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,l 3

Meet John Ba rker and His Family f

f'lpOvnrafi, qTo roBOpt4T o Ce6e Mallbt{l,1K no rMeHr ,[xOn $aprep

(John Barker). A renepb nocnyulatZ, qro roBopl4r o n6ru AhKrop,
@ (1). Craxr, B vdrvr grrrop oLul46aercs.
O6paseu,: John is not eleven. He is twelve.

John and

I like my school,
my friends and my
A. f'lpegcraau ce6e, t{ToTb|pa3roBapilBae[Ubc.[xorrovt'L|rooH
orBerrr te6e, ecflh rbr 3aAaub eMy cneAylou1he Bonpocbl?

Bepb ce6n, @ (2)'

You: What's Your John:(1)

You: How old are John: (2)
4 You: Do you live in John:(3)
c You: DoYougoto John: (4)
f school?
Y o u: Do You like John:(5)
.+ your school?
rl Y o u: Do You have John:(6)
a lot of friends?
Y o u: Do You have John:(7)
a sister or a brother?
Y o u: Do You have John:(8)
Y o u: What are Your John:(9)

B. l-lopa6oratire B napax. 3aAafire Apyr Apyry re xe

caMble Bo-

npocbl t oTBeTbTe HA HhX.

tA noBTOpl4 HoBble
l-losHaroMbcfl c HOBblMt4 cnoBaMil. flocnyularz
- ilx carVIOCTOfTefibHO'
,'-5 (3),
/2\ a1 ?1Tau rr
3areM npoqhrah

A. cousin ['k rzn] ABolopo4nsrfi 6par uJLu cecrpa

daughter ['dc:te] Aorrb
film [film] xr'ruo$nrrbM
televiiion ['teh,vr3n] (TV) TeJreB14

watch [wotf] cMorperb' ua6"nro4ats
when [wen] KorAa
why [wat] rorreMy
B. cousin cousins: mY couslns' her cousin. sallS
and AndY are mY cousins'
daughter, a good daughter, four daughters' Tht
i"-TfV has two sons and three daughters.
film films: a good old film, a film about
children, new video films.
television televisions (TV TVs): an old tele-
vision, a new television, a colour television,
a black-and-white TV, on TV. What is on TV to-
day? I have no television in my room. This tele-
vision is old but good.
watch watches: watch videos, watch films, 5
watch TV. Do they watch television in the eve-
ning? I like to watch TV with my brother.
when: When is your birthday? When are the c
days short and the nights long? f
why: Why are you happy today? Why are his (+
hands dirty? Why is the ship in the port?
Crcaxn, K KaKrM KareroprrM orHocnTcfl cfloBa B paMoqKe.

1) r{.rressr ceMblz 2) f"rraronsr Bpkr reJrbHoro Bocnpu flTvrfl.

3) Bonpocr4 TeJIbHbIe cJIoBa 4) Cpe4crna ur H$opnn aT\urr4
rLJrvr paSBJreqeHr4fl.

what, father, who, video game, cousin, see, son,

when, book, where, watch, why, television, daugh-
ter, brother, look, sister, film, grandparent, how

A. flpovnrari TeKcr npo ce6n n cKa)Kr, KaK 3oByr AoLlKy Mapra-

per r Puvapga Saprepoe (Margaret and Richard Barker).

Meet John and His Family

Hi! My name is John Barker.
I live in London. I'm a pupil.
I have a lot of friends aL school.
When we meet at school, we are
happy. We love our school and
our teachers. We read, write and
count at school.
My family is not very big: my
mum, dad and my sister Sally.
I have a cousin too. Her name is
Mary. She is thirteen. Mary is John Barker
Richard Barker Margaret Barker
t"trt"t Richard is a doctor' My mother
scotland. rvrv
c it u schoolteacher. Her name is Margaret'
f In the ".r"rrirrg, when weon are in our house together'
we like to *ii"ft films television' I don't know
t+ why but mlr'-lift"t likes old films. I don't' I like
i new films about robots ['recl,bots] and films about

Mary Barker Sally Barker

and His Family" er4e pa3

B. f'lpourrafr reKcr "Meet John BarkeryTBepXAeHhfl BepHbl, KaKhe
,u At4KTopoM, m (4), n cKaxn, KaKhe
o qtivt B-TeKcre aoo6qe He roBopLlrcfl'
1) John goes to school'
2) He goes to school on Tuesday and Thursday'
5i Johi has a sister and a cousin'
^n-i"rr-rta is a doctor'
4\ Margaret
;i likes to watch old films on television'
6i Now MarY is in London'
BcnovtHtt, r{To rbr 3Hae[!b o ,[xoue Saprepe, ut 3aKoHL{14 cneAyto-
rl{he npeAnoxeHrfl'
1) John lives in
2) John is a PuPil, he goes
3) His familY is

4) John has a mum, dad
5) John likes

Coegrnra KaprHHKl4 tA noiqnhch K Hl4M'

a) Why are you sad, Colin?

b) Is ii a good film for Young children?
c) He likes to watch sport on television' 7


1. 2. 3.

BurnonHr 3aAaHhR 1-5 B pa6ovetZ rerpaAr'


flocnyuail ay4ho3anhcb, @ (5), tA cKaxr, rarofr v3 AByx

BaphaHTOB BonpocoB Tbl cflblLrlt4lllb.

t)' a) Does he watch television in the evening?

b) Does she watch television in the evening?
2)' a) Do her daughters like English songs?
bi Does her daughter like English songs?
3) a) Does LucY have a cousin?
b) Does Lucy have a husband?
4)' u) Are these films good for children?
bi Are those films good for children?

5) a) When are these trees green?
b) Why are these trees green?
6) a) Do young children like TV?
b) Do young children like to ski?

Tur yxe 3Haeub, KaK nocTpol4Tb o6ulne Bonpocbl c BCnOMOraTeflb-

HblMt4 rflaronaMt4 do/does. co.tutt HecKonbKo BonpocoB O CeMbe
a Eaprepoe (the Barkers)'

John watch TV in the evening?

c Do SallY go to school English songs?
f skate in London?
Does Margaret
.+ Richard sing in winter?
I the Barkers play tennis in summer?
live five days a week?

['locnYuatZ, KaK )rt ManbqhKll pa3roBaphBapr Apyr

c ApyroM,
KaK oHYl crPorr Bonpocbl, HaqnHapqilecn c
@ (6), vI cKaxr,
npochrenbHblx cnoB.

What do You like? I like sweets and cakes'

Where do You go in the I go to school in the
morning? morning.
When do You PIaY I play it in the after-
f ootball? noon.
Where do You PlaY I play it in the Park'
f ootball?
Why do You sPeak I like it.
What does he like? He likes sport. C
Where does Nick meet He meets his friends :l
his friends? in the park.
When does he watch TV? He watches TV in the t
Why does he play tennis? He likes it.

B. [locuorpm Ha cxeMy tA cocraBb B coorBercrBlAtA c HetZ nrrb


.{pyrue u;re-
Bonpocrzrenr- I.naron Cxaayewroe Hbr [peAJro-
HOC CJIOBO doldoes )fieHIAff

What like do to do you ?

do TV ? When watch they

in swim
we do ?

drive whv does he a car ?

a\ I
does ? meet Who'o

. O6parv BHr4MaHrze, rrro B no4o6nsrx Borrpocax cJIoBo

who oaHarraer K,o?o.

l-lopa6orarZre B napax. Cocraeure cneLlhaflbHble Bonpocbl t4 or-

A. Bonpocsr o reoev naprndPe.

Odpaseu,: hke/do/tn the evening /whaL/you/to do?
What do you like to do in the evening?
1) you / golwhere / do /rn the morning?
1(' 2) sport/like/you / what / do?
3) do/watch/on TV/you /what?
c 4) when/your friend/meet/ do /you?
5) like/why /do /youlyour friend?
t+ B. Bonpocur o Apyre tAnt noApyre rBoero napru6pa.
O6paset4: does/he or she/where/live?
Where does he/she live?
1) he or she/wh at /lnke /does/to eat?
2) what/to dollike /does/he or she/in the evening?
3) go to school/does/he or she/when?
4\ does/where/skate/he or she?
5) he or she/why/watch/does/Tv?
3aeepur Alanorv. flpoeeps ce6n, @ (7).

1) Ka te: ..., Jitt?

Ji I l: I live in a small English town.
Ka te ...?
Ji 1 I: Yes, I do. I'm a pupil.
2) Jo h n: Do you like to swim, Mark?
Ma r k: .I swim a lot.
Jo h n: ...?
Ma r k: I swim in summer.
Jo h n ...?
Ma r k: I swim in the lake near my house.
3)Rob: Do you like to watch television?
And r e w: I watch TV a lot.
Rob or ...?
And r e w: I like new films.
Rob: ...?
And r e w: I watch television in the evening.
flpourrail, qro PaccKa3blBatoT o ceoefr ceMbe PrasaP4 6aPreP
t4 Mapraper SaPKeP, O qdvr 3a6blna ynoMrHlnb MapraPer SaPreP?

Our Family
We live in London. We are not a very big
family. I have a wife and two children 111
my son John and my daughter Sally. We
have two pets. They are Chase, a big collie
dog, and Smokey, a little grey cat. Where c
do they live? In our house. Where do they f
play? In the park with my children. John
and Sally lo.ru their pets and feed them in the morn-

ing and in the evening. t

Mt name is Margaret Barker. My family is not big.
I it..r" a husband, a son and a daughter. We all live
in England in London. My son John goes
to school. My daughter Sally goes to
school too. The school is near our house'
In the evening we are all in our house'
We like to watch television and read
books. I love my familY.

BCraeu cnoBa dO VnV dOeS, qro6ut not'ly''{l4fll4cb Bonpocbl.

l-) Where Alec swim in summer?

2) When the girls PlaY tennis?
3) Why dogs hate cats?
4) What your Pet eat?
5) Who you see in this Photo?
6) Why Ann sPeak English well?
7\ Why we go to school?
8) What your friend like to watch on TV?

Burnonnr 3agaHilfl 1-5 B pa6ovefi rerpagr'


flocnyuarZ reKcr o cecrpe ,[xona Saprepa, € (8), 'A orBerb Ha

1) How old is Sally? Does she go to school?
2) What does she like?
c 3) Where does she sing?
f 4) When does she read?
5) Where do John and Sally play in summer?
t 3anonHr nponycKr4 Bonpoct4Tel'tbHbtMt4 cfloBaMil, vto6ut nonyL{Hnrcb
3aKOHqeHHbre npeAnoxeHrH.

where, when, why, what, who

do the children read in English?

do they go in the morning?
To school.
does Rex play r"n the park?
In the afternoon.
do the boys ride bikes?
In the street.
does Johnny go to the shops?
He helps his mother.
does Sally meet at school?
Her friends.
does he speak English?
He loves it and knows English very well.
colours do you like?
I like blue and purple.
F,cn:z Borrpocr4TeJrbHoe cJroBo what cror,rr rlepeA cy-
rrlecrBr4TeJrbHbrM, To oHo o3Harraer rcarcoti, te&t{&fl,,
What books ...? Karcze Kur4fr4 ...?
What films ...? Kaxze @z"rrrnnsr ...?
flpovmrafi, KaK orBeqaer HA Bonpocbr KoppecnoHAeHra ulronuHotZ
Fa3erbr Cannn 6aprep. A KAK 6ur orBerrn Ha ?Tn Bonpocbt rut?


a/ t\

Sally Barker You f
1) What animals do you like?
I like sheep. t
2) What wild animals do you
I like lions.
3) What books do you read?
I read good books.
4) What films do you watch?
I watch old and new films.
5) What games do you like
to play?
I play football, but I'm not
a good footballer.
Pa:yvr,r praQrvrosry; nocnyr-uafi n noBropt/ ed 3a AhKroporvr, @ (9)'

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Who do you see?
What do you like?
Where do you go on Sunday?
Who does he see?
What does he like?
Where does he go on Sunday?
When do you play?
When do you swim?
Why do you run in the morning?
When does she play?
When does she swim?
Why does she run in the morning?
What books do they read?
'14 What films do they watch?
Why do they read and speak English?
c floEnaroMbcfl c HoBbrM14 cfloBaMil. flocnyr-uarz
v noBToph HoBbre
f cnoBa n npeAnoxeHn+ c HVMI 3a ArKroporvr,
@ (10).
t+ A. always ['c:lwerz] BcerAa
t never ['neve] -Hr4KorAa
often ['ofn] qacro
sometimes ['srrmtarmz] r4HorAa
usually [Ju:goeli]
- o6sr.rno
B. always: we always go to the shops on saturdays.
Mike always drives to town in his car. Thev
always go to school in the morning.
never: You never play tennis. why do you never
ride your bike? Mary never plays with her dolls,
she plays with her teddy bear.
often: Do you often go to the cinema? I don't
often play volleyball. Does Lrzzy often sing?
sometimes: Fred sometimes drives to the park.
sally sometimes speaks French. sometimes John
watches television with his parents.
usually: Do you usually go to schoor at the week-
end? sally doesn't usually sing in the morning.
I usually help my mother about the house.
flogyvrafi, e KaKoM nopflAKe MoxHo 6urno 6ur pacnonoxrrb HoBbre
cnoBa Ha xoil uJKane.

never ? ? ? always

Craxr, qro n3 nepeL{hcneHHoro Hhxe Tbr Aeflaelxb BCerAa, qacTo,

o6srvno, hHorAa nnt4 qero HilKorAa He Aenaeub.
always, often, usually, sometimes, never
1) I ... play tennis. 2) I ... watch television. S) I
go to school on Sundays. 4) I read books. 5) I
eat ice cream. 6) I ... help my parents . 7) I ride
a bike. 8) I ... drive a car. 9) I go to the bank.
10) I ... ski in spring.
c !8

BurnonHr 3agaHmfl 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAil. f fu


flocnyurarZ Qpaeur AnKropa n orBerb eMy. l-lpoeepu ce6n, @ (11).

1) Thank you very much. 1)

2) Hi! 2)
3) Good evening. 3)
4) Bye! 4)
5) I like this book. Thanks a lot. 5)
6) Nice to meet you. 6)
7) Meet my cousin Jane. 7)
8) Where are you from? 8)
9) Do you like to watch films on e)

A. Bexnreo nonpocl/ cBoero aoo6paxaeMoro co6ecegHrra Bbtnor-

Hr4rb )rtA gefictetan flpoeepu ce6s n noBropt4 Qpa:ut 3a AhKro-
poM, (12). Te6e HyxHo, qro6ul 3ror qefioBeK:
1) roBopr4Jr no-aHrJrmftcxu;
2\ cxo,qr4Jr B MafaaraH;
3) HaKopMr4JI cBoro co6arcy;

trlF't' J
4) cneJr ery rrecHlo;
5) ilporrr4TaJr cBoro KHrrfy;
6) cxoAI4JI B 6aun;
7) rrepecq?ITaJr ubrnrlflT;
8) edn MarxlaHy.
B. A renepb nonpoct4 cBoeTo co6ecegnNra He BblnoflHflTb )TtA
16 1eilc:leun l-lpoeepu ce6n v noBropLl Qpasul 3a AilKropovr, @ (12).

c l4cnonuayn 3ry ta6nn4y, cocraBb Bonpocbr, c noMolt-1bto Koropbtx

f MOXHO y3HaTb o nprBbrvKax AByx nprnrenei.

t What read?
When do Sam usually watch on
Where television?
Who meet at
What books does Peter often school?
What songs like to
What films they cook?
What food love to do
in winter?
go to the
ride their
go in the

Bcnovnr, KaKhe anrnuilcrue npilTf xareflbHbre Mecrot4MeHnfl Tbl

3Hae[ub. 3aeepur c nx noMotlbto npeAfio)KeHVfl. Cnoea B paMKe
noMoryr re6e. flpoaepu ce6n, @ (13).

ffiY' your, his, her, its, our, their

1) John hates to cook food. 2\ I love to drive

car. 3) The Stewarts have two daughters. daughters
don't go to school. They are little. 4\ Where is Wen-
dy? I can see bike but I can't see the girl. 5) My
cat is black. tail is black and white. 6) Jane,
where is schoolbag? 7) Jim and Tim, where are
schoolbags? 8) We have two pets. pets are a dog
and a cat.

Als roro .rro6rr cnaaarb, rtoMy npr4uaAJrexcrzr ra uJru 17

rluft LrcrroJrbayrorcfl r4MeHa B
cyqecrBuT TeJrbHbre rrpr,r-
Tfl)fiareJrbHoM [a,qe]fie. B DToM cJryqae K cyrqecr- C
Br4TeJrbHbrM B eAr4 HcrBeHHoM r{r4cJre npz6anJrffercfl f
onoHrraHrzre -s, ilepeA KoropbrM craBrrrcfl BHarroK (')
anocrpds: ?+

Kate's pen (KarzHa pyuxa), the boy's dog (co6axa t


flocvorpz Ha cfloBocoqeratnfl, nocnyuafi v noBTopN tAx 3a ArKTo-

poM, @p (14). or qero 3aBlcttr npor3HouleHhe oKoHqaHrfl cVqe-
cTBnTenbHbrx B npzTflxaTeflbHoM nagexe?

Pau car -+ Pau 's car
Mu house -) Mu 's house
M cat -+ M 's cat
Pa cup -+ Pa 's cup
Mi bike -+ Mi 's bike
the chim banana -+ the chim 's banana
Deni books -+ Deni 's books
Ma plane -+ Ma 's plane
the fo tail -) the fo 's tail
flpovrararZ )TtA cyqecrBl4TenbHbre B nphrflxarenbHoM na4exe. flpo-
Bepb ce6n, @ (15).

My cousin's apple, his daughter's doll, her brother's

pets, the bird's wing, our friend's car, the clown's
hat, Max's bug, the elf's flower, the chick's tail.

Craxn, KoMy u3 3T14X ntogefi nphHa4nexar raao6paxeinnute Ha

KaprrHKe npeAMeTbl.

