E PG-PoliticalScience-E
E PG-PoliticalScience-E
E PG-PoliticalScience-E
Print Production
Mr. Manjit Singh
Section Officer (Pub.)
SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
1. The University 5
3. University Rules 7
5. Evaluation 26
In the face of an ever increasing demand for higher education, upgradation of skills and need for
continuous training of the workforce, IGNOU is fast developing into a sustainable system for
enhancing seamless access to education in the country. At present it caters to around 3.0 million
students through its vast network of 60 Regional Centers and Study Centres spread all over the
country and its headquarters located in New Delhi. Its mission is to advance the frontiers of knowledge
and provide sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill upgradation and training to all
by using innovative technologies and methodologies.
The University is committed to quality in all its activities - teaching, research, training and extension.
IGNOU also acts as a national resource centre for expertise and infrastructure in the ODL system. It
is an apex body responsible for ensuring the sharing of professional capabilities and resources as
well as for improving the standards of distance education in the country.
The University offers various academic programmes that lead to Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees.
It develops and produces courses for delivery through open learning and distance education mode.
It is actively involved in research, training and extension education activities.
In order to fulfil its mission of providing access to quality education to all citizens of this country,
the University is mandated to:
• impart education and knowledge through various means suited to the open and distance education
• provide higher education to large sections of the population, particularly to the disadvantaged
segments of society;
• encourage, coordinate and assist open universities and distance education institutions to raise
standards of education in the country; and
• promote national integration and strengthen the natural and human resources of the country
through the medium of education.
IGNOU has certain unique features such as:
• National jurisdiction
• Flexible admission rules
• Individualised study
• Flexibility in terms of place, pace and duration of study
• Use of latest information and communication technologies
• An effective student support services network
• Cost-effective progammes
• Modular programmes, and
• Resource sharing, collaboration and networking with Open Universities and other institutions
Reserved categories, viz. Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Physically
Handicapped students have to pay the fee at the time of admission to the University along with other
Physically Handicapped students admitted to IGNOU are eligible for Government of India
scholarships. They are advised to collect scholarship forms from the respective State Governments
Directorate of Social Welfare or the office of the Social Welfare Officer and submit the filled-in
forms to them through the Regional Director concerned.
Similarly, SC/ST and other Backward Class students have to submit their scholarship forms to the
respective State Directorates of Social Welfare or to the Office of the Social Welfare Officer, through
the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU for reimbursement of programme fee.
Note: Registration fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Programme fee
may, however, be refunded if admission is not given for any reason.
4.2 Eligibility
In accordance with the University's general policy of 'openness' and 'flexibility' vis-a-vis
eligibility criteria, all graduates are eligible for admission even if they do not have any Political
Science background at the Undergraduate level. There would be no admission test. However,
Undergraduates, with no previous training in Political Science should go through the Bachelor's
Degree Political Science courses of IGNOU. It would help them to understand the Master's
level courses.
4.3 Duration
The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of five
Fee for the programme is to be paid year-wise. In the first year fee is Rs. 5600/- and in the 2nd year
it is Rs. 5400/-.
The Open University system is based on credits. One credit is equivalent to 30 hours of study. In
other words, you will have to put in 240 hours of study for completing an 8 credit course and
120 hours of study for completing a four credit course. You can decide how many courses you want
to pursue in a year by calculating how much time you can spare for your studies. It also helps you
to understand the academic effort you have to put in. To successfully complete a course of an
academic programme (Degree, Diploma or Certificate) requires successful clearing of the
Assignments and the Term-End Examination of each course and the project work wherever applicable
in a programme.
Credits can be transferred from one university to another, at the same level of education and for the
same subject only. Credit transfer of a maximum of 50% credits only is allowed within a programme
of study.
MPS is a 64-credit programme with compulsory and optional courses. The following courses are
available in the first and second year of study:
I Year Compulsory Courses
MPS-001: Political Theory 8 credits
MPS-002: International Relations: Theory and Problems 8 credits
MPS-003: India: Democracy and Development 8 credits
MPS-004: Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends 8 credits
II Year Optional Courses
MPSE-001: India and the World 4 credits
MPSE-002: State and Society in Latin America 4 credits
MPSE-003: Western Political Thought 4 credits
MPSE-004: Social and Political Thought in Modern India 4 credits
MPSE-005: State and Society in Africa 4 credits
MPSE-006: Peace and Conflict Studies 4 credits
MPSE-007: Social Movements and Politics in India 4 credits
MPSE-008: State Politics in India 4 credits
MPSE-009: Canada: Politics and Society 4 credits
MPSE-011: The European Union in World Affairs 4 credits
MPSE-012: State and Society in Australia 4 credits
MPSE-013 Australia's Foreign Policy 4 credits
MED-002: Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges 4 credits
MED-008 Globalisation and Environment 4 credits
MGP-004 Gandhi’s Political Thought 4 credits
MGPE-007 Non-Violent Movements after Gandhi 4 credits
MGPE-008 Gandhian Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolution 4 credits
MGPE-010 Conflict Management, Transformation & Peace Building 4 credits
MGPE-011 Human Security 4 credits
MGPE-013 Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict 4 credits
With a basket of 80 credits worth of elective courses in the Second year, this programme provides
the learners freedom to shape an individualised programme of study to meet their personal interest
and career goals.
Note: Even if the university does not send any communication for re-registration in 2 nd year,
you are advised to visit our website www.ignou.ac.in during the relevant months as
mentioned above to seek registration.
You are required to score at least 40% marks in both continuous evaluation (assignments) as well as
term-end examination separately. In the overall computation also, you must get at least 40% marks
in each course to claim the Degree in Masters in Political Science.
