Notes in PE 611

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Goals of Physical Education

Goal 1: Acquire a range of movement skills to participate in a variety of physical activities.

Goal 2: Understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in a range Of
physical activities.
Goal 3: Demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities with respect to
themselves, others and the environment.
Goal 4: Display positive personal and social behavior across different experiences.
Goal 5: Acquire and maintain health-enhancing fitness through regular participation in physical
Goal 6: Enjoy and value the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life.
The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the
knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
Three Goals of Teaching Physical Education
In schools for all ages, the physical education program is responsible for helping students learn
the value of activity for health, recreation, social interaction, and more.

1. Teaching Essential Body Management Skills

The most well-known goal of any physical education class is to promote movement – but there’s
more to this aspiration than breaking students out of a stationary lifestyle. P.E. classes teach
children skills that they will use throughout their entire lives.

For many younger children, physical education classes offer their first chance to learn about the
relationships between nutrition, exercise, and health, while acquiring basic body management
skills such as:

 The ability to stop and start on signal

 Spatial awareness
 Body part identification
 Balance and control

Though these skills may not seem as crucial as literacy and numeracy, the absence of them can
result in sedentary children who feel too “clumsy” to engage in any regular activity. After time,
the inability to develop mature motor skills can cultivate sedentary adults, who struggle to
achieve career goals or lack self-confidence.

2. Promoting Physical Fitness as Fun

Quality instruction from dedicated educators helps children develop fundamental motor patterns.
But it’s also important for teaching students that being active can be a fun, natural habit.

The more that young students consider physical fitness a natural part of their daily schedule, the
more likely they are to be engaged in fitness as they age – leading to a healthier lifestyle. One in
three children are overweight in America, and youngsters who enjoy physical activity are the
ones most likely to be active in the future.
While physical education isn’t the only factor helping children get active, it can be a useful way
to help them uncover new skills and discover activities that they enjoy. By exploring a range of
sports and fitness solutions, from gymnastics to running and climbing, physical educators give
students a chance to find the activity that appeals most to them – giving children their own
personal tool in the fight against obesity.

3. Developing Teamwork, Sportsmanship, and Cooperation

Physical education allows children to experience healthy social interactions, teaching
cooperation through group activities, and encouraging teamwork through identification as one
part of a team. These social skills stay with children throughout their lives, increasing the chance
that they’ll become involved in their communities, take leadership roles, and build lasting
relationships. Social skills develop confidence, contributing to academic performance and mental

When students are stressed, they struggle to focus and manage their emotions properly. Physical
activity is a great way to relieve stress, promoting positive mental health and enhanced learning
aptitude. Although reduced time for physical education is often justified as a way to help
students spend more time in the classroom, studies have shown that regular activity during the
school day links to higher concentration levels, more composed behavior, and happier students.

Physical Education Goals 2018-2019

 Physical Education Goals
1.      Develop higher levels of competency in skills and knowledge through a proper
scope and sequence in a safe learning environment for all.
2.      Nurture positive attitudes, good character traits, cooperation, social skills, and
personal responsibility through movement experiences utilizing a multidisciplinary
approach in the overall K-12 curriculum.
3.      Utilize appropriate practices to accommodate developmental needs of students and
provide them with meaningful and appropriate movement experiences.
4.      Develop a strong sense of self-worth, an understanding of fitness components as
well as gain an appreciation of life-long fitness and its positive benefits.
5.      Provide opportunities for students to build confidence and competence in a variety
of motor skills and movement experiences at all levels.
6.      Foster maintenance of optimal physical fitness and attain competency in the
knowledge and management of the body through useful physical skills.
7.      Acquire movement skills and understand concepts needed to engage in health
enhancing physical activity.
a.       Demonstrate physical competency in individual and team sports, creative
movement, leisure and work related activities.
b.      Promote physical activity and fitness acquisition through a comprehensive
curriculum focused on life-time involvement in sports and activities.
c.       Provide experiences that encourage critical thinking and problem solving
d.      Analyze various movement concepts and applications that are age and
developmentally appropriate.
e.       Demonstrate knowledge of rules, safety and strategies during physical
8.      Achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical fitness upon continual
self assessment.
a.       Promote individual and group interaction related to health, wellness and
social/emotional learning.
b.      Know and apply the principles and components of health related fitness.
c.       Assess individual fitness levels.
d.      Set goals based on fitness data and develop, implement and monitor an
individual fitness improvement plan.
9.      Develop team building skills by working with others through physical activity.
a.       Demonstrate individual responsibility during group physical activities.
b.      Demonstrate cooperative skills during structured group physical activity.
10.  Understand principles of health promotion and the prevention and treatment of
illness and injury.
a.       Explain the basic principles of health promotion (through diet, exercise and
good nutrition), illness, prevention and safety.
b.      Describe and explain the factors that influence health among individual,
groups and communities.
c.       Explain how the environment can affect health.
11.  Understand human body systems and factors that influence growth and
a.       Describe and explain the structure and functions of human body systems
and how the interrelate.
b.      Explain the effects of health related actions on the body systems.
c.       Describe factors that affect growth and development.
12.  Promote and enhance health and well-being through the use of effective
communication and decision making skills.
a.       Provide opportunities for leadership, responsibility, character education
and social and emotional wellness.
b.      Demonstrate procedures for communicating in positive ways,
understanding differences and resolving conflict.
c.       Apply decision making skills related to the protection and promotion of
individual health
d.      Demonstrate skills essential to enhancing health and avoiding dangerous


The following are objectives of physical education: .