{8 e's birds.
O1paseu,z This is Jane's cat. These a

c Tom
M Mr Ross

.#W- Kathie

|...gl- Liz

& Billy




Burnonnr 3aAaHrR 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpagr.


flocnyurarZ ay4xo3anhcb u orBerb Ha Bonpocbt Al4KTopa o ce6e

tA ceoei cerurse,
@ (16).

flocuorpN Ha cxeMy v 3aKoHr{h npeAnoxeHnfl o poAcrBeHHbtx

orHoueHVnx B ceMbe Eaprepoa. l-lpoeepu ce6n, @ (17).

Richard Barker Margaret Barker

Sally Barker John Barker

Mary Barker
John Barker's Family Tree
1) John is Richard's son, he is Margaret's son too.
2) Richard is husband. 3) Margaret is
wife. 4) John is brother, he is
cousin. S) Sally is sister, she is
cousin too. 6) Richard is parent,
he is parent too. 7) Margaret is
mother, she is mother too.8) Sally and
John are children, they are chil-
dren too. 9) Sally is daughter, she is
daughter too.
Aex cylqecTBhrenbHblx BO
the boys dog -+ the boYs' dog
the students -- bags -+ the students'
the f oxes
2(t cy-
Tu rroMgrllltrb' t{To Hexoropbre oAyrrreB'ntlnnlre
ilIecrBrareJrbubre rrMeror oco6yro $oprly -Tl:^*"crBeH-
c women' mice' sheep'
Hofo u^"iir- children' men'o6pasyrot rprarfl)narerrb-
f A;;;, fish, geese' Bce oilur
t TaK )rte' KaK - cyilIecrBr{TeJrbubre
uuft rraAelr(, qracJre:
eAr4HcrBeHHoM iit" children's toys, the men's
J tails'
cars, the *o*"tt't bags' the mice's

(1-10) tA h3MeHt4 vlx no o6pa:qy' l-lpo-

flpoqrararz npeAnoxeHnfl
Bepb ce6n, @ (1s).

Odpaseuo: Mark has a dog' --- Mark's dog'

1) The girls have dolls'
2) MY c-ousin has a Pet'
3i The women have flowers'
4i The horse has a tail'
5) The children have toYs '
6i My daughter h?t a bike'
7) The men have houses'
8i The PuPils h-ave books'
9) His Parents have a car '
lb) The cat has a bed'
l-lpoeepu ce6n' (19)'
craxr,r, KaKoro qBera ilrpyrtlKlt Y Aereil' @

red, brown' PurPle'

dark blue, white, black, greY,green
yellow, bright

O6paseu,: Ed's mouse is white'


1) Ed 2) Nick 3) Denis 4) Lrzzy 5) Max


21 t

6) Rose T) Kate 8) Don 9) Melissa f
fio:naroMbcff c HoBbrMl4 cfloBaMh. flosropr HoBbte croBa, a raKxe
crloBocor{eraHhfl t npeAfio)KeHrfl c HtAMtl 3a AnKToporvr, @ (20).

A. interesting ['mtrestt4] r,rHrepecnsrfi

listen ['hsn] crryrxarb
music ['mju:zrk] Myabrrca
piano [pi'reneci] - rrl4aHr4Ho
programme ['praogrrem] rporpaMMa
work [ws:k] pa6ora
B. interesting: interesting films, interesting books.
I like to watch interesting films on television.
listen listens: listen to the teacher, listen to
the song, listen to your cousin. Listen to your
sister, Sam!
music: bad music, good music, pop music, rock
music. We often listen to music in the evening.
piano pianos: a big black piano, three brown
pianos, play the piano. My daughter can play the
piano, but not very well.
programme programmes: an old programme,
new programmes, to watch children's programmes.
My little son always watches children's pro-
grammes on television.
work: interesting work, go to work, be at, work.
Gwen says, her work is interesting. Jane goes to
work early in the morning. Is he usually at work
at 9?
A. flpovrararZ TeKcT. Bur6epra uar6onee nogxoAflu4ee Ha3BaHhe Ann

1) Mary Barker and Her Family

2) Margaret Barker and Her Children
3) Margaret Barker and Her FamilY
Hello, my name is Margaret Barker. My
22 f amily is not very big. I have a husband
and two children John, my son, and
c Sally, my daughter. My husband Richard
is a doctor. I'm a schoolteacher. I teach
music to very young pupils. I teach Sally
; too. Now she can play the piano. SaIIy sings very
a well and loves to sing. I like to listen to her songs.
She often sings together with her friends at school.
I teach at school two days a week, on Tuesday and
Thursday. Sometimes at the weekend we all go to
the cinema. We love to watch interesting films. But
usually we are together in our house and watch tele-
vision. They have a lot of interesting programmes on
television. My children often play computer games
too. My husband is at work five or six days a week.
But on Sunday he is always with his family. We are
very good friends.
B. flpovrararZ Bcltyx npeAnoxeHhff c HoBblMt4 cfloBaMr.

Bsrnonnr 3agaHilfl 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpagh.


flocnyurail, qro paccKa3ana o ce6e Mrpra Saprep (Mary Barker),

CI (21), tA cKaxr4, KaKhe tA3 yrBepxAenwh npaBhnbHbte, a KaKhe
H-er. lzlcnonuryil cnoea Yes tA No.
,'ffi 1) Mary Barker is from Scoiland.
2_) Mary's family lives in London.

M 3) Mary's family is not big.
!) Mary and her family live in town.
5) John and salty never go to scoiland to
see Mary.
6) Mary and her cousins love to be together
@\ in summer.
l-lpovrrai cnoBa u cnoBocorleraHrfl.
A' [n] c
[c:] lol [s:] lwl :l
cuP all hot girl when r'+
does August troll her why t
mother autumn often fern what
cousin daughter watch work where
B, play the piano, watch television listen to music,
at work, interesting films, on television, what
books, what progru-mes

Bcnounz, qro roBopl4T o ceoefi ceMbe Mapraper

c,22), v paccKaxil o ueil, ilcnoflb3vfl cnoBocoL{ eTEaprep (ynp. 7,
aHnfl , .qa H Hble
B paMKe.

not very big, a husband and two children, their

names, a schoolteacher, teaches music, play
piano, sings very well, rikes to listfn to, go the
cinema, love to watch films, interesting to the
programmes' on television, play computer
good friends games,

craxz, riro o3Haqalor )Tu croBocoLreraHrfl no-pyccKl4.

1) the girl's television 5) her daughters' pets

2) the girls'bags 6) her daughter's pet
3) my sister's dog 7) my cousins' parents
4) my sisters' dog 8) my cousin's parents
flocvorplr Ha prcyHoK tA cKaxz, KaK qacro trvt pe6nra cnyuator
My3brKy no reneBz3opy.

Ja ne



r-+ @



listens to music on TV.

flopa6orafire B napax. 3a4arzre Apyr Apyry Bonpocbr o cBol4x ce-
Mbflx tA aur6eprre HyxHbre orBerbr.

My family is big.
1) Is your family My family is small.
big or small? My family is not very big.
2) 2 We live in town.
We don't live in town.
3) 2 I go to school on all weekdays.
I go to school at the weekend.
4) ? Yes, my mother's job is
She is a
No, my mother's job is not
interesting. She is a
5) Yes, I do. I have a brother
No, I don't. I don't have
6) ? Yes, I do. I have a sister
(sisters). fr

No, I don't. I don't have 25


7\ 2 In the evening we like to c
watch television. :)
In the evening we like to play
the piano. I
In the evening we like to listen
to music.
8) ? Yes, we are. We are friends.
No, we aren't. We are not

Pa:urrparzre co cBor4M naprHdpol Allanor, B KoropoM Bbr paccnpo_

cvTe Apyr lpyra o cBor4x ceMbflx.

Burnonnr 3anaHne 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAil.

floeropra )Tn HoBbre cnoBa. EyRu r-oroB Hanrcarb cnoBapHbrh gur-
raHr (Dictation* 1) Ha cne4yrou_leM ypoKe.

Af woys, cousin, doughter, interesting, f isfen, husic,
never , of ten, piano , progromme, sometimes,
television, usuofly, work.

" a dictation [drk'terJn] Ar4KraHr

Summing Up


* flocnyurarZ ayAno3anrcb, l cKaxh, t{To t43 Toro, qro TeR
@ (22),He
(Ted) o6utqno Aeflaer, xygoxHhK HaphcoBan.

2. 3. 4.
w 5.

flpoeepnfl 3ro 3aAaHZe, cocqrrafi, cKoflbKo 6annoe Tbr rapa6oran


Maximum result"* 2
Your result ?

Flocnyuafi, KaK Yvnn (Will) paccKa3blBaer o ceoefi ceMbe, @ (23),

tA cKaxh, KaKile yTBepxAeHVfl He COOTBeTCTByIOT erO paccKa3y.
Kar 6ut rul o3arllaBhrt ero paccrae?
1) Will's family is very small.
2) Will has two sisters.
" ECnpr TbI yB;7^nu1I14b9TOT SHarIOK ( ), eTO SHaIII4T' r{TO
rrpr4 rrpoBeplce Ba1a:nurfl. re6e HylrcHo coct{r4Tarb, croJrb}co
6an"noe rbr aapa6ora"rr.
Maximum result MaxcrrManrnrrfi peayJlbrar

L- J
3) Will's sisters are pupils.
4) Will's dad is a pilot.
5) Will's mother is a nurse.
q) Will says his mother is a good singer.
7) Will's grandparents live with him.
8) Will never sees his grandparents.


@ c

Maximum result

flpovrrarz Tpv Llacrfi SToro reKcra. craxn, B KaKoM nopflflKe oHn

AOnXHbr cneAoBarb. llpugyt'tail Ha3BaHhe BceMy reKcry.

a) Mickey is an American mouse and he speaks Eng-

lish. But he doesn't speak it very often in his fitms.
Mickey can do a lot. He can swim, sing funny songs
and play the piano. He often runs, j.t*pr, drives
cars, rides bikes and dances.
b) Mickey has a friend. Her
name is Minnie. Minnie is a
she-mouse. Minnie is from
Hollywood too. She is always
where Mickey is. She likes
what Mickey likes and she
hates what he hates. All chil-
2a dren and a lot of their par-
ents like Mickev and Minnie.
c) Mickey Mouse is a little grey mouse. He is from
c Hollywood and Hollywood is in the USA. Mickey is a
f big film star. You can often see this mouse on tele-
vision and you can listen to his songs too.
I 2. 3.

Maximum result 3
Your result ?

flpovrrarZ reKcr tA cKaxr4, KaKoe v3 yrBepx4euun B KoHL{e 3aAa-

Ht/1fl flBIfleTCR BepHblM.

The Adams Family

The Adams family lives in
Scotland. They are a big
family. They are nine: David Adams and his wife
Linda, their son Max and their three daughters, Lin-
da's parents and David's cousin Tim. They all live
together in a big house.
Max is a pupil. His sisters don't go to school. They
are little. In the evening Max often reads interesting
books to his sisters and" thev like to listen to Max's
1) Max's parents have four children.
2) David's parents live with his family.
3) The Adams family has six children in their family.
4\ Tim usually reads books to his cousin.
Maximum result 1

Your result ?
always, cousin, daughter, film, interesting, listen,
music, never, often, piano, programme, sometimes,
television, usually, watch, when, why, work

Craxr, KaKhe noqnncu rbt Mor 6ur npe4noxhrb K jrtAM KaprrH_

KaM. t4cnon*yit o6pa:eq KaK no4cKa3Ky.
O6paseu,: 1. The woman's dogs

Maximum result b ti

Your result ?

craxr no-aHrnritcrcu ece, qro Moxeub, o ce6e w ceoefi ceMbe.

Hanuwu cnoBapHbri gnrranr 1 (Dictation 1), (24).

Maximum result L4
Your result ?

cocqrrarz, cKoflbKo 6annoa re6e yrqafiocb na6paru :a 3Tor ypoK.

Total result
Your result
Bsrnonur 3aAaHrR 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpa4l4.

B DT9M yve6Hovr foAy te6e npeAcTo?IT BbI119JIHPITb

ceMb rrpoercTHbrx Ba1arrvTfT. Kax4oe vrl Hur x AoJrlnHo
30 [peAcraBJrflTb co6ofi. oAHy crpaHrr'rKy vr7 TBOeTO
a*rrrvrfTcxofo arlb6oMa (English Album). B KoHrIe roAa
co6epu CTpaHpIqHuT BMecTe u IIpeAcTaBb aJIb6oM Ha
C noHgypc 1Jly.ry1raft a;f'.rJImfT.c]g.vlir aJIb6oM KJIacca>> (The
best English Album). floctapatT.cn" c.qerrarb cBolo pa-
* 6ory r4HTepecHofi 14 KpacoqHofi c noMorrlbro @oro-
rpa$nfi, pr4cyHroB, arrrrJrr4rc a\ufi. Llcnonr syfr B pa6ore
KoMfrbareP, a rax)fie rroMorrlb po,qHbrx n Apysefi, ecJrr4
aro Heo6xo,uuMo.

Burnonnn npoeKrHoe 3aAaHile 1 (Project Work 1).

My Family Tree
Vlao6paevt poAocJroBHoe ,qepeBo ceoefi ceMbr4.
Pacno;rolxr4 Ha Htirvr prrcyHxr,l r4Jrr4 Sotorpa$vlt cBor4x
pOAHbrx. Hanur urz rro-aHr'JlttftCr"vt TO, rITO MO]I{eIxb O
H?rx coo6rqrats, Ha[pI4Mep vrDtrfl., Bo3pacr, ilpo$ecclllo'
yBJrerreHkr fl.
^) lt
3{ I

My Day c

l-focruorpra Ha KaprrHKh Ha c. 3i_32 v cKaxr, qro Myx t4 xeHa,

Koropbrx 3oByr rocnoArH lehenc (Mr Davis) vr rocnoxa peiteuc
(Mrs D_avis) o6ur.{F{o Aenator B ceofi eurxogHorz ,qeHb. l-lpoeepu
ce6n, @ (25).

odpaseu,: Mrs Davis usually rides her bike on sun-

Mr Davis usually drives his car on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Davis usually watch television
on Sundav.

?2 r+r

,;ffi !- (+=
V- . r':-
l-lopa6orarZre B napax. 3a4arZre Apyr Apyry BOnpocbt o ToM, KaK
npoBoAHT ceofi eutxo4nofi AeHb Ml4crep n MtAccvtc fleheuc, vt or-


Do Mr and Mrs Davis play tennis on

Yes, they do.
Craxr, qro rbr o6ulqno Aenaelub tA qero He Aenaeub no BocKpe-
ceHbflM. Cnegyroqile cnoBa v crtoBoco'.{eraHL4fl noMoryr re6e.

watch television, feed my Pet, run in the park,

swim, go to the shops, read books, ride my bike,
play games on my computer, cook, listen to music

l-fpovr,rrarZ )rt cnoBa. flpoaepu ce6n, @ (26).

lel help well step friend pet

lrl in swim live sister it
leol go no nose stone phone
lnl cup bus under sun duck
[-lpourrarZ He3HaKoMbte re6e cnoBa no a+anorvvt co 3HaKoMblM14.
flpoeepu ce6n, @ (27).
in begin Bess dress cup lunch
fish finish pet get stone home
l-fo:HaroMbcfl c HoBbtMl4 cnoBaMZ v cnoBocoLteraHrrMr. l-locnyuarZ
tA noBTopl4 HoBble cfloBa, a TaKXe cfloBocoLleTaHrf 14 npeAfioxe-
Ht fl c HttMtA 3a ArKropovr, @ (28).

A. begin [bt'gtn] u,arrmla.arbcfl

breakfast ['brekfest] BaBrpan
dress [dres] oAeBarbcfl J
finish l'finrfl BaxaHr{Ianats(ca) r+
get up [,get ',rp] BcraBarb (c uocrelrz) i,
home [heom] AoM, 4ovraurHrafi or{af
lunch [lrrntf] raH.r"
be on time rrpvritrm (6uts) BoBpeMfl' He orras-
B. begin begins: begin the duy, begin the book.
His school begins at nine. When does the film
breakfast breakfasts: a good breakfast, a hot
breakfast, for breakfast, at, breakfast, cook break-
fast, have breakfast. When do you usually have
breakf ast? What does she usually cook for break-
fast? Tom always has breakf ast at eight o'clock
in the morning.
dress dresses: dress well, dress in the morn-
ing.Jane dresses in her room. Betty is little, she
can't dress.
finish finishes: finish the book, finish the
text. Ann, finish your breakfast, please. When do
you usually finish your work?
get up gets up: get up in the morning, get
up and dress. Jane doesn't get up at six. She
gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
home: my home, go home, be at home. Where is
your home? My home is in London. When are
you usually at home? It's B o'clock. Go home!
- lunch eA&, Tpaleaa B cepeAlzHe AHfl, o6rr+ro c 13.00
ro 14.00
lunch lunches: a big lunch, a cold lunch, cook
lunch, have lunch, for lunch. Rob never has
lunch. Where do you usually have lunch? When
we go to the zoo, we usually have our cold
lunches with us.
be on time: Please be on time! He is never on
time, but she is always on time.
CoegmHr no accoqrallrt4 cfloBa v3 nepBol4 tA BTopol4 KonoHoK.

C get up breakfast
f home go to bed
t+ why finish
N lunch evening
begin who
morning work

BurnonHr 3agaHhfl 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpagh.


flocnyuarZ, qro Tovr paccKa3brBaer o ceoeM AHe, n ssr6epra npa-

Br4lrbHbre orBerbr Ha cfle,qytoqne Bonpocbr. l-lposepu ce6n, @ (29).

