Blackmer Vane Pump

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Full Line Bulletin One

Section: 100
Effective: March 2018
Replaces: March 2014

Positive Displacement Rotary Vane Pumps

For Fluid Processing and Transfer Applications
Blackmer Fluid Processing and Transfer Pumps
The Blackmer Pump Story Self-adjusting vanes sustain performance
Blackmer was first established in 1903, and has been manufacturing The performance of gear pumps will constantly diminish as wear
rotary pumps since that time. In 1965, Blackmer became a division increases clearances. To compensate for the reduced performance,
of the Dover Corporation, a U.S. Fortune 500 Company and a you must increase the pump speed (which further accelerates
diversified producer of capital goods. pump wear) or tolerate reduced capacity until performance drops
to a totally unacceptable level. The vanes on a Blackmer pump
Today, Blackmer is the world’s leading manufacturer of rotary vane automatically slide out in their rotor slots to continuously adjust for
pumps. The company offers the best combined characteristics wear, as shown in Figure 2. No more speeding up to compensate
of sustained high level performance; energy efficiency, trouble- for reduced flow, and no more putting up with poor performance.
free operation and low maintenance cost. Blackmer pumps are Blackmer pumps maintain near-original efficiency and capacity
widely used by the U.S. defense agencies, and have long been throughout the life of the vanes.
the preferred technology for transfer, transport and delivery of
petroleum products and liquefied gases. Blackmer’s unique sliding
Vane compensates for wear
vane design is now recognized worldwide for handling industrial by sliding further out of rotor slot

process fluids, Volatile Organic Compounds, abrasive slurries and

viscous liquids.

World-class quality – ISO 9001 Certified New

Blackmer’s worldwide reputation for superior product quality
begins with extensive research and development, computer-
aided design, and integrated manufacturing capabilities. Blackmer
operates its own modern foundry and metallurgical laboratory. FIGURE 2. How Blackmer’s sliding vanes maintain efficiency
Computerized machine tools and statistical process controls (SPC)
are used throughout the manufacturing process to ensure the
highest quality standards. Efficiency means energy savings
The high volumetric efficiency and symmetrical bearing support
All Blackmer pumps are produced and tested in conformance with of Blackmer pumps means they require less horsepower than
ISO 9001 certification. other positive displacement pumps. So, you spend less on motors
initially and less on electricity to operate the pumps once they are
How Blackmer sliding vane pumps achieve installed. How much less? Typically a Blackmer pump may require
high volumetric efficiency up to 30% less power than other positive displacement pump
As shown in Figure 1, Blackmer pumps use a rotor with sliding types in handling fluids from 30 to 500,000 ssu (1 to 108,000 cSt).
vanes, which draw the liquid in behind each vane, through the inlet
port and into the pumping chamber. As the rotor turns, the liquid is Symmetrical bearing support and rugged
transferred between the vanes to the outlet where it is discharged. construction assures reliable performance
Each vane provides a positive mechanical and hydraulic push to Blackmer pumps are available with grease lubricated ball or roller
the liquid. bearings and mechanical shaft seals. Models are also available
Vanes are actuated by three forces: (1) centrifugal force from the with external gland bearings or internal self-lubricating sleeve
rotor’s rotation, (2) push rods moving between opposing pairs of bearings, which have small vacuum passages in the heads to
vanes, and (3) liquid pressure entering through the vane grooves assure bearing lubrication and cooling.
and acting on the rear of the vanes. Each revolution of a Blackmer Blackmer mechanically sealed pumps are often the first choice
pump displaces a constant volume of fluid. Variance in pressure for demanding applications, such as abrasives, viscous or thin,
has minimal effect. Energy-wasting turbulence and slippage are non-lubricating fluids. Blackmer manufactures its own mechanical
minimized and high volumetric efficiency is maintained. seals to match the criteria of the application, and Blackmer
seals are designed as an integral component of the pump. This
unique design isolates the
pumpage from the bearings,
maintains seal face alignment
and maximizes seal flushing for
cooling. The result is optimum
seal and bearing life.

