Learning Outcome 2 Identify Own Role & Responsibility Within A Team Contents

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Individual Roles and Responsibilities


1. Individual role and responsibilities within team environment are

2. Roles and responsibilities of other team members are identified and
3. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are


The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

Info Sheets


Written Examination
Role Playing


Learning Outcome 2 – Individual Roles and Responsibilities

Learning activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet If you have some problem on the

2.2-1 on Building Relationship content of the information sheet
and Team Work don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can
now answer self check provided in
the module

2. Answer self-check for 2.2-1 Refer your answer to answer

key 2.2-1


Individual Roles and Responsibilities

Learning objectives:
1. Know the specific responsibilities of team members in a team.
2. Identify own role and responsibility within a team

          Working in groups is a very common phenomenon in the private sector

and government agencies. It is important that each member of a team to not
only be an active participant in the team, but also to be certain that all other
team members are contributing members of the team. There are many ways in
which members of a team can contribute. Some may lead with key concepts;
others may supply key details; while others may assist in sharpening or further
development of certain details or concepts. It is expected that you will discuss
your individual efforts with other members of the team. You may also discuss
the problem with class members from other teams, but not to the exclusion of
the members of your own team.

Team members don't have specific responsibilities, but their participation
is critical to the team's success. Team members must agree to:

 Be enthusiastic and committed to the team's purpose.

 Be honest and keep any confidential information behind closed doors.
 Share responsibility to rotate through other team roles like facilitator,
recorder, and timekeeper.
 Share knowledge and expertise and not withhold information.
 Ask questions, even seemingly "dumb" ones. Often the new perspective of
"inexperienced" team members can provide insight.
 Fulfill duties in between meetings.
 Respect the opinions and positions of others on the team, even if the
person has an opposing view or different opinion.
Individual Responsibilities Group Control or Override

Executive 1. Decide who should be

Sponsor invited to subsequent
1. Defines the team's meetings.
Charter approved by a 2. Request specific
Strategy Council which meetings which Sponsor
controls/supports cross- should attend or not
functional teams. attend.
2. Recruits the team's
3. Recommends potential
members for the team.
4. Requests budget of time
from managers of
potential team members.
5. Decides who should be
invited to the
initial/kick-off meeting.
6. Introduces team
members to each other.
7. Explains to the team the
need for their
contributions and how
their work fits within the
organization as a whole.
8. Reports the progress of
the team to a Strategy
9. Resolves conflicts the
team has with other
10. Clarify whether
different people carry
different "weight" in
discussions and

Coordinator 1. Agree on how much

/Chairperson time to spend on each
/Leader 1. Recruits members to join topic.
the team.
2. Greets team members as
they arrive.
3. Calls the meeting to
order at the appointed
start time.
4. During the meeting,
controls the order of
5. Proposes Agenda topics
and how much time
should be devoted to
each topic.
6. Concludes the meeting at
the appointed ending
7. Clarifies the method for
making decisions
(consensus, voice vote,
anonymous ballots, etc.)
before discussions begin.
8. Creates and maintains
team Project Plans (e.g.,
flow charts).
9. Anticipates, seeks, and
reserves support
services needed by the
10. Arranges for
refreshments food,
travel, lodging, etc. for
team members.

Facilitator 1. Agree on specific

meetings which
1. Interrupts the meeting to Facilitator should attend
remind the group about a or not attend.
process concern.
2. Evaluates norms and
methods used during the
3. Between meetings,
coaches individual team
4. Mediates conflict among
individuals within the
5. Collects and summarizes
questionaires and

Team 1. Define what precautions

Members are needed to maintain
1. Notify Coordinator about an appropriate level of
not being able to attend a confidentiality.
meeting. 2. Define rules for
2. Bring individual members to follow.
distributions received,
and personal notes to the
3. Bring name tags or name
tents when appropriate.
4. Arrive at meetings prior
to the start time.
5. Help in room setup when
6. Turn electronics
(beepers, phones, etc.) off
tone mode during
7. Greet other members of
the team.
8. Write questions and
comments down to
participate when
9. Clarify concerns before
identifying solution
10. Focus on creatively
addressing interests
rather than selling
11. Clean up the room
(align chairs, discard
trash, etc.) before
12. Respect requests
for confidentiality.
13. Complete
assignments between
14. Brief members who
are absent.