5.1 Assignments
Assignments constitute continuous evaluation. The submission of assignments is compulsory. The
marks that you get in your assignments will be counted in your final result. Assignments of a course
carry 30% weightage while 70% weightage is given to the term-end examinations. Therefore, you
are advised to take your assignments seriously. A simple omission on your part may cause loss to
you and inconvenience at all levels in the University.
You have to complete the assignment within the due dates specified in the assignments booklet. You
will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination for any course if you do not
submit the specified number of assignments in time for that course. If you appear in term-end
examination without submitting the assignments, the result of term-end examination would be liable
to be cancelled.
The main purpose of assignments is to test your comprehension of the learning materials you receive
from us and also to help you get through the courses. The evaluators/counsellors after correcting the
assignments send them back to you with their comments and marks. The comments guide you in
your study and help in improving it. The content provided in the printed course materials should be
sufficient in writing your assignments. But at the post-graduate level, it is expected that you will
consult other prescribed books also. However, please do not worry too much about the non-availability
of extra reading materials for working on the assignments. The assignments are designed in such a
way as to help you concentrate mainly on the printed course materials and your analytical capabilities.
All the assignments for M.A. would be Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) which are evaluated by
the counsellor. Every course will have a specified number of assignments which will be indicated in
the assignment booklet. Please follow the instructions given there.
Whenever you receive a set of material and assignments, check them immediately and ask for
missing pages, if any, from the Material Production and Distribution Division, (IGNOU, Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi-110068).
The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Before submission you should ensure
that you have answered all the questions in all the assignments. Incomplete answer sheets bring you
poor marks.
You have to submit your response sheets to the Coordinator of the Study Centre assigned to you.
After evaluation these tutor marked assignments will be sent back to you with comments and marks.
The University/Co-ordinator of the Study Centre has the right not to entertain or reject the assignments
submitted after the due date. You are, therefore, advised to submit the assignments before the due
Do not forget to get back your duly evaluated tutor marked assignments alongwith a copy of the
assessment sheet containing comments of the evaluator on your performance. This may help you to
improve future assignments.
For your own record, retain a copy of all the assignment responses which you submit to the
Coordinator. If you do not get back your duly evaluated tutor marked assignments along with a copy
of the assessment sheet containing comments of the evaluator on your assignment within a month
after submission, please try to get it personally from your study centre. This may help you improve
your future assignments. Also maintain an account of the corrected assignment responses received
by you after evaluation. This will enable you to represent your case to the University in case any
problem arises.
If you do not get the pass grade in any assignment, you have to submit it again. To get fresh assignments
you should write to the Registrar, MPDD, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi -110068. You can
also download them from the University website: www.ignou.ac.in. However, once you get the pass
grade in an assignment, you cannot re-submit it for improvement of your grade.
Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any. committed by the
evaluator. The discrepancy noticed by you in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the
notice of the Coordinator of the Study Centre, so that the correct score is forwarded by him to the
Student Evaluation Division at the Headquarters. Score communicated by the study centre through
any mode other than the award list will not be acceptable to the University for taking your score of
assignments on your record.
In case you find that the score indicated in the assignment sheet of your Tutor marked assignment
has not been correctly reflected or is not entered in your grade card, you are advised to contact the
Coordinator of your study centre with a request to forward the correct award list to the SE Division
at the Headquarters.
Do not enclose or express doubts for clarification, if any, about the study material or the
assignment along with the assignment responses. Send your doubts in a separate cover to
the Programme Coordinator, M.A. Political Science, School of Social Sciences at IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068. Give your complete enrolment number, name. address, title
of the course, and the number of the Unit or the assignment, etc. on top of your letter.
1) Write your Enrolment Number. Name, Full Address, Signature and Date on the top right hand
corner of the first page of your response sheet.
2) Write the Programme Title, Course Code, Course Title, Assignment Code and Name of your
Study Centre on the left hand comer of the first page of your response sheet.
Course Code and Assignment Code may be reproduced from the assignment.
The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:
All Tutor Marked Assignments are to be submitted at the study centre assigned to you.
3) Read the assignment carefully and follow the specific instructions, if any given on the assignment
itself about the subject matter or its presentation.
4) Go through the Units on which assignments are based. Make some points regarding the question
and then rearrange those points in a logical order and draw up a rough outline of your answer.
While answering an essay type question give, adequate attention to introduction and conclusion.
The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to
develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question. Make sure that the
answer is logical and coherent, and has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs.
The answer should be relevant to the question given in the assignment. Make sure that you
have attempted all the main points of the question. Once you are satisfied with your answer,
write down the final version neatly and underline the points you wish to emphasise.
5) Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. Avoid using very
thin paper. Allow a 4 cm margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer. This
may facilitate the evaluator to write useful comments in the margin at appropriate places.
6) Write the responses in your own hand. Do not print or type the answers. Do not copy your
answers from the Units/Blocks sent to you by the University. If you copy, you will get a zero
for the respective question.
7) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the assignments
of such students will be rejected.
8) Write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not be written in continuity.
9) Write the question number with each answer.
10) The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to
you. Under no circumstances should you send the tutor marked response sheets to the Student
Evaluation Division at the Head Quarters for evaluation.
11) After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre, get the acknowledgement from the
Coordinator on the prescribed assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement card.
12) In case you have requested a change of Study Centre, you should submit your Tutor Marked
Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by
the University.
13) If you find that there is any factual error in the evaluation of your assignments e.g. any portion
of the assignment response has not been evaluated or the total of the score recorded on the
assignment response is incorrect, you should approach the coordinator of your study centre for
correction and transmission of correct score to the headquarters.
