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Chapter 2 Tagara

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Chapter 2


This chapter describes the methodology used to achieve the purpose of the

study. It describes the research design, research locale, respondents of the study,

sampling procedures, the research instrument, the statistical tools and structural

equation modeling (SEM) employed in this investigation.

Research Design

The researchers will use quantitative research design utilizing descriptive-

correlational method which specifically utilize Path Analysis. Quantitative

research is a method which emphasize objective measurements and utilize

statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,

questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data

using computational techniques. It also focuses on gathering numerical data and

generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon

(Babbie, 2010).

Meanwhile, path analysis is a form of multiple regression statistical

analysis that is used to evaluate causal models by examining the relationships

between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Typically

path analysis involves the construction of a path diagram in which the

relationships between all variables and the causal direction between them are

specifically laid out. When conducting a path analysis, one might first construct

an input path diagram, which illustrates the hypothesized relationships. In a

path diagram, researchers use arrows to show how different variables relate to

each other. An arrow pointing from, say, Variable A to Variable B, shows that

Variable A is hypothesized to influence Variable B. (Crossman, 2019).

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study will be the Grade 10 students from different

schools in the Division of Davao Oriental specifically in Banaybanay District.

Using the Slovin’s formula, the number of respondents will be determined.

Through the use of Raosoft sample size calculator at 5% degree of freedom and

95% level of confidence, as sample size of 247 is determined from a total

population of 646.

Table 1 shows the distribution of the participants of the study comprising

of 247 Grade 10 students from secondary public schools. These students are

enrolled for the school year.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents of the Study

Schools Population Sample Percentage
Lupon Vocational High School 52 20 8.09%

Manuel B. Guinez Sr. NHS 448 171 69.23%

Paniquian NHS 70 27 10.93%


Puntalinao NHS 76 29 11.74%

Total 646 247 100%

Research Instrument

There will be five (4) instruments that will be used to gather data for this

study. These include the following: classroom management survey

questionnaire, teaching methods survey questionnaire, parental involvement

survey questionnaire, motivation survey questionnaire and students’ academic

performance in science utilizing the grades in Science in 2 nd Quarter Examination

for the school year 2019 – 2020.

The Classroom management survey questionnaire will be an adopted

questionnaire. The rating will be based on the five (5) point scales with 1

representing “Never”, 2 (Seldom), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Oftentimes) and 5 (Always)

will be used as a basis of determining the responses of the students.

For the classroom management, the researcher will employ a parameter

limit and descriptive equivalents as follows:


Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation


4.30 – 5.00 Very High If the measure described in the

classroom management item is
always manifested

3.50 – 4.20 High If the measure described in the

classroom management item is
oftentimes manifested.

2.70 – 3.40 Moderate If the measure described in the

classroom management item is
sometimes manifested.

1.90 – 2.60 Low If the measure described in the

classroom management item is
seldom manifested

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low If the measure described in the

classroom management item is
never manifested

The teaching methods survey questionnaire will be an adopted

questionnaire. The rating will be based on the five (5) point scales with 1

representing “Never”, 2 (Seldom), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Oftentimes) and 5 (Always)

will be used as a basis of determining the responses of the students.

For teaching methods, the five orderable categories in parental

involvement are categorized below:


Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation


4.30 – 5.00 Very High If the measure described in the

teaching methods item is
always manifested

3.50 – 4.20 High If the measure described in the

teaching methods item is
oftentimes manifested.

2.70 – 3.40 Moderate If the measure described in the

teaching methods item is
sometimes manifested.

1.90 – 2.60 Low If the measure described in the

teaching methods item is
seldom manifested

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low If the measure described in the

teaching methods item is never

The Parental involvement survey questionnaire will be an adopted

questionnaire. The rating will be based on the five (5) point scales with 1

representing “Never”, 2 (Seldom), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Oftentimes) and 5 (Always)

will be used as a basis of determining the responses of the students.

For parental involvement, the five orderable categories in parental

involvement are categorized below:

Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation



4.30 – 5.00 Very High If the measure described in the

parental involvement item is
always manifested

3.50 – 4.20 High If the measure described in the

parental involvement item is
oftentimes manifested.

2.70 – 3.40 Moderate If the measure described in the

parental involvement item is
sometimes manifested.

1.90 – 2.60 Low If the measure described in the

parental involvement item is
seldom manifested

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low If the measure described in the

parental involvement item is
never manifested

The motivation survey questionnaire will be an adopted questionnaire.

The rating will be based on the five (5) point scales with 1 representing “Never”,

2 (Seldom), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Oftentimes) and 5 (Always) will be used as a basis

of determining the responses of the students.

For motivation, the five orderable categories in parental involvement are

categorized below:

Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation


4.30 – 5.00 Very High If the measure described in the

motivation item is always

3.50 – 4.20 High If the measure described in the

motivation item is oftentimes

2.70 – 3.40 Moderate If the measure described in the

motivation item is sometimes

1.90 – 2.60 Low If the measure described in the

motivation item is seldom

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low If the measure described in the

motivation item is never

To assess the level of students’ achievement in science, grades of the

Second Quarter in the subject Science will be utilized as data. To determine the

academic achievement in Science of the students, the guidelines in DepEd Order

No. 8 series of 2015 will be the basis in plotting the five orderable gradations.

For the academic achievement in Science, the guidelines in DepEd Order

No. 8 series of 2015 will be the basis in plotting the five orderable gradations. The

following scaling will be utilized:

Transmuted Descriptive Description

Grade Equivalent

90 -100 Outstanding If the measure described the

(84.00 - 100) science achievement
is very high.

