Welding Instructions

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March 2001

Special Instruction

Recommendations for Welding

2-Strap Bucket Adapters to
Base Edges
SMCS Code: 6800; 6801; 6803

Track-Type Loader
Wheel Loader

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................. 1
Welding Material ..................................................... 2
Preparation for Welding .......................................... 2 Illustration 1
Welding New Adapters to the Base Edge ............... 4 Typical locations of cracks
(A) Beginning of cracks in the tail weld
(B) Alternate path for cracks in the tail weld
Introduction (C) Cracks from improper welding procedures on new adapters
(D) Location of most cracks in the top strap and bottom strap
The flexing of plain base edges from loading cycles (E) Base edges typically crack at the toe of the welds.
seldom has any effect on the life of that base edge.
This includes base edges with machined bolt holes. High loads on the bucket tips create high stresses
However, when adapters are welded onto the base at the front end of the welded joint of the adapter.
edge, the weldments become stress concentrators Also, high loads on the bucket tips create high
as the base edge bends. High stress concentrations stresses at the tail weld at the rear of the adapter.
at these welds can cause cracks to develop early Most cracks develop at the following areas of high
in the life of the base edge. The following factors stress: (A), (D), and (E). Refer to Illustration 1.
determine whether cracks develop: the frequency Cracking of new adapter straps (C) occurs from
of the loading cycles, the magnitude of the loading improper welding procedures. Improper welding
cycles, and the quality of the welds. procedures can cause excessive weld shrinkage
that can cause the adapter strap to break apart.
Cracks in the base edge that are caused by flexing
usually begin in the toe of the weld. The toe of the Weld quality is determined by the following factors:
weld is the edge of the weld which is the transition clean weld surfaces, good weld penetration into the
between the weld and the base edge. Cracks in the adapter and the base edge, good fusion between
base edge usually occur at the start of the weld weld passes, the application of smaller multiple
to the adapter. Cracks can also occur near the weld passes, and the absence of abrupt weld
transition between the bevel of the base edge and endings.
the flat surface (E).

The metallurgical composition of the base edge If greater ductility and superior resistance to
and of the adapters requires preheating and the cracking are desired use the following wire or an
use of low hydrogen welding electrodes or welding equivalent: AWS E81T-Ni1 low nickel wire and AWS
wire. Trapped hydrogen induces early cracking. E8018-C3 low hydrogen stick electrode. The wire
Preheating and slow cooling after welding will should have a diffusible hydrogen specification of
prevent the formation of hydrogen in the weld no more than 5 mL/100g of weld deposit.
puddle. Also, preheating and slow cooling will
prevent the formation of hydrogen in the adjacent Note: Greater ductility and superior resistance to
parent metal. Proper preheating and slow cooling cracking are especially advantageous in colder
prevents excessive hardness in the heat affected climates.
zone that is adjacent to the weld. Proper preheating
and slow cooling also reduce stresses that can
occur from weld shrinkage.
Preparation for Welding
Therefore, weld quality is especially critical at the
start of the weld at the front of the base edge
and along the toe of the weld. Use the following Protect yourself and others; read and understand
recommended procedure on all bucket adapter this warning. Fumes and gases can be dangerous
weldments in order to achieve maximum durability. to your health. Ultraviolet rays from the weld arc
can injure eyes and burn skin. Electric shock can
Welding Material kill.