1) When does Tom get up in the morning?

a) at 5 o'clock b) at 6 o'clock c) at 7 o'clock
2) When does Tom have breakfast?
a) at 7 o'clock b) at 8 o'clock c) at I o'clock
3) When does Tom's schoolday begin?
a) at 7 o'clock b) at 8 o'clock c) at I o'clock
4) When does Tom have lunch?
a) at L2 o'clock b) at 1 o'clock c) at 2 o'clock
5) When does Tom go home?
a) aL 3 o'clock b) al 4 o'clock c) at 5 o'clock
BoavrolxHo, Bbr BaMerrrJrr4, rrro B amrnuiacxoM
fl3blKe pyCCItoMy cJIOBy AoM D cooTBeTcTByIoT

ABa cJroBa: house w home. Anrnraficxoe cJroBo

home DTo Mecro, fAe JrroAr4 )K?rByr, a rarclrce
Bce ero o6urarenu (4orvrouaAllbr). House ero
B.rIaHr4e. B Alrr"rrrara ero cJroBo o6ogHa.raer qarrle Bcero
AByxara)fiHoe crpoeur4e, B KoropoM rxrastir oAHa ceMb.fl. 35
Anr.rrra.rane He HagbrBaror cJroBoM house MHotoera)fiHbre
vrJrur oAHoera)fiHbre ropoAcxr4e .qoMa. (Cp.: I'm always
at home at I o'clock. Our house is white.) O6sruHo c
aurnuficnr4e AoMa BbrrJrfl.qflT Bor rax. MnorooralxHbre f
)Kr,rJrbre AoMa HagbrBarorcfl B AHr"rrzra blocks of flats.

flocuorpr Ha KaprilHKt4, npoqhrata rercrut n cKaxh, ttbl4 3To AoMa. d


1. 2. 3.
The Houses
a) Lucy lives in Italy in a big house. Its walls are
yellow. Lucy's family is very small. They are two
Lucy and her father. Lucy's father has a car. It is a
dark blue Ford. Lucy's father often drives to work
on weekdays. In summer at weekends Lucy and her
father sometimes sit under the big trees near the
house and have lunch.

b) Charles's house is in London. It's big, new and
very good. The house is in a green street. When
Charles is aL home, he can see tall beautiful trees in
the street. Charles finishes work at six and goes
home. He is always at home at seven.
c) Denis loves cars and sport. He lives in a small
town in Scotland. His house is not very big. It is
36 green, its roof is light red. The house has big win-
dows. At 7 o'clock in the morning Denis finishes
breakfast and always plays tennis. He drives to work
c in the afternoon.
f 1. 2.
Paccraxn, KaKnpoxoAr4r AeHb Canntt. KaprmHrr v cfloBa B pa-
I\, MO'.{Ke noMoryT re6e.

dresses, breakfast, lunch, gets uP, begins, finishes


Hflfi HHB [8fi

il[H rc.n HBn

5. 6.
1) Sally al 7 o'clock in the morning.
2) She always has
3) She in her bedroom.
4) School at I o'clock.
5) Sally has at 1 o'clock.
6) Her school at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
B orJr:,lrrme or pyccxofo flBbrxa B aurJrvrfTcrtoM ,flBbrrce
HecrcoJLbrco HacmonLqux epen€ru. Ecnz HaAo paccxa-
Barb o roM, rrro nporzcxoAl4T B tr.vr1uvr BcefAa, o6sr-r-
Ho, qacro, r4crroJrbayercfl rrsBecrHoe te6e Hacroflrrlee
BpeMfl. Hassreaercfl oHo npocmoe Hacmo,nLl4ee epeJwn.
I like sport. He likes sport.
We like birds. She likes birds. 37
You like cars. It likes milk.
They like dogs. c
Tlro6sr paccxaaarb o roM, r{To npor4cx oAr4T ceft- f
qac, B 4auustft MoMeHT ) r4crroJrbcyercfl ,qpyfoe t+
BpeMfl, noropoe HasbrBaror Hclcmo,flu.tuJw npo-
}ontteruHbLJw. B EToM cJryqae ylorpe6"rrsercs N
1) BcroMorare.rrsurrfi rJraroJr be (Qopvrsr &fiI,
is, are) vr 2) rJraroJr, HaablBaroulzfi 4eficteae,
c -ing Ha KoHrIe. Haupn rvrep:
I am reading now. (fl qr4raro cefiuac.)
He/She is reading now. (Ou/Ona rrr4raer cefiuac.)
We/You/They are reading now. (Mrr/Tsr /Bw/O:nlz.
rrr4 TaeM
f utar aerlus f uvtr aer e f umtaror cefi u ac . )
ICaH Bvr1urJrb, caMo cJroBo be B Taxr,rx @paaax He

flocvorpr Ha cneAytorl-1ile Qpa:st t4 cKaxr, B KaKilx tA3 Hrx roBo-

pilTcn o roM, t{To npoilcxoAllT o6utvHo, a B KaKilx o roM, qro
nporcxogrr ceiqac.
1) Mary and Ann are swimming now.
2) The boy is watching television.
3) Nick gets up at six.
4) Ted is listening to music.
5) We usually dress in our bedrooms.
6) The film finishes at eight.
7) They are having lunch.
8) They have breakfast at 9 a.m.
flpovnrarZ >rt cfloBa 3a AilKroporvr, @ (30).

runnlng reading beginning getting

riding writing finishing dressing
swimming spelling listening going
playing counting watching having

flocuorpr Ha pvcyHKtt tA cKaxil, r.tro Aenator B AannurrZ MoM

)rn nro1tA t4 xr4BorHbre. flpoeepu ce6n, @ (31).

Odpaseu,: The boy is running.




Bur6epr,r n3 cnegytotqt4x Qpas r€, Koropbte coorBercrByror

r{To npohcxoAhr cei.{ac e Knacce.

Iam Our teacher is The pupils are

sitting. standing. eating.
Iam Our teacher is The pupils are
standing. running. playing games.
Iam Our teacher is The pupils are
reading. sitting. sleeping.
Iam Our teacher is The pupils are
listening. speaking. listening to the
Iam Our teacher is The pupils are
writing. listening. finishing their

Burnonnr 3aAaHhr 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAn.


[locnyu.ratZ 3anHcb, @ (32), tA cKaxh, KaKhe v3 3rhx SPas

npoh3Hocl4T Al4KTOp.

1) a) Jane and David are listening to music' 39

b) Jane and David listen to music.
2) a) They are going to the bank.
b) They often go to the bank. c
3) a) Rex runs in the Park. f
b) Rex is running in the Park. t+
4) a) We always watch TV in the evening. N
b) It's evening. We are watching TV.
5) a) Alice drives to work.
b) Alice is driving to work.
6) a) Don dresses in the room.
b) Don is dressing in the room.
ilocruorpr Ha tT'A He3aBep[xeuHute qVCyHKLA t yraqat qTo AeflaOT
r:o6paxenHule Ha Hrx rltoAtl.

5. 6.
O6paseq: 1) She is writing.
flooqnrafi He3HaKoMble re6e cnoBa
no aHaflorur co 3HaKOr"
flpoeepu ce6n, O
afternoon after
Iove come
elf every
dress lesson
moon swimming Pool
40 cake take
what wash
f cnoBa,aTaKXecnoBocor{eTaHilfll^npeEnoxeHhgcHt4Mt43a-
+ poM, @ (34).
N A. after ['o:fte] nocrle
come [krm] npr4xoAvrTb, npr.{e3}fiarb
every ['evri] Ka)nAbrft(aa)
lesson ['lesn] YPoK ,i z - ^-
swimming pool fswrmr4 'pu:l]
take [terk] Hyna-
;;;h'lwnfl Mbrrb' crr4parb' yMbrBarb'
after: after school,aftetafter breakfast' after
game. We g" hot"" school' What do )-c
rtt"t school?
come comes: come home' come to school'
toMoscow.^-wn""cloyoucomehome to play witl.
school? My friend of ten "o-"t
Don't come late'
""""iv nlght',,,:::.1y^"ltnntti
every: everll- dty, - every a'"v Everv child k:
lesson lessons:
- a long lesson' an interestitlg
son, in tfr" f"tto"' Wliatinlesson do you ha"-e
Monday? W"';fi"tt tp"ttt our English lessc'::l
pools: in the sl
swimming p";f - swimming pool' I go tr'
;il too"l,^J; to the swimming
swimming p?h with my friend'
We have a I

swimming Pool in our town'books' take the !

take takes: "itft"take your Sally takes t"ss!-l
take l"r.on., t 'ho*"t ' ,
music. Do you take your little brother sc:{

wash washes: wash plates, wash uP, wash the car.
I help to wash up after breakfast. She often washes
her baby sister.

3arosqr npegfloxeHhff, hcnoflb3yr HoBble cnoBa'

after, come, every, lesson, take, 41

swimming pool, wash

5. 6. 7.

1) The children are swimming in the

2) We go to school at 8 in the morning, we
home late in the afternoon.
3) I am in the English I am reading an Eng-
lish book.
4) My mother never cups and mugs. I a-Iways do
5) Sunday we play football with my friends.
6) Our dog is a shower.
7\ Sometimes we go to the cinema school.

A. l-lpovrararZ nPo ce6R, SaPreP nPoBoAl4r ceoil
[xoH Ae
-KaK rercrY?
Karoe 3arnaBne MoxHo 6utno 6ur 4aru 3roMY
John's day begins at' 7 o'clock in the *o1
nf,.ffi;x Jghn gets up ,early' I
{Wo X ing when he S"tt-
q ")y/ takes a shower, "p' .6*"times a "ota showe{
\? l;;;;". and has breakfast. He often has blad
{H> IuJ- *itr, milk u"a for breakfast. At I

42 "gg,
o'clock he goes io scf,ool' John ishas a gool
ffi;;";;;. 8.,"'Y day he Jive les
sons. At 10'llock he has lunch at school. At
c o'clock his schoolday finishes' - He comes home :
s. sometimes after t-"r.o". n" plays with his friend
4 or goes to the .*i**i"g --ip pooi' i." the evening h
'and plays games on tt
h, helps his *rr*- to *urtt
t{To cefi'{ac Aenaer ,[xoH' I-lp
B. FloctuorPn Ha qacbl tA cKaxh,
Bepb ce6R, @ tlsl.

Odpaseu,;1) John is getting uP.

- 2)Heis taking a shower.


7. 8. 9.

A. CpaeHr, rar o6utqno npoxoAl4T AeHbylxonanYre6n'

1) John's day begins at 7 o'clock. My day
2) John gets uP at 7 o'clock. I get uP
3) John gets up early.
4) John has a shower in the morning,
he doesn't take a shower in the
5) John dresses in his bedroom. I ...
6) John has breakfast and goes to I
7\ John is always on time. I 47
8) John has lunch at school. I ... t
9) John has five lessons every day. I
10) John's schoolday finishes My school- c
at 4 o'clock. day f,
11) John comes home aL 5. I ...
L2) Sometimes after lessons John I
plays football. i,
13) In the evening John helPs his In the
mum to wash uP. evening I

B. Paccraxr, KaK Tbl npoBoAl4t-tiu ceolz AeHb.

BurnonHr 3aAaHrff 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAr'


floCruorpn Ha 3Til KapTVHKIA V nO O6pa:qy CKaXil, qTO B 3TOT MOMeHT

Aenaror ExeS (Jeff) r,r flev (Pam). l-'lpoaepu ce6R, @ (36)'

O6paseu,: 1) It's 5 o'clock. Jeff is sleePing.

2) It's 7 o'clock. Jeff and Pam are dressing.



te Q.b.?)
tJ.-ej/ 4/

3. 5. 6.

c 1



flopa6orarZre B napax, 3aAarre Apyr Apyry Bonpocbt o ToM, KO-

lxeQ n l-lrvr 3aHnMaloTcfl cBok1M14 nphBbtr.tHbtMt4,qeflaMh, l/1 a

Odpaseq:1) When does Jeff sleep? At 5 o'clock.

2) When do Jeff and Pam dress?
At 7 o'clock.

flopa6orahte B napax. 3aAaeas Apyr Apyry Bonpocbt t4 orBer

Ha HlAx, ysHafire, KyAa o6trqHo xoAFT rll'teHbt ceMbh Eaprepoe
cy66orav B yKa3aHHoe BpeMfl.

Odpaseq: Where does Mrs Barker go at I in th

She goes to the shop.
1) I a.m. Mrs Barker/shop
2) 10 a.m. John/park
3) 11 a.m. Sally/swimming pool
4) I2 in the afternoon Mr Barker /bank
5) 3 p.m. the Barkersfzoo
6) 7 p.m. the Barkers f crnema

flpovrratZ, KaK 3BYqar nonHble tA KparKhe QoPvtut rl'laronoB B
)Tr4x npe,qlroxeHiltlx. floeroplt vtx 3a AilKropovr, @

Iam playing. : I'm PIaYing.

He is PlaYing.: FIe's PlaYing'
She is PlaYing.: She's PlaYing'
It is playing.: It's PlaYing. 45
We are PlaYing. We're PlaYing'
You are PIaYing. : You're PlaYing'
They are playing. : They're playing' c
r{ro6sr cICaBaTb, rITO narcOe-nra6O 4eftCterae B 4auHsrfi
Arr'., iS, are CJIeAyeT [IOCTaBI4Tb OTpIIIqaHI'Ie nOt'
I am (I'm) not jumPing now'
He is not (He's not/He isn't) cooking now'
we are not (we're not/we aren't) washing up now.
L{ero oHtA
flpovrratz, L;TO AeJ1a1gT cefi.{ac AeTV, lA cKaxil, He

Aenapr e gaHnuttZ MoMeHT'

O6pasett,: Henry is swimming. (not/run)

Henry is swimmitg, he is not running
1) Jane is washing uP. (not/cook)
2) Betty is dancing. (notlsing)
3i Kate is having lunch. (notlbreakfast)
4\ David is getting up. (not/take a shower) piano)
b) Mary is listening to music. (notlplay the
6i The children are playing tennis. (notlping-pong)
7i Rose and Polly are reading. (notlwrite)
Craxn, qero B 4aHnuril MoMeHT He Aeflaeub rbl. cnoeocoqeTaHilfl
B paMKe MOryT noMot{b re6e.

go to bed, take driving lessons, have lunch, have

breakfast, get uP, take a shower, have music
lessons, wash cuPS, PlaY the Piano
AoMe xuBer rocnoAhH Yrncon (Mr Wilson)' Craxr,
B sroM
OH CefiqaC He 3aHilMaeTcfl. A qTo oH AenaeT B gannurtZ MOMeFT'
Oreer rut naig6ttlu B KoHLle 3aAaHnfl'

1) Mr Wilson is not

2) He is not
3) Mr Wilson is not @g
4) He is not




Mr Wilson is listening to music.

Burnonnr 3aAaHilfl 1-5 B pa6ovefr rerpaAh'


flocnyr.uarZ )rtA AtAanorv, @ (38), tA cKaxh, KaK vx cfieAyer


1) Hi, Jeff! How are you? 47

f'm fine, thanks. And how are you?
( 1) (2) How are your children? c
They are OK. They are (3) in the swimming f
pool now.
Do they always swim on Sunday? t+
Yes, they do and they love it very much. h,
2) Good afternoon, Bob!
(4\ Jane.
Is Nick at work?
No, he isn't. He never works on (5)
Where is he?
FIe's riding a horse in the park. He is having
his (6) (7)
Good. I take riding lessons too.
3) Why are you sad, son? What's the (8) ...?
Oh, Dad, Rex is not in the house.
Where is he? Is he in the (g) ... ?
I don't know. Can you drive me to the park,
Yes, (10) The car is aL the door.
floctuorpm Ha KaprrHKh tA cKaxll, r1ro Aena1gr cerZ.{ac )rn np.ALA 14
L{ero oHtA He AenaoT.

o6paseq: Grandad is reading a book, he is not writing.

ffi '_,47qZJ-
/vlax and

6. 8.
Craxyt, 9ro B AaHHblti MOMeHT nbrraeTctl cAenaTb uanyH b

c (Billy).
Odpasetq: BillY's v: Don't sinl
gr ann
the bedroom' Your mother is sleeping.
N Billy is singing.


1) G r a n n v: Don't write on the wall.

2) G r a n n v: Don't play the Piano, You can
3) Gra nnY: Don't take this book. It's
father's book.
4) G r a n n Y: Don't play f ootball in the stre
5) G r a n n Y: Don't drink this milk. It is cc
6) G r a n n Y: Don't swim in the lake.. The c
7) G r a n n v: Don't wash Rex. The dog is c
v: Don't eat these green
aPPIes '
8) G r a n n It is
9) G r a n n v: Don't drink this water.

10) G r a n n v: Don't read in this room'

dark here.

flocnyuarZ AilKropa, @ (39), npovraratZ 3a HilM Jrtt Bonpocbl t
cKaxm, KaK oHtA o6pi:oeaHbl. O6parr,r BHhMaHne Ha ro, KaK Ha
Ht4X OTBeqa1oT.

Am I reading? Yes, you are.

Are we cooking? No, you aren't.
Are they swimming? Yes, they are.
Are you playing tennis? Yes, I am.
Are you having lunch? No, we are not.
Is he taking a shower? Yes, he is.
Is she driving acar? No, she isn't. C
Is the cat drinking lea? No, it is not. 5
l-lopa6orarZre B napax. 3a4arZre Apyr Apyry Bonpocbl o roM, qro
Aenator il qero He Aeflaor JItoAt4, ra:o6paxeHuute Ha KaprilHKax. I\,

O6paseu,: Is Jim feeding his cat?

No, he isn't. He is swimming in the
swimming pool.

f'locvrorpr Ha npeAfloxeHufl, AaHHble Hhxe, n cKaxr, KaK o6Pa:
roTcfl Bonpocbl , ecnvl HaAO y3HaTb' r{To cefrqac npoilcxo.qrr, r
tAnv noqeMy.

what is Mary reading? She is reading a book.

Who is John meeting? His friends'
why are they having lunch early? They are hun
5() Where are they going? To the swimming Pool.
What are you doing? I'm PlaYing computet
C games.

r+ @ (40), tA parutrparZre vx-
l-locnyularZre Araanorra,

I, 1) Hi, son! Are you sleePing?

No, dad, I'm not sleePing. I'm
reading a very interesting book.

2\ Is Mrs Rogers going to the

No, she isn't.
Where is she going?
She is going to the bank.

3) Are your f riends having

No, they aren't. TheY are
not hungry.
What are theY doing?
They are PIaYing Ping-Pong.
4') What are You doing, MarY?
Are you cooking?
No, I'm washing the Plates.
Come and helP me.

BurnonHn 3aAaHhR 1-5 B pa6overi rerpa,qh'


floeropra praQvoery 3a ArKTopoM HecKoflbKo pa3, @ (41). A renepb

nonpo6yrZ BoccraHoBr4Tb B naMflTr4 orBerbr c nouot4uto KapTilHOK.

