Purcom Reviewer
Purcom Reviewer
Purcom Reviewer
Together with the creation of human life is the creation of a wonderful and dynamic human
capacity --- language.
Animals are said to be able to communicate with each other. Whales sing, wolves howl, dogs
barks, and birds chirps. The sounds these creatures produce often reflect the state of their
While it may be true that animals communicate, only human beings are truly capable of
producing language. What exactly is language?
Linguists agree that a language can only be called a language if it has a:
Examples :
• A monkey may be able to signal to its partner that it is sharing food. The monkey will produce
sounds and gestures, but will not be able to organize the sounds into a meaningful system with
rules. What the monkey is producing is not a language in the strictest sense of the word.
• Human beings, on the other hand, are able to communicate their desire to share food in
several ways that are understandable to other human beings. They may utter a word (Food!),
raise a question (Want some food?), or give a statement (I’d like to share this food with you.).
• When people use language, they can understand each other because they belong to the
same speech community. They can understand each other because in their speech
community, people share the same set of rules in the language system.
• While growing up, people acquire the languages used by those in the community. This is the
process of language acquisition.
• The language acquired while growing up is known as mother tongue, which may also be
referred to as first language.
• People discover later on that other languages are needed for various reasons. These other
languages may be referred to as second languages.
• People learn these languages by studying formally in school or informally on their own. This
is the process of language learning.
• What happens if people visit another speech community that is different from their own?
Examples :
• American and British speak English. However, they spell English words differently.
• They pronounce words differently. They have different ways of expressing the same concept.
• It can be said the Americans and the British belong to two speech communities which do not
have exactly the same set of rules for their languages.
• This is why there are differences in their languages. The opening activity illustrates this
• What happens if you, for example, who speak a mother tongue and English, go to work in
China where the residents speak Putonghua (Mandarin) and a little bit of English? Will you be
able to communicate with the Chinese?
• The answer is yes. Though it will be a challenge for you and your Chinese friends to try to
understand each other, eventually you will be able to communicate as you slowly learn each
other’s languages.
• What happening here is called language contact. The result of such contact may be a new
form of language.
• It is possible that in your attempt to communicate with each other, you and your Chinese
friend will produce new language form that is understandable to both of you.
• Your own languages may also change as you constantly interact and communicate with each
other. Thus, language change is the result of language contact.
• Language is indeed a complex human capacity. It is, therefore, important to be aware of its
features and behaviour to be able to use language more effectively and productively in
communicating with others.
• Communication is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views
between or among two or more people, various contexts come into play.
• Context is the circumstances or environment in which communication takes place.
• Such circumstances may include the physical or actual setting, the value position of a
speaker/listener, and the relevance or appropriateness of a message conveyed.
• It focuses on certain communication processes and even groupings of people that constitute a
communication situation.
• Different contexts can impact one’s communication. Each communication style is governed by a
particular circumstance.
O Effective communication calls for the blending of verbal and non-verbal types of communication.
One cannot separate one from the other.
• Visual communication is the type of communication that uses visuals to convey information and/ or
• Visual communication now occupies an important place in any work environment.
O The advantage of visual communication is it makes use of technology that provides
applications, videos, and images that rely less on the printed word making presentations more
interesting. This will leave a powerful effect on the audience and prospective clients.
• Communication may also be classified according to context:
o Intrapersonal communication
o Interpersonal communication
o Extended communication
o Organizational communication
o Intercultural communication
Intrapersonal Communication
• The Latin prefix intra means within or inside. It means talking to oneself, inner talk, inner monologue,
or inner dialogue.
• You talk to yourself because you think there is a need to: boost your confidence when you are
nervous to speak in front of an audience, apprise yourself that you performed a good job, or console
yourself that you did a task poorly. Moreover, engaging in inner speech such as fantasizing or
daydreaming is not bad as long as you are able to distinguish it from reality.
• Self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable you to practice what you ought to say in times when
you lack the motivation and confidence to speak.
• One magic statement that you can try is: “I can do it!”. Saying this over and over again will give you
positive reinforcement that you can do things courageously and that it is not impossible to do so.
Interpersonal Communication
• The Latin prefix inter- means between, among, and together. An interactive exchange takes place
as interpersonal communication takes place.
• However, as it occurs, a transaction does not necessarily take place since it can only be a simple
interaction such as greetings, getting to know a person, or ordinary conversations that happen
between or among the interaction. This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as group
• Communication can be interpersonal or transactional.
