CWTS Act.1

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28. muscular indurance

Name: Ma. Rodelyn Ocampo

Course & Level: 1st year BSED major in English
Facilitator: Joan S. Castor
Date: September 10, 2022

1. If you were given a chance to eliminate at least one Filipino Value, what would it be and

- If I were given a chance to remove at least one Filipino Value it would be “Bahala na”
Attitude, the phrase can have both negative and positive connotations
depending on the situation and how it is used. A Filipino attitude known as
“bahala na” conveys courage and faith in God. It means to surrender to
God. It has always been a positive expression. Today, however, it is being
abused by some.  A Filipino method of avoiding justification or logic.  The
belief that "what goes around, comes around" can sometimes be useful in
trying times, but it can also prevent us from seeking solutions, not doing
anything is accepting defeat.

2. As a student, how will you foster patriotism among your fellow students?

-  In spite of the fact that we speak various languages and dialects,
profess various spiritual beliefs, and support various ideologies, we,
the people of the Philippines, place the highest emphasis on the
dignity and fullness of life of the human individual. As a student and
living in a democratic country, I can promote patriotism among my
fellow students by focusing on what freedom really means and
encourage them to not forget and appreciate the sacrifice others
make for our freedoms.

1. If you were given a chance to inculcate the ideals of patriotism and nationalism in people,
what strategies would you adopt or use?
If I were given a chance to inculcate the ideals of patriotism and nationalism in people I
would adopt or use the following strategies: to love, to protect and a sense of belonging to
my country. Patriotism is on display military and cultural significance While nationalism is to
defend a nation's political interdependence against another nation. I would adopt and use
both patriotism and nationalism as citizens of the country because they portray positive love
for our country and ideology in promoting interest in a specific nation for the benefit of all.
It is also a method of emphasizing the significance of belonging to a single nation.

2. If you were a soldier required to render service to the victims of a flash flood, would you
rescue your family members in the same area first, or assist the other victims and let the
other rescuers aid your family instead?
- I would first help my family members who live nearby. They are practically my family, and I
am aware that I am not the only soldier in the area to help victims of flash food.
Furthermore, this is not the only about having them as family, but they are also a group of
people involved in my mission. Because they are the closest to me, I don't see anything
wrong with assisting them first. I am convinced that even my superior will not oppose my
decision to assist my family first. After I have secured my family, I will return and rescue the
others who have been affected by a flash flood

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