Research Paper II

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Calabanga National Science High School

Sta. Cruz Calabanga Camarines Sur

S/Y 2018-2019

Facebook: Its Effects on the

Social Relationship of Senior
High School students


Rose Angel Remalla

Shaima Mae R. Polinag

Sarah Mae A. Diwata

Rachelle V. Sabaria

Philip G. Francisco

Danica G. Navarro

Josephen S. Sierra

Karl Cymon C. Capal

Chapter I


This chapter presents the introduction of the study. The Background of the
study, Statement of the problem, Significance of the Study, and the Scope3 and
Delimitation are included in this chapter.

Background of the Study

Facebook is considered as one of the most popular platforms for social

networking among youths. Facebook usage also encompasses both the simple use
of the platform and the extent of cognitive immersion into the site. Facebook has
now become a global phenomenon and attracted population from all around the
world in different ages, cultures, education levels, etc. The use of the site implies the
presence of individual users on the social website, time spent on the platform,
frequent visits, and the nature of the activities performed.

According to Benthamphen the introduction and rise of the Social Network

Site (SNS), Facebook has been one of the most important social trends of the past
decade. Although it only opened to the public in 2006, Facebook reports are already
serving one billion monthly active users at the end of 2012. Moreover, 80% of these
users reside outside the US and services are available in 70 languages, making
Facebook a worldwide platform. While there are concerns about the accuracy and
trustworthiness of these numbers (the number of accounts that are frequently used
may differ from the real number of individuals using the platform) and neutral
information is not available, one should agree the size of this SNS is at least
substantial and the growth rate impressive.

On the other hand, with accordance to the definition of the definition of social
relationship, it is quite simply any connection, association or bond with at least one
other person that follows an expected behaviour in a social situation. Examples re
peer to peer relationship, marriage relationship, church relationship, ect.

According to Joinson (2011). Research has shown that many people connect
to social network sites at least once a day either to check their profile or to
participate in different online activities. As of January 2016, statistic states that the
total population in the Philippines has reached over a hundred million and forty six
percent of this population is active internet users.

There’s no surprise that almost Filipinos are actively joining social media.
We cannot deny that being active on sites make us popular and well-known, it
brings us more friends and acquaintances while being connected on our families and
relatives from different regions. Being connected and updated through the use of
Facebook really implements a lot of benefits to the people.

The increasing popularity of social networking websites such as Facebook has

affected how we interact with other people, and that includes how we communicate
with others. Initiating the process has gone from barely asking a person out to
instant messaging the person or even liking the profile picture. While it is evident
that facebook influence the change, everyone would still wonder if it’s for better or
for worse.

Facebook makes new relationship more easily accessible, while people rarely
use Facebook as a venue for meeting new people; it is often used for the next phase
of contact after an initial face-to-face meeting. Facebook instantly provides
information other people’s interest and hobbies. Facebook also provides great
convenience for people to interact with each others social networks. But, Facebook
can also become a source of relational confusion and distress. It can be a source of
anxiety, as the information on facebook is not all truthful.

Most of the social network users specifically Facebook are young individuals,
most of whom are university students. Hence, facebook is considered to play an
active role in younger generation’s daily lives. The relationship between the youth
and their involvement in social network sites has attracted many researchers that
focused on young people’s social network activities in relation to their privacy
concerns as pertaining in their usage of facebook. Similarly, comparisons of different
social networks in terms of their features and user’s demographics such as gender,
frequency of use and their reasons for participating in social network environments
remain as the most popular research areas.
The researchers want to study the affiliation of Facebook to the social
relations of the Senior High School students at Calabanga National science High
School (CNSHS). Moreover, it aims to widen the knowledge of the readers regarding
the correlation of facebook and its user’s social statuses.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents along:

a. Age c. Financial Status

b. Gender d. (behaviour to peers) Social


2. What is the level of facebook usage to the respondents?

3. What is the level of effect of facebook usage to the respondents?

4. Is there any relationship between facebook usage and social relationship?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will give important contributions to the following:

Students. The students will benefit from the study because it will strengthen their
awareness on the effects of facebook on their social relationship. It will also help the
students to interact and socialize with other people.