• Interpersonal communication meant to establish or deepen one’s relationship with others, less
seriousness and formality, meant for maintaining social relationships.
O Examples: calling your mom to ask about the menu for the dinner; chatting with your
schoolmate about her birthday celebration, relating your first office interview with your dad.
• Transactional communication meant to achieve something at the end of the conversation, it is
more formal and profound, and it aims to accomplish or resolve something at the end of the
O Examples: talking to the cashier when buying food; discussing with the teacher your
progress in the course; making an appointment for a possible job interview; consultation with a
boss regarding a possible project.
Extended Communication
• Extended communication involves the use of electronic media. It includes tele, audio, or phone
• Video conferencing; Skype calls; and other technological means.
O Example: linked by a communication system, people who are far apart, or are far from the
venue, can participate in the meeting or a conference. In n e-conference like this, participants
may not be physically present but are still able to track down the lectures and participate
actively because of the mass articulation and dissemination of information, allowing speakers
to reach a wider group of listeners.
• Since extended communication is public in nature, speakers are expected to be prepared when they
speak, making their language more formal.
• With the use of electronic media, messages are transmitted quickly.
O Example: with the use of internet, recorded videos may be transmitted in seconds/minutes
and may be viewed by a greater number of people.
• With extended communication, your own thinking, behaviour, and attitude may be influenced by
other people and you may be persuaded to take the views you hear.
• It is important then that you weigh what you hear and assess them against those beliefs that you
hold onto so you do not get easily swayed by other people’s convictions.
Organizational Communication
• With this type, the focus of communication plays in organizational contexts.
• Organizations comprise individuals who work for the company.
1. Example: when you graduate, you become a professional, either working for a
company or putting up your own. Whichever, you should know that each organization has
expectations that you as a communication professional should meet or that you as the owner
may establish.
• For an organization to be successful, a system of communication should be put in place. A set of
rules or standards for communication protocol should be made clear so that interaction patterns are
• On the part of the individual, you should be equipped with the needed oral and written
communication skills that the organization expects you to posses.
• There are two types of organizational structures: formal and informal.
• Formal structure allows communication to take place via designated channels of message flow
between positions in the organization.
• This make use of the four approaches:
The communication process involves elements such as source, message, encoding, channel,
decoding, receiver, feedback, context, and barrier.
o Source
o Message
o Encoding
o Channel
o Decoding
o Receiver
o Feedback
o Context
o Barriers
Effective communicators observe ethics. This means that they deal with values, righteousness,
and behaviour appropriate for human communication particularly in a multicultural situation.
Below are some of the ethical considerations.
o Uphold integrity.
o Respect divert of perspective and privacy.
o Observe freedom of expression effectively.
o Promote access to communication.
o Be open-minded
o Develop your sense of accountability.
Effective communication plays a crucial role in your personal and professional success. Below
are some guidelines for effective communication.
1. Face-to-face
It is the most common of all the modes.
It is an informal or casual conversation between two or more people.
People engage in social conversation to establish relationships or maintain them.
It is one way of gaining new acquaintances or friends.
How to speak, what to speak, when to speak, and to whom one is speaking are all important
considerations in building relationships.
One advantage face-to-face interaction is that aside from directly hearing the message being
conveyed, you are able to note visual cues through facial expressions, gestures, movements,
or even objects or relia from the person/s you are communicating with.
2. Video
Web cameras are used so that two or more people who cannot interact face-to-face can
If there are no technical glitches encountered, this could be very effective mode of
communication especially for people separated by distance.
o Example: You may engage in a conversation via Skype with your love ones especially
during significant, meaningful or memorable occasions. You are able to hear clearly the
voice and see up close the face of your beloved.
o Other electronic applications that allow video calls are Viber, WhatsApp, Apple
FaceTime, and Facebook Messenger, among others.
3. Audio
Audio means transmitted sound. Only the voice of the speaker is heard.
Ordinarily, someone’s voice is heard through the telephone or an answering machine when the
other party is not able to answer a call. In Skype, when a person cannot be contacted or is not
online, a voice message or voice mail can be sent.
An obvious downside of this mode is not being able to see the body language or cues of the
person you are talking to.
The audio communication mode is quite difficult especially if you are listening to people with
different accents.
4. Text-based Communication
Examples of text-based communication are e-mail, facsimile, text messaging, and instant
Social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram likewise offer text-based
While text-based communication does not originally provide video and audion benefits, it has
a wider reach and can disseminate information to a bigger audience quickly.
