Family Care Plan-Health Deficit
Family Care Plan-Health Deficit
Family Care Plan-Health Deficit
Sick member of the Inability to provide After the nursing After the nursing Home visit Human Resources:
family, undiagnosed adequate nursing care to interventions, the family interventions the family Time and effort of both
illness the sick, disabled, will be able to: will be able to: Family conference/A the nurse and the
(health deficit) dependent or vulnerable/at family member taking family.
*E.T., sister of Mrs. V. risk member of the family care of the sick member
has on & off fever and due to: Financial resources &
cough for a month Lack of/inadequate Increase knowledge Recognize the Discuss with Ms. V. or manpower:
*No consultation has knowledge about the regarding the condition importance of with the family the for the transportation
been done disease/ health of the illness, provision understanding the illness condition of E.T. , of the sick member of
*On self-medication condition (nature, of proper nursing care, health condition/illness precautions and its the family and
severity, prognosis,
and utilization of possible complications if treatment expenses
complications, and
management) resources in times of List down measures in proper consultation may
Lack of/inadequate illness. improving nursing care not be done. Nearest health facility,
knowledge of the to a sick member of the RHM, BHW
nature and extent of Apply information family Inform nearest health
nursing care needed gained in improving facilities & schedule of
Lack of the necessary health of each member Utilize available Consultation/clinic
facilities, equipment of the family resources in times of hours as well as the
and supplies for care health needs availability of the RHM
Lack of/inadequate
& BHWs and how to
knowledge and skill in
Observe improvement avail their services.
carrying out the
necessary treatment/ of the sick member
interventions /care illness condition Teach the family how to
Inadequate family give appropriate home
resources for care, Maintain appropriate care to the patient with
specifically: nursing care and an illness condition like
1. Financial medical follow-up of E.T.
constraints E.T.’s health condition Refer patient to nearest
NURSING Method of Resources
INTERVENTION nurse family required
Sick member of Inability to provide After the nursing After the nursing Home visit Human
the family, adequate nursing care interventions, the interventions the Resources:
undiagnosed to the sick, disabled, family will be able family will be able to: Family Time and
illness dependent or to: conference/A effort of both
(health deficit) vulnerable/at risk family the nurse and
*E.T., sister of member of the family member the family.
Mrs. V. has on due to: Recognize the Discuss with Ms. V. or taking care of
& off fever and Lack Increase importance of with the family the the sick Financial
cough for a of/inadequate knowledge understanding the illness condition of member resources &
month knowledge about regarding the health E.T. , precautions and manpower:
*No the disease/ condition of the condition/illness its possible for the
health condition
consultation illness, provision complications if transportation
(nature, severity,
has been done prognosis, of proper nursing List down measures in proper consultation of the sick
*On self- complications, care, and improving nursing care may not be done. member of the
medication and utilization of to a sick member of family and
management) resources in the family Inform nearest health treatment
Lack times of illness. facilities & schedule of expenses
of/inadequate Utilize available Consultation/clinic
knowledge of the Apply resources in times of hours as well as the Nearest health
nature and extent information health needs availability of the RHM facility, RHM,
of nursing care
gained in & BHWs and how to BHW
improving health Observe improvement avail their services.
Lack of the
necessary of each member of the sick member
facilities, of the family illness condition Teach the family how
equipment and to give appropriate
supplies for care Maintain appropriate home care to the
Lack nursing care and patient with an illness
of/inadequate medical follow-up of condition like E.T.
knowledge and E.T.’s health condition Refer patient to
skill in carrying nearest RHU/BHS
out the necessary
Inadequate family
resources for
care, specifically:
2. Financial