Teachers. This study will also benefit the teachers in understanding the behaviour
of the students. Also to help them evaluate the capability of the students in line with
social relationship.
Parents. Similarly, parents will be benefited because this is one way to know their
child’s demeanour. This will also help them to know the performance of their child at
school. They would be able to understand what their children are thinking and they
would be able to guide them properly.

School Admin. The school administrators would also be benefited as this would
help them to make the students more attentive in school. The study would also help
them to handle or to give assistance to the students and make them do their
corresponding tasks.

Future Researchers. Consequently, the study will guide the future researchers
mainly as reference for their respective research with regards to facebook and social

Scope and Delimitation

This study is exclusive to determine if the social media network, Facebook

has a significant impact to the social relationship of the Senior High School students
at Calabanga National Science High School through a survey that would be
conducted during the school year of 2018-2019 with chosen 40 respondents. The
research does not include the study about the other social media network such a
twitter, instagram, youtube and such.

The survey questionnaire on the effect of facebook usage to the

relationship of Senior High School students will be used on gathering informations
about the study.


This chapter presents the Review of related literature and studies, Theoretical
framework, Conceptual framework and the Definition of terms.

Related Literature

This research effort is targeted at finding the effects of social media on

students performance. Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant
research that is useful to the objectives of this research project. Several research
studies investigating the topic under review are found to be very recent. Since most
of the innovative features offered by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
Unkedin, and many others are not that old and the phenomenon of the use of these
media has boosted recently with the introduction of revolutionary features and
platforms. A volume of recent research on its effects on students’ academic
performance is available. Most of the studies chosen have been published in the past
four to five years.

Tess (2013), Presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding

the role of social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has
consulted almost every popular research database around the world to make this
review rich in terms of covering almost every aspect of explaining the role of
different social media in higher education classes. This research finds Facebook to
be the most popular social networking site among students as reported by some
researchers and it has reached a one billion use base in October 2012. My space is
another SNS which started in 2003 and got popular among people around 2009.
However it is not that popular among educational setups. Linkedin with more than
35,000,000 users has been reported as the third most popular SNS but mostly used
for professional networking. In addition, this research found Blogs, Social Impact,
and twitter among the other popular social networking sites.
His review argues that researchers who support the integration of social
media into educational setup are of the view that conversational processes ensuring
maximum interaction and maximum mix of reflections are possible only through
social networking platforms.

Furthermore, Tess (2013) again finds a variety of diverse correlations existing

in the literature. Some studies find significantly negative correlation between
students ‘ results and use of social media while others find no correlations or weak
correlations. Even a few studies come up with positive correlations although not very
significant. Interestingly the negative correlations between SNS’s usage and poor
performance have been associated with personality traits or other behavioural or
psychological aspects rather than solely with the use of these platforms.

Rouis, Limayem, and Salehi-Sangari (2011) investigate the effects of using

Facebook on academic performance of undergraduate students at Lulea University of
Technology Sweden in relation to their personality traits. In addition the research
tries to justify the relationship among the three i.e. Facebook usage, personality
traits and academic performance.Their analysis of 239 students’ data reveals very
significant results. This research establishes that using Facebook has strong negative
impact on academic performance of students with extrovert personalities . However,
factor of self-regulation among students greatly reduces this negative impact as they
have high level of effective self-control while using social media platforms. Cognitive
absorption, which defines extent of deep involvement, is another personality factor
taken into consideration while undertaking this research.

