Badminton Skills Rubric - 7-8

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Badminton Skills Rubric

Title: ____________________________

1 2 3 4
•Uses correct
• Does not move footwork and is
following a shot, usually in position
Student moves to cover the
making it difficult to be •Shifting weight to to play shots.
entire court, consistently
in position to play an the balls of the feet Shows some
trying to return to a
opponent’s return. may be necessary anticipation of the
“home” position. Weight is
Parts of the court are before he/she can opponent’s shot.
balanced equally on the
left uncovered at move to the shot. Student covers the
Footwork balls of the feet to allow
times., Weight is back Students attempt to court, generally
for quick movement.
on the heels, making it return to a “home” attempting to
Student uses correct
difficult to reach position but may return to a “home”
footwork to move to all
opponent’s shot. not always get position. Weight is
shots, arriving in time and
“reaches” to play shots there. usually on the
in control
rather than moving into balls of the feet so
proper position student can move
Student utilizes
most shots Student executes all shots
Student uses several
[presented in class taught with good form,
Student relies on 1 or 2 of the shots
at appropriate using near flawless shot
shots for the entire presented, but not
times with good selection. Shot and serve
game. Incorrect form always at the
form. Uses correct selections are mixed to
Shots causes shots to be appropriate time.
footwork and is avoid anticipation by the
misplaced or Some form breaks
usually in position opponent. Shots are placed
ineffective. Does not are apparent;
to play shots. away from the opponent.
move following a shot, however, form is
Shows some Anticipates opponent’s
mostly correct.
anticipation of the shot when possible
opponent’s shot.
•Hits shuttle below the
waist everytime.
•Hits shuttle lower •Smoothly swings racket
•Hits shuttle higher •Hits shuttle lower than waist •Swings forward to meet the birdie
than waist •The swing than waist •Swings racket forward Birdie makes contact in
of the racket goes side racket forward •Feet are in step centre of racket •Feet are
ways •Feet are parallel stance, one in front in quick step stance, one in
of the other. front of the other, ready for
action. Birdie makes it
over the net in a arch
Student Student demonstrates
Student demonstrates demonstrates good excellent sportsmanship,
demonstrates some
Communication poor sportsmanship and sportsmanship, calls a fair game, and plays
sportsmanship and
Of interrupts flow of the calls a fair game, in proper order, and
calls a fair game
Sportsmanship game and follows and plays in proper follows safety guidelines.
and follows safety
safety guidelines. order and follows Congratulates others on
safety guidelines. good shots.

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