1. Physical development
(a) Proper growth and development
(b) Proper functioning of various systems of the body
© Development of skills through better neuromuscular coordination
(d) Development of strength and endurance.
2. Psychological development
(a) Development of healthy interests and attitudes
(b) Satisfaction and channelising of emotions
© Removing worry, tension, etc. through participation in sports.
3. Social development
(a) Developing qualities of sympathy and cooperation with others '(b) Becoming a
worthy member of home and society.
4. Moral development
(a) Development of self-control
(b) Development of sportsmanship
© Developing leadership qualities
(d) Development of personality.
5. Improvement in knowledge
(a) Acquiring the knowledge of the rules of games, sports and exercise
(b) Understanding health problems and
their prevention.


PE, sport and physical culture each offer a unique platform on which to explore a multitude of
holistic learning opportunities. Physical education helps students to develop the skills,
knowledge, and competencies to live healthy and physically active lives at school and for the rest
of their life. They learn ‘in, through, and about’ movement, gaining an understanding that
movement is integral to human expression and can contribute to people’s pleasure and enhance
their lives.
The knowledge based economy” is an expression coined to describe trends in
advanced economies towards greater dependence on knowledge, information and high skill
levels, and the increasing need for ready access to all of these by the business and public sectors
Knowledge: Demonstrate understanding of fitness concepts, principles, strategies, and
individual differences needed to participate and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness.
•  Benefits of physical activity/dangers of physical inactivity.
• Basic anatomy and physiology.
• Physiologic responses to physical activity.
• Components of health-related fitness.
• Training principles (overload, specificity, progression) and workout elements.
• Application of the Frequency Intensity Time Type principle. Factors that influence physical
activity choices.


The term teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies
used for classroom instruction.

Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

Taken to its most extreme interpretation, teachers are the main authority figure in a teacher-
centered instruction model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” External link  who passively
receive knowledge from their teachers through lectures and direct instruction, with an end goal
of positive results from testing and assessment. In this style, teaching and assessment are viewed
as two separate entities; student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and

Student-Centered Approach to Learning

While teachers are still an authority figure in a student-centered teaching model, teachers and
students play an equally active role in the learning process.
The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension
of material, and to measure student learning through both formal and informal forms of
assessment, like group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. In the student-
centered classroom, teaching and assessment are connected because student learning is
continuously measured during teacher instruction.

High Tech Approach to Learning

Advancements in technology have propelled the education sector in the last few
decades. As the name suggests, the high tech approach to learning utilizes different
technology to aid students in their classroom learning. Many educators use
computers and tablets in the classroom, and others may use the internet to assign
homework. The internet is also beneficial in a classroom setting as it provides
unlimited resources. Teachers may also use the internet in order to connect their
students with people from around the world.

Below are some tech tools used in classrooms today:

 G Suite  External link (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Classroom, Drive, and Calendar)

 Tablets/laptops
 Gamification software (such as 3DGameLab   External
link and Classcraft External link )
 Education-focused social media platforms (such as schoology External
link  and seesaw External link )
 Technology accessibility  External link for students with disabilities

Teaching approaches

This page provides an overview of teaching approaches that have been used in the sport studies units.

Co-operative learning in sport studies

Co-operative learning is based on the premise that developing an individual's self-knowledge and self-
respect are prerequisites for functioning effectively within group situations. Considerable amount of
teaching and learning in physical education occurs in small groups and team situations. Successful group
experiences can contribute to the knowledge, self-esteem, and empowerment of individuals as they
accomplish group goals.
A cooperative learning programme includes the following components:

 Positive interdependence - students work in groups with assigned roles to achieve common

 Individual accountability - students are equally responsible for the group's success and can
therefore be held accountable;

 Group processing - students reflect on how well their group functioned in working towards the
group's learning goals;

 Social skills are incorporated in ways that students can identify their use and purpose.

Cooperative learning involves a deliberate intention of transforming individuals into committed and
productive members of a cohesive team. During this process individuals are likely to progress through a
series of stages.

These can be summarised as

 forming - students come together and become acquainted:

 storming - students find areas of disagreement and conflict;

 norming - students define areas of agreement and cooperation; and

 performing - students work collegially toward group goals.

Cooperative learning provides students opportunities to:

 be committed to a group;

 learn and apply interpersonal skills;

 take responsibility for both their learning and that of others.

Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. (1987). Learning together and alone: Co-operative, competitive, and
individualistic learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Joyce, B., & Weil, M. (1986). Models of teaching (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies units Cooperative sport and Perceptive cricket.

Critical thinking in sport studies

In sport studies critical thinking can be used to critically appraise the nature, meaning, and importance
of sport in our society. This appraisal involves examination of the values, cultures, attitudes, and beliefs,
which underpin our notions of sport and affect students' enjoyment of, and participation in, school
physical education programmes.

Critical thinking model

Students answer the following questions in relation to a particular sporting situation.

 How would you describe the particular sporting situation? What are the hidden messages of this

 What are the issues missing from this situation?

 What are your beliefs about the particular sporting situation?

 Why do you believe these things?

 Whose interests are being served in this situation - who is being advantaged?

 Whose interests are not being served in this situation - who is being disadvantaged?
 What needs to change to make this situation more inclusive? How can you contribute to this

Critical thinking provides opportunities for teachers and students to:

 reflect on and critically examine different educational ideas and practices related to sport and

 develop skills of critical thinking to better understand the social and cultural significance that
sport has for individuals and for society;

 reflect on why we play these sports;

 reflect on the implications of what is taught and the way it is taught.

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies unit Sport and competition.

An experiential learning approach to sport studies

An experiential learning approach can enhance students' personal growth through effective
participation, group processes, and openness to new experiences. It includes the solving of movement
and activity problems both individually and within groups and teams.