5.2 Term-end Examinations
As stated earlier, the term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and it
carries 70% weightage in the final result. You must fill and send your term-end examination form
before the last dates i.e. 31st March for June and 30th September for the December exam.
In case you fail to secure a pass score (40% marks) in the term-end examination, you will be eligible
to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when it is held, within the total
span of the programme.
Eligibility for Examination
To be eligible to appear at the Term-end Examination in any course, you are required to fulfil the
following four conditions:
1) You should have paid the course fee.
2) You should have opted and pursued the prescribed course.
3) You should have submitted the assignments for the respective course.
4) You should submit the examination form in time.
Examination Date Sheet
Examination date sheets (Schedule which indicates the date and time of examination for each course)
are sent to all the Study Centres approximately five months in advance. The same is also notified
through the IGNOU News Letter from time to time. Thus, normally, the date sheet for the June
examination is released in January and for the December examination in July. It may be accessed
from the website as well.
A fee of `120/- per course is charged as examination fee. If result of the previous examination is not
declared the fee for that course can be exempted while filling the form for the next exam. The
detailed guidelines are available at ignou website www.ignou.ac.in. There is a separate late fee if
forms are submitted after due date.
Keeping the interest of the students, University has approved the acceptance of the examination
forms from the students through online mode only. The details are given below.
Description June TEE December TEE Online submission
Without late fee Upto 30th April Upto 31st October Online submission
For Latest information see
website: www.ignou.ac.in
Late fee of 1sr May to 10th May 1sr November to Online submission
Rs. 1000/- 10th November
For update and recent notification kindly visit University’s website: www.ignou.ac.in
The examination forms with the requisite late fee shall be submitted by the students from
1st May to 10th May for June TEE and 1st November to 10th November for December Term End
Examination (TEE) through online mode only. The examination fee should be paid by students
through Debit/Credit Card only.
Admit Card
After receiving the examination forms from you, the University will display the admit card on its
website www.ignou.ac.in. If you do not find uploaded admit card till 15 days before the
commencement of examination, then please contact the Student Evaluation Division at the
Headquarters. The admit card is available on University website only. You can download it and
go for examination along with your identity card. If your name is registered for examination in the
list sent to the Study Centre, even if your admit card is not uploaded online, you can take the
examination by showing your Identity Card (Student Card) to the examination centre superintendent.
Every student must bring identity card for appearing in term end examination along with the
admit card.
Examination Centre
Your Study Centre is normally your examination centre. However, the University at its discretion
may allot you any examination centre other than your study centre. Change of the examination
centre is not generally permitted. In exceptional cases only change of centre may be considered. For
this you should apply one month in advance to the Registrar, SRD at IGNOU.
Your enrolment number is your Roll Number for the examination. Be very careful in writing it. Any
mistake in writing the Roll Number will result in the non-declaration of your result.
Declaration of Result
The University will normally declare the result in 45 days from the date of Examination. You are
however, advised to fill up the form for the next examination without waiting for the result and get
it cancelled at a later date if so required.
Improvement of Division/Marks
Improvement of marks/grades is permissible for those students of M.A. who fall short by 2% marks
in securing a 1st or 2nd Division. It is also permissible for those students of M.A. who fall short by
2% marks in securing 55% overall marks. The prescribed form for the purpose is given in this
Programme Guide. Please read the conditions governing this provision given on the back of the
IGNOU Newsletter
The University publishes a newsletter in English as well as in Hindi. It is mailed to the students free
of cost. All the important information relevant to the students is published in the newsletter.
Reservation of Seats
The University provides reservation of seats for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and physically
handicapped students as per the Government of India rules. The details regarding scholarship and
reimbursement of fee are given in section 3.
Change of Medium is also permitted within one month of the first receipt of study material on
payment of Rs. 350/- per course plus Rs. 600/- for 4 credit and Rs. 1200/- for an 8 credit course by
a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at Delhi.
For change of course/medium, you should-address your form (given in this Programme Guide) to
the Registrar, Students Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi. New Delhi - 110068 along
with the draft for requisite fee.
There is a printed form for the change/correction of address. A copy of the same is given in this
Programme Guide. In case there is any correction or change in your address, you are directed to
make use of that printed card addressed to the Regional Director of the region where you are enrolled.
You are advised not to write to any other officer in the University in this regard. Normally, it takes
four to six weeks to effect the change. Therefore, you are advised to make your own arrangements
to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period.
The candidates are required to opt for only such study centres which are activated for the programme.
As far as possible the university will allot the study centre opted by the candidate. However, the
university may change the study centre at its convenience without concurrence of the student at any
For the purpose of change of the Study Centre you have to send a request to the Director of your
Regional Centre. A copy of the same may be sent to the Student Registration Division at the
Counselling facilities for a programme may not be available at all the Centres. As such you are
advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available for the programme you have chosen, at
the new Centre opted for. As far as possible the request for a change of the Study Centre is considered
favourably. However, the allotment of the new Study Centre is subject to availability of seats for the
programme at the new Centre.
Change of Region
When you want transfer from one region to another, you have to write to that effect to the Regional
Centre from where you seek a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where you would like
to be transferred to and also to the Registrar (SRD), New Delhi. Further, you have to obtain a
certificate from the Coordinator of the Study Centre from where you are seeking transfer regarding
the number of assignments submitted. The Regional Centre from where you are seeking the transfer
will transfer all records to the Regional Centre where you seek transfer under intimation to you and
the Registrar (SRD). The records are normally sent by Registered Post to guard against loss in the
postal transit.
