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Illustrate creatively in the space provided; a safe, clean and friendly environment that you
wanted to live.

Try to look back again your illustration, imagine it that somebody ruined it.
What will you do?
I will talk to him/her in personally and I will explain to them that their doing was not
helping to our environment then I will instruct her/him to clean of what they ruined so that
they cannot repeat again.

Below is the illustration of improvised trash bins in your community. List five items to be placed
inside the bins.
Reuse Reduce

Cereal bags Cardboard

Newspaper Battery
Plastic bag Wires

Glass jar Glass Bottle

Magazine Gadgets

Plastic bottle
Junkfood packs
Plastic packaging
Drinck cans
Tetra-pak cartons


List down activities that reduce, reuse and recycle of waste in the community. Put your answer in
the matrix.
Particular Reduce Reuse Recycle

Paper File in a box Art project Flower, paper mache

Put in the Old fashion turn Donate them to
Clothing Fabric cabinet into a new fashion like t- places that take old
shirt comforter turn clothing
into a blanket.
Put in the backyard To fertilize the plans Fertilizer
Kangkong, camote leaf gardening
File in a carton Design in the house Flower pot
Plastic bottle
Put in the safe sack Charming wreath Flower vase
Tin cans
Put into a plastic bag or Make curtains Flower design
Candy wrapper jar.

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