Consequently, Rouis, Limayem and Salehi-Sangari (2011) successfully make

the observation that extent of cognitive absorption determines the frequency and
duration of social media usage. However, they add that level of cognitive absorption
is in turn defined by self-control and other personality factors. While multitasking
skills do nothing to reduce frequency and use of social media among students, they
moderate the effects of social media on students’ performance by tuning the
cognitive absorption.
Junco R. (2012), Investigates the impact of Facebook being a social medium
on students’ performance on academic courses. The research analyzes data from
1839 respondents studying 4 years degrees in residential institutes of north eastern
USA to find trends on frequency of Facebook visits and activities, time spent on class
preparation and academic grades of the students under research. Analysis of the
collected data reveals that time spent on Facebook and frequency of visiting
facebook are negatively related to students’ performance in terms of their GPA .
However, there is slightly negative correlation between time spent on this widely
used social medium and the time spend in studying for class. He further adds that
although time spent on social media and academic performance are negatively
correlated but, this relationship in real world scenarios does not seem to be major
hurdle in academic success.

Moreover, Junco R. (2012) emphasizes a further investigation into the issue

to find some variables like focus and intervention that may be strongly related to
academic performance. The negative academic impacts related to certain ways
students use this social medium. He observes that some specific uses of this social
media are related to improved academic while others contribute to lower academic

Ul Haq and Chand (2012) investigated the usagfe and popularity of

famous social media network (Facebook) among university students with special
focus on the gender based comparison and the impact of the selected social medium
on their academic performance. The two researchers evaluate the pattern and
frequency of Facebook use among university students while focusing gender
differences and student opinion about the impacts of this medium on academic
performance. The research analyzes a random sample of 384 respondents including
an equal mix of males and females. The respondents belong to undergraduate,
graduate and postgraduate programs with a mean age of 21 years.

Hamat , Embi, & Hassan (2012) studied the use of social networking
flatforms among undergraduate and post graduate of Malaysian institutes of higher
education. This qualitative research collected data on 6358 students respondents
through a self-administered ministered questionnaire and analyzed this data to make
observations of the use of social networking sites among them. The study also
collect opinion of students about the impacts of social medium on their academic
performance. One of the very significant findings of the study is about the use of
social networking sites for the purpose of learning. Majority of the respondents
agree that they use SNSs as in formal learning tool and that it helps them connect to
their friends and peers to get help regarding to their studies. However, in case of
interaction with teachers, an equal split of oppose opinion exist.

Yang & Tang (2003) conducted a research studied on forty (40) graduate
students studying a course in advance management information system (AMIS) in a
university in Taiwan to investigate the impact of using social media for educational
purpose on the academic performance of the students. Students were grouped into
14 teams to discuss various questions based on MIS cases in an online forum
specifically set up for the purpose. The students had to come up the summaries of
the discussion made in the forum. at the end of the course, data was collected from
the forty students on a self-administered for the purpose of tshis particular research.
The objective of the study was to find correlation among friendship, advice and
adversarial factors and students academic performance. The results of the analysis
shows a strong correlation between centrality in friendship factor and students
academic performance. Friendship is psychologically associated with companionship
which gives individuals’s better chance of accessing support and information on
problems. It can be inferred that promoting friendship among students in a
controlled social media environment, can help improve students’ academic

Negussie & Ketema (2014) conducted a cross-sectional survey to a jimma

university Ethiopia between March 2012 and March 2013 to find it any adverse
effects of using social networking sites on students’ academic performance exist.
Like many other studies , this research effort also took facebook into consideration
to establishing its findings. In a cross-sectional study of 490 respondents, the
research did not find any significant relationship between students duration and
frequency in use of facebook and their academic performance.

Related Studies
Facebook is used by many people to connect with their friends and relatives
around the globe (Brydolf, 2007). And the use of Facebook platform has grown so
fast that it has eve attracted the attention of university students; they are so
engrossed n the sites that they have almost forgotten their academic work.
University students are considered victim of social media sites more than any group
of people as thy negatively impact their academic performance (Passek and
Hargettai, 2009).

It is disclosed that Facebook (FB) is a mechanism for new friends, rather than
close friends, to become more acquainted. They have also stated that people will
behave differently according to who they are interacting with, what kind of
relationships they have, and other scenarios. Another emphasis from their research
is that their respondents tended to use the Internet to make contacts with distant
social circle and to utilize face-to-face contacts with local social circles. This is
demonstrating that the relationship influences users’ social behaviours. (Wang and
Tai, 2011).