In IGNOU there is a provision for re-evaluation. Re-evaluation is done with reference to the
grade/marks given in the Answer Book and Award list. The request should be made on the
prescribed form along with a draft of Rs. 750/- per course payable at IGNOU, New Delhi. The
request for re-evaluation by the students must be made before 31 st March for December TEE and
30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results whichever is later. The
date of declaration of results will be calculated from the date on which the results are placed on the
IGNOU website.
After re-evaluation, the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and re-evaluated marks will
be considered.
The revised marks after the re-evaluation shall be incorporated in the student record and the
revised Grade card/Marks sheet shall be sent to the students within one month from the receipt of
the application.
Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects, Practicals, Assignments. Seminar etc.
Prescribed form for the purpose is given in this Programme Guide.
Early Declaration of Result
In order to facilitate the students who have got offer of admission and/or selected for employment
etc. and are required to produce marks-sheet/grade card by a specified given date, they may apply
for early processing of their answer scripts and declaration of results for this purpose. The students
are required to apply in the specified format available on the University website with the prescribed
fee. The students can submit their request for early declaration before the commencement of the
Term-end Examination i.e. before 1 st June and 1 st December respectively. The University in such
cases will make arrangements for processing the answer scripts and declare the result as a special
For Migration Certificate, requisition may be sent to the Regional Director concerned along with
the following documents:
1) Application (can be obtained from the Head Office or photocopy of the one given in the
Programme Guide could be used.)
2) Attested copy of the mark sheet.
3) Fee of Rs. 500/- in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of 1GNOU payable at the city
where the Regional Centre is located.
"Credit transfer" means allowing a student of another university to get admitted to IGNOU for
completing any equivalent degree/diploma programme on the basis of credits obtained by him/her
from that University. A student thus admitted does not need to write IGNOU examinations for such
courses which are found equivalent to and for which appropriate credits would be deemed to have
been acquired for fulfilling the IGNOU requirements for the award of a degree/diploma.
The credit transfer scheme is applicable to only those candidates who have not completed their
degree from any other recognized University and yet are willing to complete it through IGNOU as
per the rules provided.
1) Normally credit transfer will be applicable only from a diploma, bachelor's degree, master's
degree to an equivalent diploma, bachelor's degree and a master's degree.
2) Credit transfer will be permissible only in the case of students coming from institutions
established by an Act of Parliament or by an Act of State Legislature; or an institution "deemed
to be university" or an "institution of national importance" or institutions recognized by statutory
bodies like AICTE, ICMR, ICAR, CSIR etc.
3) Credit transfer can be done only on the basis of individual courses and not on the basis of year
to year courses as in conventional institutions.
4) In order to get a diploma/degree from IGNOU a student will be required to earn at least 50%
credit from IGNOU. For example, a M.A. student should earn at least 32 credits from IGNOU
for an IGNOU degree.
5) The degree, certificate or the marks list thus given to the students will specifically indicate the
credits earned in IGNOU and those obtained from the other institution.
Rules and Regulations for Credit Transfer
1) Students who want to avail credit transfer shall get registered with IGNOU for the programmes
they want to study. All the applications for credit transfer should be addressed to Registrar,
SRD, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
2) The students have the choice to opt for the electives of second year in the 1 st year of their
3) The student by opting for the courses in such a way so as to complete the balance credits can
reduce the period of study prescribed for the completion of the degree programme and thereby,
avail no payment of fees for the period not covered. The students availing credit transfer
would be allowed to complete the programme early provided they do not offer more than 32
credits in a year.
4) IGNOU "programmes" and "courses" means "subjects" or "papers" respectively of conventional
5) Students seeking credit transfer should apply directly to the Registrar (SRD) IGNOU, Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi - 110068 enclosing a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- per course drawn in the
name of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi, attested copies of Marks sheet and attested copies
of syllabus of such courses, covered by them. Such cases will be examined separately by the
Equivalence Committee at the Headquarters of the university. This process will take a
minimum period of three months from the date of receipt of such requests with all the
relevant documents by the above concerned officer.
Refund of Fees
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Programme fee may, however, be
refunded if admission is not offered by IGNOU for any reason.
Disputes on Admission and other University Matters
The place of jurisdiction for filing of a Suit if necessary will be only at New Delhi/Delhi.
Using media effectively: The audio-visual learning is faster and can be more effective. That is why
multi-media is one of the integral components of our multiple media instructional package. For
complementing your learning with the help of multi-media effectively, you should visit your study
centre for counselling and insist that your counsellor shows A/V programmes. Such visits will also
help you obtain the latest information on broadcast, and telecast of programmes and tele-conferences
being held. Now, IGNOU has a 24 hr TV Channel Cyan Darshan and a countrywide network of FM
radio stations. You should contact your cable operators to beam Gyan Darshan. In case it is not
possible for you to visit your SCs for some reason, you can procure these cassettes/CDs from the
University for convenient viewing.
Preparing Assignment Responses: The separation between the teacher and the taught in the ODL
system is bridged through dialogue established by continuous assessment. Your assignment responses
provide an opportunity to your counsellor to guide you and pace your learning depending on your
progress. Therefore, you must write your assignment yourself, in your words depending on the
scope of every question. In some questions, you might be required to give a brief outline while in
others you may be asked to give your justifications/demonstrate your skills and knowledge/give
detailed description etc. It is also possible that you may be required to refer to a particular source of
information or data and present your analysis. If possible, discuss implications and suggest application
and/or give illustrations.