The last three modes are all virtual in nature. Those engaged in communication are able to
hear and/or see each other in real time simulating the actual physical setting.
1. There are various modes through which we communicate with each other.
2. In the past, these modes took a form of handwritten messages, type written messages, short
telegrams, computer-encoded texts, as well as landline telephone conversations, and
audio/video recorded messages.
3. Because each mode of communication is distinct from the other, the ways in which we craft
our messages differ.
4. Today, with the rapid rise and spread of Internet connectivity, the old forms of communication
have given way to new forms that make communication easier and faster.
5. Read the following news report about the use of social media in the Philippines.
Pinoy’s top social media users, according to study
By: Miguel R. Camus -
6. Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than anyone else in the world, going online
roughly four hours and 17 minutes a day, according to a report released on Tuesday.
7. Filipinos spend most of their online time on sites such as Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, said
the report, called Digital in 2007, and prepared by social media platform Hootsuite and United
Kingdom-based consultancy We Are Social Ltd.
10. “It’s probably due to the same cultural dynamics that made us the text messaging capital of the
world,” said Ramon Isberto, spokesperson for telecoms giant PLDT and Smart, referring to
mobile phone text messaging in the past decade that is now giving way to internet-based
11. “Filipinos like to keep in touch,” Isberto said.
Slowest in Asia-Pacific
12. The Philippines’ social media usage was in stark contrast to its internet speed. Fixed-broadband
speed here is among the slowest in Asia-Pacific, while mobile connections are among the
fastest, according to the most recent Akamai report.
13. There appeared to be a relationship between poor fixed-broadband speed and time spent on
social media.
14. The Philippines, Brazil and Argentina have an average fixed-line broadband speed of 4.2
megabits per second (mbps), 5.5 mbps and 5 mbps, respectively.
15. The fastest was South Korea, with 26.3 mbps, and its citizens just spend about 1 hour and 11
minutes a day on social media.
Digital connectivity
21. The total internet penetration rate stood at 50 percent, or 3.77 billion people, the report showed.
22. “Half of the world’s population is now online, which is a testament to the speed with which digital
connectivity is helping to improve people’s lives,” said Simon Kemp, a consultant at We Are
23. “The increase in internet users in developing economies is particularly encouraging,” Kemp
24. The report compiles data from the world’s largest studies of online behavior, conducted by
organizations including GlobalWebIndex, GSMA Intelligence, Statista, and Akamai in “a
comprehensive state” of social media reference.
25. The 2016 report has been downloaded 70,000 times and read 2.5 million times on SlideShare so
26. As more people cross borders because of globalization, more language contact happens,
making communication more challenging.
27. Connecting with people on the other side of the world is now much easier than it was a few
years ago.
28. Satellites, fiber-optic cables and the internet make it effortless to share information with those
in different time zones and locations.
29. Global communication is directly affected by the process of globalization, and helps to increase
business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both
globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political and
economic elements of the world.
30. Many companies today hire employees that are located in other countries.
31. Using communication vehicles such as video calling make it simple to converse with
colleagues across the globe, almost making it feel as if they are in the same room.
32. Technology also makes it easier to connect with suppliers and customers all over the world,
and to streamline those relationships through improves ordering, shipment tracking and so on.
33. With this kind of communication technology, many businesses are able to take advantage of
opportunities in different countries or cities, improving the economic outlook on a global level.
34. Thanks to global communications, information itself can be transferred as a valuable business
asset from one country to another.
35. This has the effect of making everyone's operations more modern and efficient, regardless
where they are located.
42. You’ve likely heard of the phrase "global village," coined by theorist Marshall McLuhan.
43. Affected both by globalization and global communication, the global village is created when
distance and isolation no longer matter because people are connected by technology.
44. Wide-spread telephone and internet access have been life-changing for many people across
the world, especially those in developing countries.
45. Many are now enrolling in universities across the world without having to leave their desk
46. Virtual assistant jobs are becoming commonplace, where employees from developing
countries work with companies in North America or Europe, providing administrative support
and other business services that can easily be conducted over the phone or via the internet.
47. Globalization and global communication have made it easier to see people on the other side of
the world as a neighbor, instead of a stranger from a faraway land.
48. There is so much knowledge about other countries and cultures available
49. Online, that it’s no longer a complete mystery.