Module 2 For Varieties of English
Module 2 For Varieties of English
Module 2 For Varieties of English
A cultural barrier does not only pertain to differing languages. It may also be in form of cultural practice
or even a bodily gesture. For instance, in English speaking countries and even in the Philippines, the
thumbs-up gesture signals approval. However, it is considered offensive in other countries such as
Greece, Italy, and in some parts of middle east. Likewise, making a circle with one’s thumb and
forefinger generally means okay in many western cultures but this is not so in countries like japan where
it is interpreted as a sign for money and in some Arab cultures as a threat. Thus, one should be careful in
using bodily gestures.
2. How does non verbal communication in general or bodily gestures in particular pose
communication between 2 persons coming from different cultures? Cite some examples that you
know. Type your answers inside the box.
3. Give one situation when you should use formal language and another situation when you should
use informal language. What expressions will you use? How do they differ from each other?
Activity 2: Pronunciation
Below are two examples of varieties of English that focus on pronunciation. Classify them accordingly
and write them under the correct column.
1. elementary vs elementary
2. istreet vs street
3. brids vs bridge
4. ass vs asks
5. thought vs tot
6. closez vs closes
7. dat vs that
8. tin vs thin
9. measure vs measure
10. chip vs cheap
English is now a global lingua franca. In fact, with the ASEAN integration, English has been
declared the official or working language of ASEAN. So with just one language to be spoken or
used by many countries including 10 member countries of the ASEAN.
It is thus important to emphasize that the ownership of English can’t be attributed to just one
country or to those who use it as a native or home language. The varieties of English spoken by
different speech communities have evolved for a reason. They use it for communal purposes.
These varieties have been heavily influenced by the local culture and its speakers.
Misunderstanding in intercultural communication may not always be caused by verbal
utterances. Misunderstandings may also occur due to wrong interpretation of the non-verbal
code. For instance, the handshake which is commonly done by people interpreted correctly as the
type of handshake varies from culture to culture.
Country or region Type of handshake
United states Firm handshake
France Soft handshake
Germany Firm handshake, for men, traditionally accompanied by a
slight bow
Japan Handshake with arm firmly extended, accompanied by a bow
Middle East Handshake and free hand placed on the forearm of the other
Sources of misunderstanding
1. Ambiguity- lack of explicitness on the part of the speaker in the form of problematic
reference and ambiguous semantics in which an utterance is open to different
2. Performance-related misunderstanding- slips of the tongue and mishearing which may
be due to utterances spoken quickly and unclearly
3. Language-related misunderstanding- ungrammaticality of sentences
4. Gaps in world knowledge- gaps in content rather than language
5. Local context- turns and the turns within sequences produced by the participants
themselves and the orientation of the participants as well as the repair moves that follow
the displayed understanding
Social science or Interpretative Critical
Discipline on which Psychology Anthropology Various
approach is
Research goal Describe and predict Describe behavior Change behavior
Assumption of External and Subjective Subjective and
reality describable material
Assumptions of Predictable Creative and Changeable
human behavior voluntary
Method of study Survey, observation Participant Textual analysis of
observation, field media
Relationship of Communication Culture created and Culture as a site of
culture and influenced by maintained through power struggle
communication culture communication
Contribution of the Identifies cultural Emphasizes that Recognizes the
approach variations; communication and economic and
recognizes cultural culture and cultural political forces in
differences in many differences should culture and
aspects of be studied in context communication;
communication but asserts that all
often does not intercultural
consider context interactions are
characterized by