Technical Data: Blue Sheet
Technical Data: Blue Sheet
Technical Data: Blue Sheet
Allegheny Ludlum Corporation ◆ Pittsburgh, PA
Stainless Steels
Types 410, 420,
425 Mod, and 440A
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material may
vary from those shown herein.
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Types 410, 420,425 Mod, and 440A
Type 410* 0.15 max 1.00 max 1.00 max 11.50-13.50 -- 0.50 max 0.03 max 0.04 max
Type 420** 0.15-0.40 1.00 max 1.00 max 12.00-14.00 --- 0.50 max 0.03 max 0.04 max
Type 425 Mod 0.50-0.55 1.00 max 1.00 max 13.00-14.00 0.80-1.20 0.50 max 0.03 max 0.04 max
Type 440A 0.60-0.75 1.00 max 1.00 max 16.00-18.00 0.75 max 0.50 max 0.03 max 0.04 max
*A higher carbon version of Type 410 is also available called Type 410HC (nominal 0.21% C).
**A higher carbon version of Type 420 is also available called Type 420HC (nominal 0.44% C).
Typical compositions, annealed mechanical properties
and hardening response for the various Allegheny
Ludlum martensitic stainless steels are presented
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Technical Data BLUE SHEET
Data shown below give typical mechanical properties Modulus of Elasticity
of martensitic stainless steels obtained with various 29 x 106 psi (200 GPa)
drawing temperatures after austenitizing at 1800-
1950°F (982-1066°C) followed by an oil quench and a
two hour temper. Heat-to-heat variations can be
Annealed* 81 HRB 45.4 80.4 85 HRB 51.5 85.8 90 HRB 57.4 86.3 94 HRB 51.6 108.4
(313) (554) (355) (592) (396) (595) (354) (747)
Tempered 43 HRC 156.1 202.9 48 HRC 190.1 255.2 53 HRC 200.9 270.9 54 HRC 229.0 293.3
400°F (1076) (1399) (1311) (1759) (1385) (1868) (1579) (2022)
Tempered 40 HRC 148.3 187.0 44 HRC 176.0 229.6 50 HRC 197.2 250.8 50 HRC 220.2 272.6
550°F (1022) (1289) (1213) (1583) (1360) (1729) (1518) (1879)
Tempered 40 HRC 148.8 186.1 45 HRC 179.0 232.9 53 HRC 196.0 245.1 53 HRC 222.0 273.2
600°F (1026) (1283) (1234) (1606) (1351) (1690) (1531) (1883)
Tempered 41 HRC 132.9 188.5 46 HRC 185.6 236.0 53 HRC 210.6 255.1 53 HRC 233.6 272.8
800°F (916) (1300) (1280) (1627) (1452) (1759) (1610) (1881)
Tempered 41 HRC 122.6 188.3 46 HRC 179.3 233.0 52 HRC 198.4 234.8 52 HRC 212.6 269.5
900°F (845) (1298) (1236) (1606) (1368) (1619) (1466) (1858)
Tempered 35 HRC 127.9 154.3 36 HRC 137.9 158.5 43 HRC 176.6 208.0 41 HRC 147.0 177.5
1000°F (882) (1063) (951) (1093) (1218) (1434) (1013) (1224)
Tempered 98 HRB 85.5 111.2 23 HRC 94.6 121.6 29 HRC 107.8 135.7 31 HRC 105.5 135.4
1200°F (589) (767) (652) (838) (743) (936) (727) (933)
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Stainless Steel Visit our Website at
Types 410, 420,425 Mod, and 440A
The values reported below are typical for the alloys in
the annealed condition.
Specific Heat
Btu/lb. • °F .11 .11 .11 .11
Thermal Conductivity
at 212°F (100°C) 14.4 14.0 14.0 14.0
Btu/(hr • ft • °F) 24.9 24.2 24.2 24.2
Electrical Resistivity
Microhm-cm 68°F (20°C) 56 56 61 62
Coefficient of Thermal
68 - 392°F, in/in°F 5.9 x 10-6 6.2 x 10-6 6.5 x 10-6 8.3 x 10-6
20-200°C, cm/cm/°C 10.5 x 10-6 11.2 x 10-6 11.6 x 10-6 15.0 x 10-6
68-1112°F, in/in/°F 6.5 x 10-6 7.0 x 10-6 7.1 x 10-6 9.1 x 10-6
20-600°C, cm/cm/°C 11.6 x 10-6 12.5 x 10-6 12.8 x 10-6 16.8 x 10-6
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Technical Data BLUE SHEET
*Hardened Martensitic grades were tested after tempering at 400°F (204°C). Test samples had ground surfaces.
Potentiodynamic anodic polarization measurements, alloy. The above table presents the average break-
as shown above, can be used to determine the down potential for the hardenable alloys as well as
relative resistance of a stainless steel to the initiation Types 430 and 409 for comparison.
of localized chloride attack (pitting and crevice corro-
sion). With this technique the “breakdown potential” is
measured, and is defined as the potential at which the The anodic polarization results show that alloys such
anodic current increases rapidly due to initiation of as Type 425 Mod, Type 440A, and Type 430 with their
localized attack. The more positive or noble the higher chromium or combination of chromium and
breakdown potential the more corrosion resistant the molybdenum contents are more resistant to localized
chloride attack.
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Stainless Steel Visit our Website at
Types 410, 420,425 Mod, and 440A
FABRICATING PROPERTIES 1550°F (815-842°C) for Type 410 and hold for one
hour per inch of thickness and furnace cool to room
Machining temperature. Such annealing should produce a
These alloys should be machined in the annealed Brinell hardness of 126-192 HB in Type 410 material.
condition using surface speeds of 60 to 80 feet (18.3- The higher carbon alloys, Types 420, 425 Mod, and
24.4 m) per minute. 440A, will have somewhat higher hardness values.
The suggested initial forging temperature range for
Types 410, 420 and 425 Mod is 2000-2200°F (1093-
1204°C) and 1900-2200°F (1038-1204°C) for Type
440A. Forging or hot working should always be
followed by annealing to avoid stress cracking.
To anneal these alloys, heat to 1550°F-1650°F (843-
899°C) for Types 420, 425 Mod, and 440A or 1500°F-
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Stainless Steel Visit our Website at
Types 410, 420,425 Mod, and 440A
Allegheny Ludlum’s staffs of research and development engineers and mill product
metallurgists welcome the opportunity to discuss your technical requirements during
the design and specification stage. To access this technical assistance, please call:
(724) 226-6300
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.
Technical Data BLUE SHEET
Data are typical and should not be construed as maximum or minimum values
for specification or for final design. Data on any particular piece of material
may vary from those shown herein.