According to Hu, Sewek, Kim, and Wilder (2017), Facebook can be both
beneficial and detrimental for uses’ psychological well-being. The current study
attempts to reconcile these seemingly mixed and inconsistent findings by unpacking
the specific effects of Facebooking on users’ online-offline social relationship
satisfaction and psychological well-being. Using structural equation modelling,
pathways were examined between Facebook intensity, online-offline social
relationship satisfaction, perceived social support, social interaction, anxiety, and
psychological well-being. Personality differences in each of those paths were also

Furthermore, Collin, Rahilly, Richardson,and Third (2011),said that the use of

Social Networking Services (SNS) – such as and – has
become a popular and integral part of everyday communication in Australia. Young
people in Australia are particularly enthusiastic users: the vast majority is engaging
on a daily basis with SNS via a computer or mobile phone. Research in this area is
an emerging field and studies identifying the negative impacts have tended to
dominate the popular media and much policy development. However, there is
substantial evidence of the benefits associated with SNS use, which has been largely
neglected in public debate. The following report summarizes current evidence
concerning the enabling effects of SNS in the context of young people’s everyday

Vasalou et al.,(2010) underscored that many people actively participate in

content generation and value creation, and several researchers have examined their
profiles to determine why and to what extent they are keen on posting their entire
identity, sharing pictures and videos, and indicating their religious affiliations, marital
status, and political orientations on the internet. These users interact with others,
exchange information about their interests, and raise discussions about new topics,
follows news about specific topics on different Social Networking Sites.

Consequently Di Capua, (2012) mentioned that their research represents a

review of more than one hundred studies on social networking website Facebook. An
initial section has been made and has led to the identification of eight main research
themes: effects on the users, friendship, construction of impressions, privacy, use,
Facebook and politics, self-impression and construal, social capital, and the merging
of social spheres. Use of Facebook is also influenced by peers and experience with
the website.

Jarett (2015) also said that Facebook is changing the social life of our species.
Common topics for study are link between Facebook use and personality, and
whether the network alleviates or foster loneliness. A study of the actual FB use
found that personality was a more important factor than gender and FB experience,
with high scorers on neuroticism spending more time on FB.

According to Wentzel (2011), for most students, early adolescence is a

time of change and transition. With respect to interpersonal relationships and social
adjustment, these changes reflect a growing psychological and emotional
independence from adults and a corresponding dependence on peer relationships to
establish and maintain positive perceptions of the self. Often confounding these
general developmental challenges is a transition to a new school environment, which
tends to be marked by adolescents' perceptions that teachers no longer care about
them, and decreased opportunities to establish meaningful relation- ships with

Baldwin (2012) said that personality influences on social relationships and

vice versa were longitudinally studied. Personality affected relationships, but not vice
versa. The dynamic-interactionistic framework can also be applied to the transaction
between personality and social relationships. A dyadic social relationship is
characterized at the behavioural level by a relatively stable interaction pattern and at
the cognitive level by a relationship schema that consists of relationship-specific
mental representations of self, other, and the interaction pattern.

Pierce (2013) underscored that studying transactions between personality and

social relationship status has the advantage that personality effects on social
relationships and vice versa are aggregated across relationship, thus reducing the
impact of chance influences on each particular relationship effect. Social network
approach is used to study the relationship status.

Brissette (2011) stated that social integration is participation in a broad range

of social relationship. It is a multidimensional construct thought to include a
behavioral component- active engagement in a wide range of social activities or
relationships- and a cognitive component- a sense of communality and identification
with one’s social roles.