What Are They Doing?
What is he doing? c
He's playing a game. :l
What is she doing?
She's writing her name. t+
What is Bilt doing? i,
He's reading a book.
What is Rex doing?
He's watching the cook.
What are you doing?
I'm kissing my Dad.
What is Dad doing?
FIe's going to bed.

flogyuarZ n cKa)Kh, t{To B )Tor MoMeHT Aena}or pa3Hbte qfleHbl

reoelz ceMbr n rBol4 [py3br.
O6paseu,: I think. my mum is going to the shop.
What Are They Doing?
Playing football?
Going home?
Eating lunch?
Reading a book?
Playing on the computer?
Watching television?
Listening to music?
Washing up?
* I think [Oqk] n, AyMaro
to work [ws:k] pa6orars

Cocraeu Bonpocbt o Cannu Saprep t^ ed 6pare v no46epra K H,
npaBhjtbHbre oTBeTbl.

What is / are Sally saying?
Where Sally and John dancing?
John drinking?
c doing?
1) They are dancing in the room.
2) He is reading a book.
h, 3) She is eating her lunch.
4) They are swimming in the swimming pool.
5) They are helping their parents.
6) He is saying "FIi!"
7) She is drinking milk.
[lpovrararZ cnoBa v cnoBocol{eraHZR.

A. [o:] : af ternoon, aft er , park, dance, star

[rr]: love, cousin, come, Iunch, does
[e] : dress, breakf ast, get, lesson, every
[er]: ffiary, s&y, duy, lake, take
[o]: what, watch, wash, troll, pot
B. for go home, on time, after lessons
breakf ast,
come to school, come to London, every day, t
take driving lessons, begin the duy, finish tl:
driving lesson

A. flpovrrarz,KaK npoBoAl4r ceofi AeHb Cannvt Eaprep, L4 o3arflaE

KaxAyro qacTb paccKa3a r TeKcT qenilKoM.

Sally gets up very early. She gets up at
seven o'clock. Sally likes to get up early in
the morning. She takes a shower, dresses
and has her breakfast with her family. She
often has eggs and milk for breakfast.
At eight Sally goes to school. She is always on time.
Sally has five lessons on Monday and Thursday and
six lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Sally
sometimes has Iessons on Saturdav but never on Sun-
Sally likes her school very much. She likes her 53
teacher Miss Reed and her school friends. Sally is a
good pupil. She can read and write very well. She c
can count well too. One o'clock is lunchtime aL f
Sally's school. Sally usually has lunch together with
her friends. (+
After school Sally goes home. She helps her mum to
wash up and does her homework. In the evening
Sally plays on the computer with her brother John.
She likes to read books, watch television or play lot-
to* with her family too. Sally usually goes to bed at
ten o'clock.
B. He rntryn B TeKcr, nocraparZcn BcnoMHl4Tb Bce, qro Moxeub, o6
o6urqHovr AHe Cannu Saprep.

flocnyu:arZ v npourrarZ, uro paccKa3brBaer o ce6e lxoH Saprep,

@ (42), a paccKaxr o ce6e, hcnonb3yl tAcropulo ,[xoHa B
KaqecTBe oopa3ua.

John Barker You

My name is John Barker. My
I'm from London. I'M

" lotto ['loteo] rroro (uepa)


I live with my parents and my I live

I'm a pupil.
I get up early in the morning.
I take a shower, dress and have
54 breakfast.
At 8 o'clock I go to school. Igoto
c school.
:l We usually have five lessons We usually
t+ I always have lunch at school. I
1\, After school I meet my friend Bilt After school
We often play football together. We often
I come home at 5 o'clock. I come
In the evening I watch television the eveni
or play computer games with my ::
sister Sally.
My day finishes late. My day
I go to bed at 11 o'clock. I go to bed

flopa6orarzre B napax. paccraxrre Apyr Apyry o ce6e. Ecnu

HO, :a4arzre cBoeMy co6ece4HilKy AonoflHilTer.tbHbte Bonpocbt.

Bsrnonnr 3aAaHhH 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpagil.

floaropr )rn HoBbre cnoBa. EyRu roroB Hanzcarb croeaprurrz
ranr 2 (Dictation 2) Ha cfleAyrou{eM ypoKe.

After, begin, breokfast, come, dress, eve?y, esson f

swimming poof , toke, wosh.


Summing Up

55 n


l-loclyltafi, KaKre 3aAaer AhKrop o ToM, qTo AenatoT

Bonpocbl t+
L{fleHbt ceMbh Saprepoe,
@ (43). l-nn4n Ha KapThHKy, KpaTKO OT- N

( a:

#, ral

Maximum result 6
Your result ?
np"rrnrt'rtfr' sap,aHr e ra6rl^
cer7.{ac JT'A AeTn, nogo6pae

Mark playing comPuter games'

Alice is cooking.
Rose washing the Plates'
56 Ted f inishing her homework '

WitlY watching television'


flPoeePu ce
Bur6epra t npovurafi TonbKo BepHble npeAnoxeHt4tl.
1) This is Mr Jef f Green'
Heis a
He is an general '
He is the
on the bus.
2) Jeff Green ls on the tram.
on the Plane.
"Is this mY bagi
,,Is this her bag
3) Jane is saYing to Mr Green' "Is this Your ba
ttNo, Itm not."
4) The general is saYing' llNo'
it's not."
ttNo, they're not."

5) Mr Green Is eating.

h* -.4 1
6) He is looking at the window.
the clock.
7) He is listening to a song.
ttAre you fine?" 57 .\
8) Jane is saying, t'Are you beautif uI?"
t'Are you good?"
"I'm OK, thank you."
9) Jeff Green is saying, "You're welcome."
"I am sorry. " h,

A. fl po.rr,rrarZ orKpbtrKy, Koropyro nocnafl ,[xoH Saprep ceoelz 6a-

6yurre, Kor4a or4brxan B OsdpHovr Kpae.

i; .'' room we
t\it#:l':* tf'
Ui,'iuoi.t'' . t!i"ui'i'n ?l,^
li,fiL Ti" tl:' J?li'i:i'lt'i yi3;, *i,f"fl.ii^;";U-"1
;. you
our 6oY1,1:? "fiJ*
r\vvv te
twelve o'cloct<' Love,
we ofe hoPPy' John

Lake District ['drstrrkt] OeelpHsrfi Hpafi, rzsnro6neHHoe

MecTo oTAbrxa B Be"rrr.r Ho 6pvtr aYvv.
hotel [hao'tel] OTEJIb. IOCT}IHIAUA
B. Craxr, KaKhe yrBepxgeHhs BepHbt, a KaKile Her.
1) John Barker has breakfast at eight.
2) The Barkers live in London, but now they
living in the Lake District.
3) John always swims in the lake.
4) After five the Barkers are in their room.
5) John goes to bed late.
58 6) It's eleven and John is writing to his granny.
c Maximum result 6
f, Your result ?

Iv B Be"rrzrco6pvtranutu ecrb HecnoJrbxo rasrro6reHHr
Mecr oTAbrxa. O4Ho uB Hrrx OaeipHsrfi Kp
(The Lake District). Ero oAHo vr, caMbrx KpacprBi
/ Mecr B crpaHe' fAe ropbr ur xoJrMbr coceAcrByror
oseipawrra vr ,4oJrr,rHaMrr. oetiprrufi xpafi BcefAa .rpr"rr"*
TyplrcroB Vr [oeroB. B rraMffTT4 nro4efi oH rpoq]
cBff3aH c r4MeHeM vpr"rrsnryra Bop4ceopra (william wor
sworth)' noera-poMaH Turr<a, Hotopurft )rcT4Jr B xvIII
xIX BB. ur orreHb nto6nn osdpHruz Hpalz. oH rrac,
rrr4can o Heinn B cBokTx crr4xax.

after, begin, breakfast, come, dress,

every, finish, get (up), home, lesson, lunch.
swlmmrng pool, take, wash
flocrvorpr Ha KaprhHKt4 tA cKaxil, r{To cefiqac Aenator Aerh. Cnoea
B paMKe noMoryr re6e.

get up, swim in the swimming pool, have breakfast,

take a driving lesson, take a shower, wash up

A drew


Maximum result 6
Your result 2

lzlcnonsryfi cnoBocoqeraHilfl, AaHHbre Hrxe, paccKaxh, r{To o6ur.{;{o

Aenaer Pon TerZnop (Ron Taylor) raxgutrZ ,qeHb.

Odpaseu,: Ron usually gets up at 7 o'clock in the

get up at 7 in the morning come home at 7
dress and have a shower watch television
have breakfast read books
go to work at 8 listen to music
have lunch at work go to bed at 11
after work go to the shops
Hanru.ttt cnoBapHbtil gnrra nr 2' (Dictation 2)' @

Total result 33
c Your result ?


BurnonHr 3aAaHhfl 1-5 B pa6ouetZ rerpa4il'

BurnonHn npoeKrHoe 3aAaHhe

2 (Project work 2)'

cBoero npoexTHoro aJ
Osopwru BTopyrc crpaHlll'rny
pacilopflAoK cBoefo pa6oue
6owra. Hanlrurt- b6""'n'fi
6onee op?rrr{HaJlbHo'
pacrrl4c alrne KaK MoHtHo


At Home f
Ste p w

flocnyurarZ ArKropa, @ (47), v cKaxr, KaKaF rnQopuaqran

oTcyTcTByer B 3Tl4X npeAflOXeH14flX.

1) Father is not . . . , he is washing it. *


2) Jack and Sam ..., they are going home.

3) Mrs Fletcher ..., she is reading an interesting book.
4\ Alice ..., she is taking a shower.
5) Ben and Bob . . . , they are riding horses.
6) Melissa ..., she is coming home.
[lopa6orarZre B napax. l-nn4q Ha KaprzHKl4, 3agarre [pyr Apyry
Bonpocbr no o6pasrly u orBerbre Ha Hhx'

Odpaseu,:1) Is Mark playing football or tennis?

He is playing football.
O- * u r k r'l Frank and
\17 a {t OJ'";

ffiwendy ' George. r;r m rs Gree
SandY \yd- / \17 6-.

4. b. 6'
62 1

Arrrnrafic*fl e JIII'IIH'IS MecToI{MeH?tfl I4MeIoT ABe cpaB-

Ed Molrtuo
c Mbr. Olny url Hr4x Tbr ylrce sHaerrrb'
it' we' vou' they)'
f Hr'reJrbHoM raAe)fie (I' h;; tt'"'
,+ Btopaa}IcesopvracooTBeTcTByeTJII4IIHbIMMecToLIMe.
w HI4flMpyccKoroflBbIKaBoBcexocTaJIbHbIx[aAe}Kax. (48)'
flocnyurafi, KaK sByrrar ETvr Mecror'IMeHr4fl' @
I me (wrena, MHe' MHoft' o6o une)
ff" him (ero, eMY, ?rM' o T9*l
Stt" her t"6, efi', eP.? ovwrf
ew' q ntiu/o neft)
It it-ot(e"o)"#,-iwty-1ea' o
w" - (nac, HaM' HaMrzI' Ta9) ro6of,r/vaMr{
You you (re6a1iic'' te6e/eawr'
o re6e/o
-- eac) (ux, rlIM' vrwvr' o nrax)
+h"y them
Kpl4qaT T€' KTo nonaJ'l
l-locuorPr Ha KapTLlHKl'1 Vl CKaXr'goe€r Ha noMolqb B3pocrlblx
6eAy, tA re, KTo croLlT Ha 6epery

r.- 1
l-fpovzrarZ no1nucv K pt4cyHKaM u peulr, KaKafl noAnilcb cooTBeT_
crByer Kax4oMy pLlcyHKy.


1. 2. c
3. 4. J
a) Good evening! Are you happy to see us? r.+
b) Kate is by -v door. f 'm fi.oou"r" see
c) Where's Jack's car? I can,t il it. her. w
d) Glad to see you, Tom. where are you riding?
e) I see Tom and Kate. r'm huppi^to see
f) Phone me at b. them.
g) who is that boy with a dog? I don,t
know him.


flpovrararZ :rn croBa. l-lposepu ce6n, (4g).

[tL with, winter, thick, thin, spring
[e]: Wednesday, September, g6neral,
[eo]: _throne, stone, phone, old, l"i*

lu*p, ffi&p, bugl cap, animal

[*]t farm,
[o:]: dark, dalice, park, March
flosHaroMbce c HoBbtMLt cfloBaMh. floaropz HoBble croBa, a
cfloBocoqeTaHrfl TaKXe
n npe.qnoxeHn+ c HtAMtA 3a rqzKropoM,
@ (50).
A. bathroom ['bo:O,ru:m] BaHHa,fl KoMHara
flat [flret] KBaprl4pa
garden ['go:dn] caA
kitchen ['kr!fen] KyxHn
living room ['1wr4 ,rom] focrrzHa.fl
modern ['modn] coBpeMenusrfi
show [feo] rromaoblBarb
64 B. bathroom bathrooms: in the bathroom, a
bathroom. In the morning I go to the bathrt
c to take a shower.
J flat flats: in the f lat, a two-room flat
three-room flat. Their flat is big and light.
garden gardens: a spring garden, a beaut
w garden, in my garden. They have a small gar
behind their house. Do you have roses in y
kitchen kitchens: in the kitchen. I like
cook in our new kitchen. Sometimes we h
breakfast in the kitchen.
living room living rooms: in the living ro
My parents watch television in the living ro
The walls in our living room are light green.
modern: a modern house, modern books, moc
towns. They live in a modern house. Moc
kitchens are usually big.
show shows: show a room, show a flat. PL
show me your garden. I can show you my
A. flpounrafr TeKcr t cKaxh, KTo t 3 L{J'teHoB ceMbh Saprepoe
BoAr4T co6ary rynflTb no Be.-tepaM.

At Home
Hi! It's Margaret Barker again. A
4 o'clock p.m. I'm always in the kitcl
It's 5 o'clock now and I'm cooking.
husband and my children often help me
today they are not here. John is in
swimming pool and Sally is in the gerr
She is showing our garden to her new friend.
husband Richard is at work. He always comes h

after six. I like it when we are alt together in the
evenings. Sally often plays the piano and we listen to
her. sometimes we watch a ne* video or go to the
cinema. Richard and John like to play chess'-. After
eight Richard or John takes our dog chase out to the
park. After ten we go to the -bathroom to take
a shower, s&y goodnight and go to bed.
B. Bur6epra t43 TeKcra npeAfloxeHnA c HoBbrMr4 cnoBaMr n npoqh- 65
rail ttx Bcnyx.
c' flpovrarafi rercr eqe pa3 Bcryx 3a AilKropov, (51). C
B antrnwftcrcoM flBbrxe cJroBo garden He BHar{r4T
$pynroetrfi caA,> . O6sr.rHo ETr4M cJroBoM Ha'brBaror
ue6onuroe [pocrpaHcrBo SeMJrr4 BOsJre AOMa, rAe
pacryr rpaBa, IIBerbr u HycraplHr4lKr4. I4HOrra
3.qecb )fie ycrpar4 Baror rpflAny Anfl onoqefi ur ca}Iraror
Hecr{oJrb}to spyxroBbrx AepeBbeB. AHrnz.raue orreHb
nro6sr cBor4 gardens u sa6orsrcs o Hrr x. Kpac vreutft ,
yxo)fieHnsrfi ca+m]c- OKOJTO AOMa [pe,qMer fopAocrur
MHofrzx cevrefi.

Bsrnonur 3a4aHile 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAr.

" chess [iles] rraxMarbr


A. flocnyurarZ, KaK flxon Saprep paccKa3brBaer o ceoev Eol

@ (52). Craxr, rarofi raHQopruarlrara He xBaraer B reKcre.
Our House
c Hi! This is our house in Green Street. It
:l not very big but it is a modern house. \
,+ have seven rooms in it: (1) a livi
room, a bathroom, a hall and a (2) I
parents' bedroom is big and always (3)
Sally's room is not very big, but it is nir
My bedroom is small and never clean. I have a be
a desk and two chairs in my bedroom. I have
(4\ but I have a computer on my desk and a fr
books on the shelf . I like my room very much. \
have a beautiful little (5) near the house wi
two apple trees and a lot of (6) My father h
a car. The car is in the garage.
B. B nocneAHeM npeAfloxetnv reKcra ecrb He3HaKoMoe re6e ffc
garage ['grero:g]. Kar rur AyMaeub, r.rro oHo o3Ha.{aer? O6pala Bi
MaHile Ha ro, rlro rro cfloBo Moxer npon3Hocurr,c+ nHaqe ['greni
B Halxh AHr4 ece 6onuuJe n 6onuure nro4erZ npoLl3Hocer ero rMeF

C. Craxr, na KaKoM pr4cyHKe rro6paxena KoMHara ,[xona Sapre

Yragari Ha3BaHiln )TtAx Mecr no vx onvcaHrnM.

What is it?
1) We cook in it. It is a
2) We sleep in it. It is a
3) We watch television in it. It
4) We take a shower in it. It 67
5) Our dogs and cats often sleep in it. It
6) It has flowers and sometimes trees. It
7) Our cars can be in it. It c
Paryvn prQrvroery: nocnyularZ v noBropr4 eci :a AilKroporvr, @ (S:). t+

Where ls the Bed?

(After Carolyn Graham)
Where's the bed?
It's in the bedroom.
Is this the bedroom?
Yes, it is.
Where's the shower?
It's in the bathroom.
Is this the bathroom?
r*m] 1&
Yes, it is.
Where are the plates?
They are in the kitchen.
Is this the kitchen?
Yes, it is.
Where is the telly?
It's in the living room.
Is this the living room?
Yes, it is.

A. Ognax4ut, npocHyBtut4cb B ceoervl AoMe paHo yrpoM, KeehH

(Kevin) o6napyxrn, qro oH coBceM oAtAH, a BCe ero AoMoqaAllbl
KyAa-To l4cqe3flil. Craxr, Ltro Kpt4qan Keemn, pa3brcKhBafl B AoMe
cBor4x poAHbtx t4 cBol4 Beqt4.

