Narrative Report On Division Orientation Workshop On Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Digital Implementation (TPD)

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Narrative Report on Division Orientation Workshop on Early Language

Literacy and Numeracy ( ELLN ) Digital Implementation ( TPD )

Day 2 – September 14, 2019

On the second day of the workshop on Early

Language Literacy and Numeracy ( ELLN ) Digital
Implementation ( TPD )the program started with the
singing of the National Anthem led by Jenny Mae L.
Felipe Teacher III, followed by an opening prayer by
Lolita V. Lorenzo, Principal I. The participants and
different School Heads welcomed by the Analiza P.
Ignacio, Head Teacher III on behalf of Sir Randy Mina,
Principal II who attended the Special Program on
Journalism seminar in Marikina City. An intermission
number was presented by the DHS Pagsibol Dance
Troupe to entertain the participants. Elizabeth R.
Berdadero, Education Program Supervisor in Filipino
presented the participants of every school in a cluster
basis, the East and the North cluster. There were 37
participants during the second day of the workshop.
LGU Executive Assistant Sedfrey Acosta Dela Cruz,
chairman of the City Literacy Coordinating Council
represented the City Mayor Hon. Joseph S. Tan who
wasn’t able to attend the workshop.

He emphasized on the granting of requests of

different schools, such as general services fund,
contingency fund and others. He mentioned also that
every school has a higher spending rate each year
compare to the previous year. According to him, each
request must be properly signed, recommended by the
SDO, signed by the SDS and must be approved by the
city mayor.

Sir Sedfrey A. Dela Cruz shared his insights in

the National Literacy week. He also acknowledged the
simultaneous recitation of the City Literacy Pledge
every Monday during the flag ceremony. Among the
schools who sent their documentation were Dubinan
ES, Sinili ES, Balintocatoc ES, Salvador Integrated
School and North Central School. He encouraged all
the schools to participate in the upcoming National
Literacy Week. Literacy board must be prepared in
each school. Through slogan contest, student’s life
cycle will be appreciated. He also encouraged DEPED
teachers and the Head Teachers to support all the
programs of the city government to continuously
developing a healthy relationship with the LGU.

Dr. Perfecta M. Bautista, the dynamic,

gorgeous and energetic Education Program
Supervisor in English and ELLN Focal Person
appreciate those who attended the workshop. She
strictly checked the attendance and encouraged the
ICT coordinators to join. She gave emphasis on the
meaningful, productive and fruitful implementation of
the program to enrich knowledge in ELLN. She said
that good reading and comprehension is the
foundation of learning. According to her, the reason
why there is a poor performance in NAT is because
the students can hardly read, comprehend and there
are problems in the way of educating young learners.
Moreover, the ability to read and write does not
develop naturally and thus requires careful planning
and instruction. This is why the DEPED is
strengthening the “Every Child a Reader Program”, as
known as the ECARP, and the Kinder to Grade 3

She also mentioned RA 10157, known as the

“Kindergarten Education Act”, empowered
individual who has learned through a program that is
rooted on educational principles and geared toward
excellence to engage in work and productivity.
Principles of MTB-MLE was also tackled.
Children’s home language or mother tongue is used
as the language of literacy learning. The mother
tongue is also used in instruction and the learning
materials for other subject areas. Children also
learned a second language faster when they were
first taught in a language they understand. This
supports and further strengthens the learner-centered
and inclusive quality of K to 12 curriculum. One of
the goals of key stage 1 is achieving basic literacy
among all pupils.

Madam Janette V. Bautista, EdD. Chief

Education Supervisor, CID also recognized the
presence of teachers and school heads of different
schools. She gave emphasis on the importance of
Education 4.0 or the Digital Stage. She said that
nowadays, teachers must incline to the technology in
teaching. She also made mentioned that students
have different characteristics and as a teacher, we
must have strategies to meet and address to their
needs. Teachers must know the students learning
style- visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile. She
also said that students must be a reader in mother
tongue language. Workplace and workchat was also
tackled. It will create a collaboration, connection and
communication from one teacher to another teacher
concerned, like the DepEd office. Madam Petty
Bautista gave the overview on Early Language,
Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Digital
Implementation. She said that there are 9 recipient
schools of ELLN Digital. ELLN Digital is a blended
course on early language, literacy and numeracy
instruction for K-3 teachers. It is a teacher
professional development initiative in support of the
DepEd’s Early Language Literacy and Numeracy
program under the Every Child is A Reader Program
(ECARP). After completing the course, the K-3
teachers are expected to be able to explain the
principles of early language, literacy and numeracy
development and instruction, discuss the
components of balanced literacy instruction and
numeracy instruction, plan and implement balanced
literacy instruction and numeracy instruction for K-3
learners, and, achieving these course objectives
should enable the teachers to develop reading and
writing skills, critical thinking and problem-solving
skills in K-3 learners. She also mentioned the
mobilization of Learning Action Cell or LAC.
DepEd Order (DO) No. 35, s 2016 defines a LAC as
a group of teachers who engage in collaborative
learning sessions to solve shared challenges
encountered in the school, facilitated by the school
head or a designated LAC Focal Person. Dr. Petty
M. Baurista also shared the objectives for
conducting LAC sessions, such as to improve the
teaching learning process so as to boost learning
among students, to nurture successful teachers, to
enable teachers to support each other to continously
improve their content and pedagogical knowledge,
practice, skills and attitudes, and to foster a
professional collaborative spirit among School
Heads, teachers, and the community as a whole.

The two-day workshop on ELLN Digital

Implementation was filled with information,
experience and learnings. It is very timely as
teachers face the importance of digital
implementation in the classroom setting.

Prepared by:


Teacher Assistant

Noted by:
Principal II

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