HCL Infosystems Limited: Notice
HCL Infosystems Limited: Notice
HCL Infosystems Limited: Notice
Registered Office: 806, Siddharth, 96, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019,
Corporate Office: E-4, Sector-11, Noida 201301 (U.P.)
Telephone: +91-120-2520977, 2526518, 2526519, Fax No.:+91-120-2523791
Website: www.hclinfosystems.com, Email: [email protected]
NOTICE is hereby given that the Thirty Third (33rd) Annual General Meeting of the members of HCL Infosystems Limited will be
held on Monday, 16th September, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. at Kamani Auditorium, 1, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi – 110001 to transact
the following business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited standalone and consolidated financial statements of the Company for the
financial year ended 31st March, 2019, including the audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2019, the Statement of Profit
and Loss for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon and in this regard,
pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT the audited standalone and consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year
ended 31st March, 2019 including the audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2019, the Statement of Profit and Loss for
the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon be and are hereby received,
approved, and adopted.”
2. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Pawan Kumar Danwar (DIN 06847503), who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers
himself for re-appointment and in this regard, pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT Mr. Pawan Kumar Danwar (DIN 06847503) Director retiring by rotation, in accordance with the Articles
of Association of the Company and being eligible for re-appointment be and is hereby re-appointed as Director of the
Company, liable to retire by rotation.”
3. Re-appointment of Mr. Kaushik Dutta as an Independent Director of the Company
To consider, and if thought fit, to pass, the following Resolution as a Special Resolution(s):
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 149, 150, 152 and any other applicable provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including
any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule IV to the Act and
Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended, Mr.
Kaushik Dutta (DIN: 03328890), Independent Director of the Company, who has submitted a declaration that he meets the
criteria of independence as provided in Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time and who is eligible for reappointment, be and
is hereby re-appointed as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for another term of five consecutive years
with effect from 1st April, 2019 to 31st March, 2024 and whose office shall not be liable to retire by rotation”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any Director and/or the Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorized
to do all acts, deeds and things including filings and take steps as may be deemed necessary, proper or expedient to give
effect to this Resolution and matters incidental thereto”.
4. Re-appointment of Ms. Sangeeta Talwar as an Independent Director
To consider, and if thought fit, to pass, the following Resolution as a Special Resolution(s):
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 149, 150, 152 and any other applicable provisions of the Companies
Act, 2013 (“Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory
modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule IV to the Act and Regulation 16(1)
(b) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended, Ms. Sangeeta Talwar
(DIN: 00062478), Independent Director of the Company, who has submitted a declaration that she meets the criteria of
independence as provided in Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time and who is eligible for reappointment, be and is hereby re-
appointed as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for another term of five consecutive years with effect
from 1st April, 2019 to 31st March, 2024 and whose office shall not be liable to retire by rotation”.
Sushil Kumar Jain
Date : 6th August, 2019 Company Secretary
Place : Noida ACS No 8917
Particulars : From 1st July, 2018 till 30th June, 2019 From 1st July, 2019
Basic Salary : ` 1,60,300/- Per month ` 1,68,800/- Per month
House Rent Allowance : 50% of Basic Salary 50% of Basic Salary
Flexible Benefit Basket : ` 43,60,380/- Per annum ` 48,67,296/- Per annum
Performance Linked Bonus : ` 25,00,000/- Per annum ` 30,00,000/- Per annum
Contribution to Provident : 12% of the Basic Salary, as per the provision 12% of the Basic Salary, as per the provision
Fund of the Employees Provident Fund and of the Employees Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952
Contribution to : 15% of the Basic Salary, as per the scheme of 15% of the Basic Salary, as per the scheme of
Superannuation Fund the company the company
Contribution to National : 10% of the Basic Salary, as per the scheme of Nil
Pension Scheme the company
Gratuity : As per the provisions of the Payment of As per the provisions of the Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972 Gratuity Act, 1972
Medical Insurance : As per the scheme of the Company As per the scheme of the Company
Company Car leased : Covered for a value of ` 75,012/- Per month Covered for a value of ` 75,012/- Per month
Long Term Incentive Plan( : Covered under two LTIP schemes .Following Covered under one LTIP scheme. Following
Enterprise Value Creator) are the details :- are the details :-
1. One time pay-out of ` 60,00,000/- paid
in November 2018 .
