P.E 1 Prelim
P.E 1 Prelim
P.E 1 Prelim
(1) The state shall promote physical education and encourage sports
programs, league competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.
(2) All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities
throughout the country in cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.
There are three main functions of P.E.: biologic, integrative and social
During the 1800's, P.E. found its way into formal schools in Germany,
Sweden, United Kingdom, and America. German and Swedish programs
emphasized gymnastics and exercise routines. The British programs
stressed team sports. The American programs borrowed ideas from all
other European sources. The introduction of P.E. into the educational
system led to many things that we have today. It was also during this
century when plenty of new sports were invented.
1. Regular Program
1. Core Activities are the skills and activities needed to carry out the
objectives of the program.
4. Exhibition Groups are special groups specially trained for certain events.
Why do you think we need to study P.E. and why is it included in the
school curriculum? The purposes of P.E. must be clearly understood by the
students. Below are the purposes of P.E. (Andin, 1988):
3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order and
develop other desirable traits necessary for effective-group participation
essential to our society through a) an adequate system of values by
equipping the individual to be able to make moral choices or decisions
needed in daily living and through b) offering group participation in such
experiences as intramurals, extramurals, play days or sportsfest;
Fitness is the ability to carry out daily tasks efficiently with enough
physical capacity to cope with the physical needs of life (Scully in Eviza,
Age and heredity are the factors that can affect the level of fitness of
the individual. But according to some fitness experts, behavior can help in
obtaining and maintaining fitness. There are three basic factors that are
needed to be observed:
2. Rest/Sleep. Sufficient rest and enough sleep can affect the fitness
of the individual. In teenagers, at least eight hours is good enough.
2. Social fitness is the ability to mingle with different types of people with
interest and concern for others.
2. Knee-bent Sit-up
Objective: To measure the endurance of the abdominal muscles.
Procedure: From lying position, bend knees and slide heels to not
more than 30 cm. from the buttocks. Feet should rest flat on the floor
or mat and separated about 20 cm. Place both hands across the
chest. Curl up by tightening the abdominal muscles and return to
original position curl up again. Resting between sit-ups is not
3. Push-ups/Modified Push-ups
Objective: To measure the endurance of the arms and the shoulder
Procedure: Men: Both hands on the floor, palms facing down, with
legs straightened and the chest is two inches away from the floor.
Push-up trunk to full extension of arms, keeping the body straight
from head to feet. The body must not sag..
Women: Bend knees. Both hands on the floor, palms facing down.
Push-up trunk to full extension of arms.
General Fitness