FIGURE 1. How Blackmer’s sliding vane action works

Vane replacement in minutes, easy Abrasive fluids
maintenance Blackmer wear-resistant pump models have specially hardened
Vane replacement, when necessary, is easy. Simply remove the and replaceable wear surfaces. Low speed operation and external
outer head, slide out the old vanes, insert the new ones, and bearings that are completely isolated from the pumpage provide
reinstall the head. In a matter of minutes, your pump is back in extended life on tough abrasive service.
operation. Routine inspection is equally as easy.
Sealing options
Several Blackmer pump models are equipped with replaceable
A wide selection of Blackmer mechanical seal options are available
liners and end discs. They protect the pump casing and offer the
for a broad range of application requirements. Commercial
economy of simple replacement, restoring the pump to like-new
mechanical seals in single or multiple configurations, shaft packing,
efficiency, should the liner ever show significant wear.
lip seals or triple lip seals are also available for select pump models.

Self-priming and dry run capability Seal-less option

Blackmer’s unique mechanical seal and seal-less designs allow dry
Blackmer also offers a line of magnetically coupled pumps that
running for priming and line stripping. The self-adjusting sliding
provide zero shaft leakage of expensive, hazardous or toxic fluids.
vanes help maintain this capability for consistent priming.

Volatile Organic Compounds Materials of construction

Blackmer pumps are offered in cast iron, ductile iron,
Blackmer sliding vane pumps have long been the preferred pump
or 316 stainless steel construction.
technology for handling Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and
a wide range of thin products. Since Blackmer pumps are designed
with no metal-to-metal contact, they are ideal for handling non-
Technical assistance
The chart below gives recommended pump types for fluids
lubricating fluids efficiently.
commonly handled by Blackmer pumps. This is only a partial list
High viscosity or shear sensitive fluids and, in some applications, selecting the right pump may require
more detailed information than is presented here. Blackmer has a
Blackmer pumps are ideal for handling viscous or shear sensitive
worldwide stocking distributor network and a staff of Application
fluids. Slow operating speeds, hydraulic vane actuation and high
Engineers to assist you in specifying the proper pump for your
efficient design minimize shear and agitation of the liquid.
application. Please log on to our website,,
for the name of the nearest distributor in your area.

Typical Blackmer Pump Applications

Recommended Recommended
Service Fluid Service Fluid
Pump Types Pump Types
Petroleum Refined Fuel Transfer X(H), GNX(H) Fluid Recovery Waste Solvents (VOCs) XLW, MLX
Greases NP(H), MLN Waste Petroleum Products XLW, MLX
Food Chocolate NP(H), MLN Printing Ink XLW, MLX
Syrups NP(H), MLN Paints Oil Base Paints XLW, MLX
Molasses NP(H), MLN Paper Calcium Stearate XLW, MLX
Edible Oils X(H), GNX(H) Processing Filled Polyol XLW, MLX
Paper Black Liquor NP(H), MLN Magnetic Tape - Iron Oxide XLW, MLX
Sodium Silicate NP(H), MLN Crude Oil XLW, MLX
Transfer Solvent (VOCs) Transfer All Lines 316 STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS
Tallow NP(H), MLN Food Corn Syrups SNP
Fire Fighting Foam (AFFF) NP(H), MLN Chocolates SNP
Wax NP(H), MLN Fruit Juices SNP
Creosote NP(H), MLN Paints Latex Emulsions SNP
Glues, Adhesives NP(H), MLN Soap Sulphonic Acid SNP
Asphalt NP(H), MLN Liquid Soaps SNP
HEAVY-DUTY PUMPS: Processing Solvents (VOCs) SMVP, SX
Petroleum Lube Oil Packaging All Line Caustic Soda SNP, SMVP, SX
Refineries MLX, HXL Resins SNP
Marine Stripping XL, MLX
Fluid Transfer MLX, HXL
Fuel and Lubrication XL, X(H), GNX(H)
Processing Caustics All Lines
Solvents (VOC’s) All Lines
Asphalts HXL, ML
Molasses HXL, ML
Polyol XL
Industrial Liquefied Gases XL

General-Duty Pumps
Blackmer GNX(H), X(H), NP(H) and MLN pump models have long choice for economy and compactness. The X(H) type pumps can be
been popular for transferring a wide range of non-corrosive, non- used with a wide variety of gear reducers and drive arrangements.
abrasive industrial liquids and petroleum products. The GNX(H) and
Standard NP(H) and MLN pump models are constructed with self-
X(H) models are fitted with Blackmer mechanical seals and external
lubricating internal sleeve bearings and PTFE impregnated shaft
grease lubricated ball bearings. The X(H)1 and X(H)1P motor speed
packing. Sealing options include single or multiple commercial
pump models have one-inch NPT tapped ports, and are fitted with
mechanical seals, lip seals or triple lip seals. Jacketed heads are
a foot bracket for base mounting, or an integral bracket for direct
available for both models.
mounting to a NEMA C-face motor. The X(H)1P model offers 50%
more capacity than the X(H)1 pump. The GNX(H), X(H), and NP(H) pump models (two through four-inch
port sizes) are offered with standard NPT tapped, optional weld or ANSI
The GNX(H) models feature an integral head mounted gear
companion pipe flanges. The MLN4 model has ANSI compatible flanges.
reduction drive that is self-aligning. The GNX(H) pumps are the first