When you have answered the assignments, pause for a while and recheck your response to make
sure that:
the language is your own, simple and comprehensible
it covers all the relevant aspects and with expected details
the content is accurate and relevant
the presentation is logical and clear
the main points are well supported by examples/arguments/illustrations and
the response has been neatly typed or legibly written.
You must keep a copy of each of your assignments and file them in order, separately, for each
course. While submitting your assignment at your Study Centre / Programme Centre, you must
insist on obtaining acknowledgement. In case you send your assignment by post, keep the registration
slip as evidence. In case of any difficulty or unconvincing response at the Study Centre, please
contact your Regional Centre or the Headquarter. Normally, you should obtain your Tutor Marked
Assignment within 45 days. In case you do not receive your evaluated TMAs with tutor comments
in the stipulated period,,you should check with the Study Centre Coordinator. Once you receive the
evaluated assignment responses, go through tutor comments.. A careful reading of the comments
should give you an idea as to how you can improve your responses in future.
Learning from Counselling and Peer Group: In order to make the best use of the counselling
sessions, you should have read the relevant units before going for the counselling session. This will
enable you to have useful interactions with your counsellor and peer group. Participate in the
discussion with an open mind. Take note of important points identified by other peer group members
and the counsellor. Do not hesitate to clarify doubts, even if they are trivial.
Taking the Term-end Examination: In our system of education, career prospects are influenced by
the performance in examinations. So we should approach examinations with some caution. However,
this should not cause anxiety. Another important point to be kept in mind is that you must submit your
assignments as per schedule before the examination.
Preparing for the Examinations: The surest way to success in any examination is to conscientiously
employ effective study techniques over a period of time. For example, if you follow the tips provided
here. your chances of success will improve. If you follow them. you will certainly remember more,
have a better understanding, and be able to organise your ideas quickly and effectively.
Even solving previous examination question papers and getting your answers checked by your counsellors
should help improve your performance. You can download these from the IGNOU website
www.ignou.ac.in. Revision of text materials plays a vital role in your preparation for the examinations.
The following are two good reasons for doing regular revisions right from the start:
You may not have enough time to revise everything you have studied in a course/programme at the last
You will find the latter materials easier to study if you have sound understanding of what has been
studied earlier.
On the Examination Day: When you receive the question paper:
Read the instructions and the question paper right through very carefully paying attention to each
Be objective and assess what precisely the questions demand of you.
Budget your time; that is, you should carefully allocate your time according to the weightage given to
each question.
Plan your answer and form a sense of priority.
You are also advised to get in touch with the Co-ordinator of your Study Centre for timely information.
• Please file all letters that the University sends you, and keep this Programme Guide
carefully. A record of your progress is maintained at our Student Evaluation Division.
You must maintain your own record for comparison, if needed.
• Do write to us if you have any difficulties or problems while working through the
programme. Remember to intimate the relevant authority sufficiently in advance.
• All types of communication (letters, applications, etc.) are attended to as soon as we
can. It is therefore, desirable that you make your letters brief and precise. Also mention
your enrolment number and present address in all your correspondence. It is mandatory.
• The university reserves the right to change the rules detailed in this Programme Guide.
However, you will be informed about these changes through supplementary circulars
well in advance.
• In your own time-table you must provision for unforeseen difficulties, such as illness,
official duties, various social obligations, etc. By doing so, you will save yourself from
unexpected delays. The golden principle is to do today what you have planned to do
Notes : 1. Submit this form to the coordinator of your study centre alongwith the assignment.
2. When you submit the assignment by post, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelop along with this.
To Change of Medium: Rs. 600/- for 4 credit and Rs. 1200/-
for 8 credit per course
The Regional Director Change of Courses: Rs. 600/- for 4 credit per course
______________________________ Rs. 1200/- for 8 credit per course.
This is permitted within 30 days from receipt of first set
______________________________ of course material
Enrolment No.:
Fee Details: Demand draft is to be made in the name of IGNOU payable at the city of your Regional
Name _______________________
Address: _______________________
Name ...................................................................................................
Programme : ................................................................................................................................................
Enrolment No.
Name ................................................................................................
Enrolment No.
Address ............................................................................
Programme .................................................................................................................................................
Month and Year of the Exam. ....................................................................................................................
Centre from where appeared at
last examination .........................................................................................................................................
Bank Draft / IPO No. ............................................................... Dated .......................................................
for Rs. 200/- in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi ..........................................................................................
Dated ........................................................................
Note : Fee for duplicate grade card Rs.200/-. The duplicate grade card/mark sheet will be sent by
Registered post.
The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to :
The Registrar (Student Evaluation Division)
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
(To be submitted at the concerned Regional Centre)
1. Name :....................................................................................................................................
2. Father’s/Husband’s Name :...........................................................................................................
3. Address ........................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................Pin ..........................
4. Particulars of last examination ......................................................................................................
Examination Passed Year of Passing Enrolment No. Marks Obtained Grades Obtained
5. Name of the Regional Centre and Study Centre in which the Candidate is attached
6. Name of the University to which the Candidate wants to migrate
Draft Details
Amount Rs. __________________ D.D. No. ________________ Date _______________
Bank Name ____________________________ Place of Issue ______________________
I hereby declare that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have paid all
fee due to the University. In the event of any of the above information being found incorrect, the
Certificate shall be liable to cancellation by the University.
Received the Migration Certificate No. _______________________ dated ___________
1. A fee of Rs. 500/- should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and
payable at concerned Regional Centre/City.
2. At the time of submission of the application for issue of Migration Certificate the student should
attach xerox copy of consolidated Statement of Marks of Provisional Certificate issued by this
University (duly attested) for verification.