2. Pay-out of ` 40,00,000/- in 2 tranches Pay-out of ` 40,00,000/- in 2 tranches (Tranche
(Tranche 1 pay-out of ` 20,00,000 due 1 pay-out of ` 20,00,000 due in July 2020 and
in July 2020 and Tranche 2 pay-out of ` Tranche 2 pay-out of ` 20,00,000 due in March
20,00,000 due in March 2021) 2021)
Company driver has been : Yes Yes
` in Crores
Year Turnover Net profits as per profit Amount of Dividend Rate of dividend
and loss account declared declared
e) Foreign investment or collaborations, if any: The Company has a total of 3 overseas step-down subsidiary companies.
The names and other financial details about these subsidiaries have been disclosed in Schedules to the Balance Sheet
forming part of Annual Report of the Company.
a) Background details:
Mr. Rangarajan Raghavan is a seasoned strategic leader who brings proven expertise in technology support & serving
clients across various industries. With a career spanning over 30 years, Rangarajan carries a rich experience of driving
business and leading various functions.
Nationality Indian
Qualifications CA & CS
Expertise in specific functional area Working as Executive Vice-President & CFO of HCL Corporation
and honorary CFO of Shiv Nadar Foundation, India’s leading
philanthropic initiatives for nation building. He brings over 29 years
of vast experience to HCL. His association with the HCL Group spans
over 23 years and he has served in different operational and strategic
finance profiles within HCL; such as Business Finance, Corporate
Restructuring, Acquisition & Business Integration, Treasury, Planning
& Strategy, Commercial, Business Development, Secretarial, Legal &
Corporate Compliance and Investor Relationship.
He has not only been instrumental in shaping different financial
strategies for HCL but he has also been associated with various new
business initiatives.
Directorships held in other Companies as on - Digilife Distribution and Marketing Services Limited
date - Shiv Nadar AIC Research Foundation
- HCL Healthcare Private Limited
Relationship with other Directors/Manager and Mr. Danwar has not any relation with other Directors/Manager and
other KMP other KMP
Mr. Pawan Kumar Danwar is interested in the Ordinary Resolution set out at item No. 2 of the Notice with regard to his
re-appointment. The relatives of Mr. Pawan Kumar Danwar may be deemed to be interested in the said resolution to the
extent of their shareholding interest, if any, in the Company. Save and except above, none of the Directors/Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company/their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested financially or otherwise in the Ordinary
Resolution set out under the item no. 2 of the Notice.
33 Annual General Meeting –Monday, 16th September, 2019
_________________________ ___________________________
Name of the Member / Proxy Signature of the Member / Proxy
1. Please complete the Folio/Client ID No. and name, sign the Attendance Slip and hand it over at the Attendance Verification
counter at the entrance of the Meeting Hall.
2. Electronic copy of the Annual Report for the financial year ended on 31st March, 2019 and Notice of the Annual General
Meeting (AGM) alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent to all the members whose e-mail address is
registered with the Company/ Depository Participant unless any member has requested for a hard copy of the same.
Members receiving electronic copy and attending the AGM can print copy of this Attendance Slip.
3. Physical copy of Annual Report for the financial period ended on 31st March, 2019 and Notice of Annual General Meeting
alongwith Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is sent in the permitted mode(s) to all members whose email is not registered
or who have requested for a hard copy.
4. Please note that snacks box shall not be distributed at the Annual General Meeting.
[Pursuant to Section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 19(3) of the
(Companies Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
33rd Annual General Meeting – Monday, 16th September, 2019
Name of member(s) :
Registered address :
E-mail :
Folio No./Client ID No. :
DP ID No. :
I/We, being the member(s) of ……………………………………………….…………. shares of the above named company,
hereby appoint
1. Name .......................................................................................................... Email ..........................................................................................................
Address ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................... Signature ..................................................................... or failing him;
Affix ` 1
Signed this .......................................................................... day of ............................................ 2019 Revenue
Signature of the shareholder/Signature of the Proxy Holder(s)
Note : This Proxy form in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of the
Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.