PT-1 Eng Core (Set-A) 2023-24

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Sample Paper For Periodic Test 1, 2023-24


Time allowed- 1.30 Hrs. Maximum Marks- 40

General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into three sections: A,B & C. All the sections are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering subjective questions.

SECTION -A (12 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below.
1. There were hundreds of us in the lecture hall, watching the descent of the Vikram
Lander, with the Pragyan rover descending on the lunar surface, its thrusters in full
force, slowing down the free fall of the delicate component of the Chandrayaan-2
spacecraft, all 1498 kg of it hurtling down, pulled by the gravity of Moon. It had
separated from the rest of the spacecraft four days ago. leaving the orbiter in its path
about 100 km above the lunar surface, where it is going to spend at least 7 years,
with its eight excellent instruments sending back crucial scientific information about
the Moon, its environment and even the Sun.
2. We were applauding as the green dot on the plot of the landing trajectory, showing
the altitude and the range of the lander, reached about two km above the surface, at
which point its speed was about 50mls. Far too high still, we thought- it had to come
well below 5 m/s for a soft landing as it reached the ground. Then our spirits fell as it
deviated from the expected course, and got stuck, indicating that we had lost
communication. This is the phase, which the ISRO Chairperson Dr K Sivan had
described as the, “15 minutes of terror”. We still haven‟t recovered communication,
but thermal imaging from the orbiter‟s cameras has located the site of the landing on
Sunday. The extent of the damage to Vikram is still being assessed If things had
gone according to plan, India would have joined an elite club of three other nations
that have landed in one piece on an extra- terrestrial surface—the Moon, Mars or an
asteroid. If the Rover had been out on its 14 days prowl. We would have learnt about
the traces of gaseous elements near the surface of the Moon and also about the low
level Moonquakes from the embedded seismometer.
3. Chandrayaan-2 was launched in July on the GSLV-3, taking a complicated, fuel
efficient path to the Moon lasting over 40 days. In contrast with the Apollo missions
being launched on the more powerful Saturn-V launchers in the 1960s, this mission
was kept affordable, but sent the mission on a long journey fraught with possible
pitfalls. Till the last minute the entire manoeuvre had worked like clockwork, showing
the high level of sophistication that ISRO is capable of in its planning, design,
fabrication and execution. This, in my mind, is the major success story of ISRO so
far in this mission.
4. We are now hopeful that we will gain contact with Vikram, lovingly named after the
founder of ISRO in its birth centenary year. Even if some of the instruments can be
made to work, we would have valuable information and images close to the lunar
surface and learn more about what to do and what not to in our next attempt. It is
also time to look beyond the landing event. Chandrayaan-2 is so much more than
the landing event which seemed to have caught most of the attention of the public
and the media. On the rest of the vehicle in orbit, we have two very sophisticated
imagers. The high-resolution Orbiter Camera photographs the lunar surface to a
resolution of 0.3 m, the best in any Moon mission so far, by any nation. Another
terrain-mapping camera takes photos in multiple colours. Since all previous missions
have concentrated on the equatorial region and northern hemisphere of the Moon,
Chandrayaan-2‟s work in the southern polar region will be unique.
5. The CLASS instrument on the orbiter will quantify the amount of calcium,
magnesium, sodium and other useful elements on or below the lunar surface through
X-ray fluorescence. The HRS instrument, also on the orbiter will tell us about water
and minerals under the surface. In addition to detecting them, it can also help us
quantify and tell us about how hard they would be to extract. Why do we need this
information? It is inevitable that one day humans will have to go out into the solar
system to look for resources, and even for habitation India as the most populous
nation of the earth will have to play a leading role.
6. Even if we choose not to live on the Moon, we need a Moon base, as a refueling
station, or as an assembly or service we have to know what resources are available
on the Moon. What is a small part of this mission not successful? In my mind, the
journey of ISRO team that has brought the mission to where it is now is more
important than the task that will be performed. Similarly, the complicated journey of
the spacecraft from the Earth to and around the Moon has adequately demonstrated
what Indian technology can achieve.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the
following questions by choosing the most appropriate option:
(a) How many days ago was the Vikram Lander separated from the spacecraft? 1
(i) one day (ii) two days
(iii) three days (iv) four days
(b) For how long was it supposed to remain upon the lunar surface? 1
(i) 5 years (ii) 6 years
(iii) 7 years (iv) 8 years
(c) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists
the CORRECT order of the sentences. 1
1. The extent of the damage to Vikram is still being assessed.
2. The HRS instrument, also on the orbiter, will tell us about water and minerals
under the surface.
3. Vikram Lander deviated from the expected course, and got stuck, indicating that
we had lost communication.
4. Chandrayaan-2 was launched in July on the GSLV-3.
(i) 1, 2, 4, (ii) 3, 1, 4, 2
(iii) 3, 2, 4, l (iv) 2, 3, 4, 1
(d) Chandrayaan-2 was supposed to land on...... 1
(i) Southern Pole (ii) Northern Pole