Timekeeper 1. Stop presentation to

"Call the Question" --
1. Brings a timer to take a vote whether to
meetings. continue.
2. room are calibrated to a
common standard
Ensures that clocks in
the meeting.
3. Before the meeting
starts, announces "x
minutes before the
4. Says "the meeting has
started" at the appointed
start of the meeting.
5. If the meeting has not
started, says "the
meeting started x
minutes ago" every 5
6. Communicates to
presenters how much
time is remaining (e.g.,
10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2
minutes, 1 minute, 30
7. Interrupts group with a
"Point of Order" to
announce end of time.

Scribe 1. Agree on whether items

should be written down
1. Brings large format or not.
papers and dry-erase
pens to meetings. The term Minutes of a
2. Puts title and date on meeting orginates from
each sheet of paper the Latin minutus,
produced by the team. meaning “small”,
3. Legibly writes what the because they are meant
group verbalizes onto to be short and quick.
flip-chart paper or white-
4. Posts flip-chart paper or
5. Ensures that charts
match Notes taken by
Note taker.
6. Gives charts to Note

Note taker 1. Agree on whether notes

need to be typed up.
1. Brings blank note paper 2. Review notes for
and writing instruments mistakes/omissions.
to meetings. 3. Agree on whether
2. Takes legible notes specific entries should
during team meetings. be in or out of the notes.
3. If necessary, types up

Librarian -

1. Brings team's Archive

Binder(s) to meetings (or
arranges someone else to
bring it/them).
2. Looks up and reads
information from
archives during team

Publisher 1. Sends invitations to 1. Agree on who should be

those invited to the invited to the meeting.
meeting. 2. Agree on who is on the
2. Makes copies for team team's Distribution
before, during, and after List.
meetings. 3. Approve who receives
3. Maintains the team's the team's Distribution
Distribution List. List.
4. Procures/Provides 4. Agree on binding and
binders and binds papers distribution methods
as needed. and styles.
5. Provides copies of the
team's Distribution List.
6. Ensures that recipients
actually received
7. Brings enough extra
copies to team meetings.

Technician 1. Agree on what the

/Facilities desired environmental
  Manager 1. Brings extra bulbs and conditions.
other supplies to the
2. Makes sure equipment
operates properly x
minutes before the start
of the meeting.
3. Monitors environmental
conditions (heat, etc.).
4. Adjusts thermostats as
needed or as anticipated.

Presenter(s) 1. Bring presentation 1. Approve the objectives of

materials (overhead foils, the presentation.
flip charts, etc.) 2. Ask questions only when
2. Make sure equipment appropriate.
operates properly x 3. Provide feedback to
minutes before the start Presenter(s).
of the meeting.
3. If new, provide
Coordinator with a
statement of
4. Request adjustments to
lighting, sound levels,
5. Organize information
logically -- in chunks.
6. Make transitions of topic
logically easy to follow.
7. Define what
words mean.
8. Provide concrete
9. Explain why -- reasons
for statements and
10. Provide written
back-up to verbally
presented information.


Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

1. Monitors environmental conditions

a. Publisher
b. Presenter
c. Technician/Facilities manager
d. Note taker

2. Makes copies for team before, during and after meetings

a. Publisher
b. Manager
c. Presenter
d. Note taker

3. Make sure equipment operates properly x minutes before the start of the

a. Publisher
b. Presenter
c. Manager
d. Note taker

4. Ensures that charts match Notes taken by Note taker

a. Scribes
b. Presenter
c. Note taker
d. Trainer

5. Greet other members of the team.

a. Presenter
b. Time keeper
c. Worker
d. Team member



2. a

3. b

4. a
5. d

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