Odpaseu,: Mum, where are You?
I can't see You'
e l!?
r -1'-b I

1) Where is dad? I me
C Where is mY brother?
2) her
:l Where is mY sister? I
3) him
+ 4) Where are mY Pets? I :" it
w Where is mY football?
I ' ,- ^
couslns' you
6) PollY and Greg' mY dear them
where are You? I
7) Where ate mY
toYs? I
see "'?
8) M.r*, dad, can You

poAHble KeenHa tAcKanrA ero B napt4xcKoM

B. A B 3To BpeMfl
6t""ptv. craxt't, t{ro oHt4 roBopnnu'

Where are You?
Can You see " '?

C. l-lpoaepu,npryl'1lilo ntA rbl Bocnpoh3Ben Bonpocbl
t^ ero poAHurx, @
no aHanorilt4 co 3HaKO
re6e cnoBa
l-lpo.rurrafr He3HaKoMble
@ (ss). l
might right shelf
text next
behind milk rr
son front child

b. I
-_*' '-' ,,, ,
flo:naroMbcfl c HoBbtMh cfloBaMh. flocnyr.uafi n noBTopl4 HoBble cflo-
Ba, cfloBocoqeraHnn h npe4noxeH,AA c HtlMtA 3a .qrKTopoM, @ (56).

A. behind [br'harnd] - Ba., noBaAr,I

in front (of) [fr,rnt] nepeA (veu-nu6o)
left [eft] .rreerrfi
on the left crreBa
on my left cJreBa or MeHfl 69
middle ['mrdl] cepeAl,rHa
next (to) [nekst] p.nAoM (c) c
right [rart] upaerrft f
on the right crrpaBa
on my right cilpaBa or MeHfl t+
B. behind: behind the door, behind the tree, behind
the house. Polly is behind the car.
in front of: in front of the shop, in front of the
bank. Is your house in front of the park?
left: on my left, on his left, on her left, on the
Ieft. The piano is on the left. Is it Fred on your
middle: the middle of the book, the middle of the
film, the middle of the programme, in the middle
of the room, in the middle of the street. My dog
is sleeping in the middle of the hall now.
next to: next to the cinema, next to the shop,
next to you. Who is standing next to Barry? Can
I sit next to you?
right: on my right, on your right, on their right,
on the right. Where is Jeff? He is on Peter's
right. Is your house on the left or on the right?
flocvrorpn Ha KaprilHKy tA 3aKoHt{14 cne.qy}oqre $pa:ut. [lpoeepu
ce6n, @ (57).

1) Kevin is in the of the garden.

2\ His dog Spot is to him.
3) Kevin's house is him.
4\ Kevin and Spot are of the house.
5) Kevin's bike is on his
6) Kevin's chair is on his
7) The garage 1S to the house '
8) The car is the garage.



3aAaHt4fl 1-5 B Pa6o'rer7r rerpaAh'

8. ButnonHn


fion (Dc
o cBor4x HoBbtx 4oruax
l-locnYuarl, qro. PaccKa3blBatoT onpeAenr, o KOM tA3 Hhx Ml

A;;;t' (rerrY), @ (s8)' '^

cKa3arb cneAytoqee'

Don or JerrY?
1) He has a familY' 2) His
new house is small' -?)
il ,i* u"arooms'5) -$"
4) has
H-e has
t*. bathrooms'
,ro- gutden' 6) His hit:}"" is
-urrd modern ' 7) He has
u}urug" but no car'

Pa:yvra praQrvroery n noBroph etl ra AnKropovr, @ (59).

Where Do You Live?

(After Carolyn Graham)
Where do you live?
I live in a house in Green Street. 711
Where do you live?
I live in a house in Green Street.
Where is your house? C
It's next to my school. f
Where is the school? t+
In front of the trees. w
Where are the trees?
Behind the school.
Behind the school in Green Street.

flocvorpr Ha KaprzHKy tA Ha3oBl4 no-aHrJ'n4ilcrcu ro, qro o6o:na-

qeHo qr$pavr.

t-_ 7,
l o

8 I
;i Z-
5 )"
3aaepura Jrv npeAn-oxeHiltl c noMollbto Mecrol4Menrn B HyxF
$opvre. I-lPoeePu ce6n'
1) Sam's father is a tat driver' (His/Him) father isg
bus driver. H" often es (his/him) s9l l-"- tl"
rase with t'i.7r"*l ' 7t w" :i"..y:'t..1s#/*?.t*'.'
;f,:'u;;l:"';;'";^'il th; apple .tree' but Marv doesr'
see (ourlus):'"ti *t? wilson ,lt* !11"" ,tntll;t
72 :ff";"i'J#./ tiri"i'7tr'";t
' 1; the zoo'
4) sam li*

computers. Stto* (his/him) in'

(our1") 1i:-
class. "r?flf)l;
c ;;1ir:'",i1;" ;';;I,_
- il"pil (hLr/s-he). 6) Our fatl-
f name is frr)y'.' W" iif." the
,o*utim". takes (we/us) to cinema'
lrl TenepuTbl3HaeubnoqThBceQoprvr'uranrnuficrnxMecTol/MeF
t4x 3anoMHrlrb'
l-loqaule cMorpl4 Ha rry ra6nrqy' 'lro6ut


JIra-*rsre flpztnrHareJrbHbl


fraAe)fie cJryrraflx


tA paccKaxn o ni-'vr.
ocraflbHbre. goi;onrryirca ra6nrqei

day he's getting
When? Who? Usually do/ Is/Are doing
does today

6 o'clock Fred sleep get up


7 o'clock Fred and have breakfast go to work

a.m. his wife 77

8 o'clock Fred drive to his sit at the c

a.m. office desk f
1o'clock Fred and have lunch speak on the t+
p.m. his wife phone w
5 o'clock Fred meet his boss go home

7 o'clock Fred and eat at home meet their

p.m. his wife together friends
11 o'clock Fred and go to bed dance and
p.m. his wife sing

Do you know why? Today is Fred's birthday.

ilo:naroMbcf c HoBblMt4 cnoBaMh. flocnyulata V noBTop14 HoBble

cfloBa, cnoBocoLleTaHilfl vt npeAfioxeHilf c HtAMl 3a AhKTOpOM,
@ (60)
A. armchair Kpecrro
bookcase ['bok,kers] HHnrnnrrfi urxaS
cupboard ['ktbed] xyxonHrrfi urxa@, 6y$er
downstairs [,daon'steezf Blrvrr., BHr4cy
ready ['redi] roroerrfi
sofa ['seofe] nvrBa:r'
upstairs ['rp'steez] - BBepx, HaBepxy
B. armchair armchairs: an old armchair, a modern
armchair, in the armchair. Sit down in the arm-
chair. The armchair is in front of the television.



bookcase bookcases: a tall bookcase, in t!

bookcase. Show me your new bookcase. Our bool
case is next to the desk.
cupboard cupboards: on the cupboard, in tr
next to the cupboard. Where is th
cupboard? It's in the kitchen.
downstairs: go downstairs, run downstairs, piq
downstairs. kitchen is downstairs. Thei
74 bathroom is downstairs too.
be ready for breakfast, be ready lot th
lessoh. We are ready to go to school. Jack is i
c his bedroom. He is ready to go to bed.
f sofa sofas: on the .of u, s"leep on the sof a. s

t ao*" on the sof a. Is your sofa near the windod

u, No, our sofa is in the middle of the liviq
upstairs: go upstairs, sleep upstairs, play upstain
MV bathroom is upstairs, my bedroom is upsta-l

PyccHovry cJroBy ruxas >) B aFlrn_mitcKoM fl3bfl


OAno vrg Hx
cooTBercrByroT paSHbre cJroBa. 'cupboard'
yr+Ce lraBecrHoe re6e cJroBo A
cyu{ecrBl,lTeJrbHoe Mo}fier o6ogua'rats urna$ Iil
3aI{pbITyIo [oJIKy Ha KyxHe, rAe xpaHflTcfl IIoc}..I
lpoAyrcTbr, pasHbre MeJrKr4e Berr{u; aaxpsrtHfi ruxas
Hnaccnoft KoMHaTe, 6y$er B rocrrauofi urJIvI urxa$ lJ
r4rpylxe6 B 4erc6ofi. Ee.rrseBble uI rIJIaT.flHbIe ruxa{
err{M cJroBoM He o6ogna'rarorcfl.

[loCvOrpra Ha KapThHKy Vt CKaXn, qTO B 3TOM AOMe HaXOAI'{I

BBepxy, a qro BHl43y.

o6paseg,: The bedrooms are upstairs. The computer


bathroom, living room, kitchen, the beds, the sofa

the piano, the ihower, six black chairs, the desks,
the bookcases, the armchairs, the tables, the mapi
the computer, the television, the cupboards

BurnonHr 3aAaHilR 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAn'


qhTaeT AhKTop'
Bur6epr,r il3 KaXAofi naput npeAnoxeuttia To, KoTopoe
1)' a) Show me Your garden, Please'
b) Show him Your garden, Please'

2) a) My cat is on the chair'
b) My cat is in the chair'
3) a) I ir..r" a lot of books in the bookcase' .
bi I have a lot of books in the bookshelf
4) ;; O.r, little table is next to the cupboard'
bi Out little table is near the cupboard'
5) a) My new garage is on Your lef!'
76 bi My new gutug" is on Your right'
6) a) Their two sof as are uPstairs '
bi Their two sof as are downstairs'
f (02
Pa:yvr praQvroery: nocnyurafi n noBropl4 ed sa AhKropovr' @
Do You Like Them?
Do you like flowers?
Yes, Ido. Ilike them.
Do you like trees?
Yes, Ido. Ilike them.
Do you like cars?
No, Idon't. Idon't like them.
I don't like cars.
Do you like birds?
Yes, I do. I like them.
Do you like fish?
Yes, Ido. Ilike them.
Do you like bikes?
No, Idon't. Idon't like them.
I don't like bikes.
A. Mapr (Mark) la6nygrancn B vyxoM ropo'qe v 3BoHl4r cBo

ce6n, @ (63).

in front of , near' next to, behind' on my lef t'

on mY right
I'm in the middle of a street.
The bank is (1) me.
I can see a hospital (2)
(3) the hospital is a new modern cinema.
I can see a swimming Pool (4)
A big school is (5) the swimming pool.
The flower shop is (6) me.
The bus stop is (7) the flower shoP. 77
Where am I? Am I (8) you?
B. Onnuu KaprrHKy, He rnflAfl B TeKcr. C

l-lpovrrarZ TeKcr. 3anonnn nponycKl4 B npegnoxeHrfx, AaHHblX no-

cfle reKcTa, eul6pae npaernsHuttZ BapilaHT v3 AByX npegnoxeHHblx.
Karoe 3arnaBile Mo)KHo Aarb sToMy rercry?
A lot of houses in England have two floors", two or
three bedrooms, a living room' a kitchen, one or two
bathrooms and a hall. Bedrooms are usually upstairs.
" floor [flc:] s0.: Era]K

Kitchens and halls are d.ownstairs. You can often s
a bathroom upstairs and downstairs. In England ttth
like gardens. Littte gardens with oneoforatwo
and ; lot of flowers can be in front house
behind it. You can often see roses in these garde
Sometimes next to a house you can see a garage'
English towns the streets are often narrow and t
7A houses are sma}l. In Britain they soY, "My house
my castle*.!"
c 1) Houses in England often have floors'
f a) two b) three
2) The kitchens are usuallY
t+ a) upstairs b) downstairs
w 3) The bedrooms are usuallY
a) upstairs b) downstairs
4) In England theY gardens'
a) like b) hate
5) You can see roses in the gardens'
a) often b) never
6) In English towns houses are often
a) big b) small
7) In giitain they s&Y, "My is my castle'"
a) home b) house
A. flpovnrafr nhcbMo, KOrOpoe Hanilcafla ceoefi 6a6yure EeB(c
no L1MeHil capa, 3aMeHflf KapThHKl4 CflOBaMh. ['lpoaepu
@ (64).
Deor 6ronny!
I like our new 1)
big moder n room. I
ffi ond my bedroom. It s

p hove ?) ond

3) in my room. I hove no big 4) ffi

I hove o smoll 5) G near the 6) n ond

to it on old 7) €. MY 8) @ is next to
* castle ['ko:sl] saMon
e) my 10) @ is to the door.
The too. I have two
13) 4) "ffit, ol d ond

new, con see o 16) @

ond My old 18) & 79

a?e my new ch ild ren's c

20) m> sre in the 2L) E I hove no 22) . g J
or 23) ry in my bedroom. -TheY are in our living r+
room. w

B. lzlcnonu:yn nncbMo Capur B KaL{ecrBe o6pa:r1a, paccKaxr, vro

ecrb, a qero Her B reoetz KoMHare.

t{to6u cnpogrITb O [peA-

116-aH1.Jl;7'ftct<u <.C11o.nsrCo?,>
MeTaX, IcoTOpbIe MolI{Ho cOcrIIaTaTb (sOfas, chairs,
doors m r. A.), r'oBopflT: How many ['meni]?
How many sofas?
How many chairs?
Carvro cJroBo many (llHoro) r4ciloJrboyeTcfl fiparcTrar{ec-
ltr.Ut BCefAa B BO[pOCaX VI OTptIqaTeJIbHbIX [peAJIOEte-
r;1vrflx, a B yTBepAilTeJIbHbIX y[OTpe6"rrserCs sHaKOMoe
re6e cJloBocorreraur4e a lot of.
Do you have many friends?
I don't have many Pets.
I have a lot of Pets.

A. ,[xrrvr (Jim) tA Travr(Tim) He BhAefiilcb MHoro ner' KorAa oHn

BcTperrnvcb, y Hrx 6utno MHoro BonpocoB Apyr K Apyry' f'lpovrrari
orBerbl Tnrta vt cKaxr, KaKre Bonpocbl 3aAaBan ervry ,[xraru. flpoeeps
ce6n, @ (65).
Ji m:,..?
c Ti m: Yes, I do. I have 3 sons and 4 daughters'
Ji m: ...?
f Ti m: No, we don't' We have only five rooll'-i
t+ the house.
Ji m: ...?
Ti m: No, Idon't. Ihave no car. But I have :
J 1m: ...? lot of
T im: Yes, we do. We have a Pets:
dogs, three cats and a lot of white mice.
J i m: ?
m: Yes, I do. I have a lot of
good friends'
T i
J i m: ...?
m: Yes, I do. I have a lot of books
and I
T i
t{To y Bac ecrb t
ru-, no o6paa4y cnpochre Apyr Apyra' =
CneAytoll-ll4Mh C1
KOM KOnhLtecTBe. Bst MOXeTe
tA3 BaphaHToB orBera'
Mvr tA sur6paru oAl4H

armchairr,'lofu.,'cupboards' rooms' clocks'
Odpaseu,: Do You have many " '?
a) I Y"t, t do' I have a lot of many
b) No, I don't' I don't have
c) No, I ao"'t' t don't al

Burnonnr 3aAaHnfl 1-5 B pa6oueil rerpaAil'

1. flocnyuratZ, rar Cannn Saprep paccKa3btBaer o rocrt4Hou B cBoeM
AoMe, @ (66), tA cKaxil, KaKre npeAMeTbl croflT B KoMHaTe TaM,
rAe Ha nnaHe Tbl BtAAtAUlb HOMepa.

l-'_l J

f'lopa6orafire B napax. [4cnonu:Yn KaprfiHKr4, 3aAahre Apyr Apyry

Bonpocbr u oTBeTbTe Ha Hhx.

A. O6paseu,: How many @ do you have?

a) I have coins. b) I have a lot.
c) Iha ve no colns.
1) How many ffi do you have?

2) How many @ do you have?

3) How many do you have?
4) How many do you have?
5) How many M do you have?
6) How many do you have?

B. O6paseu,: How many 't^ ,-) can you see?
a) I can see clouds.
b) I can see a lot.
c) I can't see clouds.
m can you see?
1) How many tuu

2) How many @ can you see?

3) How many can you

4) How many
# can you

f 5) How many [fl can You see?
.+ n
6) How many can You see?
tfl ffi

flocuorpn Ha KaprhHKl4 tA cKaxl4, L{To Cannu v fixou roroBbl

qac Aenarb. l-lpoeeps ce6n, fuF $7).

O6paset4: Sally is readY to PIaY the piano.

John and SallY are ready to watch tel

2. 3.

5. 7. 8.
flpovNrarZ )ru @ (68).
cfioBa. flpoaepu ce6n,

[ar]: drive, mice, nice, night, right

[eo]: home, stone, rose, sofa, Phone
[o:]: March, dark, armchair, star, Park
[,r]: cup, cupboard, uP, front, mother
[e]:left, never, next, breakfast, ready
flosHaroMbcr c HoBbtMt4 cfloBaMil.
,A. l-f povrarai
re6e cl'roBa no aHa;torvtvt co 3HaKoMbtM14. c
f'lpoeepu ce6n, @ f
rose cosy car carPet t+
dress messy time tidY wide w
B. f'locnyurafr n noBToph HoBble cnoBa, cnoBocot{eTaHrfl n npeAno-
xeHilfl c HtAMtA 3a ArKroporvr, @ (70).
carpet ['ko:pft] xoeilP
comfortable ['krmftebl] Y4o6nufi
cosy ['keozi] yrotnuft
['mesi] Henpu6panHsrft, rpflsH:srft, B 6ec-
picture ['prktje] KaprzHa, Qotorpa$ua
tidy ['tardi] anxypatusrft, onparurrfi
wide [wald] urupoxnft
c. carpet carpets: a red carpet, a beautiful car-
pet. Wendy's carpet is in the middle of the
comfortable: a comfortable armchair, a comfort-
able sofa, comfortable boots. Is the sofa in your
living room comfortable?
cosy: a cosy room, a cosy flat, a cosy house. Is
your room cosy?
messy: a messy room, a messy kitchen, a messy
bedroom. John's room is often messy, but Sally's
room is usually clean.
picture pictures: a nice picture, &fl old pic-
ture, in the picture. I have two nice pictures in
my bedroom. What can you see in this picture?
tidy: a tidy garden, a tidy desk. Their house is
always clean and tidy. Be tidy, please.

wide: a wide street, a wide window, a wide car
we have two wide windows in the kitchen.
street is wide and green.

l-log6epr nognilcr K 3Tt4M KaprilHKaM v npovuratZ vx B ToM

pffAKe, B KOTOpOM cneAytor KapTnHKh'



4. 5.

a)a dark room with a carPet on the floor

b)a nice and cosy room with comfortable armchai:
c)a very light and tidY bedroom
d)a messy room
e)a room with a comfortable sofa and wide windo

floctap aitca sarroMHvrrb, rrro B cJreAyrou{flx cJro

rreraHr4.rx rrcfroJrbgyercfl rrpeAJror in:
in the street Ha YJrr4qe
in the sky Ha ne6e
in the picture Ha KaprIrIHKe, @otorp a$vtvr
in the photo Ha SotorP a$un
in the armchair :na/s KPecrIe
in the tree Ha AepeBe (euytpu KpoHbr, Ha BerFi
in the sun Ha coJrHbrrrrKe (uol ero nyvawru)
nponycKt4 B
Bur6epra npasrnuHsttZ npeAnor, '{ro6ut 3anoflHl4Tb

In or on?
1) Your new Pens and Pencils are the box, and
the box sits-' the desk '
2\ Tim's toYs are ... -the bench the garden.
3i I can see one little bird the cage and two
the tree.
4) We have a big cinema our street' c
8i I like this new carpet the floor the living :l
6) The plane the sky looks small but we know it t+
is big. w
7) My gr.tny likes to sit an old armchair near
the window.
8) Your schoolbag is the chair Your bedroom'
9) What can You see this beautiful Picture?
10) The cat is sleePing the sun.