Materials of Construction
Pump Cylinder Shaft O-ring Vane
Rotor Shaft Bearings
Series & Heads Seal Options Options
GNX(H), X(H) Cast Iron Cast Iron External Ball Mechanical Duravane
Cast Iron or Metal Packing, FKM Laminate
NP(H) Ductile Iron Steel
Ductile Iron Impregnated Mechanical PTFE Bronze
Carbon Seal or Iron
MLN Ductile Iron Ductile Iron Sleeve Lip Seal
Note: H series pumps have full ductile-iron casings (GNXH, XH, NPH)

Pump Ratings
Maximum Maximum Maximum
GNX Pump Series Diff. Pressure Working Pressure Fluid Temperature
psi bar psi bar °F °C
GNX(H), X(H) 125 8.6 175 12.1 300 149
NP(H) 200 13.8 250 17.2 500 260
MLN 200 13.8 250 17.2 400 204

Pump Performance Data

Nominal Flow Rate Maximum Viscosity at Pump
Port Size Pump Speed at 50 psi (3.4 bar) Speed Shown
Pump Model (Inches) (rpm)
gpm L/min ssu cSt
1,750 10 38 3,000 630
X(H)1 1
1,450 8 30 3,000 630
1,750 16 61 1,000 220
X(H)1P 1
1,450 12 45 1,000 220
GNX(H)2 814 86 325 1,000 220
X(H)2 280 31 117 20,000 4,250
X2 cutaway
GNX(H)2.5 814 155 587 1,000 220
X(H)2.5 280 58 220 20,000 4,250
GNX(H)3 640 266 1,007 500 105
X(H)3 280 115 435 20,000 4,250
GNX(H)4 500 510 1,930 500 105
X(H)4 230 224 848 20,000 4,250
640 46 174 1,000 220
NP(H)1.5 11⁄2
56 4 15 75,000 16,500
640 72 273 1,000 220
NP(H)2 2
100 10 38 75,000 16,500
640 132 500 1,000 220
NP(H)2.5 21⁄2
100 22 83 75,000 16,500
640 269 1,018 1,000 220
NP(H)3 3
100 38 144 75,000 16,500
500 512 1,938 5,000 1,050
NP(H)4 4
NP2 cutaway with optional jackets 100 94 356 75,000 16,500
600 565 2,139 5,000 1,050
MLN4 4
68 60 227 500,000 108,000
Heavy-Duty, Ductile Iron Pumps
Blackmer XL, MLX and HXL pump models are commonly used the pump from the piping. The XL, MLX and HXL models are fitted
in refineries, lube oil plants and general industry for processing, with Blackmer mechanical seals, and external grease lubricated
filling and transfer applications. These models are constructed ball or spherical roller bearings.
of ductile iron that will withstand sudden thermal shock and
XL2 -XL4 models feature an integral head mounted gear reduction
stress well beyond the capabilities of cast iron. All models feature
drive that is self-aligning. The XL type pumps can be used with a
replaceable casing liners and end discs that allow easy rebuilding
wide variety of gear reducers and drive arrangements.
of the pumping chamber to like new condition, without removing

Materials of Construction
Pump Casing End Shaft O-ring Vane
Rotor Shaft Liner Bearings
Series & Heads Discs Seal Options Options
XL External Blackmer Duravane
Ductile Cast Ball Mechanical FKM Laminate
Iron Steel Iron
Iron Iron Spherical Blackmer PTFE Bronze
Roller Mechanical

Pump Ratings
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Pump Differential Pressure Working Pressure Fluid Temperature
psi bar psi bar °F °C
XL 150 10.3 350 24.1 300 149
MLX 200 13.8 250 17.2 300 149 XL2 cutaway
HXL6 125 8.6 150 10.3 400 204
HXL8, HXL10 150 10.3 250 17.2 400 204