3. Duplicate Migration Certificate can be issued on payment of Rs. 500/- only in case it has been lost,
destroyed or mutilated on submission of an Affidavit drawn up on a non-judicial stamp paper of
the value of Rs. 10/- to be sworn before a Magistrate on the following format.
solemnly declare that the Migration Certificate No. ___________________ dated ___________ issued
to me by the ___________________________ to enable me to join _____________________
______________ University has been lost and I did not join any other University on the basis of the
same nor have I submitted the same for joining any other University. In case the lost Migration Certificate
is found, I shall deposit the same to the University”.
Note: For Instructions, please see reverse.
The Registrar
Student Evaluation Division
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
1. The form should be filled in duplicate legibly and signed by the candidate
2. The form should be submitted through the Regional Director of the concerned Regional Centre
through which the candidate appeared at the said examination, and duplicate copy will be sent
through the Regional Director concerned.
3. A duplicate copy of the Degree will be issued on submission of an affidavit signed by a First Class
Magistrate together with an attested copy of the F.I.R. lodged with the nearest Police Station to
this effect by the candidate on the grounds that either the original Degree has been irrecoverably
lost destroyed or defaced and on payment of the fee prescribed.
4. In very special cases subsequent copy of the Degree may be issued for not more than four times, on
submission of an affidavit signed and certified by a First Class Magistrate to the effect that the
Degree issued previously by the University has been lost or destroyed, and on payment of the fee
as prescribed for the issue of duplicate copy.
Address ________________
Signature __________________
Designation __________________
Office Seal __________________
(Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form. Please go through them carefully before
filling up the form).
Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st to 30th April for June Term-end Exam.
1st to 31st October for December Term- end Exam.
1. Name: .......................................................................................................................................................
3. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... Pin
1. The improvement of marks/grades is applicable only for the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes, who
have completed the programme. The eligibility is as under:-
a) The students of Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes who fall short of 2% marks to secure 2nd and
1st division.
b) The students of Master’s Degree Programmes only, who fall short of 2% marks to secure overall 55%
4. Under the Provision of improvement, a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful
completion of a programme shall be permitted.
5. Students wishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final
statement of marks/grade card to them, subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/
course being applied for improvement, is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to
appear for improvement. However, the students who have completed the programme as on the date of issue of
this notification, wishing to improve can apply for improvement in the Term-end Examination as per following
a) The students mentioned at 1(a) above in June 2008.
b) The students mentioned at 1(b) above in June 2008 or December 2008.
6. No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme, including the re-
admission period, has expired.
7. After appearing in the examination for improvement, better of the two examinations, i.e. marks/grade already
awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered. In such cases, the
improved marks/grade can be incorporated only on surrender of the statement of marks/Grade Card, Provisional
Certificate and Degree Certificate already issued to the student.
8. In case of improvement, the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-end
examination, in which students appeared for improvement.
9. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular
course, in which they wish to improve, is being conducted by the University at that time.
10. Students wishing to improve their performance should submit the application in the prescribed format along
with fee @Rs.500/- per course by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi
and send within the presecribed dates to the following address:-
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068
11. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form,
d) Course(s): ……………………………………………………………………….....................................
5. Fee details:
(The fee for this purpose is Rs. 100/- per course, which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of
IGNOU & payable at the City of Evaluation Centre)
No. of Course(s): …………..…… X Rs. 100/- = Total Amount: ...............…….....
I hereby undertake that the answer script(s), for which photocopy(ies), applied for, belongs to me. For this purpose,
I am enclosing self attested photocopy of my Identity Card issued by the University. In case, my statement is found
false, the University may take action against me as deemed fit.
1. Photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall be provided to the students from December-2008 term-end exami-
nation (TEE), onwards.
2. The fee for photocopy of the answer script shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundered Only) per course. Fee
shall be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi.
3. Application form without self attested photocopy of the Identity Card of the student will not be entertained.
4. Student’s application form for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall reach the Concerned Authority (as
mentioned below in the last para) alongwith the prescribed fee within 45 days from the date of declaration of
results. The date of receipt of application for June term-end examination shall be by 15th October and for
December term-end examination by 15th April or within 45 days from the date of declaration of result on the
University’s website, whichever your later.
5. The students, who find that any portion of the answer was not evaluated or any totaling error is noticed, may
point out the same and submit their representation alongwith a copy of the answer script supplied to them
within 15 days. No other query regarding evaluation of answer script shall be entertained.
6. The students, who intend to apply for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) may simultaneously apply for re-
evaluation, if they so desire. The last date for submission of application for re-evaluation will not be extended
to facilitate them to point out discrepancy in the evaluation.
7. The application form duly filled-in may be sent to the following address except CPE & DPE programmes:-
Sl.No. Address of Evaluation Centre Jurisdiction of Evaluation Centre
1. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres within Delhi-1, Delhi-
Evaluation Centre
Block-5, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi 2, Delhi-3, All Schools and Divisions at Hqs.
New Delhi-110068
2. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Chennai, Hyderabad,
Evaluation Centre, Periyar Thidal Port Blair, Vijayawada, Trivandrum, Cochin, Ban-
No.50, EVK Sampath Road galore, Madurai, Panaji, Nagpur and Sub-RC
Vepery Chennai – 600 007 Vatakara.
3. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Patna, Raipur,
Evaluation Centre Bhuvneshwar, Koraput, Siliguri and
IGNOU Regional Centre Raghunathganj.