Rather than the teacher providing information, students are encouraged to generate information as
they progress through a planned sequence. The sequence involves carrying out actions, observing and
reflecting on the effects of those actions, applying this understanding to new circumstances, and
ultimately generalising their findings and transferring them to other aspects of their lives. The role of the
teacher is to provide contexts that enable activities to reflect real-life situations.

A crucial element of the process is de-briefing or processing the experience. This process provides
opportunities for both self-reflection and peer feedback.

Adventure based learning (ABL) is a form of experiential learning frequently used in New Zealand
schools. ABL is promoted by Project Adventure New Zealand.

Important elements of ABL around which sport studies games and activities can be structured are:

 trust-building,

 goal-setting,

 challenge/stress,

 peak experiences,

 humour/fun, and

 problem-solving.

Experiential learning provides students with opportunities to:

 participate in sequenced games and activities aimed at improving individual self-concept and

 develop decision-making and problem solving ability in physical activities;

 develop interpersonal and co-operative skills through trust and competent behaviour.

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies units Learning team roles through padder
tennis and Touch.

Hellison's Model - Developing personal and social responsibility in physical education

Explicit teaching is needed to develop the attitudes and values to behave socially responsible. By using
Hellison's developmental levels of personal and social responsibility teachers can help students to make
responsible decisions about their behaviour and involvement in physical education and in their lives
beyond the school.

The levels of personal and social responsibility are:

 Level 0: Irresponsibility – students are unmotivated, and their behaviour might include
interrupting, verbal abuse, intimidation, and 'putting down' other students.

 Level 1: Self-control – students may not participate fully, but control their behaviour sufficiently
so as not to disrupt the rights of other students to learn and participate.

 Level 2: Involvement – students are actively involved in the subject matter, and are willing to try
new activities.

 Level 3: Self-responsibility – students are able to work without supervision and increasingly take
responsibility for their own actions.

 Level 4: Caring – students extend their sense of responsibility by cooperating, giving support,
showing concern, and helping others.

Strategies that may encourage awareness of personal and social responsibility includes:

 Teacher talk – teacher describes student's behaviour with reference to the levels;

 Modelling – teacher models responsible attitudes, values, and beliefs;

 Reinforcement – teacher encourages positive attitudes or behaviour, and enhances student

awareness of personal and social responsibility;

 Reflection – students have opportunities to consider their behaviour in relation to the levels;

 Student-sharing – students share their opinions and experiences about their behaviour in
relation to the levels;

 Specific strategies – teacher uses specific strategies to increase student interaction at a

particular level (for example, peer-teaching at level 4).

The personal and social responsibility model provides students with opportunities to:

 reflect on their attitudes, values, and behaviour;

 appraise the effect their attitudes, values, and behaviour have on others;

 aspire to increasing levels of personal and social responsibility.

Hellison, D. (1995). Teaching responsibility through physical activity. Champagne Il: Human Kinetics.

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies unit Heart running.

Mosston's spectrum of teaching styles

This spectrum describes ten distinctive teaching styles based on the degree that the teacher and/or
students assume responsibility for what occurs in the lesson.

1. Command: All decisions are controlled by the teacher.

2. Practice: Students execute teacher-prescribed movement tasks on their own.

3. Reciprocal: Partner helps in some teaching/coaching prescribed by the teacher.

4. Self-check: Teacher plans and students monitor their own performance against criteria.

5. Inclusion: Planned by teacher, students monitor personal progress.

6. Guided discovery: Teacher provides clues to solving movement problems.

7. Problem-solving: Students find answers to problems set by the teacher.

8. Individual: Teacher sets content, student plans programme.

9. Learner-initiated: Student plans programme, submits evaluation to teacher.

10. Self-teaching: Student is teacher and learner, takes responsibility for own learning.

The first five teaching styles focus predominantly on reproducing what is known. The last five styles
focus on discovery learning. All styles, with the exception of the first two, are useful in developing
personal and social learning outcomes through increasing student ownership of the learning process.

The last five styles of Mosston's teaching spectrum provides opportunities for students to:

 take ownership and responsibility for their learning;

 plan and implement the programme;

 receive personal and specialised skill and behavioural learning programmes as the teacher
becomes free from full class direct instruction.

Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (1994). Teaching physical education (4th ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill
Publishing Company.

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies units Changing fashions in sport and leisure, Wheeling
through the years, Techy tennis, Playing the game safely, and My athletic identity.

Sport education

The sport education model has several distinctive characteristics:

 Seasons A season involves a series of consecutive lessons (for example, 14 to 20), and involves
pre-season activities, practice and competition.

 Team affiliation Students become members of teams for the duration of the season and assume
roles of coach, manager, and so on, as well as being players.

 Formal competition The competition involves pre-season preparation, in-season competition,

and a culminating event or festival that provides an appropriate climax to the end of the
competitive season.

 Keeping records Records may include outcomes of matches and player performance.

 Festivity The festivity of sport can be encouraged through a sports notice board, team photos,
uniforms, and honouring the rituals and traditions of the particular sport.

The sport education model provides students opportunities to:

 participate in a realistic context,

 explore ideas in, through, and about sport,

 develop knowledge and skills, team identity, and social interaction skills,

 take ownership and responsibility for their learning,

 plan and implement the programme,

 be challenged through peer support, peer encouragement, and trust,

 value their contribution to the team, and

 receive personal and specialised skill and behavioural learning programme due to the teacher
being free from full class direct instruction.

Siedentop, D. (1994). Sport education: Quality physical education through positive sport experiences.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
This approach is incorporated in the sport studies units Rugby in the media, Netball invasion, Learning
team roles through padder tennis, and Cooperative sport.

Teaching games for understanding

The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model fosters tactical awareness and skill instruction.

TGfU is most effective when student-centred and game-centred. It asserts that understanding tactics
and strategies of a sport should precede the development and execution of the required skills.