85 - 89 Very Satisfactory If the measure described the

(76.00 – 83.99) science achievement is

80 – 84 Satisfactory If the measure described the

(68.00 – 75.99) science achievement is

75 – 79 Fairly Satisfactory If the measure described the

(60.00 – 67.99) science achievement
is low

74 and below Did not meet If the measure described the

(0 – 59.99) Expectations science achievement is
very low.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers observed the following steps:

Seeking Permissions to Conduct the Study from Authorities. The

researchers will send a letter of permission to conduct study to the Schools

Division Superintendent of the Division of Davao Mati City, Dr. Reynaldo


General Orientation and Seeking of Consent from Research Participants.

In the process of conducting the study, researcher will conduct a brief orientation

about her study or the purpose of the study on the respondents. Also, the

researcher will do the process of making the respondents aware on how they

were selected, how their responses would be given emphasis and importance,

and how the assurance of confidentiality would be strictly observed as to the

gathering and tabulation of data. Also, the act of giving and explaining technical

terms used within the study will be practiced. It was on this process that the

respondents will get acquainted and be informed as to what the study will be all

about and how their participation would be of help on the success of the study.

The introduction and giving short discussion with regards to the instruments

being used on the study would minimize the ambiguity, anxiety, and

complication that the respondents might encounter on the conduct of it (Lande,


Administration and Retrieval of Questionnaires. Upon the approval, the

researcher will personally distribute the research instruments to the respondents.

With the help of the respective class advisers, it will be properly distributed and

retrieved afterwards.

Checking, Collating and Processing of Data. At this point, the researcher

will tally and tabulate all the data that will be gathered from the respondents

utilizing various scales and subjected the data set for statistical analysis. The

analysis and interpretation of the statistical results including the conclusions and

the formulation will follow.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This research will employ different statistical tools for analyzing the data.

Mean. It is the sum of the sampled values divided by the number of items

in the sample (Bradfield, 1998). It will be used to determine the level of the

variables such as classroom management, teaching methods, parental

involvement, motivation and academic performance in science of the students. It

will be used to answer the research questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation. It is a measure of the

linear correlation between two variables X and Y (Moriya, 2008). It will be used

to find the relationship between the variables classroom management, teaching

methods, parental involvement, motivation and academic performance in science

of the students. This statistical tool will be used to answer the research question


Regression Analysis. It is a set of statistical processes for estimating the

relationships between a dependent variable (often called the 'outcome variable')

and one or more independent variables (often called 'predictors', 'covariates', or

'features') (Mogull, 2004). It will also be used to derive the value of a criterion

from several other independents, or predictor variables. Also, it would

determine which of the exogenous variables: classroom management, teaching

methods, parental involvement, motivation predict the endogenous variable

which and academic performance in science of the students. It will be used to

answer the research questions 7 and 8.


Structural Equation Modelling will be used to assess the best fit among

the models and to determine the validity of the hypothesized model. It will be

used to answer the research question 9.

Ethical Consideration

This is to guarantee systematic practices in research, the ethical codes need

to be emphasized and applied towards the respondents. Also the context

concerning the agreement of both the researchers and the respondents. This

quantitative paper revolves around the key principles of ethical research which

includes consent, confidentiality, anonymity, harm and reciprocity, and

reflecting to the issue of power, empowerment and ownership (Halai, 2006).

The study will also follow the standards that are being set internationally

which is to protect the key respondents. The privacy of the respondents will be

considered. The data that will be collected shall remain confidential which is the

appropriate thing to do with the group of people.

Respect for persons needs an obligation of the researchers not to exploit

the weaknesses of the research respondents. Self-sufficiency will be avoided in

order to maintain friendship, trust, and confidence among the respondents and

the researchers. Beforehand, the researcher will ask permission from the Schools

Division Superintendent by sending a permission letter to conduct the study

before conducting the research. This will be done to pay respect for the

individuals concerned in the study (Creswell, 2012).


Consent is another most important way of showing respect to persons

during research. This is to let all respondents became aware on the purpose and

objectives of the research study that they are going to involve. Written consent

will be provided for them to get their approval. After getting their nod, they will

have to actively participate in the answering of the survey questionnaires. Of

course, they will be informed on the results and findings of the study. (Creswell,


Beneficence requires a commitment of minimizing risks to the research

respondents rather maximizing the profits that are due to them. Anonymity of

the respondents will be kept in order not to put each participant into risks. At all

times, respondents will be protected, so every files of information will not be left

unattended or unprotected (Bricki and Green, 2007).

Confidentiality towards the results and findings including the safeguard

of the respondents, coding system will be used. Meaning, the respondents’

identities will be hidden. All materials including survey questionnaires and

others should be destroyed after the data will be analyzed. At first, respondents

will have to refuse to give positive answer to the request, but then as we will go

on, they wanted also to offer help in the research. They will not be required to

write their names in the questionnaires (Maree and Van Der Westhuizen, 2007).

Justice requires a reasonable allocation of the risks and benefits as results

of the research. It is very important to acknowledge the contributions of all the


respondents as they generally part of the success of the research. They must be

given due credits in all their endeavors. They will not able to spend any amount

during the conduct of the study. Sensible tokens will be given to them as a sign

of recognition to their efforts on the study. The researcher is hoping that through

this study, they will be set free into whatever negative experiences they had and

maintain a good name into what positive contributions they could offer in this

study (Bloom and Crabtree, 2006).

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