Use a flux cored wire such as AWS E71T-1 with Read and understand the manufacturer’s instruc-
hydrogen control and with the gas shielding. AWS tion and your employer’s safety practices. Keep
E71T-1 welding wire is suitable for all positions. your head out of the fumes. Use ventilation, ex-
Use wire with a diameter of 1.1 mm (0.043 inch) haust at the arc, or both, to keep fumes and gas-
or 1.3 mm (0.051 inch). es from your breathing zone and the general area.
Wear correct eye, ear and body protection. Do not
Note: If the welds are in a position that is flat and touch live electric parts.
horizontal, you can use AWS E70T-5 welding wire.
Refer to the American National Standard Z49.1,
The wires should have a diffusible hydrogen "Safety in Welding and Cutting" published by the
specification of no more than 5 mL/100g of weld American Welding Society, 2501 N.W. 7th Street,
deposit. Suppliers have different recommendations Miami, Florida 33125: OHSA Safety and Health
for the shielding gas. Generally, the use of pure Standards, 29 CFR 1910, available from U.S. Dept.
carbon dioxide is acceptable for most choices of Labor, Washington D.C. 20210.
of welding wire. However, while pure carbon
dioxide improves weld penetration, a mixture of Read the instructions from the supplier and
75 percent argon and 25 percent carbon dioxide understand the instructions from the supplier.
is recommended for out-of-position welding. The Provide fresh air circulation to the welding helmet
mixture of argon and carbon dioxide also provides in order to avoid any illnesses that can be caused
the following benefits: enhanced arc characteristics, by long term exposure to the welding fumes. The
less welding spatter, and improved bead wetting. fresh air circulation will also remove any exhaled
carbon dioxide that may be trapped in the welding
You may use the following low hydrogen stick helmet. Use proper eye protection, ear protection
electrode for all positions: AWS E7018 . The coating and body protection while you are preparing the
of flux on the stick electrodes absorbs moisture. surfaces and while you are welding on the surfaces.
The coating of flux must be kept dry. Recondition Use a welding helmet with a filter plate that is at
exposed electrodes by heating for two hours at a least Shade-11.
temperature of 260 C (500 F).
Before you cut the bucket or before you preheat the
Note: When you use stick electrodes on a large bucket, the temperature of the bucket should be at
weldment, there will be many starts and stops. least 24 to 38 C (75 to 100 F). Do not weld on
Starts and stops usually have a higher concentration surfaces of the bucket that are exposed to fans. Do
of hydrogen that can induce cracks. not weld on surfaces of the bucket that are exposed
to natural cool winds. Do not lay the bucket directly
Suppliers of welding wire and of electrodes make on the ground. Do not lay the base edge directly
recommendations about power settings. When on the ground.
possible, use the DC reverse polarity setting in
order to obtain the deepest penetration. This setting
is called “electrode +”.

An oxyacetylene torch or an air carbon arc torch On corner adapters, cut the strap welds to the base
may be used to cut the adapter. These torches may edge. Next, separate the top strap from the side
also be used to remove the welds of the adapter. bar. Illustration 2 shows a typical weld configuration
However, the air carbon arc torch creates less heat for loaders. You can also find the same weld
input. This reduces the tendency for any cracks that configuration on some of the large mining shovels.
are in the base edge to propagate. The gouged After you remove the adapter and while the side bar
area is also much cleaner after using an air carbon is still hot, cut a 45 degree double bevel (F) into the
arc torch. bottom of the side bar. Reduce the bevel angle to
40 degrees on side bars that are thicker than 50 mm
(2.0 inch). When side bars are welded directly to
the flat surface of the corner adapters, cut another
bevel (G) of 30 to 35 degrees at the front edge of
the side bar. This configuration is mostly in loaders.

Illustration 3
Preparation of excavator side bar

Illustration 3 shows a typical excavator corner

adapter weld joint that must be removed in order
to free the top strap from the side bar. Grind the
bottom of the side bar so that the edge is square.

Gouge out any cracks and repair any cracks that

are detected in the base edge before you replace
an adapter. Grind the repair welds smooth with
the base edge. Removing the adapter welds may
cause gouges in the base edge. Repair the gouge if
the gouge will not be covered with weld during the
replacement of the new adapter. Grind the repair
welds smooth in order to prevent those welds from
becoming stress concentrators. Repair welding of
a base edge involves the same preheating and
welding requirements that are discussed in this
Special Instruction.
Illustration 2
Preparation of the side bar for loaders and for large mining shovels
(F) 45 Degree bevel on the 50 mm (2.0 inch) and smaller side bar
(F) 40 Degree bevel on the 50 mm (2.0 inch) and larger side bar
(G) 30 to 35 Degree angle on loaders

Remove the following contaminants from the
surfaces: all paint, all rust, all oil, all grease, all dirt,
and all moisture. As the final step in the preparation,
grind the base edge and grind the surfaces cut
on the side bar. This will remove the following
conditions: any surface irregularities, any carbon
buildup, and the thin layer of hardened material
that may have developed from the removal of the
original welds.