Suggested lesson sequence for teaching games for understanding

 Game form: Small numbers of players, modified equipment, rules and playing area.

 Game appreciation: The application and understanding of certain rules of the game (simplified
and modified), so that students develop tactics appropriate for their skill levels.

 Tactical awareness: Tactics are developed through the gradual introduction of movement
principles (for example, space and time), and increasingly complex scenarios (for example,
creating and denying space, recognising their opponents' and team-mates' strengths and

 Decision-making: The teacher facilitates the decision-making process through questioning, for
example "what can you do?", "who could you pass to?" and "how can you do it?"

 Skill execution: Correct execution of the required skill becomes important when the student
recognises a need for it. When this happens the skill and technical instruction is provided.

 Performance: Performance includes both technical efficiency and appropriateness of the


 Game: Completion of the preliminary steps culminates in the student's ability to play the game.

Teaching games for understanding provides students opportunities to:

 take responsibility for their learning,

 transfer understanding about games to other games, and

 apply cognitive development to movement experiences.

Bunker, D., & Thorpe, R. (1986). Issues that arise when preparing to teach for understanding. In R.
Thorpe, D. Bunker, & L. Almond (Eds.). Rethinking games teaching. Loughborough: University of

This approach is incorporated in the sport studies unit Netball invasion.

Social inquiry model in sport studies

The social inquiry model can help students to think systematically about issues in sport by encouraging
recognition of their own values and attitudes about the issue, and the analysis of alternative positions.

The Social inquiry model has six stages.

1. Orientation to the case: Students are introduced to the particular issue.

2. Identifying the issues: Teacher encourages debate by reviewing facts. In this stage, students are
encouraged to characterise the values involved, and to identify conflicts between values.

3. Taking a position: Students take a position on the issue and articulate their reasons for taking
that position.

4. Exploring the stance underlying the position taken: Teacher provides opportunities to
challenge and probe students' positions by asking students to, for example: a) identify the point
at which a value is violated or compromised; b) clarify the conflict between values, through
using analogies; and c) provide desirable or undesirable consequences of a position.

5. Refining and qualifying the positions: Students' clarify their reasoning in a value position. The
teacher can prompt students to re-state or revisit their positions.

6. Testing assumptions about facts, definitions, and consequences: The value positions are tested
by identifying and examining the factual assumptions behind them. The teacher can encourage
students to consider whether their value position would still hold up under extreme conditions.

The social inquiry model provides opportunities for students to:

 communicate effectively and successfully negotiate their differences,

 explore a range of view points as well as their own, and

 reflect on their own bias and the effect this bias may have on others.

Joyce, B., & Weil, M. (1986). Models of teaching (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

An example of a social enquiry model is available in either Word or PDF format below. This example
considers the idea that the behaviour of sporting role models, as reported in the media, can influence
the attitudes and behaviours of other sports people.


10 Traits of Great PE Teachers

Any aspiring Physical Education teacher has to have certain traits to be successful. PE teachers have to be
good in the classroom, but they also have to be able to work with parents and other educators. Good PE
teachers need to have a range of skills beyond knowing sports, including interpersonal skills, creativity,
and more.

Personality Traits of the Best PE Teachers

Athletic Ability
It seems obvious, but having a healthy body is important for a PE teacher. Since PE teachers are telling
students to make healthy choices, these adults have to model what they say to do. PE teachers don’t need
to be star athletes, but having a positive attitude toward fitness and instruction is important to show
students how living healthy can be enjoyable.

Teaching Ability
This is another trait that seems apparent, but a good Physical Educator needs to be able to educate. Being
able to distill complex ideas into easily followed steps helps your students feel better about physical
activity. Being able to teach also includes being able to recognize which students need more
encouragement or a different way of explaining, and assessing learning.

Interpersonal Skills
Working with students, parents, and other teachers requires a range of interpersonal skills. Being a
teacher means being a leader and role model to your students. A physical education teacher is a model of
values such as leadership, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. Treating the people around you with
respect makes them more likely to respect you and your program.

Being able to communicate effectively is another important skill. Clear communications to your students
helps them learn your lessons and keeps them safe. Communicating with parents and other professionals
respectfully shows how you treat your students in your program. Effective communication builds a
sense of community where students feel confident in their abilities. With greater confidence and support,
students are more likely to embrace physical activity as a source of fun.

Patience and Adaptability

Patience and adaptability are important to a successful teaching career. Since not all students learn in the
same way or the same rate, it’s important to stay patient and have different approaches. It’s also important
to adapt and modify lessons to include students of different levels and abilities. Some schools have no
dedicated PE area, so being able to change your lesson plans to adapt to weather or available resources
keeps your lesson plans on track.

As a PE teacher, you might be teaching students who have different ages, physical abilities, and learning
styles. In addition, PE teachers often have to work in different areas or even multiple schools. Being
organized keeps all of these needs together and easy to manage. Keeping the classes themselves
organized keeps them flowing, limits downtime, and lessens chances for conflict and behavior issues.
Any PE class involves students, physical area, and equipment, so keeping all of these things organized
makes the entire class run smoothly and maximizes learning opportunities.

Being able to adapt and find new activities keeps your classes entertaining and fun for everybody. You
can find inspiration for your classes in television, music, and other classes. You can take ideas from all
around you to make engaging and fun activities for students of all physical abilities. Having a variety of
activities and outcomes keeps students engaged and interested in your classes.

Focus on the Students

As an educator, you need to make sure your students are learning. Being an educator means you need to
have a passion for helping children learn skills they can use in their daily lives outside of the classroom.
Working with children can be taxing, so keeping that passion going helps you make your classes
instructional and fun. You also need to keep your students safe and secure during class, since they’re
moving around and in large areas with different equipment.

