Grades 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

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School : BUCAL NHS Grade Level 12

Teacher: MARIE CONNEELY D. Learning Area Understanding Culture ,

VILLANUEVA Society and Politics
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 6 Quarter 4th


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
GRADES 1 TO 12 1. Culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts;
DAILY LESSON LOG 2. Perspectives in/ approaches to the study of culture and society.
B. Performance Standards The learners
1. Appreciate the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology;
2. Demonstrate holistic understanding of culture and society;
3. Values cultural heritage and express pride of place without being ethnocentric

C. Learning The learners explain Competencies/

Competencies/ Objectives anthropological and sociological The learners explain The learners describe The learners identify aspects
perspectives on anthropological and society and culture as a of culture and society.
culture and society. (USCP sociological perspectives on complex whole. (USCP 11/12DCS Ic-8)
11/12DCS Ic-6) culture and society. (USCP (USCP 11/12DCS Ic-7)
11/12DCS Ic-6) At the end of the lesson, the
At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to :
students will be able to: The learners describe society students will be able to : 1.Explain culture as shared
1 Define society and and culture as a complex and contested;
culture as whole. 1.Enumerate the various 2. Analyze why some
anthropological and (USCP 11/12DCS Ic-7) aspects of culture; cultural
sociological concepts; 2. Prove that culture is practices are contested in
2. Explain the different At the end of the lesson, the dynamic, flexible and other cultures;
approaches in students will be able to : adaptive through an 3. Suggest ways to
understanding; 1. Identify the perspectives and example preserve
3. Appreciates how the approaches in studying culture 3. Appreciate the changes in the Filipino culture
Filipino values shape it’s society and society. Filipino culture.
2. Analyze
cultural practices using
different perspectives and
3. Express the importance of
understanding culture and
society form different

II. CONTENT 1. Society as a group of people Perspectives in studying Aspects of culture: Aspects of culture:
sharing a common culture culture Dynamic, flexible, and Shared and contested
2. Culture as a complex whole and society adaptive
3. Approaches in understanding
culture and society
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Describe society and culture. 1. Society as a group of Choose one perspective/ Prove that there is no
lesson or presenting the Write your answer in the web people sharing a common approach in studying culture
new lesson culture society that remains constant or
2. Culture as a complex whole and culture. Define/ changeless through an
describe example.
society and
cultureaccording to the
chosen perspective/
B. Establishing a purpose Open discussion Question Prompt Is there something unique Open discussion
for the lesson Explain the meaning of the If culture is a product of that only your family 1. Why does a particular
following concepts: society, how should we study does? culture
1. Society can’t exist apart society and culture? Can you identify a common die?
from culture. cultural practice in your 2. Why do people argue
2. Culture can’t exist without society? about the ways of getting
society. things done?
C. Presenting examples/ Activity 2 Activity Activity Activity
instances of the new lesson Highlight the key words in Discuss the different Discuss the aspect of
the following definitions. Perspectives/ approaches in culture Group 1: Culture is Shared
studying; culture and Group 1 : Culture is Group 2:Cuture is
society. Dynamic Contested
• Society as a group of 1. Symbolic Group 2 : Culture is Group 3: Synthesizer,
people sharing a common interactionism Flexible observe and record the
culture 2. functional analysis Group3: Culture is performance of the other
• Culture as a “‘that complex 3. Conflict theory Adaptive group.
whole which encompasses 4. Evolutionist Group 4: Synthesizer,
beliefs, practices, values, 5. Historical observe and record the
attitudes, laws, norms, Particularism performance of the other
artifacts, symbols, 6. Diffusionism group.
knowledge, and everything 7. Neo-evoluntism
that a person learns and
shares as a member of
society.” (E.B. Tylor 1920
D. Discussing new Discuss the following: Discuss the aspect of Discuss the aspect of culture
concepts and practicing Discuss the different culture as dynamic, as shared and contested
new skills #1 In sociology, society is the perspectives/ approaches in flexible, and adaptive.
leading concept while culture studying culture and society  Culture is a  shared  learning
is subordinate.  a. Symbolic Dynamic: Culture is dynamic experience. Because culture
as it responds to the
In anthropology, on the other interactionism- views changing needs of time, constantly changes, we get to
hand, culture comes first as a symbols, things to alongside to the motion and share the learning process with
subject matter followed by which we attach actions within and around it. other people..
society meaning, as the key to When one aspect changes If culture is learned and
understanding how we within a system, culture shared, it is
view the world and easily responds to it also  contested  in various
communicate with one ways and situations. Because
another. Flexible: Culture is capable of of diversity, culture is
being flexible to be able to subjected to debate and
b. The central idea of face any challenges that life analysis.
functional analysis is that would bring.
society is a whole unit,
made up of interrelated
parts that work together. Adaptive: People use
technology, ideas and
c. Conflict theory activities in order to survive
and expand the human
culture and society, this only
depicts that culture is

