TIME / SCHEDULE : 3 :00 – 4 :00
Organize yourselves into groups five or six members and check your understanding of
the input by answering the following questions .
2. What are the things that people do now which could not be done before globalization
> Trade , There is a global trade network that makes just about anything
produced in the world accessible to you.
> Travel, There is a global travel network where you can be nearly anywhere
in the world by tomorrow.
> Information , The internet is a global information network that makes just
about all information in the world accessible to you.
> Peace: We live in a world that is very peaceful compared to any previous
period of time in history because of globalization. In the past, war was seen as
a good way to obtain wealth for your country. Now, no country has to go to
war in order to obtain necessary resources. Diplomacy and negotiation has
replaced war for those who choose peace.
3 . Are the effect of globalization on communication positive or negative? Support your
answers with concrete example. Some argue that globalization is a positive development
as it will give rise to new industries and more jobs in developing countries. Others say
globalization is negative in that it will force poorer countries of the world to do whatever
the big developed countries tell them to do Example including Canada, are the ones who
may lose out because they are involved in outsourcing many of the manufacturing jobs
that used to be done by their own citizens. Outsourcing refers to obtaining goods by
contract from outside sources. This is why you may find many of your clothes with labels
from developing countries such as Malaysia, China, and the Philippines, where they can
be produced at lower cost. Critics of outsourcing feel that no one wins with this practice.
Workers in Canada and other developed countries may lose their jobs while those doing
the work in poorer countries get paid much less while working in poor conditions, What
can be done about these realities? Global trade gives Canadians access to many
products, such as fruits, that cannot be produced here. Global trade means that produce
such as bananas, mangoes, oranges and kiwi fruit are easy to find in our grocery stores.
This implies that farmers in developing countries have an opportunity to produce and
sell more goods and make a better living. Some people in developed countries, however,
feel that the wealthier countries purchasing the products also are the ones who make all
the production and trade rules that they must abide by, thus reducing their chance at
fair competition in the world market place. In addition, this forces developing countries
to produce export foods wanted by the wealthier developed countries instead of
producing local foods to feed their own populations. The development of orchards and
plantations by multinational companies in the poorer countries of the world often
means reduced land available for production of local food supplies.
Name :Renato Dagsan Score :
Section: Date :
TIME/SCHEDULE : 3:00- 4 :00
Read the following statements carefully. Decide if each statements carefully . Decide if
each statements is true or false . Write T on the blank if the statement is true , and F if it
false. If the statement is false , re-write or revise it to make it true . Use the space
provided after each statement (Point system 5 items x 3 points = 15 points
Comprehension Questions
The preceding input tackles the things to consider when communicating with
people of diiferent cultures . Check your understanding of the reading
selection by answering the following questions :
1. How does each of the items in the following contrasting pain differ from
the other ?
Ans. Letter C
Read the following statements carefully Decide if each statement is true or false .
Write T on the blank is the statement is true , and F is the statement is false . If the
statement is false , re-wirte or revise it to make it true . Use the space provided after
each statement (Point system : 5 items x 3 points each = 15points )
With a seatmate, analyze each utternace- its meaning , context, and register , Fill in
the table with your answer .
experience , what changes has it brought you ? I have a experience about the
traditional culture of Davao City which is KADAWAYAN i joined in the indak2 2019
which is school to Davao City National we dance a maranao the traditional culture
20th century, they live around Lake Lanao on the southern island of Mindanao.
a foreign culture ?
>preparing yourself for the workforce for the future , which is define by
diversity and needs to high degree for the future , which is define by
3. Has there been a time when you have offended soemone of a diffrent
linguistic and cultural background ? what is was the situation? How was the
conflict resolve?
i offened sometimes to descriminate the other culture have a sense of this country
they do not no know how important in every culture they have a purpose to do
their responsibility but some other people can descriminate their life style its really
offend for me but i have to do is to give patience to those people have a little
brain and have a no learning about the purpose of culture on this society
4 . What factors can increase your effectiveness in communicating with people
from other cultures?
- Know yourself — understand why you are pursuing this subject. ...
- Learn about different cultures and values
- Use shared language
-Take your time
- Consider physical and human setting
- Improve communication skills.
- Encourage feedback, allow for correction and adjustment of message
- Develop empathy
5 . Using the scale below, how would you rate yourself as an intercultural communicator ?
thinking doing right for those situation we have especially we talk about the purpose of
culture i also learned the culture of lifestyle culture provides important social and
economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and
opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and
increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities participation in culture
helps develop thinking skills, builds self-esteem, and improves resilience, all of which