More PE Teacher Tips & Inspiration

Becoming a PE teacher is no easy task for any aspiring educator. Being a role model, having professional
skills, and creating a fun environment are all crucial traits to have as a great PE teacher. Keeping your
time organized and communicating clearly to students, parents, and other educators also makes your job
easier and more enriching.

Athletic Skills

Teachers must be skilled in their subject areas, advises the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards. As such, the physical education teacher must be a good athlete and an excellent role model
for the students. She must reflect good health, physical coordination and vitality. She will be confident
and strong, physically fit and able to demonstrate the techniques needed for competitive sports and
exercise routines. She will eat healthy foods and be knowledgeable about the nutritional value of the
different food groups so she can explain it to her students.

Motivational Skills

The physical education teacher should have excellent interpersonal skills. As educators Solomon Abebe
and Wanda Davis suggest in an article published in the Journal of College and Character, the teacher
should have high moral standards and be able to transmit these to his students. He must demonstrate the
value of good sportsmanlike behavior and teamwork. Educators Chunlei Lu and Amanda De Lisio,
writing in the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, recommend that he be a good
coach, supportive and able to encourage and motivate even the less physically adept students to put
forth their best effort. He will never lose his temper or humiliate students. He treats all of them and his
colleagues with respect at all times. He appreciates and rewards effort and individual progress.

Organizational Skills

Physical education teachers need to have very strong organizational skills and be able to attend to
details. Their duties include the collection of parental permission forms and additional fees necessary
for field trips and sporting events involving other schools. They need to keep accurate attendance
records and be trained in first aid, and be prepared to handle accidents and emergencies in a calm and
efficient manner. They should be punctual and reliable, organizing their personal lives so they have
additional time to devote to the many extracurricular sporting events that most schools offer.

Teaching Skills

First and foremost, a physical education teacher needs to be a skilled educator. She needs to be able to
break down complex concepts and instructions into smaller, more manageable steps. She must be able
to recognize which students need encouragement and deliver it when needed. She recognizes the
importance of providing extra time and patience with special-needs students. As stated in a Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention guide for P.E. teachers, she needs to understand and follow the
curriculum documents, teaching content that is appropriate for the specific grade level.

What skills are required for Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondars?

Importance Skills

  Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.

  Instructing - Teaching others how to do something.

Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in

  work related documents.

Learning Strategies - Selecting and using training/instructional methods and

  procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.

Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking
time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and
  not interrupting at inappropriate times.

Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the


Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or

  organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and
  weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing related

  information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.

  Time Management - Managing one's own time and the time of others.
Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits of
  potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.

Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new information for both

  current and future problem-solving and decision-making.

Systems Analysis - Determining how a system should work and how changes in
  conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes.

Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why

  they react as they do.

  Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.

Systems Evaluation - Identifying measures or indicators of system performance

and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of
  the system.

  Service Orientation - Actively looking for ways to help people.

  Persuasion - Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.

  Negotiation - Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Management of Personnel Resources - Motivating, developing, and directing

  people as they work, identifying the best people for the job.

Operations Analysis - Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a


  Science - Using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.

What knowledge is needed to be a Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondar?

Importance Knowledge

Education and Training - Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum

and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the
  measurement of training effects.

English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the English

language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and

Psychology - Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual

differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation;
psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral
  and affective disorders.

  Customer and Personal Service - Knowledge of principles and processes for

providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs
assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer

Therapy and Counseling - Knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures for

diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and
  for career counseling and guidance.

Medicine and Dentistry - Knowledge of the information and techniques needed to

diagnose and treat human injuries, diseases, and deformities. This includes
symptoms, treatment alternatives, drug properties and interactions, and preventive
  health-care measures.

Biology - Knowledge of plant and animal organisms, their tissues, cells,

functions, interdependencies, and interactions with each other and the

Communications and Media - Knowledge of media production, communication,

and dissemination techniques and methods. This includes alternative ways to
  inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media.

Sociology and Anthropology - Knowledge of group behavior and dynamics,

societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their
  history and origins.

Computers and Electronics - Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips,

electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including
  applications and programming.

Administration and Management - Knowledge of business and management

principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources
modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people
  and resources.

Mathematics - Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics,

  and their applications.

Clerical - Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such

as word processing, managing files and records, stenography and transcription,
  designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.

Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies,

procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security
  operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions.

Philosophy and Theology - Knowledge of different philosophical systems and

religions. This includes their basic principles, values, ethics, ways of thinking,
  customs, practices, and their impact on human culture.

  Law and Government - Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures,

precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the
democratic political process.

Work Styles

Importance Styles

Independence - Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding
  oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done.

  Integrity - Job requires being honest and ethical.

Dependability - Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and

  fulfilling obligations.

Cooperation - Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a
  good-natured, cooperative attitude.

Self Control - Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check,

controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult

  Initiative - Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.

Leadership - Job requires a willingness to lead, take charge, and offer opinions
  and direction.

Concern for Others - Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and
  being understanding and helpful on the job.

Attention to Detail - Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in
  completing work tasks.

Analytical Thinking - Job requires analyzing information and using logic to

  address work-related issues and problems.

Adaptability/Flexibility - Job requires being open to change (positive or negative)

  and to considerable variety in the workplace.

Achievement/Effort - Job requires establishing and maintaining personally

  challenging achievement goals and exerting effort toward mastering tasks.

Innovation - Job requires creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas
  for and answers to work-related problems.

  Persistence - Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles.

Social Orientation - Job requires preferring to work with others rather than alone,
  and being personally connected with others on the job.
Stress Tolerance - Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and
  effectively with high stress situations.