Welding New Adapters to the Base

Completely weld each adapter strap before you
proceed to the strap on the opposite side of
the base edge or when you are welding several
adapters to a base edge. Welds should also be
applied in alternating passes to each side of each
adapter strap. The uneven application of welds on
individual adapter straps can create internal stress.
The internal stress can crack the straps lengthwise.
Refer to Item (C) in Illustration 1. This is especially
true for large shouldered adapters. These adapters
require larger welds that can create even greater
internal stress.

Illustration 4
Placement of the adapter
(H) Bevel of the base edge (J) Soft wire spacers

1. Place the adapter on the base edge. Make hard 2. Preheat the adapter and the base edge to
contact with the bevel (H) of the base edge. If 204 to 240 C (400 to 500 F). Preheat an area
there is sufficient clearance between the adapter of the base edge on both sides of the adapter
straps and the base edge, place two 2 to 3 mm that is at least twice the thickness of the base
(0.08 to 0.12 inch) soft wire spacers (J) under edge. After reaching that temperature, remove
the strap that will be welded first. the heat source for one minute and verify that the
temperature has not dropped more than 28C
Note: It is possible to reduce a bow in the lip of (50F). If necessary, continue preheating.
a base edge. Weld several adapters on a base
edge by first welding the adapter straps on the side
opposite of the bow.

Note: Do not tack weld adapters to the base edge
without preheating the base edge and the adapters.
The large, cold mass of the edge or adapter can
quickly draw the heat away from the weld. This
can result in a cold lap or in a crack. If the tack
welds are not completely melted and fused with the
covering weld, the small hidden crack will grow into
a major crack.

Illustration 6
Alternating sequence of weld passes
(1) Weld pass
(2) Weld pass
(3) Weld pass
(4) Weld pass
(5) Weld pass
(6) Weld pass
Illustration 5 7. Fill both grooves with alternating weld passes.
Adapter in position for welding Divide the height in millimeters of the adapter
(L) Steel runoff plate grooves by three in order to determine the
number of weld passes. Never use less than
3. Place a steel runoff plate (L) on the base edge three passes in order to fill the bevel or the
next to the front of the adapter. Start the welding J-grooves.
arc on the runoff plate in order to establish the
arc and the gas shielding. Move the welding arc Note: The height of the grooves is measured in
to the adapter bevel or to the J-groove. Proceed millimeters.
8. Apply alternating fillet welds. Normally, the
4. Apply one or two weld passes to the bevel or to completed fillet weld should be 2 mm (0.08 inch)
the J-groove. taller than the bevel or J-groove. On the V-Series
adapters, the fillet weld should be 4 mm
5. Repeat the procedure on the other side of the (0.18 inch) taller than the bevel groove. Interpass
strap with an equal number of weld passes. temperatures should not be allowed to drop
below 177 C (350 F). Interpass temperatures
6. When you remove the slag after each pass, do should not be allowed to exceed 288 C (550 F).
not blow cooling compressed air across the
welded area.

Illustration 7
Legs of fillet weld
(M) Width
(N) Height

a. To reduce the effects of stress concentration

at the weld toe, make the width (M) of the
fillet weld at least 1.25 times the height
(N). Make sure that the wider welds will not
interfere with the installation of the following
components: bolt-on segments, half-arrow
segments, wear plates, adapter covers, lugs,
and edge protectors.

Illustration 8
Avoid starts and stops.
(P) Bevel of the base edge (R) Back of the adapter

b. Do not start the welds or stop the welds at
the back of bevel of the base edge (P). Do
not start the welds or stop the welds at the
back of the adapter (R).

c. Make the fillet weld with a minimum of three

passes. Never make the fillet welds with one
large pass. Refer to Illustration 15.

