Ignou Proposal PP No 112834
Ignou Proposal PP No 112834
Ignou Proposal PP No 112834
ENROLMENT NO : 178087463
Online marketing is becoming a hot topic in every business sector, and gradually
includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many
advertising. Like other advertising media, online advertising frequently involves both
a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser,
forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together. IMC integrates
all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony. Promotion is one of
the Ps in the marketing mix. Promotions has its own mix of communications tools.
prospects, employees, associates, and other targeted relevant external and internal
audiences. The goal is to generate both short-term financial returns and build
social media economy. Besides that, during the whole purchasing decision making
process, customers not only use the Internet in isolation to search for products but
other media such as print, TV, direct mail and outdoor as well. These media still play
an extremely important role for the marketers to communicate with customers, for
example, direct or face – to – face marketing more or less helps marketers build up
the trust in customers and encourage them to purchase the products. Therefore, it is
better to use the Internet as part of a multi-channel marketing strategy which “defines
how different marketing channels should integrate and support each other in terms of
their proposition development and communication based on their relative merits for
broader story telling across a wider variety (and consistently expanding) series of
From a technical view, this is all about identifying and aligning the vast array of tools
in a marketer’s kit (i.e. advertising, blogs, social media, public relation, direct selling,
services and techniques to maximize the profit. IMC is ultimately achieved through
concise and consistent messaging that fosters familiarity and consumer affinity.
Effective IMC messages and images are meaningful and useful to consumers, and
Online Marketing is the art and science of selling products and/or services over digital
Media has undergone an extensive phase of development in the last ten years.
traditional mediums like TV, Radio, Newspapers, however, now the future of
marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and
involves both a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and
content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies that help generate
and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and tracks
statistics, and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the
advertiser. Growth of internet users must be credited for the growth of online
increasing at the greater extent across the world. India stands at forth place with 81
Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, New Delhi, Pearson
consistency and greater sales impact. It forces management to think about every way
the customer comes in contact with the company, how the company communicates its
positioning the relative importance of each vehicle and timing issues. It gives some
responsibility to unify the company’s brand image and messages as they come
through thousands of company activities. IMC should improve the company’s ability
to reach right customers, with the right message, at right time in the right place. Thus
maximum impact.
communication elements so that they support and enhance each other, to promote
IMC supports the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model where in it helps
to gain attention of consumers, generate interest, create desire, and result in purchase
action. There are many companies currently using the Internet as their main business
transaction such as DELL, Amazon, Uber, OLA, Flipkart etc However, companies
such as UPM, the world’s leading forest products producer only uses the Internet as a
media to introduce the company and its products to customers via its website.
As per Don Schultz (2008), ―IMC is a strategic business process used to plan,
other targeted, relevant external and internal audiences. The key difference in this
use of three words: i) strategic, ii) evaluate and iii) measurable. In essence, IMC
marketers and are evaluated over time. These elements are also stressed on by various
IMC authors (Schultz, 1996; Duncan & Caywood, 1996), who believe that although
the concept of IMC is not new, but the fact that previously marketing communication
was not coordinated strategically and strategy is now believed critical, gives this
“Online Marketing is the art and science of selling products and/or services over
The art of online marketing involves finding the right online marketing mix of
strategies that appeals to your target market and will actually translate into sales. The
science of online marketing is the research and analysis that goes into both choosing
the online marketing strategies to use and measuring the success of those online
marketing strategies.
and to know its splendid efforts towards promotion in practice and also to find out
The statement of the problem is, What is the effectiveness of Online marketing on
Marketing Communication.
1) To study and understand the reasons for growing popularity of Online marketing.
marketing tools.
in Online marketing.
The purpose of research is to find the answers to questions through the application of
the scientific methods. While making a study we very often look for what type of
The first step in research after defining the research problem and objectives is data
collection. The word data means any raw information, which is either quantitative or
collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design
chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection, the researcher
should keep in mind that there are two types of data primary and secondary.
1. Primary data: - This is those, which are collected afresh and for the first Time,
and thus happen to be original in character. There are many ways of data collection of
2. Secondary data: - These are those data, which are not collected afresh and are
used earlier also and thus they cannot be considered as original in character. There are
many ways of data collection of secondary data like publications of the state and
The present study will be an empirical research and will be based on the Survey
method. This study will be descriptive and analytical in nature based on primary and
secondary data. The secondary data used and referred in the study will be mostly from
the various published or unpublished sources, other research reports and textbooks.
Primary data will be collected through the questionnaire from the customers to
The study will be done through the Structured questionnaires for the customers and a
Simple Random Sampling methodology will be adopted while collecting the primary
Companies which uses Online marketing as a platform to market their products are to
be considered for this study. They are Flipkart, Indian Premier League (IPL), Red
The survey for the study work has to be conducted in the city of Bengaluru keeping
Any individual, male or female who is having an income on his/her own and is above
18 yrs of age and below 60 yrs of age is a potential customer for online marketing.
Survey for study work has to be conducted in the city of Bengaluru keeping in mind
like India.
Keeping this in mind a simple random sampling methodology will be adopted while
income particulars and constant persuasion will be required to get complete responses.
Data will have been analyzed by using various statistical techniques and tools.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), a statistical and Data Management
package will have been used for analysis of the data. Some of the tools may be used
Percentage analysis
Chi-Square Test
Friedman’s test
The survey will have been limited to the Bengaluru city only.
The analysis will have been done through primary data collected using Simple
Random Sampling method. There may be a situation that this Sampling method
No doubt, the study will be carried out on a small scale but it will definitely help in
Communication for wider reach to the customers and its limitations. The companies
can take advantage of the results of the study and use the same for amending the
The study will lay a foundation stone to create credibility and trust about the brand
among the consumers, this in turn will help the companies to market their products in
a better way. The study will help to know more about effectiveness of Online
1. Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, New Delhi, Pearson
3. Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, New Delhi, Pearson
5. Beard, Fred K., Conflict in the Integrated Marketing Communications Task Group,
8. Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, Johnston, K.F. and Mayer, R., 2003. Internet
[IMC] actions & outcomes”, Journal of Advertising, vol. 34,pg. no. 41-54.
10. Bengtsson, M., Boter, H. and Vanyushyn, V. 2007. Integrating the Internet and
11. Kothari, C. R.; (1973). Research Methodology methods and Techniques. 2nd
Satyabhushan Dash.
1. Kerr, G., Schultz, D., Patti, C. & Kim, I., 2008. An Inside-Out Approach to
2. Lindberg, Nyman and Landin, 2010. How to Implement and Evaluate an Online
3. http://www.wisdomportal.com/Books/OnlineMarketing.html
4. http://www.techopedia.com/definition/26409/integrated-marketing-communicatio
5. https://www.boundless.com/marketing/integrated-marketing-communication/intr
6. http://ezinearticles.com/?Benefits-of-Internet-Marketing&id=3068318
7. www.proquest.com
8. www.emarald.com
9. www.wikipedia.com
10. www.techopedia.com
11. www.webopedia.com