Instructional materials provide the core information that students will experience, learn, and apply
during a course. They hold the power to either engage or demotivate students. ... Therefore, such
materials must be carefully planned, selected, organized, refined, and used in a course for the maximum

Instructional materials are the content or information conveyed within a course. These include
the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and other resources in a course.

ypes of instructional materials

Print Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides, manuals

Audio Cassettes, microphone, podcast

Visual Charts, real objects, photographs, transparencies

Audiovisual Slides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia

Electronic Interactive Computers, graphing calculators, tablets

xamples of Instructional Materials

Common Instructional Content
Types Examples Resources/Tips

 Assignment
Print Materials: Readings, Syllabus,
 Rubrics  Create accessible course
Lesson/Assignment Files, Rubrics,
Handouts  Discussion Prompt  Develop instructions usin

Digital Media/Recorded Lectures (Audio

 Plant Pathology 123: The  Screencast information,
or Video): Movies/TV Clips/
YouTube, Podcasts, Screencasts, TED Irish Potato Famine:  How to use CaptureSpac
x Talks, etc.
courtesy of Professor audio record
Aurelie Rakotondrafara.
Produced with
and Articulate Storyline
 Screencasts: Statistical
Experience: courtesy of
Professor John Gillett,
with CaptureSpace Lite.
 Narrated PowerPoint using
Camtasia courtesy of
instructor Lisa Lenertz-
Lindemer, Environment,
Health, & Safety
 Motivation YouTube Video
 TED Talks
 Podcasts

o Course
courtesy of
o Good and Bad
Examples of Tips to create an introduction vid
Course Introduction Video Welcome  

 Prezi Example: John Hawks

– Intro to Anthropology
o (Tip: use the
arrows to
forward and
 Adobe Captivate Examples:
o Activity: Match
the skill to the
correct level of
o Activity: How
do you define  How to create effective e
Presentation Materials: Lecture Notes,
PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe Captivate) assessment?  PowerPoint for E-Learnin

Expert Interviews, Guest Speaker

 Video Example: John  Pedagogical Roles for V
Hawks – Tour of  Develop Your Video Pre
Gibraltar caves to  Tips for instructional des
explore Neandertal
behavior for Human
Evolution: Past and
Future MOOC.
 Audio Example: Kris Olds –
Interview with Nigel
Thrift for Globalizing
Higher Education and
Research MOOC.

 Articulate storyline
example courtesy of the
Physical Therapy
Department. Produced
by the DoIT Academic
Technology Online
Course Production  UW-Madison content au
Case Studies/Scenarios Team.  Writing case studies

 Civics
Educational Games  Games for Change 7 things you should know about

 Diffusion Simulation Game

Simulations  Tax Simulation Uses, trends & implications for s

 Tips for using word cloud

o for reflection
 Word Clouds o to enhance
Visualizations: Illustrative Pictures,
Graphics, Interactive Data  Infographic  Tips for using infographic

 Over 100 third-party tool

o for assessm
 Tools include:
 Diigo Example o Diigo
 Diigo Outliner Example o Diigo Outlin
Third Party Tools and Software  PowToon Example o PowToon

 5 ways to use role-playin

 Role playing ideas and r
Role Playing Thiagi’s Training Games  Role playing assignment

For the most part any of the other

content types can also be created
by students as an assignment and
then could be used as examples in
Student-Created Content your course. Tips for adding student-generate

The Rapid E-Learning Blog is a

Expert Blogs great resource for building learning. 7 things you should know about
Open Educational Resources (OER): OERs to explore
Textbooks, Online Articles, Audio or
Video Clips, Links to Online Resources,  
Databases, Examples; Simulations   Integrating OERs in teaching an

 7 things you should know

 Placing RSS feeds into D
Website: EDUCAUSE® is a
 How to add an RSS feed
Websites/Really Simple Syndication nonprofit association committed to
(RSS) feeds advancing higher education.  How to add RSS feed to is an online training

library of video tutorials that is
available for free to UW-Madison
Software & Topical Training staff and students.  


Assessments are the tool that physical educators use to measure the skills and fitness levels their
students are learning and attaining in their PE class. Assessing in PE helps to show others (parents,
school administrators, other teachers and yourself) what students are learning in your physical
education class. Assessment is essential and integral to effective teaching and
learning in PE as it provides information on students’ strengths,
weaknesses, and educational requirements, which informs future planning
and teaching [1-9]. Assessment is also vital for the provision of grades
(achieved and predicted), informing others of attainment (parents, teachers
etc.), and is used to judge the effectiveness of teachers and the school [7,
10]. Moreover, feedback from assessment has been recognized for
increasing pupil motivation and engagement, and helps create a positive
learning environment [

Evidence suggests that youngsters can develop these personal and social skills through their
participation in physical education (PE) (Weiss, 2011) and sports (e.g. Holt et al., 2011). Indeed,
there is an increasing interest in PE’s role in preparing youth for the demands and challenges of
everyday life (Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2014).
Given the social character of PE and sports, they are considered to be appropriate means of
developing students’ personal and social skills, such as personal and social responsibility,
cooperation, and other prosocial skills (Martinek and Hellison, 1997; Miller et al., 1997; Parker
and Stiehl, 2005). According to Goudas and Giannoudis (2008), one of the reasons that PE and
sports are suitable contexts for learning these skills is the transferability of these skills to other
domains in life. For example, in PE and sports children can, under the right pedagogical
circumstances (Bailey et al., 2009), learn how to solve problems and to communicate and work
as a team, which are skills they will also need in daily life, for example, at home or at work. Over
the years, several programmes were developed to purposefully teach these skills in PE or sports.
For example, Hellison’s model of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR)
(Hellison, 2011), initially developed to re-engage troubled youth into society, is now widely
implemented in regular PE classes (Beaudoin, 2012; Diedrich, 2014; Escartí et al.,
2010a; Hemphill et al., 2015; Martins et al., 2015; Wright and Burton, 2008). Other examples of
instructional models that foster personal and social development through PE are Cooperative
Learning in Physical Education (Grineski, 1996) and Sport Education (Siedentop et al., 2011).