Pump Performance Data

Nominal Flow Rate Maximum Viscosity at Pump
Pump Port Size Pump Speed At 50 psi (3.4 bar) Speed Shown
Model (Inches) (rpm)
gpm L/min ssu cSt
1,750 17 64 5,000 1,050
XRL1.25 11⁄4
1,450 14 53 5,000 1,050
1,750 23 87 5,000 1,050
XL1.25 11⁄4
1,450 19 72 5,000 1,050
1,750 35 132 5,000 1,050
XL1.5 11⁄2
1,450 29 110 5,000 1,050
780 82 310 5,000 1,050
XL2 2
230 24 91 50,000 10,500
780 185 700 5,000 1,050
XL3 3
230 50 189 50,000 10,500
640 346 1,310 5,000 1,050
XL4 4
155 77 291 50,000 10,500
600 565 2,139 5,000 1,050 HXL8 cutaway
MLX4 4
200 180 681 100,000 21,000
350 735 2,782 1,000 220
HXL6 6
68 130 492 100,000 21,000
350 1,175 4,447 1,000 220
HXL8 8
68 220 833 100,000 21,000
230 2,060 7,797 5,000 1,050
HXL10 10
68 595 2,252 100,000 21,000

Wear-Resistant, Abrasive Liquid Pumps
Blackmer wear-resistant pumps are specially designed for handling abrasion-resistant mechanical seals, which are an integral
liquids with suspended abrasive particles, such as inks, paints, component of the pump. This construction minimizes seal
crude oil, waste oils and solvents. These models are constructed face movement, and completely isolates the bearings from the
with specially hardened and replaceable wear surfaces for pumpage.
extended service life. All models have ductile iron construction with
XLW2 -XLW4 models feature an integral head mounted gear
replaceable liners and end discs for quick, easy replacement.
reduction drive that is self-aligning. The XLW type pumps
The XLW and MLX models are fitted with external grease can be used with a wide variety of gear reducers and drive
lubricated ball or roller bearings, and feature special Blackmer arrangements.

Materials of Construction
Pump Casing & End Shaft O-ring Vane
Rotor Shaft Liner Bearings
Series Heads Discs Seal Options Options

Hardened Hardened Hardened External Hardened

XLW Ductile Hardened Blackmer
Ductile Ductile Ball or FKM PTFE Iron or
MLX Iron Steel Cast Iron Mechanical
Iron Iron Roller Laminate

Pump Ratings
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Pump Series Differential Pressure Working Pressure Fluid Temperature
XLW2 cutaway psi bar psi bar °F °C
XLW 150 10.3 350 24.1 300 149
MLX 200 13.8 250 17.2 300 149

Pump Performance Data

Port Pump Nominal Flow Rate Maximum Viscosity
Pump at 50 psi (3.4 bar) at Pump Speed Shown
Size Speed
Model (inches) (rpm) gpm L/min ssu cSt
350 37 140 30,000 6,300
XLW2 2
190 20 76 75,000 15,750
350 76 288 30,000 6,300
XLW3 3
190 41 155 75,000 15,750
350 190 719 20,000 4,250
XLW4 4
190 95 360 20,000 4,250
300 280 1,060 50,000 10,500
MLX4 4
200 190 719 100,000 21,000