Illustration 10
g00651957 Weld starts at the front of adapters
Illustration 9
(V) Critical weld start
Run the fillet welds beyond the back of the adapter for the distance (U) No weld zone
(S) Length 9. The welds of the adapter are a combination of
(T) Weld dam
groove welds and fillet welds. The start of these
welds at the front of the adapters is critical. Both
d. Run the fillet welds beyond the back of the
top welds and bottom welds must have good
adapter. For the smaller sized adapters,
fusion into the adapter and the base edge at
extend the welds at least 20 mm (0.8 inch).
this location. Use a runoff plate to start a hot
For the larger sized adapter, extend the welds
arc. Refer to Illustration 5. Form a gradual taper
at least 50 mm (1.9 inch). Taper the height of
at the weld start. See item (V) in Illustration 10.
the ends of the welds to 3 mm (0.12 inch).
The grooves on some adapters may extend
There must be good fusion at the rear of the
beyond the end of the base edge. Welds on
adapter. First apply a tapered weld to the rear
those adapters and on all other adapters should
of the adapter. This will act as a weld dam
end before reaching the front edge of the base
(T). The fillet weld will fuse to the weld dam
edge (U). Welds on J200 adapters through J550
as the tail weld is completed.
adapters should end no closer than 10 mm
(0.4 inch) to the front of the base edge. Welds
on J600 adapters through J800 adapters should
end no closer than 15 mm (0.59 inch) to the front
of the base edge. Welds on all V-series adapters
should end no closer than 20.0 mm (0.79 inch)
to the front of the base edge.

10. Fill any dimples, gouges, or undercutting left

by start/stops.

12. There may be a large gap between the adapter
and the side bar. Apply a stringer weld to one
side of the joint. The stringer weld may be thin
and uneven. However, the stringer weld will
provide a surface so that a root pass weld can
fuse to the stringer weld. Go to the opposite side
of the joint and gouge out the underside of the
stringer weld with an air carbon arc torch. A
solid weldment can then be applied across the
full thickness of the side bar. This will lessen the
chance of pockets or of voids that are trapped
in the center of the weld. Blend the welds at
the front edge into the adapter strap. On large
mining shovels with crested corner adapters,
use runoff plates to extend the welds beyond
the front edge. Cut off the excess weld and the
runoff plates. Grind the area smooth and round
the edges.

13. Cover the weldments with thermal insulating

material. This will slow the cooling rate. Slow
cooling will reduce stresses and hydrogen

14. Remove the starter plates. Grind any starter

welds that may have left tracks on the base edge
until the welds are smooth with the surface.
Illustration 11
Fillet weld (buffer weld) for the inside of side bar
(Y) Fillet weld

11. When you are replacing a corner adapter,

preheat both the bottom edge of the side bar
and the adapter to 204 to 240 C (400 to 500 F)
before welding. Only bevel welds are usually
necessary. However, the addition of a fillet weld
or buffer weld is recommended in extremely
abrasive conditions. Refer to Illustration 11. Fillet
weld (Y) will protect the bevel weld that is on the
inside of the bucket. The fillet weld or buffer weld
will help reduce wear.

Note: Side bars that meet the following qualifications

do not require preheating: buckets for 375
Excavators and buckets for smaller excavators and
buckets with side bars that are 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)
thick and buckets with side bars that are thinner
than 25.4 mm (1.00 inch). g00652016
Illustration 12
Cracking at the weld toe
(Z) Beginning of a crack

15. The toe of the welds act as stress concentrators.

Despite weldments that seem good, cracks may
develop at the toe of the weld. These cracks
may develop from any of the following conditions
at location (Z): undercut welds, cold lap welds,
trapped slag, and trapped hydrogen.

Illustration 13
Blending the weld toe

a. Removal of these imperfections will improve

resistance to cracking at the toe of the welds.
Blend the toe of the welds with a small cone
grinder. Be careful not to induce brown
discoloration, blue discoloration or black
discoloration to the parent metal. Do not leave
deep marks from grinding. These marks can
act as stress concentrators.

Illustration 14
Blending the weld toe
(AA) Adapter Weld (DD) Remove a portion of the toe of the (EE) Grind the toe of the weld with a
(BB) Base edge weld. 1 mm (0.04 inch) Maximum 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) deburring tool.
(CC) Toe of weld 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) Minimum

b. Best results are obtained by removing a

portion of the toe of the weld. Use a rotary
deburring tool that meets the following

• The rotary deburring tool should be made

of tungsten carbide.

• The rotary deburring tool should be

powered by a pneumatic die grinder with a
rating of 25000 rpm.

• The rotary deburring tool must rotate above

16000 rpm in order to prevent chatter.

c. Grind the rough edges of the welds until the

edges are smooth.

Illustration 15
Alternate weld passes

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