E. Discussing new 1. Approaches in studying

concepts and practicing culture
new skills #2 1. Evolutionist - All societies
pass through specified
stages for development of
2. Historical
Particularism- Each
element of culture has
its own distinctive
3. Diffusionism
Diffusionism refers to the
diffusion or transmission of
cultural characteristics or
traits from the common
society to all other societies. 
 4. Neo-evoluntism - believed
that culture is to be studied
in its own terms.

F.Developing Mastery Explain the connection Group Activity

between society and culture What are the perspective and Open discussion
based on sociology and approaches in studying Give examples of Divorce and abortion are
anthropology. culture and society. Filipino culture which practices shared in many
undergone changes societies. However, in the
or modification. Philippines it is a contested
culture. Why do you think
Filipino remain reluctant to
accept these practices.

G. Finding Practical COLLABORATIVE As a student, what can Creative output: What do you think the
applications of concepts APPROACH you do Through a spoken Philippine culture will be
and skills in daily living to help preserve our poetry, twenty years from now?
TDAR Activity culture? show appreaciation of the
Suggest ways on how to changes
Think - How does Filipino preserve the Filipino in Filipino overtime.
culture pakikisama shape its culture. Choose one
society? to focus on -
Discuss - Share insights on Language
how pakikisama influences the Music
Filipino society Fashion
Act - Make a list of positive
and adverse effects of
Reflect – How does affect you
as member of a community?
H. Making Generalizations Support the theme by providing 3-2-1 prompt One-minute paper Reflection
and Abstractions about the details from the discussion. Provide the list based on
lesson the discussion. In one minute, describe Express your realization in
“Society and culture as a 3 – perspectives in your the
complex whole” studying society most important learning discussion by completing the
2 – approaches in from the lesson. following:
studying culture
1 – realization from the I found out that
1. _________________.
I. Evaluating Learning explain anthropological and Determine what is being Write a five-sentence essay Explain culture as shared
sociological perspectives on described in the which proves that culture is and
culture and society statements considered dynamic, contested.
below. Choose your flexible, and
answer adaptive by providing
from the word bank. examples.
1. It assumes that there
constant power struggle
among the various
groups and instituion in
society. (Conflict
 2. It believes that
culture is to be studied
in its own terms. (neo
3. It assumes that as
evolves, sociocultural
systems proceeding
from the
simple to the complex.
4. It believes that each
is unique; thus, it
should be
studies in its own terms.
5. It posited that human
cultures evolved trough
series of stages.

J. Additional Activities for Creative output Collage a picture taken from Agreement: Research the Write a persuasive essay
application or remediation Make an collage or poster as your community and write following definition of paper
an a description about terms. on how why we should
interpretation of the theme, challenges, opportunities 1. Civil Society preserve
facing with. 2. People’s the Filipino’s laro ng lahi.
“Culture defines and influences Organization .
society” List name of People’s
Organization, LGBT
*Use rubrics for grading a poste group, social
movement. Provide
some of its
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80 %
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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