MLX4 cutaway

316 Stainless Steel Pumps
Blackmer SNP, SMVP and SX3 pump models are typically used in mechanical seals. An optional two-way relief valve is available on
handling a wide variety of corrosive or caustic fluids, and liquid all models through 2 1⁄2 -inch port size. ANSI compatible flanges are
foods such as sugars, syrups and flavor extracts. The SX3 is the ideal standard on sizes through 2 1⁄2 inches. The SNP3 and SX3 pumps
pump for high-capacity. thin-liquid, corrosive process applications. have internal relief valves.
All series have 316 stainless steel construction. The SNP and SMVP
For control of fugitive emissions, the SMVP seal-less series is offered
models feature self-lubricating carbon sleeve bearings which allow
with samarium cobalt magnetic couplings that assure zero shaft
dry running for priming and line stripping. The SX3 model utilizes
leakage. Blackmer SMVP pumps provide the Best Available Control
external ball bearings protected by chemical mechanical seals with
Technology for handling expensive, hazardous or toxic fluids.
PTFE elastomers. All models are fitted with non-metallic vanes that
eliminate galling and provide extended pump life. The STX1220A offers flow rates up to 92 gpm (348 L/min) and
maximum speed of 1,200 rpm, and the STX2A provides flow rates
The SNP models are available with PTFE impregnated shaft
to 60 GPM (227 L/min) and maximum speed of 780 rpm.
packing, lip seals, triple lip seals, lantern rings or commercial
ANSI compatible flanges are standard on all SMVP pump models.
Materials of Construction
Pump Series Cylinder & Heads Rotor Shaft End Discs Bearings Shaft Seal Seal Rings Vane Options
Packing, Mechanical
SNP Carbon Metal Impregnated Seal or Lip Seal Duravane
316 or Chem Disc1 Carbon Sleeve Laminate
SMVP 316 Stainless Stainless Seal-less
Stainless PTFE
Steel Steel
STX2, STX1220, Steel Low-Friction, Isolated Mechanical
n.a Duravane
SX3 Ball Bearing Seal
Pump Ratings
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Pump Series Differential Pressure Working Pressure Fluid Temperature SX3
psi bar psi bar °F °C
SNP 150 10.3 200 13.8 400 204
SMVP 125 8.6 1752 12.1 200 93
STX2, STX1220, 125 8.6 175 12.1 240 115
Pump Performance Data
Port Nominal Flow Rate Maximum Viscosity at Pump
Pump Pump Speed at 50 psi (3.4 bar) Speed Shown
Size SMVP200
Model (rpm)
(inches) gpm L/min ssu cSt
1,750 16 61 5,000 1,050
SNP1.25 11⁄2
640 6 23 15,000 3,150
1,750 36 136 5,000 1,050
SNP1.5 11⁄2 1Chem Discs are standard for the
640 11 42 15,000 3,150 SMVP50 through SMVP300
640 73 276 1,000 220 seal-less pump models.
SNP2 2 Note: Chem Discs are not
190 21 80 40,000 8,500
available for the SMVP15,
640 132 500 1,000 220 SMVP30 or SNP pump model.
SNP2.5 21⁄2
190 40 151 40,000 8,500 2The maximum working pressure
640 265 1,003 500 105 for the SMVP300 pump model is
SNP3 3 150 psi (10.3 bar). Please consult
190 76 288 40,000 8,500 SNP1.25 – 1.5 cutaway
factory for applications that
1,750 16 61 5,000 1,050 require higher working pressures.
SMVP15 11⁄2
1,450 13 49 5,000 1,050
1,750 36 136 5,000 1,050
SMVP30 11⁄2
1,450 31 117 5,000 1,050
1,750 60 227 5,000 1,050
SMVP50 2
1,450 50 189 5,000 1,050
1,750 122 462 5,000 1,050
SMVP100 2
1,450 95 360 5,000 1,050
1,150 210 795 2,250 500
SMVP200 3
950 175 662 4,500 1,000
1,150 320 1,200 2,250 500
SMVP300 4
950 260 985 4,500 1,000
SNP3 cutaway
350 50 189 4,600 970
STX2 2
780 16 60 4,600 970
700 82 310 100 22
STX1220 2
1,200 49 185 100 22
800 250 946 500 105
SX3 3
400 125 473 20,000 4,250
Equipment Testing, Certifications & Special Services
Blackmer manufactures some of the world’s most reliable pump and compressor technologies at its Grand Rapids, Michigan,
facility. A number of Testing, Certification and Special Service capabilities are available, all designed to provide demonstrated
performance for proven peace of mind.

Production Tests & Reports Certified Tests & Reports

• Dry-Vac Test • Hydrostatic Test: Conducted in accordance with the
• Pressurized Leak Test standards of the Hydraulic Institute.
• Relief Valve Setting Test
• Performance Test: Data includes serial number, pump type,
• Flow Test
date of test, differential pressure, horsepower (pump only) or
• Hydrostatic Tests motor amperage (units), and capacity at various pressures.

Certifications • NPSH Test: Optional with a Certified Performance Test.

• Material Certificate: Data for the actual physical and
• Noise/Vibration Tests: Optional with a Certified
chemical certificate taken directly from the records of specific
Performance Test.
inspections of materials poured for the listed castings.
• Customer or Third-Party Witness for any product test.
• Material Certificate with Actual Microstructure Photo:
Microstructure photo derived from specific photos of the
material that is poured per the listed castings.

• Material Report: Data for the typical physical and

chemical certificate derived from records of non-specific
inspection of the material poured per the listed castings.
Note: the products inspected are not necessarily the products
that are actually supplied.