2nd Floor, Biscomaun Tower
W. Gandhi Maidan, Patna -800 001
4. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Lucknow, Varanasi,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Aligarh, Dehradun, Noida, Karnal, Chandigarh,
Centre, B-1/33, Sector-H, Aliganj Khanna, Shimla, Jammu and Srinagar,
Lucknow – 226 024
5. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Pune, Ahmedabad,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Bhopal, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Rajkot and Mumbai.
Centre, 1st Floor, MSFC Building
270, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411016
6. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Guwahati, Itanagar,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Imphal, Shilong, Agartala, Gangtok, Kohima and
Centre, H/No.71, GMC Road Aizwal.
Christian Basti, Guwahati – 781 005
7. Dy. Registrar
All Examination Centres in Kolkata, Darbhanga
Evaluation Centre
and Ranchi.
IGNOU Regional Centre
Bikash Bhavan, 4th Floor, North Block,
Bidhan Nagar (Salt Lake City)
8) For the photocopy (ies) of the answer script(s) of CPE & DPE programmes, the application form may be
sent to the Regional Centre concerned.
S. Name of the Programme Eligibility Mini- Duration in Programme Medium of Future Prospects
N. Programme Code mum years Fee* Instruction
age on
1st Min. Max.
Jan. of
1. Doctor of Ph.D. An M.Phil. degree No Bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs.7000/- English & Teaching and Research in
Philosophy and a Post- Hindi Institutions of higher
(History, Pol. Graduate egree in a learning, Universities and
Science, relevant iscipline research institutes
Economics, with minimum 55
Sociology, per cent marks (50
Public Admn., per cent marks for
Library & SC/ST/PH
Information candidates) or an
Sciences) equivalent grade
from a University
or a recognized
institution of higher
Master’s degree in a
relevant discipline
with minimum 55 per
cent marks (50 per
cent marks for SC/
ST/PH candidates)
or an equivalent
grade from a
University or a
recognized institution
of higher learning
and five years of
experience at senior
2. M.Phil REC Same No Bar 1 1/2 4 yrs Rs. 10,500/ English Teaching, Research and
programmes in yrs Professional Economist
under face to
face mode.
4. Master in MLIS i) BLIS Degree No Bar 1 yr. 4 yrs. Rs.10800/- English To prepare professionals
Library and from any of different levels to take
Information recognized up employment in
Science University libraries and Information
or its equivalent. Centres in the
ii) Weightage will - Govt. Departments,
be given to the Universities & other
candidates Academic Institutions
having working - Public Libraries,
experience in - Public Sector
Libraries, Undertakings,
information - Corporate Bodies,
centres and News & Advertising
other related Agencies,
organizations Consultancy
Information Broker
5. Master of Arts MPS Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 5600/- English & Hindi Teaching and Research in
(Political or a higher degree in (1st Year) Political Science
Science) any discipline from a Rs. 5400/-
recognized (2nd Year)
6. Master of Arts MAH Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 5600/- English & Research and Teaching in
(History) or a higher degree (1st Year) Hindi History and job opportuni-
in any discipline Rs. 5400/- ties in museums, archives,
from a recognized (2nd Year) archaeological Institutions
7. Master of Arts MAPC Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 8000/- English 1. Clinical Psychogist
(Psychology) or a higher degree (1st Year) 2. Counselors
in any discipline Rs. 7800/- 3. Human Resource
from a recognized (2nd Year) Department
University 4. Teachings & Research
8. Master of Arts MEC Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 7400/- English & Research and
(Economics) or a higher degree (1st Year) Hindi Teaching in Economics
in any discipline Rs. 7200/-
from a (2nd Year)
9. Master of Arts MPA Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 5600/- English & Research and Teaching in
(Public Admn) or a higher degree (1st Year) Hindi Public Administration
in any discipline Rs. 5400/-
from a (2nd Year)
10. Master of Arts MSO Bachelor’s Degree No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 5600/- English & Research and
(Sociology) or a higher degree (1st Year) Hindi Teaching in Sociology
in any discipline Rs. 5400/-
from a (2nd Year)
11. Bachelor BPP# No formal No bar 2 yrs 5 yrs Rs. 1400/- English & After completing BPP one
Preparatory qualification Hindi may go for graduation/
Programme BSW/BTS
12. Bachelor of BA 10+2 or its No bar 3 yrs 6 yrs Rs. 2600/- English & After completing BA one
Arts equivalent or (1st Year) Hindi can go for Masters level
BPP from IGNOU Rs. 2400/- programme in any
(2nd Year) institution of higher learning
Rs. 2400/- or B.Lib. or
(3rd Year) MA available in any
discipline in IGNOU.
Besides one can also go
for a large number of Post
offered by the University.
13. Bachelor of BAPC 10+2 or its No bar 3 6 yrs Rs. 7000/- English After completing BA one
Arts equivalent or yrs can go for Masters level
(Psychology) BPP from IGNOU programmes
14. Bachelor in BLIS i) Second Class No bar 1 yr 4 yrs Rs. 6200/- English & To prepare library
Library and Bachelor’s Hindi professionals of different
Information Degree with levels to take up
Science 50% marks. employment
OR in libraries and Information
ii) Bachelor’s centres
Degree with in the:
Diploma in - Govt. Departments
Library Science. - Universities & Other
OR Academic Institutions
iii) Bachelor’s - Public Libraries
Degree with two - Public Sector
years of working Undertakings
experience in a - Corporate Bodies
Library and Infor- - News & Advertising
mation Centre. Agencies
iv) Bachelor’s
Degree in a
area such as
Pharmacy, Law
15. Post Graduate PGDLAN Bachelor’s Degree No bar 1 yrs. 4 yrs Rs.18200/- English & This programme provides
Diploma in in Library and Hindi sufficient exposure and
Library Information handsome experience on
Automation Science developing automated
and systems and providing the
Networking services in new form using
16. Post Graduate PGDDM Graduate in any No bar 1 yrs. 4 yrs Rs. 6200/- English Useful for PSU, Rural Dev.
Diploma in discipline &Hindi Functionaries and Social
Disaster &Env. Workers.