Burnonnr 3aAaHhr 1-5 B pa6o'reil rerpaAil'


flocnyuafi 4rarropa, @ Q1), h cKaxil, KaKatl il3 cnaneH npilHagne-

*ri tp"ry'(Gregi, r X*rr - ero cecrpe Anrce (Alice).

Greg's or Alice's?
1) It is a cosy bedroom with a carpet on the
with wide windows, two armchairs and a bed.
2',) It is a bedroom with a wide
modern sofa, a
bookcase and a desk.
*- PyCcHOMy I'JIaroJIy <<CTo,fTb> (o npe4vlerax) qacTo CoOT-

BercrByer a:arnwitct<vrit rJlaroJr sit'

Paryvr prasrvroery: nocnyltatZ v noBropl4 eE aa AilKropovr, @ (22

Look! Look!
1. Look! Look! I see a bird in the tree.
I like birds and they like me.
2. Look! Look! I see a cat behind the tree.
86 I like cats and they like me.
3. Look! Look! I see a dog in front of the tree.
I like dogs and they like me.
c 4. Look! Look! I see a chick next to the tree.
f I like chicks and they like me.
w Oreeru Ha Bonpocbt no KaprhHKe, ncnoflb3yfl npe.qnorr on nnv I

1) Where are the boys? the tree.

2) Where are the girls? the garden, they al
3) Where is the plane? the sky.
4) Where are the buses? the street.
5) Where is the book? the table.
6) Where are the apples? the bench.
7) Where are the pictures? the book.
8) Where are the birds? the sky.
e) Where are the flowers? the jug.
10) Where is the jug? the table.
w {d^

r\f (r-4
)) ^f/;i
er fA
;r lg

Maryuira ,[,xeurrHc (Jenkins) nprBena ceoe ceMeilcreo B Mara3ilH
noAapKoB (Gift Shop). flpo4aseq pacrepflacfl or raKoro Koflhqe-
cTBa noKynarenefi V He cpa3y coo6pa3iln, qTo eMy Aenarb. Me-
HeAXepy nphlxltocb nOMOqb eMy. Craxu, t]To rOBOpt4T MeHeA)Kep

1) Show me that red 5) Please show my

ffiug, please. sister that big pink 87

2\ Please show us the 6)Please show C

green clock. mv children f
little t+
3) Show us that toys. tr|
ball, please.
7\ Show me
that purple p€n,

4) Show me
this teddy bear,

4\ Show this teddy

bear, please.

5) Please show that

1) Show that red big pink doll.
ffiug, please.

Please show 6) Please show

green clock. those little toys.

3) Show that ball, 7) Show that

please. purple per, please.
Tut 3HaeuJb, ttro caMbtM nyquilM rocTl/Hl4llaM npilcBarBator Knacc
Tr3Be3AotrHbtx. f'lpovraratZ onilcaHile KoMHaT B AByX pa3Hblx rocT
Llaxz cKaxil, KaKyo 113 rocrr4H14r-l MoxHo Ha3Barb A Five-Star
A. The room is big, bright and cosy. It has a wi
window. You can see a beautiful garden with flowe
in it. The room has a comfortable sofa with t
armchairs in the middle of the room. In front of t
sofa you can see a modern colour television. The pi
tures on the wall are very bright. You can see r
and white roses on the small table near the bed. T
f bathroom has a iacuzzr and a shower in it.
B. The room is small with a narrow window. It's tl
very light. In the room you can see two beds and
trl black-and-white television. The room has no sof a
armchairs but it has two old chairs. They are by t
table. The pictures on the wall are dark and old t
The room is not very clean. You can't say it is co
and tidy or modern. The bathroom has a shower.

A. Craxr, qro o6ut,{Ho Aenator Mapr, ero Apy3bfl tA pogHble

yKa3aHHOe BpeMf cyToK.

O6paseu,: Mark usually (sleep) in his bedroom

at five o'clock in the morning.
Mark usually sleeps in his bedroom
at, five o'clock in the morning.
1) Mark always (get up) at seven o'clock.
2) Mark and Jack often (go) to school together
at 8 o'clock.
3) At 10 o'clock Mark and his friends (read,
speak, and write) in their English lessons.
4) Mark usually (come) home at two o'clock
in the afternoon.
5) At 3 o'clock Mark's mother sometimes
(cook) in the kitchen and Mark (hetp) her.
6) At I o'clock Mark and his parents (watch)
television in the living room.
B. A Tenepb npeACTaBb ce6e, qTo cefiL{ac cToflbKo BpeMeHil'9ro
KO noKa3blBaloT Ltacbt pflAoM C KaXAblM npeAnoxeHileM' HoBblx
naror Mapr, ero Epy3bfl tA popnute? He :a6ygs y6paru
npeAflox enuirt .nor.'usually, always, often' sometimes'

o6paseu,: It's five o'clock. Mark is sleeping in his

89 Elr
tA, ilcnonb3yfl
flpo.rrarafr paccKa3 Serrr ,[xercon (Betty Jackson)
ero B KaqecrBe o6pa:r1a , onvuJvt cBoto KBaprrpy c
11 .+
l\ -
.--tt "-a
/a ft ilA I

My name is BettY Jackson' You

I'm from London.

I live in Queen Street.
My flat is big and modern'
We have a living room'. three
bedrooms, a kitchen and a big
My bedroom isn't very big but it's
It is not alwaYs tidY, sometimes it
is messy.
I have a brown carpet in the
middle of the room.
I have a sofa, a comfortable
armchair and a bookcase in mY
You can see two Pictures, a Photo
and a clock on the wall'
I like my bedroom and mY flat'
Burnonur 3aAaHrff 1-5 B pa6ouerZ rerpaAr.
floeropr )ru HoBbte cfloBa. Sygt roroB Hanilcarb cnoBapHt
gnrranr 3 (Dictation 3) Ha cneAylol{eM ypoKe.

Armchoir, behind, carpet , comf ort able, cupboord,
downstoirs, middle, picture , ready, right.

Summing Up

flocnyuratZ, KaK AilKTop onrcblBaer KoMHary Mrpra, @ (73), v

X.t4, o KaKrx h3 Ha3BaHHblX Hl4Xe npeAMeTOB B TEKCTC HC TOBOP

Mary's Room
piano picture chair
desk map armchair
window bookshelf bed
door cupboard sofa

Maximum result 7
Your result ?

l'locnyuafi, qro roBopt4r At4Krop o AoMe rocnoxll Byg (Mrs \AYI

@ (74), tA cKaxil, KaKhe v3 yrBepxAennfi, AaHHblx Hnxe, r
orBeTcrByCIT ero cJ'loBaM.
1) Mrs Wood lives in town.
2) High Street is a small street '
3) Mrs Wood's house has three bedrooms'
4) Mrs Wood's kitchen is downstairs'
5) Mrs Wood's Pet is a dog' garden'
6) Now Mrs Wood is in her
7) The bank is next to Mrs Wood's house'
9{ *!
Maximum result 5
Your result 2 c

npovrrai Jrn cnoBa n cloBocoqeraHhfl vt nonpo6yil AoraAaTbcfl

o6 atx 3HaLleHhh.

1) one-room flat 2) kitchen table 3)garden

garden bench
4) bedroom window 5) bedtime 6) rose

Maximum result 6
Your result ?

A. [1povnrafr rercr "The Barker's House" v cKaxil:

2\ qero Her B KoMHare Ca;.lll:t'
The Barkers' House
The Barkers are in the garden near thealqhouse' They
always come to their gaiden in - spring likesummer'
to play
chase, their aog, and Smokey, their cat,
John and sally are
and chase is rt"upittg under it.pl,uv it in !h" after-
pr.vi"g pi"J-po";. r"hgv often He is
noon. Mr 6uit"i is siiting in the armchair'
,"uaills a uoor.. Mrs Bark-er is sitting in the arm-

- L:LJ

chair next to her husband. But she is not rea

She is listening to music.
You can see the house the Barkers live in. But
can't see the rooms in the picture. The windows
stairs are the children's bedroom windows. The
dow on the right is John's bedroom window ani
window on tht left is Sally's bedroom window.
sally's room is nice and cosy. It's always tid:-'
rr"1. room she has a bed, an armchair, a sofa.

; little table next to it. Salty has no bookcase.

books are on the shelf and her toys are in a
cupboard next to the sofa.
Where are thelz?
1) MrBarker?
2) Mrs Barker?
3) John?
4) Sally?
5) Chase?
6) Smokey?

7) Mr Barker?
8) Mrs Barker?
e) John and Sally?
10) Chase and SmokeY?

11) ?

Maximum result 11
Your result ?

B. flpovrrail Bcnyx cHaqana npegfloxelnn, B Koropblx roBopl4r- c

Cn O TOM, ttTO O6UtqnO Aena1gT qneHbl CeMbil SaprepOe, a 3aTeM
npegfloxeltfl, B KOTOpbIX roBopt4Tctl o ToM, t{To oHlA genaor cetz- t+

armchair, bathroom, behind, bookcase, carpet,

comfortable, cosy, cupboard, downstairs, flat,
front, garden, him, kitchen, left, living room'
many, me, messy, middte, modern, picture' ready'
right, show, sof a, them, tidy, upstairs, us
be ready (for) in the middle (of)
how many on the left
in front (of) on the right

craxr, qTo 1 3 nepeqhcfleHHoro Hilxe Tbl Mo)Keulb Br.qeTb Ha ynv-

Lle, Ha Kpecfle, Ha ue6e, Ha KapTrHKax vnv $ororpaQ7nx v qTo
naur6onee qacro Ha AePeBe.

O6paset4: I can see clouds in the sky.

planes cars plums trees
stars VANS houses books
birds flowers animals toys
buses apples shops pets
A. t-lopa6orailre B napax' ButRcHr:

cxoJrbno KoMHar B KBaprrlpe/4olre rBoero

HaKafl Me6enr ecTb B oTIIX I{OMHaTax, rAe
B. paccraxn o ceoerz KBaprrpe (Aorue), ilcnonb3yfl nnaH nyHKra

Hanru:r cnosapnuril gnrranr 3 (Dictation 3)' €P

Maximum result 10
Your result

Total result 39
Your result ?

Burnonnn 3aAaHhR 1-5 B pa6ovefr rerpaAil'

BurnonHr npoeKrHoe 3agaHile 3 (Project Work 3)'

My Room
O$oprln Tperbro crpaHr4'rxy cBoero asrnraficx
a.rrr6o*a. Haplacyfi vrJrm cxeMaTnrlecKkT Vtso6paslil cl
KoMHary. florarxpr Ha cxeMe uJrvr p?lcyHne' HaHa
nefi ecTb vre6e.nr. TbI MO)fieIUb IIOMeCTUITb Ha
crpaHra.rKy u He sa6y4s frpeAcraB
Sotorp aSum'
OiluCaHIae ceOefi KOMHaTbI ' yICaBaB, fAe BOBMoii
rrBer ur paaMep neu1efi. Ilanrzuila, rrro re6e HpaB
vrJrvr He HpaBurTcfl.
-J 95

I Go to School J
Step .:i:.4t4:+:e-+':+;':::ry!y:'_: :_<='e:!:i':{s:_t'r' n f!: __ rts : 1: r_ ::



['locuorpn Ha pr4cyHoK rnaccnotZ KoMHarbl, B roropofi tA I:T:.1

tA Ha3oBt4 KaK MoxHo 6onuue npeAMeroB
,[xoH SaPreP, y re6s nonyL{l4Tcfl He MeHbue
no-aHFJ1t4 hcrv. Ecnn nocrapaeulbcn,
20 cnoe.
HeKoropble npeAMerbl h ntoAil no
Craxr, rAe HaxoAflTcn
K yLrhrenlo (cvr' prcyHoK Ha c' 95i' flpoaeps
ce6n' @ *,..1
1) The door is on the teacher's right'
2i The window is on the left'
3) The PuPiIs him' I

4) The map i

96 5) The clock
6) The Pictures i

c 7) The cuPboard
8) The teacher's table
9) The television
r+ 10i John Barker the teacher'
qeM Saprep
l-locnyurafr At4Kropa, {s Q7), v1 a) cKaxil'-

'4xon TonbKc
6) npo'trrail
HrMaerctl B l'rlKone n-o noHeAenbHhKaM;
npeAnox eHVfl, KOTOpble coorBercrBylor

1) John d,oesn't go to school on Monday'

2) John and Tom go to school together'
3) John has mitk in the morning'
4) John never has eggs in the morning'
5) TheschoolbusttoptinfrontofJohn'shouse'
6) John meets his friend in the garden'
7) The boys usually have lessons on Monday'and si
8) They read boots, write texts' count
songs at school.
e) it"; have lunch at twelve o'clock'
10) They come home at four'

a 3areM npoBepb ce6n' @ (78)'

A. l-lpovr,rrarZ ?rtA cnoBa,

floor' for
[c:]: always, daughter, morning'
thanks, f lat, f amily' garage
i-tt apple, again,
i.tit taUte, take, hate' late
'totit after, March, park, armchair' car
window, finish, listen' interesting
i;j; middie,hook,
it'itr book, cook, good, Iook
B. flpovrararZ He3HaKoMste re6e cfloBa no aHaflorhil co 3HaKoMblMl4'

black blackboard for before

can't plant window windowsill
flO:narOMbctl C HOBblM14 CtlOBaMil. flOerOpr HOBble CflOBa, CIIOBOCO-
qeraHilH LA npeAnoxeHrff c HVtMtA 3a AilKropov, @ (79)'

A. before [br'fc:] Ao 97
blackboard ['blrek,bc:d] KrraccHan Aocrca
class [kla:s] 1 . Krracc (rpynna yueHr,rrcoe) 2. yporc c
ClaSsroOm ['k1O:S,rU:m] ItJIacc' HJIaccHafl HoMHaTa f
give [grv] AaBarb
plant [Plo:nt] PacreHr4e
put [Pot] HJIacrb' craBr4Tb D
windowsill ['wrndeo,stl] rroAonoHHr4r(
B. before: before breakf ast, before lunch, bef ore our
lessons. I usually run in the park before lessons.
blackboard blackboards: a green blackboard,
a white blackboard, a long blackboard, on the
blackboard, al the blackboard. John, go to the
class classes: a big class, an English class, af-
ter classes, before classes. I like my class. we
have twelve boys and ten girls in our class.
Where do you usually go after classes?
classroom classrooms: in the classroom, go to
the classroom. Is this your classroom? we always
meet in our classroom in the morning'
give gives: give lrle, give him, give us' Mum
gi.ru. us milk in the evening. Give these flowers
to your teacher. Can you give them your pens?
plant plants: a beautiful plant, plants in pots,
plants in the classroom. Do you have plants in
lft" classroom? Yes, we do. We have a lot'
put puts: put it down, put the book on the
lable, put the plant on the floor. Put the toys on
the shelf . Don't put the carpet in the hall'
windowsill windowsills: a wide windowsill, on
the windowsill. what can you see on the window-
YrieF{Nrh 3Toro Knacca nprHecnr B ceotz Kfiacc MHoro KoMHarFl
qBeroB. Craxn, KVAa yHhrenb coBeryer rM nocraBhrb pacreHmfl.

O6paseu,: 1) Put this plant on the

98 Put this plant on the floor.


2. 3. 4.

o. 6. 7.

l#il' 3aeepur )Tn npegnoxeHttt, hcnonb3yr rflarofibt put tA give.

1) the books on the table, please.
2) me your bike, please.
3) the plant on the windowsill.
4) Mary is ready to us her computer.
5) John never matches to his little cousin.
6) Mother doesn't often us sweets.

#s $Y {}tr Y€r"*ffi #wffi

Burnonnn 3aAaHhr 1-5 B pa6oveil rerpaAil.
Step at

1.4 ::. ":=i:i,:;r-::_:

flocnyuari, KaK Cannw Saprep ont4cblBaeT cBolo KnaccHylo KoMHaTy,

@ taol. flocruorpv Ha prcyHoK tA cKaxn, KaKhe HeroqHoctu 6unu e
eE paccKa3e. 99


Orseru Ha Bonpocbt o ceoem KJ'taccHol4 KoMHare.

1) Is your classroom big or small?

2) Is it light or dark?
3) Is it messy or clean before classes? After classes?
4\ What colour are the windows, walls and desks in
your classroom?
5) What colour is the blackboard, the floor and the
6) How many windows do you have in your class-
7\ How many plants do you have on the window-
sills? Are they in the pots?
8) Where is the blackboard?
e) Do you have many pictures and photos on the
walls? How many?
10) Do you have a television in your classroom?
Where is it?