• Typical Microstructure Photo: Obtained from non-specific

photos of the material used in typical construction with the
products inspected, not necessarily the products supplied. Noise decibel testing in the Blackmer performance lab.

Microstructure Photos

• Positive Metal Identification Report: Establishes the

chemical-material type being used, but is not
intended for complete chemical analysis.

Note: Not all Tests, Certifications and Special Services are applicable to all products, and
additional pricing and delivery lead times may apply when any Tests, Certifications or Special
Services are requested.

Special Services
For Pumps, Compressors and Units:
• Certified Drawings: Standard catalog drawings are
certified and delivered with shipment. Must be requested
at time of equipment order.

• General Arrangement (GA)/CAD Drawings: A copy or

reproduction of standard catalog outline drawings.
CAD drawings may be requested.

• In-Plant Inspection: Inspection of equipment by

purchaser prior to shipment.

For Compressors only:

• Nitrogen Purge: Compressor is filled with nitrogen prior to

For Centrifugal Pumps only:

• Certification of Impeller Trim/Balance: Certification of the
pump’s impeller trim and balance.

Please contact Blackmer’s Applications Engineering Help Line at

(616) 475-9340 for additional information.

Engineered Package Solutions
Complete Solutions Designed for Your Application
As a global specialist in pump and compressor packages, Blackmer
application and design engineers can recommend the most
suitable pump or compressor technologies to create customized
package solutions.

By bringing the assembly of Bases, Drives, Gear Reducers, and

Programmable Electronic Controls in-house, Blackmer is able to
develop and construct customized engineered package solutions
for a range of applications, including:
• Liquid transloading systems
• Mobile defueling system assemblies
• LP gas evacuation compressor packages
• Portable batch processing pump platforms Packages components can include:
• Pump(s) or Compressor(s)
For proven quality, single-source solutions, and reliability
you can trust from the leading industry provider of innovative, • Drives
high-quality rotary vane, regenerative turbine, screw and
• Gear Reducers
centrifugal pump, and reciprocating compressor
technologies and assemblies, you can depend on Blackmer. • Piping & Piping Headers
• Valves
From the baseplate or skid to the control panel, Blackmer’s
Engineered Package Solutions are designed, engineered, and • Controls including programmable
assembled to meet customers’ specific applications. • Pressure gauges
• Flow/Pressure Meters
• Tanks
• Fabricated baseplate or skids
• Wiring
• Process Flow Diagrams, Piping Diagrams & Skid Drawings

For information on Blackmer’s Engineered Package Solutions

please contact Blackmer’s Applications Engineering
Help Line at (616) 475-9340 or visit

Additional Products

Gear reducers and drive Hand pumps for transfer Gas compressors for liquid
arrangements and dispensing transfer, vapor recovery and
Blackmer manufactures a wide range Blackmer offers a full line of hand operated pressure boosting
of gear reducers and drive arrangements rotary pumps for transfer and dispensing of Blackmer oil-free gas compressors deliver
to meet a broad range of solvents, fuels, lube oils and a wide range of high efficiency in handling a wide range of
application requirements. non-corrosive liquids. FM approved industrial gases.
models for flammables, geared models
Blackmer helical gear reducers are designed Both air and water cooled models with
for viscous liquids to 30,000 ssu (6,300
for use with 1750, 1150, 1450 and 950 rpm single or two-stage options are available.
cSt), or high volume output. A complete
motors up to 50 hp. Blackmer also offers Working pressures to 750 psia (51.7 bar),
line of accessories is available. For more
a line of commercial gear reducers for capacities to 125 cfm (212 m3/h). For more
information and specifications, see
applications that require information and specifications, request
Bulletin 301-001.
higher horsepower. Bulletin 901-001.
Standard drive arrangements include base
mounted units complete with pump and
foot-mounted motor, or a NEMA
C-face motor.

Special drive arrangements such as gear

motors, variable-speed motors, hydraulic
drives, gasoline or diesel engines can be
furnished. Consult factory for details.

Where Innovation Flows
PSG® reserves the right to modify the information and illustrations contained in this document without prior notice. This is a non-contractual document. 03/2018

Authorized PSG Partner:

PSG® Grand Rapids
1809 Century Avenue SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1530 USA
T: +1 (616) 241-1611
F: +1 (616) 241-3752
© 2018 Blackmer bul_one 03/18

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