Students get a lot of benefits from physical education classes. P.E. classes can help students to
become more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The students can also retain a higher
level of knowledge as a result of the overall health. This knowledge can help them to make wise
decisions concerning their safety, health, and wellbeing.

Here are ways in which physical education can help to improve the life of the students.

Social assimilation

The activities that children engage in during P.E. can help in the improvement of social
interaction. From the time they are young, kids learn how to cooperate through various group
activities and from a team’s positive sense of identity. These kinds of social activities continue to
play an important role in the growth of a student. For instance, sports can be used to engage
young people and instill positive characters in them. Students have the opportunity to take
leadership roles in sports activities and this helps them to develop leadership skills.

The exercise helps the increase of social skills and the prevention of social conflicts (17, 20). In
sport and group activities, people learn to help others, consistency with the group, cooperation,
forgiveness, dedication, independence, self-confidence, respecting the law, and friendship with
Physical fitness and exercise help youth develop important skills such as conflict resolution,
cooperation with peers and social skills such as leadership and fine tuning motor skills. Healthy
behaviors are a positive side effect of exercise while also increasing social skills necessary for


Physical education in high school is essential to the development of motor skills and the
enhancement of reflexes. Hand-eye coordination is improved, as well as good body movements,
which helps in the development of a healthy body posture. Physical education teaches students
the importance of physical health.
Here are just a few benefits:
Improved Physical Fitness
As the most prominent and obvious benefit – the use of physical activities throughout the
curriculum help to improve your student’s overall current physical fitness. Ensuring that children
are physically fit from a young age can help prevent future health issues such as diabetes, heart
disease, asthma and high blood pressure – so it is important to create healthy habits early on
within your pupil’s lives.
Teaches Self Discipline
Most people see PE as a way to ensure that students are kept physically healthy – but it also
teaches them many lessons which can be converted into real-life scenarios when they grow up.
Self-discipline is one of the most important skills to have – especially when revising for exams
and working full time as an adult. Physical Education helps to teach this.
Improves leadership skills and goal setting
Alike to self-discipline, it is extremely important to teach your pupils good leadership skills to
prepare them for their future in the world of work. Allocating team captains for sports such as
Quidditch can help pupils learn to work with small groups and assist them to complete a
common task (for example, score a goal). This is the same for other important skills such as
communication, goal setting and working as a team.
Stress Reduction
Everyone knows that education, lessons and exams can cause mass amounts of the stress of
students of a certain age – especially in high school. Encouraging fun in sports-related
environments can help to give them a break from the school-related stress that they may be
feeling throughout the day and give them a fun and healthy outlet for this.
Finally, one of the most important benefits of Physical Education is teaching your students
respect. This includes respect for their personal physical and mental health – as well as respect
for your classmates/teammates which can be reciprocated in other social and working
At Enrich Education we encourage children to achieve through learning, to gain recognition for
their achievements and to raise their aspirations to succeed in the future. We believe children
should be involved in learning in its broadest sense, both inside and outside the classroom if they
are to achieve their potential.
Physical Education in Schools Boosts Academic Performance
The benefits of physical education in schools are far-reaching, including both increased student
physical health and better academic performance. Conversely, a lack of physical activity among
youth is known to increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood
pressure, and more. By promoting physical education (P.E.) in schools, educators are in a prime
position to help students establish life-long healthy behavior patterns and boost scholastic
Physical Activity Benefits
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 60 minutes of daily physical
activity for youth aged 6–17 years, while research shows that behavior habits established during
childhood often prevail into adulthood. Regular physical activity during youth is known to have
the following benefits:
 Builds healthy bones
 Improves strength and endurance
 Reduces stress and anxiety
 Helps control weight/reduces the risk of obesity
 Improves blood pressure and cholesterol levels
 Reduces feelings of depression
 Boosts self-esteem
 Promotes psychological well-being

Effects of Physical Education on Learning

In addition, physical education in schools has been shown to have positive effects upon learning,
 Increased concentration
 Increased attentiveness in class
 Better grades
 Better behavior


Philosophical education

Physical education is intended to teach the entire student, not just their body and movement. Students
can learn about movement, tactics, teamwork, problem solving, and health-related fitness through
physical education.

Exposing students to various physical activities, sports, and methods of fitness can better provide
enjoyment of physical activity, as well as build social, psychomotor, and cognitive skills. I strive to
safely provide the means for students to enjoy physical activity, become more confident with their
abilities, increase their knowledge of health related fitness, and help them find ways to continue to
be physically active.
Pragmatism — an American movement in philosophy emphasizing reality as the sum total of each
individual’s experiences through practical experimentation

Ultimate reality must be experienced and is ever-changing rather than absolute.

Truth and values are functions of the consequences of the time and context.

Social responsibilities are essential as every individual functions with and contributes to society.

Students develop social efficiency as they experience solving the problems of life and learn how to
become better functioning members of society.

A student-centered curriculum encourages students to develop social and interpersonal skills and set
and achieve personal goals.John Dewey

student centered; based on individual differences

-John Dewey

My main goal would be to make physical education as fun as possible for the students. The first step
toward achieving this aim is to create a secure and comfortable atmosphere. When every student feels
physically and emotionally secure, and anti-bullying policies are in place, this happens. Enthusiasm and
appreciation for the students are also important factors in creating a pleasant atmosphere. To foster
respect and create a fun atmosphere, I will be open with all students and invite them to challenge me in
ways that enable us to learn from one another. I assume that including students in curriculum
development is the most effective way to ensure student enjoyment.