17. Post Graduate PGDMH Post Graduate No bar 1 yrs. 4 yrs Rs. 9000/- English This programme aims at
Diploma in Degree in providing sound base in the
Mental Health Psychology/Social field of mental health. It is a
Work/Nursing capacity building
or programme to train the
All medical physical and mental health
graduate (Allopathy/ personnel to address the
Homeopathy/ mental health requirements
Ayurvedic/Unani/ of people in view of the
Siddha) shortage of mental health
personnel in India.
18. Certificate in CDM 10+2 or its No bar 6 2 yrs Rs. 2400/- English & Aims at providing
Disaster equivalent mon Hindi knowledge to the
CDM Disaster ths. learners in the areas
Management of disaster preparedness,
mitigation, relief, reconstruc-
tion and
19. Certificate in CES BPP from IGNOU or No bar 6 2 yrs Rs. 2400/- English & Environmental Studies is
Environmental 10+2 mon Hindi one of the fastest growing
Studies or its equivalent ths. areas that cater to current
issues of social and
economic concern. Recent
upsurge in academic
interest in the issues of
development and
environmental conservation
the raison d’etre for
this course.
20. Master in MAAN Graduate in any No bar 2 5 yrs Rs.16800/- English This programme aims to
Anthropolgy discpline yrs develop professional
competence in the light of
perceivable need for trained
anthropologists in academic
and research, institutes,
NGOs, government
organisations and applied
21. Master of Arts MGPS Graduate in any No bar 2 5 yrs Rs.10800/- English This programme aims to
(Gandhi and discipline yrs & Hindi provide an in-depth
Peace Studies) knowledge in the area of
Peace and Conflict
Resolution and enable the
learners to specialize in
Gandhian philosophy and
thinking in peace studies,
political theory and critical
philosophical traditions.
22. Post Graduate PGDGPS Graduate in any No bar 1 3 yrs Rs. 4200/- English To impart knowledge
Diploma in discipline year & Hindi particularly young people on
Gandhi and the thoughts and ideas of
Peace Studies Gandhi on Economics,
social, political development
and environment also to
train in peace making and
conflict resolution in real life
23. Post Graduate PGCGPS Graduate in any No bar 6 2 yrs Rs. 2400/- English & To promote the Gandhian
Certificate in discipline months Hindi vision of peace and non-
Gandhi and violent activism and to
Peace Studies understand Gandhi's
concept of World Order for
Global Peace and Security.
The degrees and diplomas of this University are recognized and have the same status as
those of any other Central and State University in the country.
IGNOU admissions are made strictly on the basis of the eligibility criteria given herein.
Only those students who satisfy the eligibility criteria prescribed by the University will be
admitted. The candidates should be directly in touch with the University and/or its Regional
Centres about their admissions. Therefore, candidates should not be misled by false promises
of admission made by any private individuals or institutions. The University has not
prescribed any Guide-book for the purpose either other than these guidelines.
The term-end examinations for M.A. Programme are held twice a year in June and December.
To be submitted once a year — as per schedule and directions given in the Assignments
Booklet. We would advise you to submit your Assignments as early as possible.
You will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examinations for any course if you do
not submit the specified number of assignments in time for that course.
Please remember to quote your Enrolment Number and complete address in any
correspondence with us.
Q.2. How much time I may need to put in for pursuing this programme?
Ans: The University follows a credit system. Each credit is equivalent to 30 study hours. An 8
credit course, therefore, requires 240 hours of study. You can do a maximum of 32 credits
worth of courses in a year.
Q.4. I am to know few things about assignments. Are assignments compulsory? What if I miss the
deadline for the submission of assignments?
Ans: Assignments are a part of the assessment system. Submission of assignments is compulsory;
you cannot take the final examination in a course without submission of assignments. If you
miss the deadline, the University will provide you another opportunity before the exams.
Q.7. When are the exams held and how do I take my exams?
Ans: i) In the first year of your registration, exams will be held only after completing one year
of study. If you are registered for January session, then your term end will be in December.
In the subsequent years, you can take your exams in June and in December.
ii) You can pace your exams depending on your study. Do not try to attempt exams in all
courses without preparation. You can take exams only in the courses for which you
have prepared well. However, you should inform the University in advance about the
exams you want to take in June/December.
Information for Statistical Purpose, Students are required to fill-up this
Annexure Compulsorily
2. Enrolment No.
3. Programme Code:
General SC ST OBC
Rs. Rs.
IGNOU has adopted a policy for the prevention, prohibition and punishment of sexual harassment of women at
workplace in compliance to the directive of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
Information on this policy, rules and procedures can be accessed from the IGNOU website www.ignou.ac.in. Any
incident of sexual harassment may be reported to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre, you are attached
to or to any of the persons whose contact details are given in the following table.
1 Dr. Bini Toms, RSD, Chairperson RSDCASH 29572407/2505 [email protected]
2 Dr. G. Mythili, Dy. Director, STRIDE 29572604 [email protected]
3 Ms. Azra Arshad, Maintenance, Engineer EMPC 29573261 [email protected]
4 Ms. Neeru Sayal, EA, RSD 29572417 [email protected]
5 Dr. Radhika Menon, Asst. Professor,
Mata Sundari College (Delhi University)