(iii) Lunar surface (iv) Equatorial region

(e) The CLASS instrument on the orbiter will quantify the amount of which of
the following element? 1

(i) Image 1 (ii) Image 3 (iii) Image 2 (iv) Image 4

(f) Chandrayaan-2 was launched in July on the..... 1

(i) ALSV-5 (ii) GSLV-3
(iii) HRS (iv) GSLV-4 1.2
(g) Why were the scientists happy when they saw the green dot on the
trajectory? 2
(h) What is the function of CLASS instrument on the orbiter? 1
(i) It gives information about the moon
(ii) it shows images of the moon
(iii) It quantifies the amount of calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and other useful
elements on or below the lunar surface.
(iv) It measures the air pressure on the moon
(i) Which things are required on the moon even if we don‟t make it our habitat? 1
(i) A moon base (ii) A refuelling station
(iii) A service station (iv) All of these
(j) Which word in the passage means same as „distinctive‟? (Para 4) 1
(i) Concentrated (ii) unique
(iii) Valuable (iv) sophisticated
(k) Pick the option that tells the feeling of the writer when the Lander deviated
from expected course, and got stuck, indicating that it had lost communication.
(ii) Frustrating (ii) provoking
(iii) Disheartening (iv) hostile


2).You are Rahul/Ragini, President of the Mental Wellness Club of your school. You
decide to organize an online workshop to raise awareness regarding Mental Wellness.
This workshop will be conducted by the school counsellor. Write a notice in about 50
words,informing the students of class Xl-XII about the workshop.


3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
(4+4=8 marks)
“1 will learn to drive a car”, he answers, looking straight into my eyes. His
dream looms like a Mirage amidst the dust of streets that fill his town
Firozabad, famous for its bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged
in making bangles. It is the centre of India's glass- blowing industry where
families have spent generations working around furnaces, welding glass,
making bangles for all the women in the land it seems.
i) Name the lesson and the author of this passage.
a) Last Lesson, Alphonse Daudet
b) The Lost Spring, Anees Jung
c) Lost Spring, Anees Jung
d) Stories of Stolen Childhood, Anees Jung
ii) Who does 'I' refer to in the first line?
a) Saheb
b) Franz
c) Mukesh
d) Anees Jung
iii) What is the dream of „I‟?
a) He wants to become a pilot.
b) He wants to become a Motor Mechanic.
c) He wants to become an Engineer
d) He wants to become a bangle maker
iv) What is Firozabad famous for?
a) Industries
b) Glass blowing industries
c) Rag Picking
d) All of these
4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow- (1 x 4 =4)
Those who prepare green wars,
Wars with gas, wars with fire,
Victory with no survivors,
Would put on clean clothes and
Walk about with their brothers in the shade, doing nothing.

i) What sort of wars is mentioned in the above lines?

a) World Wars.
b) Green wars, wars with poisonous gases and wars with the fire.
c) Civil Wars
d) Cold Wars
ii) What kind of victory will it be?
a) Worth celebration
b) Victory will be meaningless.
c) Victory never seen before.
d) None of the above.
iii) How should the supporters of war behave?
a) Put on clean clothes.
b) Walk with their brothers
c) Walk leisurely doing nothing.
d) All of the above.
iv) Name the poetic device used in „Put on clean clothes' and ' in the shade‟
a) Pun
b) Imagery
c) Metaphor
d) Simile

5.Attempt the questions given below. (30-40 words each) (2x3=6)

1. Kamala Das speaks of „an old familiar ache‟. What do you think is the reason of
this feeling?
2. Comment on the significance of the villagers sitting at the back in M. Hamel‟s

3. What does the maharaja do to save his throne?

6.Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words. (5x2=10)
1.Firozabad presents a strange paradox. Contrast the beauty of the glass bangles of
Firozabad with the misery of the people who make them.

2.„The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress.‟ What are the
ways in which we attempt to overcome them?

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