Quarter Week Content Standard Performance Standard Most Essential Learning Competencies Objectives
Quarter Week Content Standard Performance Standard Most Essential Learning Competencies Objectives
Quarter Week Content Standard Performance Standard Most Essential Learning Competencies Objectives
Standard Competencies
1st Week 1 Demonstrate an understanding of Clearly identify a 1. Explain the concept,
politics and political science, specific political relationship and 1. Define concepts related to politics,
governance, political ideologies, phenomenon and how it importance of politics, governance and government;
power, states, nations, and can be studied governance and 2. Identify the relationship of politics,
globalization government governance and government.
3. Enumerate the importance of politics;
4. Realize the importance of politics,
governance and government to one’s life;
5. Critique events where citizen’s participation
plays a vital role in politics, governance and
Week 7-8 Demonstrate an understanding of Explain the roles of 5. Analyze the evolution of 1. Determine the form of government from
the historical background of different political Philippine politics and pre-colonial period to present;
Philippine democratic politics, the institutions governance 2. Analyze the events that led to the transition
executive, the legislative, the
in one form of government to another;
judiciary, and decentralization and
local governance 3. Assess the effects of past experiences of the
country to the present;
4. Realize the importance of citizen’s
participation in politics; and;
5. Write an essay about the historical
development of Philippine politics and
Week 9 6. Analyze the roles and 1. Explicate the system of checks and balances;
powers of the executive 2. Identify the roles and powers of the
branch of the government executive branch of the government;
3. Analyze the exercise of power among the
presidents of the Philippines; and
4. Recognize a president’s contribution that
made improvements on the welfare of the
5. Create a position paper on how power was
exercised by the previous and current
president of the Philippines.
Week 10 7. Differentiate the roles and 1. Explicate the system of checks and balances;
responsibilities of the 2. Enumerate the roles and responsibilities of
Philippine Senate and the the legislative department;
House of Representatives 3. Familiarize with the current senators and
representatives of the Republic of the
4. Evaluate the performance of current senators
and representatives of the Republic of the
5. Make an advocacy or a proposal about a
particular issue/ societal problem that
happens within our country which can be
addressed to the members of the legislative
2nd Week 11 8. Analyze the roles and 1. Explicate the system of checks and balances;
responsibilities of the 2. Enumerate the roles and responsibilities of
Philippine Judiciary the Philippine Judiciary;
3. Familiarize with the current members of the
Philippine Judiciary;
4. Evaluate the performance of the current
members of the Philippine Judiciary
5. Convince readers about empowering the
Philippine Judiciary through an essay.
Week 12 9. Explain the roles and 1. Determine how the local government units
functions of Local were organized;
Government Unit (LGU) 2. Enumerate the roles and functions of the
Local Government Unit
3. Evaluate the performance of the previous and
current members of the local government
4. Relate how the manner of governance affects
the community’s welfare.
5. Develop a checklist of amenities, projects and
programs within a barangay.
Week 13 Demonstrate an understanding of Analyze the interactions 10. Analyze the nature of 1. Identify the basic concepts and terms used in
elections and political and civil between state and elections and political parties elections;
society and social movements society in the Philippines 2. Differentiate the types of political parties;
3. Enumerate the roles of political parties;
4. Recognize the role of political parties as a
training ground for future leaders; and
5. Make a comparison between the political
parties existing in the Philippines.
Week 14 11. Explain the concept, role, 1. Identify the concepts of civil societies;
and contributions of civil 2. Enumerate the roles of civil societies;
society societies and social 3. Analyze how civil societies and social
movements to Philippine movements play a vital role for the
democracy betterment of the community;
4. Presents a list of accredited civil society
organizations in the Philippines and their
specific functions.
5. Cite a social movement in the Philippine
history that made an impact on the lives of
the Filipino people.
Week 15 Demonstrate an understanding of Propose a project on 12. Explain the importance of 1. Define citizenship;
citizenship political engagement active citizenship 2. Differentiate types of citizenship;
and youth 3. Discuss citizenship issues in the
empowerment Philippines through writing a position
4. Recognize the importance of active
citizenship; and
5. Characterizes the traits of an active
Week 16 13. Explain issues and programs 1. Discuss existing issues of political
related to political engagement and youth empowerment;
engagement and youth 2. Identify the present condition of the youth
empowerment in terms of their political partaking;
3. Devise ways to engage youth in the
political affairs of the country;
4. Recognize the importance of establishing
political awareness and engagement;
5. Propose plans to empower youth in
political engagement