The Benchmarks define what learners must know and be able to do in order to reach a degree in
Physical Education.... The Benchmarks can be used to track progress toward a level's completion as well
as to facilitate professional dialogue and determination on when a learner has completed a level.

Benchmarking is the process of establishing observable learning levels to which students can be
evaluated. Benchmarking keeps students on track for progress and, in the long run, may increase edu
Get an objective view about how well you do in comparison to other educational institutions. Drill down
into performance gaps to find places that you can improve. Create a collection of structured processes
and metrics. Encourage a quality improvement approach and culture. cational expectations in a
classroom, grade level, school, or district.

Benchmarking is a process enabling universities to assess their performance and improve practice in a
cyclical process involving both quality assurance and quality enhancement (Oliver, 2011). It is a platform
for providing conceptual framework for self-evaluation (Henderson-Smart et al., 2006) rather than a
process towards striving towards minimum acceptable standards and compliance. Meade (1998)
emphasized on importance of benchmarking towards identification of problem areas and exploring
potential for improvement, providing an incentive to change, and assists in setting targets and
formulating plans and strategies.




Classroom physical activity can benefit students by1,5:

Improving their concentration and ability to stay on-task in the classroom.

Reducing disruptive behavior, such as fidgeting, in the classroom.

Improving their motivation and engagement in the learning process.

Helping to improve their academic performance (higher grades and test scores).

Increasing their amount of daily physical activity. hese teachers must develop strategies that help to
create an environment that is positive and conducive to learning — specifically, strategies that allow for
a high amount of activity time coupled with clear and concise instructional segments. Learning to be
efficient as a new teacher in a new environment can be a challenge, but it can make all the difference in
accomplishing one’s goals and feeling successful.

Efficient use of time in physical education classes is critical given the limited amount of physical
education that children receive in schools today. So it stands to reason that physical education teachers
feel pressured to deliver as much physical activity as possible.


A positive learning environment is one of the most critical components of a skills-based health education
classroom. A positive learning environment is created when you value participatory teaching and
learning and when there is trust and rapport among students and between yourself and students. To
establish trust that leads to true participation and engagement in learning, you first need to set the
stage by establishing a learning environment in which all students feel valued, safe, and supported.

Let's further define the characteristics found in a positive learning environment:

Students feel physically and emotionally safe. They see the classroom as a place where they can be
themselves and express themselves and their ideas without judgment.

Students know that they are valued and respected, regardless of other factors such as ability, gender,
sexuality, race, ethnicity, or religion.

Students have ownership and input related to class structure and expectations. This can range from
creating spaces specifically for student use to having a class discussion to establish norms and

All students are challenged to achieve high expectations, and all students receive the support necessary
to meet those expectations.

Standards of behavior are established and are consistently and equitably enforced for all students.

Class structure provides multiple and varied opportunities for students to experience success.

The teacher gets to know all students and uses that knowledge to create meaningful experiences.

There is a positive rapport (relationship) between the teacher and students and among students in the

Creating a positive learning environment begins with the teacher's self-reflection, continues with
planning, and then is ongoing and dynamic during the implementation of the curriculum.
Maintaining a positive learning environment is a work in progress - you must always consider
how to maintain a positive learning environment and must be thoughtful about how the learning
environment is perceived by students.

As with curriculum development, a positive learning environment takes planning and thought. It
is important to continually monitor and adapt your strategies to meet the changing needs of your
students. No two students are the same and no two classes are the same. You need to be aware of
the differences in your classes (e.g., personalities, dynamics, interests, strengths, learning styles)
and adjust your strategies to meet your students' needs. Also keep in mind that students' needs
can change within a semester, term, or year.


So you need to learn how to interact with other people and in physical education, they have all those
opportunities, because it’s not just about participating, but you’re also competing, sometimes. There’s
winning and losing, there is the cooperative element where you have to contribute to a group task and
so all of these activities, you know, really provide that foundation for social skills and it’s the perfect
opportunity to not only teach, but also to reinforce those skills. And really it can build skills that will last
them a lifetime. I really feel like it’s what students learn in physical education, when it comes to these
social skills can be applied in every part of life. Because once they leave school, they’re going to be
getting a job, they’re gonna have to learn how to interact with other people and get along and how to
respect other people’s space, their property and so you can learn those skills in Physical Education.
That’s a perfect opportunity for us as teachers.


Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills,
knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Supporting schools to
establish physical education daily can provide students with the ability and confidence to be
physically active for a lifetime.
Physical activity is not only essential for healthy growth and development, it’s also important to

Nurturing their engagement, motivation and psychological well-being:

 Physical activity boosts children’s self-esteem.

 It nurtures relationships with peers, parents and teachers.
 A caring environment that supports autonomy enhances kids’ motivation, their behaviour
relating to physical activity and their general well-being.
 Regular and organised physical activity training promotes life skills (interpersonal, self-
regulation) and core values like respect and social responsibility.

There is a significant, positive and directly proportionate connection between school PE and
academic performance.
PE class helps children develop their gross and fine motor skills and improve their strength,
balance and cardiovascular health. Many may not recognize, however, that PE class also offers
children myriad social, mental and emotional benefits that in turn improve their learning and
academic performance. The benefits of physical education in schools are far-reaching,
including both increased student physical health and better academic performance. Conversely, a
lack of physical activity among youth is known to increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.


Evaluation is the process of physical education that involves a collection of data from the
products which can be used for comparison with preconceived criteria to make a judgment.

Quality physical education requires appropriate infrastructure (opportunity to learn), meaningful

content defined by curriculum, appropriate instructional practices including good classroom
management, student and program assessment, and evaluation.
Student Assessment — one of the four essential components of physical education — is the gathering of
evidence about student achievement and making inferences about student progress based on that

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