Definition and Etymology of History: Int Roduct Ion To History
Definition and Etymology of History: Int Roduct Ion To History
Definition and Etymology of History: Int Roduct Ion To History
Definition and Etymology of history Greek word “historia” which means “information”
or “an enquiry designed to elicit truth”.
History has been defined differently by different scholars. Following are the definitions indicating the meaning and scope of history:
“History is the record of what one age finds wor-
thy of note in another.”
Today, modern history has gone beyond the traditional status of an antiquarian and leisure
time pursuit to a very useful and indispensible part of a man’s education. It is more scientific
and more comprehensive. It has expanded in all directions both vertically and horizontally. It
has become broad-based and attractive. According to modern concept, history does not con-
tain only the history of kings and queens, battles and generals, but the history of the com-
mon man-his house and clothing, his fields and their cultivation, his continued efforts to pro-
tect his home and hearth, and to obtain a just government, his aspirations, achievements,
disappointments, defeats and failures. It is not only the individual but the communities and
the societies are the subject of study of history. Study of history deepens our understanding
of the potentialities and limitations of the present. It has thus become a future-oriented study
related to contemporary problems. For all these reasons, history has assumed the role of a
human science.
- what government influenced society
A historian is not merely concerned with the tracing Both history and sociology are concerned with the
of the history of the political process by a narration study of man in society and differed only with re-
of the episodes. But he has to learn the nature of gard to their approach. Max Weber acknowledges
fundamental political principles and basic forms of the initial dependence of sociology upon history.
political institution. Although, history too benefits from the interaction.
History is very helpful to politics because the politi- d. History and Psychology
cal aspects is a part of the whole range of activity
recorded by historian and knowledge of history A historian must have to show some psychological
would enable the politicians to know the politics insights while making an analysis of the motive and
better and play their role effectively. actions of men and societies. Historian work would
be mere fiction unless her uses the discoveries of
b. History and Economics modern psychology. The personal life and the envi-
ronment of a historian has a direct bearing in his
History is closely related to economics as the activi- decision and often import a bias to his account and
ties of man in society are very closely related with renders the much desired objectivity impossible.
the economic matters. Thus, the historian of any
period must possess at least a rudimentary e. History and Geography
knowledge of the economics. In fact, the economic
history of any period is an important branch of his- It would be impossible to study certain branches of
tory and its understanding is absolutely essential for history without rudimentary knowledge of geogra-
the proper understanding of history of any period. phy. Geology is one of the eyes of history, the other
eye being chronology. Time and space factors give
history its correct perspective.
Sources of Historical Data
a. Published documents c. Oral traditions/oral histories
-created for large audiences and were distribut- -provide another way to learn about the past
ed widely. (i.e. books, magazines, newspapers, from people with firsthand knowledge of histor-
government documents, pamphlets, posters, ical events.
laws and court decisions)
b. Unpublished documents d. Visual documents and articles
-personal in nature and may be difficult to find - include photographs, films, paintings and oth-
because of few copies existing. (i.e. diaries, er types of works. Visual documents usually
journals, school report cards and business capture moments in time.
Whilst, according to Pallavi Talekau, Dr. Jyotrimayee Nayak and Dr.S.Harichandan, the follow-
ing are the other importance/values of history:
f. Internationalist value: History show s j. Vocational value: History has its voca-
the dependence and interdependence of na- tional value. There are several openings for
tions which is the root of internationalism. The persons well qualified in the subject. They can
domain of history is very extensive and wide. get jobs of teachers, librarians, archivists, cura-
Through a survey of world history, the young tors of museums, secretaries of institutions,
learners will come to realize that although dif- social service workers, and political journalists
ferent peoples had and still have different cus- etc.
toms, habits, laws, and institutions; they have
been striving towards the same end. The reali-
zation of essential unity of human race is the
first step towards fostering universal under-
standing based on the virtues of tolerance,
kindliness, love, sympathy, and goodwill.