biodiversity is a term
used to describe the diversity of ecosystems and various forms of variability of animals
and plants and micro-organisms in nature. thus biodiversity includes the diversity of
ecosystem species and genetics. The Convention on Biological Diversity defines
biological diversity as the variation that exists among living things and all sources
including land-ocean ecosystems and other sources of aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes that are part of their diversity. This includes the diversity within
species occurring between species and ecosystems. Thus the definition of biodiversity is
widely used for 3 levels of biological organization, namely genetic diversity of species
and ecosystems.
Given the importance of biodiversity for human life on the earth's surface, efforts to
preserve it are very necessary. The United Nations conference on environment and
development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 produced an important document in the form of
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which was signed by 158 countries. until
2000 the Convention had been signed and ratified by 180 countries including Indonesia.
as for the purpose of the biodiversity conference is to conserve and sustainably utilize
biodiversity and its various benefits in a fair and equitable manner from the results of the
utilization of these genetic resources, transfer of relevant technology and adequate and
adequate funding.
Incorporating the issue of biodiversity loss and ecosystem threats into the political agenda
as a resource issue is a priority that must be implemented. The world charter for nature
which was accepted by the United Nations in October 1982 is an important step towards
this goal. the government must study and apply the results of the agreement contained in
the convention on biodiversity which declares species and genetic diversity as a common
Collective responsibility for the shared heritage does not mean that the international
community is also collective towards certain resources within a country. this approach
does not interfere with the idea of national sovereignty but it does mean that a country
will not be left alone in protecting species that are within its national boundaries. This
convention needs to be supported by a financial plan that is actively supported by the
international community. This design is not only aimed at ensuring the conservation of
genetic resources for all nations but also ensuring that the nations possessing these
resources will receive a fair share of any benefits and revenues derived from the
development of these resources. thus strongly encouraging species conservation activities
in each country. The design can also be in the form of a trust fund in which all countries
can provide resources to other countries provided that the recipient country of these
resources will contribute funds in accordance with the value of the resources taken. Thus,
the governments of countries with tropical forest areas can receive financial contributions
to continue forest conservation (Mudiyarso, 2003a). The
funds needed to carry out effective conservation are very large. tropical forest
conservation needs Requires financing of 170 million dollars a year for at least 5 years. In
addition, conservation activities outside protected areas are needed, native nature
management, eco-development areas, education campaigns and so on. another approach
that is less costly is the conservation of critically important gene stocks through genetic
conservation areas in biologically rich countries. Many of these kinds of activities can be
carried out by civil society organizations and other non-governmental organizations
(mudiyarso, 2003b).
International development agencies (World Bank and other major banks), United Nations
agencies and bilateral agencies should pay broad attention and systems on a variety of
species conservation problems and opportunities. Although international trade in native
nature and natural products is quite large, to date the economic value embodied in genetic
diversity and technological processes has not received full attention. Actions that can be
taken include environmental impact analysis of development projects whose primary
concern is species habitats and life support systems, identification of areas with
exceptional species density with high levels of endemism and facing major threats, as
well as special opportunities for linking conservation of species with development
assistance (WCED, 1988)
locally The government needs to follow a new approach, namely by anticipating the
impact of policies taken in various sectors and preventing unintended consequences. and
settlements that may damage and destroy biodiversity. the government should be able to
determine how much protected area is needed especially in relation to the area's ability to
help national development goals and make further provisions to protect gene reserves
(primitive varieties) that may not be protected by conventional protected areas.