11) Do you have a clock in your classroom? Where
12) Where's the teacher's desk? What colour
is it?
1-3) Is your classroom nice? CosY? Do You
like it?

Yro6sr crcagarb' rrro B KaKoM-To Mecre HaxoArlT

{oo ;;p;"tr;" there is (o6 ol"o* npe4nnete) vr there
@#@ (o uecroJrbnlrx ilpeAMetax)' flepe'q rrr4cJre
cyu{ecTBrr[TeJrbHbrMr4 B e-.4trHcTBeHHOM
c Jrflercfl Heorrpe4eneHnsrfi aprrrKJrb a/a'J_'
f There is a cup on the table. (Ha crorle uauftca.)
?+ There are on the table. (Ha crorle uaruKra.)
D o.rent qacTo nepeA cyIqecTBI4TeJIbHbIM BO MHO)fie so
BeHHOM r{r4cJre yrroTpe6"ngercg MecToI4MeHI'Ie
[srrm] r+e MH,o?o , ruecrconblt'o '
There are some clouds in the sky. (Ha ne6e(y
There are some pupils by the blackboard. Aoc
c HevrurmcJrfleMbrMr4 cyilIecTBI,I TeJIbHbIMII (milk' I
ice cream) MolKHo I4CfIOJIbsOBaTb TOJIbKO CTpyItTl
there is, frocJre Horopoft o6lr.rllo cJIeAyeT CJIOBO SOI
There is some milk in the jug. (B KyBrrrr'rHe Mo'
There is some ice cream in the cup. (B cranaHql

f'locnyurarZ vl npourararZ reKcr oKyxHe Saprepo?:

-@ 1?1) .Har''
KoHcrpyrrlraerz there is/there are h pac
reKcre npeAnoxeHilfl c
B Koropblx p€t'{b ''
Aenil ilx no rpdrvr rpynnaM: 1) npeAfloxeHrfl'
Koropblx peqb v1F?
o6 oAHoM npa4t"r"; 2) npeAnoxe{ttfl' Bpeqb rAEr o npegM:
MHorilx npeAMerax; 3) npeAnoxeHhfl, rge
KOTOpble Henb3f coctlrTaTb'

The Barkers' Kitchen

The kitchen in the Barkers' house is downstairs '

i, u big light room with a lot ofinplants on the !

dowsills". There are two windows the kitchen'
table is in the middle of it. There are three ch
/t f
/ t+
near the table. You can see some food on it. There
is an egg in the egg cup. There is a cake on the
little plate. There are some apples on the dish. There
is some milk in the jug. There is some coffee'o in
the mug. There is some ice cream in the cup. There
is a long shelf on the wall. There is a cupboard near
the window with some flowers on it.
Craxr, qro Haxo4r4Tcf B pa3nhHHbtx Mecrax.

A. O6paseu, 1z a banana on the plate.

There is a banana on the plate.
1) an egg in the egg cup; 2) an orange on the
table; 3) a bee on the flower; 4) an armchair
by the window; 5) a sofa in the living room;
6) a blackboard on the wall.
B. O6paseq 2: some apples on the tree.
There are some apples on the tree.
1) some benches in the garden 2) some plants
on the windowsill 3) some big classrooms on this
floor 4) some maps on the walls 5) some new
cups in the cupboard 6) some cute teddy bears
in the toy shop
'' coffee ['kofi] xo@e

C. Odpaseuo 3: fish on the table.
There is some fish on the table.
1) some ice on the lake 2) some coffee in
cup 3) some food on the shelf 4) some
cream on the apple pie 5) some milk on
low table 6) some birthday cake on the dish
{02 A. floctuorpr, KaK B aHrJl14t4cKoM fl3blKe o6pa:yorcn et cnv
Hbre, o6o:Ha.{a}oqile AecffTK1,1 or 20 Ao 100, u noBTopt4 t4x

Ar4Kroporvr, @ (82).
f 20 twenty 50 fifty 80 eighty
30 thirty 60 sixty 90 ninety
40 forty 7 O seventy L00 a hun
D (83).
B. [locnyuai, KaK AilKTop ct{hraer or 20 Ao 30, @ A
nepb nonpo6yrZ coct{ilrarb or 30 Ro 100'

HaSOeil :rLA qhctla no-aHrt'll4itcrcn. I'lpoeepu Ce6R, nOBTOpl4 vlx

pa3 3a AilKropoM, @ (s4).
23, 28, 34, 46, 58, 69, 7L, 82, 97, 1-00.

3a cBoto xk13Hb KanrraH Xyr (Hook) HaKonhrl HeMaIO COKpC

Craxu, cKor'tbKo MoHer Haxo4l4Tcq B KaxAoM v3 ero cyHAyt{Koa-
O6paseu,: There are twenty-two coins in the ye

. chest [tjest] cYHAYK

ffi* $Y #ru €##ffi #?ruru
BurnonHr 3aAaHhR 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpagil.

Step ffi

m* *Y €#tr$€ffiffiffi ry+
nocnyurari :anrcs, @ (85), r,r cKaxfi, KaKoe .43 encnnTeflbHblx Ha3bl- C
Baer Ar4KTOp. f
1) a) eight b) eighty 6) a) nineteen b) ninety .+
2\ a) seventeen b) seventy 7\ a) fifteen b) fifty D
3) a) fourteen b) forty 8) a) twelve b) twenty
4\ a) six b) sixty 9) a) sixteen b) sixty il
5) a) thirteen b) thirty 10) a) eighteen b) eighty

C [oflBJreHr4eM eJrexTpoHHbrx qacoB JrroAtr rracro Ha-

SbrBaror BpeMfl TaK, Kar{ oHuT Br4AflT ero Ha oJreKT-
poHHoM rlrasep6rrare. Haupzrtep: 6.30 : It's six
thirty. 8.45 - it's eight forty-five. Kax rbl rroM-
HrrrrrE,, B He rrptrnflTo foBopr4Tbt
aurn:zft.cnoM flBbrxe
Hanpkl Mep, KOfAa
l.l.Aet )> perlb
BpeMfl 18.15, o6sr.mo roBopflr: It's six fifteen p.m.
vrilvr lt's six fifteen in the evening.

:t€e u cKaxil, roroputtZ qac.

.:. -,:€t

flocvrorpn Ha rlraQep6narur
O6paseu,: L2.45 It's twelve forty-five. i:ti

ffi ffi ffi ffi

1. 2. 3. 4.

iil ffi ffi ffi



7. 8. 9. 10.
hcnonb3yn Heo6xoAhMyto Qoplty
3aroHqra Jrvl npeAnoxeHiltl'
rofia: is vntA are'
cupboards in our cla
Odpaset4: There (is/are) three
room' in our cl
Th;;; are three cuPboards


school. rooli
5) ih"r" (is/are) some tables in the teacher's
+ ei +i;;;; '(is/are) milk in the PuPils' rn';
'readY 1"*".
for lunch'
D TheY are
A. Craxn, cKonbKo Pa3Hblx nroAeil
uKone v pfAOM c Heil'
.lW I
O6pasett: 3 I SP ' There are three shops near

Ir / -$glR@E
. There is one swlmrning
pool in the school '

1)24 I &,
3)67 /
fr F
4)e2 / ry, lw


7)23 I sL, e)58 / tlL


10)1 I

B. A renepb cKaxr, cKoflbKo ntogelz untt npeAMeToB HaXoAl4TCfl B
reoeu Kracce, luKofle nnv pflAoM c uerZ.

flo:naroMbcfl c HoBbtMh cfioBaMh.

A. llpovrarafi xe:HaroMbre re6e cnoBa no aHaflornvl co 3HaKoMbrMr4.
f'lposepu ce6n, @ (401.

ready bread Sam jam r(t5

read - tea -
but - butter daught water
- c
B. F'loeropra HoBbre cfloBa, cnoBocoqeraHrfl v npeAnoxeHtAfl c
HtAMt 3a ATKTOpOM. -
bread [bred] xne6
butter ['brrte] cJrr4Bor{Hoe MacJro
jam [dgrem] A]rceM, BapeHbe
juice [dgu:s] con re
soup [su:p] cyr
tea [ti:] 'tafi.
water ['wc:te] BoAa
c. bread: nice bread, some white bread, bread for
breakfast. There is some bread on the table.
Please give me some bread.
butter: yellow butter, bread and butter, butter on
the butter dish. I like bread and butter for
breakfast. I can put some butter on your bread.
jam: apple jam, jam and butter on your bread.
Can I have some jam, please?
juice: orange juice, lemon juice, drink juice.
I like to have some juice for lunch. What juice
do you like?
soup: fish soup, thick soup, hot soup. We often
have soup for lunch. Eat some soup, it's good
for you.
tea: hot tea, strong lea, ice tea, a cup of tea. Do
you drink your tea strong or weak? I like to
have a nice hot cup of tea in the evening.
water: cold water, clean water, water in the lake.
There is some water in the jug. The water in the
lake is clean and blue.

t1TO C LleM "ra8
COegrUr )Tt CflOBa B napbl, qrO6Ut nOKa3aTb,
eAflT Vnn nbloT.
O6pasett,: tea and milk.
coffee cake soup ice cream
juice bread tea lemon
butter jam water milk
t(16 I{rO6u cKaBaTb, rITo B orlpeAeJliinnovr MecTe otcfl
crByer uro-lra6o, B ctpyxtypy there is/there al
c MoHtHoBBecTI4oTpuTIIaTeJIbHoeMecToI4MeHI4eno.:
f There is no table in the room. (B KoMHare EC
crona. )
There are no chairs in the kitchen. (Ha KyxHe Hr
5 ctynsen. )
There is no milk in the mug. (B Kpy)nKe Her ul
06 oTcyTcT BkTUr [pe.qMeTOB, .rrroAefi, ]I{I4BOTHbIX '
rr.IecTB r4e-nra6O tto5cttO cKaBaTb I4HarIe. Ecnu B 11
some, To B OTpI4qaTeJIbHOM BMeCTO Hero kIcfIoJIbS)a
not any.
There are some chairs in the kitchen'
There are not any chairs in the kitchen'
There is some milk in the jug'
There is not any milk in the jug'

A. lzlcnonuaYn o6Pareq, cKaxn, KaKhx npeAMeTOB 143 TeX, qTo {

6paxenut na KaPTmHKe, Her B turonunofi cronoeolz l

Odpasett: There is no piano in the lunch room.

ffi*T ffi
B. Craxr ro xe caMoe rHaqe, hcnonb3yn not any.
1) There is no soup in the plate.
2) There is no bread on the bread plate*.
3) There is no butter on the butter dish.
4) There are no bananas on the table.
5) There are no oranges in the lunch room.
6) There is no juice in the jug.
7) There is no coffee in the cup. 1o-7
8) There is no tea in the mug. -!ffiere@*,

9) There are no apples on the shelf .

10) There are no plates in the cupboard. c
=",,"+-s :?
,*Fetr Y#Wffi €=€ia*Fi€
BsrnonHr 3a4aHre 1-5 B pa6ovefi rerpa4h. a
Step #

*+i-g : €.
='i'=.Fi*;.*::: =.gilffi
flocnyu:air, rarc ArKTop cnpa[xhBaer o Bo3pacre qfleHoB ceMbil Eapre-
poB, (87). Craxr, cKorbKo ner Kax,qoMy r43 Hux.
1) Richard?
2) Margaret?
3) David?
4) William?
5) Beatrice?
6) Elizabeth?
7) Mary?
8) Sally?
9) John?
10) Chase?
11) Smokey?
bread plate x.rre6sraqa
A. lz'lCnOnu:yn O6pa:e4, CKa)Kh, t{TO eCTb lA
qero HeT Ha CToJle I

BpeMn 3aBTPaKa ,[xoua SaPrePa'

o6paseu,: lea/coffee There is some tea on the tac

There is no coffee.
flowers/plants There are some flowers
the table. There are no Plants'




1) milk/water 5) cups/mugs
2) orange juice/souP 6) plates/dishes
3) bread/ice cream 7) bananas/plums
4) butter /jam 8) apples/cakes
9) oranges/lemon
B. Craxr, qro o6ut'lFlo ecrb tA Lrero Her y re6n Ha crofle Bo I
Mfl 3aBTpaKa.

t{ro6sr BaAaTb BoIIpocbI c o6oporowr/xonctpn*',t

there is /there ire, Soprvrsr rJraroJra to be 0
are) HaAo rocraBr4Tb rrepeA cJroBoM there'
Is there an orange on the plate? (Ha raperlKe ec
Are there books on the table? (Ha crorre ecrb ItE
O.rens qacTo B TaKmX Bollpocax ilepeA Cyu{ecrg
TeJIbHbIMI,I BO MHO)fiecTBeHHOM rJ.mcJIe u [epeA I
rr{ecTBeHHbIMIa CyIqeCTBI4TeJIbHbIMI4 (o6oeHarlarcilIIn
eerqecreo) craBr4Tcfl Mecror'rMeHpre &[y, Korop
oSHaqaeT <<H€KOTOPOe KOJrr4r{ecTBot.
Is there any bread on the bread plate? (B x'rre6nn-
qe ecrb xle6?)
Oreerurr Ha uo4O6usre Borlpocbl MolItHo cJIoBaM?I ila
vrilvr HeT, rrTo rro-aHrJr]1Ittct<vt B 9TOM CJIyqae 6yAet
i"r, there is. / No, there isn't (ec"nra pe'r!_ uAeir o6
oAHoM npe4rvlete) vrJrw Yes, there are' / No, there
aren't (ecnz peqb vtger o HecKoJIbKI4X llpeAMetax). t(t9
Tluor4a B yTBepAIaTeJIbHoM oTBeTe yKaBbIBaIoT Ha 1co-
Jrr4qecTBO npeAMeToB uIJIvT ynorpe6JlflIoT MecTOIzMeHI4e
Mecror4MeHile &rY, @ (88). f
a) Are there any boxes on the t

No, there aren't (anY).
aftN D

b) Are there any Pianos in the

Yes, there are (two).
Is there any bread in
c) the
Yes, there is (some). ffi
-" lrffii

d) Is any butter on the

butter dish?
No, there isn't (any). r

e) Is there a chair near the ta-

Yes, there is.
f) Is there a teddy bear on the
No, there isn't.

flocvrorpr Ha KaprilHKy, vtzo6paxaloulyto rocTl4Hyto B KBapThpe

noxrnofi anrnvilcroil AaMbl Mvtcct c ByA' Pa6oran B napax,
npovrrafrre Bonpocbl o6 rroil KoMHaTe Vt oTBeTbTe Ha HhX'
1) Is there a sofa in Mrs Wood's living room? No,
there isn't (anY).
2) Are there any chairs in her room? Yes, there are



3) Is there a piano in the living room?

4) Are there armchairs in the room?
5) Is there a window in the room?
6) Are there any plants on the windowsill?
7) Are there any flowers on the table?
8) Is there any food on the table?
9) Are there any apples on the dish?
10) Is there any water on the table?
1 1) Is there any j uice on the table?
12) Is there a carpet on the floor?

3asrpa ,[xon ye3xaer c KflaccoM Ha nrKHhK. ['lopa6orahte B na-

pax u pasutrpafire Ailafior MexAy uavofr t4 cbtHoM, B Koropov
,[xon BbrncHfler, KaKZe npoAyKTbt ecrb AoMa, a KaKnx Her.
O6paseu,: J o h n: apples? Are there any apples
at home?
Mr s B a r k e r: Yes Yes, there
are (some).
John: orange juice? Is there anv or-
ange juice at home?
Mrs B a r k e ri No. No, there
isn't (any).
John Mrs Barker ttl

1) bread? No.
2) butter? Yes. f
3) Lea? Yes. t+

No. D
4) cakes?
5) bananas? No.
6) water? Yes.

7) jam? Yes.

S) grapes? No.
9) oranges? Yes.

10) apple juice? No.

06rr.*ro c KoHcrpyxqv eft there is/there are saAaror

Borrpocbl, HarIuTHaIOUII4eCfl c BoIIpOcI4TeJIbHbIX CJIOB
What? Who? How manY? @ (89).
what is there in the middle of the room? There is
a table there.
Who is there in the garden? There are children
O6patu BHI4MaHI4g, qTo BTopoe cJIoBO there B oTBeTe
osHarraer fll&Jw.
How many books are there on the shelf ? There is
How many chairs are there near the table? There
are four.
flocvorpra Ha prcyHoK rnaccgotZ KoMHarbr Mrpra Saprep' f
uJah, KaK AhKTOp 3aAa6T eh Bonpocbt o ToM, qTO VnV KTO
ATATCA B Kflacce, n KaK OHa Ha HilX
oTBeqaeT. [lOerOpr Bgnpc':
orBerbr 3a ArKropoM, (90).

t *F*ww*


What is there ...? Who is there ...?

1) What is there near the door?
is a piano there.
2)_ What is there on the Piano?
There are some f lowers there.
3)_ What is there next to the Piano?
There is my teacher's desk there.
4) Who is there in the classroom?
There are pupils there.
5)_ What is there behind the PuPils?
There are desks there.
6) What is there on the PuPils' right?
There are two windows and a cupboard th=

flocnyuafi, KaK Mrprrr 3aAaloT Bonpocbt o ToM, CKOIIbKO p:

npeAMeroB B ed Knacce, A qro oHa orBeqaer, @ (91)' f'lc:
oTBeTbl t Bonpocbl 3a AilKTOpOM.
How many ..o are there ...?

How many pianos are there in your classr:

There is one.
How many desks are there?
There are fifteen.
3) How many chairs are there in your classroom?
There are thirty-one.
4) How many flowers are there on the piano?
There are five.
5) How many plants are there on the window-
There are eight.
6) How many pupils are there in the classroom?
There are three. 1f3
7) How many books are there in the cupboard?
There are a lot. c
flpovvrarZ Bonpocbt t orBerb Ha HVx. t+
1) How many days are there in a week? D
2) How many months are there in winter? &
3) How many days are there in January? .#,
4) How many days are there in June? :,:

5) How many days are there in February? =

6) How many colours are there in the rainbow?
7) How many copeckso are there in a rouble [ru:bl]?

## €€ *ffi F€FAF# #ffiFe

=i'' BsrnonHz 3aAaHrR 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAr.


## *€ Y#€Gffire-ggir.:t
.[xoH uauren Ha LrepAaKe crapurrz nr{rK c BeLqaMil, nphHarqlle-
xaB[u14M14 ero OTqy ^B u.JKoflbHbte roAbt. flocnyulafi, KaKre Bonpocbl
:agaeir oreq cbrHy, (92), a 3areM 3aKoHr.rh Bonpocbr vt, fnflAfl Ha
ptlcyHoK, cKaxil, vro ,Q,xon orBerzl.t orqy.

" a copeck_ a kopeck [,keopek] xonerZna

English books in
1) Yes, tt
1) Are there are some.
the box? 2)
c 2\ mY schoolbag in the box? 3)
f 3) How many Photos " '? 4)
t 1i wno in itte Photo? 5)
5i Are Pens " '? 6)
6) How many Pens,book
in the box? 7)
7) mY Ril'"iut mY Russian book? 8)
8) What ."';;;; e)
9) a Pornter in the box?
cBoeMy nF
l-per !9:"n) Hanhcafl
j,,= Flpourararz nhcbMo, Koropoe

Hi, Jeff,
you obout my school' It
I'm writing to
is not neor my house' 5o I
new uit it
go to. school ' There
o bus everY morning Td
in out school' They o'u,
thirty-one clossrooms
The windows ore big ond tl
light ond cleon' tlu .:'n**
sre o lot of Plonts in Pots
ore wide' The clossroom ts
The windowsills
is o green' blockb
the t"o.h"ris room' There
On its right thu.:?',: o clock' or
on the woll.-ore We hove eleven (
left rhere two piciures '
ond choirs' Ther
in my .lossroom
]wentV .l-*o,- verY cosy'
no piono Ihere' My clossroom
it o lot' Write to me obout your school'
1) It's new.
2) No, it isn't. It is not near my house.
3) Yes, I do. I take a bus to go to school.
4) There are thirty-one classrooms in my school.
5) Yes, there are a lot of plants on the windowsills.
6) It is green.
7) There is a blackboard, a clock and two pictures
on the wall.
8) There are eleven. {{5
9) There are 22. ffie$dr

10) No, there isn't. There is no piano in my class- c

room. :l
:.r CpaeHr JTn npeAfloxeHhfl t4 cKaxil, or Ltero 3aBncnr aul6op Mex- F+
4y there is ra there are B npeAnoxeHrrx c oArHaKoBbrM cMbrcfloM.
1) a) There is a table and two chairs in the room.
b) There are two chairs and a table in the room. &
2) a) There is an apple and some plums on the
b) There are some plums and an apple on the ta- ,j

Ecnvt B npe.4Jrolr{eHkrra c there is / there are r4Meror-
cflABa rro/qJrelxarr{r4x, To @opma fJraroJra (is vrJrvr are)
There is a table and eight desks in the classroom.
(e4uucrBeHuoe uzcno)
There are eight desks and a table in the class-
room. (rrHoxcecrBeHHoe uzc;ro)
Bsr6epra npaBnfibHylo Qoprvry rflarofla, qro6ur 3aKoHr{r4Tb npeAfioxe-

1) There (is/are) two schools and a hotel in Apple

Street. 2) There (is/are) a garage and a shop in my
street. 3) There (is/are) two hotels and a cinema be-
hind our school . 4) There (is/are) a bus stop and a
pet shop in front of John's house. 5) There (is/are)
some gardens and a big park in the old town.
6) There (is/are) a swimming pool and a zoo in
Green Street. 7) There (is/are) a bookshop and a
flower shop on my right.

. ,\1
A. FIO:naroMbcfl c HoBblM14 cflOBaMr. floerOpr cfloBocot{eTaFfl
tA npeAnoxeHrn c HtAMtA 3a ArKropoM, @ (92).

['o:nse] orBer; orBer{arb

ask [o:sk] cilParuuBarb
close [kleoz] saxpbrBarb
open ['eoPen] orKpbrBarb
question ['kwestJn] Borrpoc
1t6 -
understand [,lnde'strend] noH?rMarb
I #*re*

B. answer answers: my answer' our answer' a

c mother's answer. The answer to all your qi:{
:J tions is "no".
answer answers: answer me, answer the p
please. She can't answer the teacher.
D lsk asks: ask the telephone number, ask
ask them, ask the teacher. Where does he
I don't know but I can ask mY Parents.
close closes: close the door, close the
Close the window, please. I'm cold.
open opens: open the book, opel ttt" :I
Open the car, please. We're going to the shops-
question questions: to ask questions, his q'-
tion, their questions. I have a lot of questiotr-s
understand understands: understand the :r
understand the book. Do you understand hiutl
No, I don't. We don't often understand what

B Kl'tacce u yqhTenfl n yqeHhKl4 LlaCTo nOBTOpn;gT oAHh t4 =

-';i tlTo roBops-
Qpassr. flocvorpu Ha pvcyHKt1 il nonpo6yil yragaTb,
nloiqil. flocnyurarZ ay4roranrcu tA npoBepb ce6n, @ (93).

1. 2,3. 4. 5,

(a*&)z= a"*2o84
9. 10. 11.
a) Today is Monday. g) I can't answer the
b) I don't understand. h) Close your books,
c) Goodbye. i) Hi!
d) Hello. j) Spell "cat", please.
e) I can answer the k) Good morning.
f) Please open the books. I) Come in.
Hahgu cfloBa c nport4BonofloxHbtM 3HaqeHheM B )Tr,tx KBaApaTax

1) here a) sad
2) close b) evening
3) ask c) messy
4) black d) white
5) morning e) open
6) tidy f) down
7) wide g) clean
8) up h) narrow
e) happy i) there
10) dirty j ) answer
11) winter k) summer
L2) before l) after
## *Y. *ffi €€F#ffi #:#ru
Bsrnonxr 3aAaHhn 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAr.

:J*:,_f* *fu**", ** * .

{t8 3* €g Y###€ffiffiffi
flocnyurarZ Ar4Kropa,@ (94), t cKaxh, B rarorZ rnaccnorZ KoMHare
c npoxoAflr 3aHnrr4fl y Fro6epra (Robert), a B rarofi
- y Tova.
1) A big light room with four windows and a carpet
.+ on the floor.
D 2) A big room with some desks, the teacher's desk
and two beautiful pictures. The room is not tidr-

B Arrrnrara nepBon nacc:r*unu Harrr4Haror yrrr4Tbcrr B

ruKOJre, KofAa krM r4cnoJrH.flerc.fl 5 Jrer. cua.rana
rrrKoJrax AJrfl nna"rrtrureft (Infant schools). v.reHrzrcu
MHOIO IIrPaIoT, IIacTo xoAflT Ha DKcKyp cvln. B 3TI4X
rrrrcoJrax Her napr. .{erz o6sr.rrro cuAflT Ha KOBpe, a
rroHeMHory o6yvaror cvelry. TTTxolsurrfi roA, B orJrr4r{r4e
or Poccvtu, He BcerAa Harrr4 Haercfl 1 ceHra6pa, TaH r{ax
B Anrnrara uepnsrfi AeHb sakrarufr Hr4KorAa ne 6rreaer B

Pasyvr prSnnoary: nocnyularZ v noBroph e6 3a AhKropoM,

Bess, Bess, Don't Make a Mess* !
Bess, Bess, Don't make a mess.
Don't make a mess. Clean up your classroom.
Please, Bess, Right now'o*, now, now, now.
Don't make a mess! He coe4anafi 6ecnopa4*a!
Right now. flpauo cerz.rac. (cerzvac )fie. cvrrc rvrzHyry.)
Lee, Lee, Don't watch TV.
Don't watch TV. Please read your book.
Please, Lee, Right now, now, now, now.
Hahqu B 3rr4x npr4Mepax Ha cfloxeHhe BaphaHTbl c npaBhj'rbHbtM
orBeroM t npovrrail vx.

Odpaseu,: 15 + 4 : 19 / L5 +4: 27 Fifteen and { tg

four is nineteen.
1)7+L4:20/ 7+L4: 2T c
2)3+78:82/ 3+78: 81 f
3)37+5:42/ 37+5: 43
4) 8 + 19 : 27 / 8+19: 26
5)3+78:82/ 3 + 78: 81 D
6)43+57:99/ 43 + 57 : 100
Karc Tbr 3Haeub, (MHoro)) no-aHrfihhcrv MoxHo cKa3arb no-
pa3HoMy. BcnoruHr, KaKoe cfloBo ilcnonb3yercn B Bonpocax, orpt4-
qaHrflx t4 yrBep)KAeHhflx, many unn a lot, tA 3aBep[ut4 )Tn npeA-
noxeHilfl, sur6pas HyxHurrZ BapilaHT B cro6rax.
1) I have (many / alot) friends at school . 2) Do you
have (many /a lot) pupils in class? 3) We don't have
(many / a lot) lessons every day. 4) There are (many /a
lot) flowers in our school garden. 5) There are not
(many /a lot) English books in my bag. 6) Are there
(many /a lot) cupboards in your classroom? 7) There
are (many /a lot) tables in the school lunch room.
8) Are there (many /a lot) toys in the playroom?
9) There are not (many /a lot) pots on the window-
sills. 10) Do you have (many/a lot) pets at home?
:-:; f'lpovrarafi ABa onvcaHuH KnaccHbrx KoMHar tA cKaxil, KaKoe vz

A. This is a classroom. It is big and light. You can

see three windows in it. There are four walls in the
classroom but you can't see them all. There is a
blackboard on the wall. It's brown. It's under the T
clock. The teacher's desk is near the window. There r

is a lamp on the table. It is green. There are pupils t


ffir iY-=
I W4
I li:
ii{ i li:
ffil titft l:'
ill;l i !r':

ffil g: llL*

at the desks in the classroom' The teacher

i"g-"L"t the blackboard' He is writing'
arepicturesonthewall.Theblackboardis.- the cloc ':
middle of the f ront. wall. It is under

t"u"fr"t'. autf. is near the window' There is a F':

and some books on it' There is a luTp ?i^,11t .
ffi. i;T; ;il;;. ih"* are pupits atnear
the tab- -
crassroom. the teacher is .tutt-dittg

is reading.
CnOBa B Cro6rax'
3aroH.{14 npeAaox eHtAA, ilcnonb3yfl
(close/opeu) !
1) we are finishing our lessons.
please . 2\ Get ttp, Peter! .It's eight
to school ' 3) There are not I
' I
iime to (go/come)
'o' the desk' 4) There is (no/any) m
some) pens
in the jug. 5) I don't have a pen' Can you rgj
take) me yorr pL", please? 6) There
(is/are) a :
I {ol''
board and some pictures on irte wall . 7)8) "Listel
derstand/listen) *fttt You are Are
(mefI)," tuv.- ift" teacher' 9) there (any 3

" front [frnnt] rePeAHr4?I

desks in the classroom? 10) Is there (a/some) cup-
board on the floor? 1 1) we are beginning our lesson.
(Close/open) your books, please. L2) Our classes begin
at' eight in the morning. we come to school (before/
after) classes.

flpovrrarZ, qro Mrpra Saprep roBopl4r o ceoerZ uJKofle, n paccKa-

xu o ceoei. 121
Mary's School Your School
My school is old. f
It is in Park Street.
There are 3 f loors in my school. D
There are 18 classrooms in it.
Our classrooms are not very big.
There are two windows with narrow
windowsills in my classroom.
There are plants on the windowsills.
The windows are tall and narrow.
We have the teacher's desk in the room.
It is brown.
There's a blackboard behind it.
The blackboard is green.
We often write on it.
There are twelve desks in front of
the table.
There are twenty chairs in the classroom.
There are books and maps in the class-
room cupboard.
There is a clock and some pictures on
the wall.
There is no piano in our classroom.
Our classroom is very nice and cosy.

ffi# #€- #r** Y#45ffi €wgE*
t- BsrnonHn 3aAaHVn 1-5 B pa6overZ rerpaAr.
[loeropra irv HoBbre cfloBa. Syar roroB Hanrcarb AT4KTaHT 4 (t
tation 4) Ha cneAyoqeM ypoKe.

Dictation S
hundred, guestion, tea, understond, water.
5 Step F

Summing Up
ffi# *K Y###X"ffi#ffi

A. l-'locnyuarZ paccKa3 o urKone Ann xr4BorHbrx, @ (96), n cKa)

KaKHe v3 Drr4x yrBepxAeauil HeBepHbr. l4cnpaeu ilx.

1) Green School is in town.

2) This school is for animals.
3) Classes begin early in the morning.
4) Classes finish late in the evening.
5) At school little animals read and write on t
6) They don't ask or answer questions.
7\ Lessons finish at 4 o'clock.
8) Little animals always understand their teacher.
9) Little animals are good pupils.
B. KarorZ 3arofloBoK MoxHo 6urno 6ur 4aru 3ToMy paccra:y?

Maximum result 5
Your result ?
flocnyurarZ, qro PoH paccKa3btBaer o TOM, KaK npOBOA14T CBO14
urronuHurfi AeHb ero cecrpa Il,anga, n 3aKOHr{r4 tru npeMo)KeHl4fl,
aur6pae npaernuuuttZ BaphaHr.

1) Linda gets up very early

a) every day b) on Saturday Ll on her schooldays
2\ Linda has breakfast in the
a) kitchen b) living room c) bedroom
3) Diana and Linda often go to school t23
a) with Ron b) with their f riends c) together
4) Linda's house is near c
a) her school b) the swimming pool c) the flower f
5) The girls are late for classes. t+
a) never b) usually c) often D
6) After school the girls go to
a) the cinema b) the park c) the swimming pool

l-lpovrratZ )TtA cnoBocot{eraHHtt tA npeAfloxeHrfl.

1) a green blackboard 2) a high windowsill

a white blackboard a wide windowsill
a brown blackboard a long windowsill
3)a lot of bread 4) understand the teacher
a lot of butter understand the question
a lot of jam understand the text
5) after classes 6) thirty
before classes eighty
in class ninety
7) ask questions
ask the time
ask about your friend


8) that school bag.

Give . us
Give them your new plant.
Give them our phone number.
9) Put the book on the desk.
Put some jam on the bread.
Put your pens down.
Maximum result 27
Your result
c ?

flocvrorpra Ha KaprilHKl4 u eur6epz K raxgorZ tA3 HIAX nO[!::l
no4nncu. f'lpovrararZ ux Bcnyx.
1. a) Robert is opening his book.
b) Robert is opening his box.
c) Robert is opening his bag.

2. a) Robert closing the door.

b) Robert is closing the window.
c) Robert is closing the cupboard.

3. a) Robert is putting his bag

on the sofa.
b) Robert is putting his bag
on the desk.
c) Robert is putting his bag
in the desk.

4. a) Robert is giving an apple

to his dog.
b) Robert is giving an apple
his cow.
c) Robert is giving an apple
to his horse.
Maximum result 4
Your result ?
A. Te6e cefiqac HyxHo 6yger npoqilTarb reKcr "Afternoon at
School". Kar rbl AyMae[ub, o qdv 6y4er roBopr4Tbcfl B rercre?
flpourrafi reKcr, qro6ur npoBeprrb cBoro AoraAKy.



B. flocvorpr Ha phcyHoK vt cKa)Kh, B qtivr xy4oxHt4rc our6cn.

Afternoon at School
It's LZ.LO now. Lindais having lunch in the school
Lunch Room. There are a lot of pupils there. They
are hungry. They are having lunch too. Linda is sit-
ting at the table together with her friends Barbara
and Melissa. The girls are eating soup. Are there
plates in front of them? Yes, there are. Is there any
bread in the middle of the table? Yes, there is. Is
there any butter on the butter dish? No, there isn't.
There is some orange j uice on the table. There is
mineral ['mrnrel] water on the table too but there
aren't any apples or oranges there.


answer, &ry, ask, before, blackboard, bread, b'-'::
class, classroom, close, eighty, fifty' forty, g--'-
hundred, jam, ninety, open' plant, Put, ques:- -'
seventy, sixty, some, soup' tea, there, thir:-'"
today, twentY, understand, water
before classes, after classes, in class, ask ques:--
answer questions, at the blackboard, bread and :
tk* ,26 ter, put your books down, there is/there ar:
':i= PaCCraXr, qTO eCTb tA L{erO HeT B reOefr UKOne. CnOea E :
c .ti..,,..j
Moryr noMoltb re6e.
.+ four (two) floors, garden with trees and f lorr'=:
bedsi gym and swimming pool, our classroo::-'
D green plants, maps and pictures, desks, teache:'
desk, blackboard and cupboards, English Roo::'
Music Room, Lunch Room, Teacher's Roon-
new, old, big, wide, narrow, high, low, comf r: -
able, tidy, cosy, messy, clean, modern, light, i'

Hanrurr cnoBapHb;,a purtant 4 (Dictation 4), @ (97).

Maximum result 10 Total result ;
Your result ? Your result "l

ffi{3 XY #AI Y&Ur* $qfir*E

Burnonuu 3a,qaHhn 1-5 B pa6ovetZ rerpaAil.

Burnonun npoeKrHoe saganre 4 (Project Work 4).

My Dream Classroom
OQopnn1a uetniipryro cTpaHI{.I}cy cBoero aH1'JIHI"IC:l
a.ns6owra. Hapncyfi vIJrvT cXeMaTLIr{ecKIa uso6pasvt }i-:I
Hyro KoMHaTy csoefi Mer{TbI. flo$aHt asupyft vr HaIIiS
Kar{yrc ue6ens TbI BvTp.uTIn15 B ueft, KaK'
KoMHary npr4BJrexarensnofi .
CofleprraHne 127

Unit Meet John Barker and His Family

Step 3
Step 7
Step 12
Step 15
Step 19
Step 22
Step 26

Unit My Day

Step 31
Step 34
Step 39
Step 43
Step 47
Step 51
Step 55

Unit At Home

Step 61
Step 66
Step 70
Step 75


Unit &. I Go to School

Step t.
12r 124 Step 3
Step F
c SteP -*'

f Step 5
(+ Step S
Step E

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