Durkheim (2010) explained that the concept of social integration is from the
seminal work on social conditions and suicide. Durkheim proposed that stable social
structure and widely held norms are protective and serve to regulate behaviour.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the study was anchored on the theory known as
the Flow Theory.
Borrowed from psychology, Flow theory helps assess human-computer
interactions and addresses people’s use of the internet. Flow, as defined by
Csikzentimanlyi (1997, p36), is the “holistic sensation that people feel when they
with total involvement.” It implies absorption in a task such that the person is
completely attracted by the artefact and the task being performed. Websites, email
tools, and the computer itself are all artefacts; the task refer to n assignment
performed using these tools (Firineran and Zhang, 2003). Thus, Facebook is an
artefact and people using these network engage in tasks that prompt their flow on
the platform. Novak et al (1998) also provide an extensive review of the definition of
flow as experienced by people immersed in a task. Described as total concentration
and deep involvement in the tasks, these activities result in intrinsic enjoyment,
combined with keen curiosity and pleasure that encourages repetition of the activity,
but also the loss of time and inability to control usage or halt the activity.

Consequently, Social exchange theory is a social psychological and

sociological perspective that explains social change and stability as a process of
negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that human
relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the
comparison of alternatives. The theory has roots in economics, psychology and
sociology. Social exchange theory features many of the main assumption found in
rational choice theory and structuralism. It is also used quite frequently in the
business world to imply a two-sided, mutually contingent and rewarding process
involving transactions or simply exchange. All relationships have give and take,
although the balance of this exchange is not always equal. Social exchange theory
explains how we feel about a relationship with another person as depending on our
perception of:

 The balance between what we put into the relationship and what we get out
of it.

 The kind of relationship we deserve.

 The chances of having a better relationship with someone else

Dialogue Theory dialogue finds life through prior and continuing dialogues;
meaning is discovered through responses to narratives and emergent questions
within historical existences, which arbitrate demands within a proximate dialogic
occasion. Explication of this perspective situates dialogue within a postmodern
moment, connects it to Buber’s historical account of the development of the term,
frames the ethical implications of this form of communicative practice, reviews
dialogic scholarship within the field of communication, and concludes with an
examination of the importance of monologue within a postmodern/hyper textual
understanding of dialogic theory. Dialogue is defined as “any negotiated exchange of
ideas and opinions” (Kent and Taylor, 1998,p.325). Public relations can facilitate
dialogue by establishing channels and procedures for dialogic communication (Kent
and Taylor,2002). Dialogic theory argues what organizations should be willing to
interact with publics in honest and ethical ways in order to create effective
organization-public communication channels (Kent, Taylor, and White, 2003).

Conceptual Framework

Based on the Flow theory, the study would like to determine the effects of
Facebook in Social Relations.
Facebook is defined as an online social networking website where people
can create profiles, share information such as pictures and quotes about themselves,
and respond or link the information posted by others. It is a platform that promotes
and facilitates interaction between friends, family, and colleagues.
Social relations also known as Social Interaction is a feeling between two
people or groups in which their thinking, acting, and feeling is mutually related.
Flow Theory Exchange

Facebook; Its
effects on the
social relationship
of Senior High
School Students

Dialogue Theory

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1
Facebook Social Relationship


Conceptual Framework

Figure 2
Definition of Terms

Facebook. The term use in this study refers to a popular free social
networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and
video, and messages and keep in touch with friends, families, and colleagues. The
site, which s available in 37 different languages, includes public features. Also
referred to as “FB” to its common users.

Social Media Network. The term use refers to the collective of online
communication channels dedicated to community-based input interaction, content
sharing and collaborations.

Social relation or Social interaction. Refers any relationship between two

or more individuals. Social relations derived from individual agency form the basis
of social structure and the basic object for analysis by social scientists.

Social exchange theory. Is a key theory used to understand and explain

interpersonal relationships and co0mmunication.

Dialogue theory. Is one of the most ethical forms of communication and as

one of the central means of separating truth from falsehood.

Flow Theory. Flow theory helps assess human-computer interactions and

addresses people’s use of the internet.


This Chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, data

gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The descriptive method was used in the study to evaluate the effects of social

networking on social relations of these students. It used frequency counts and

percentages on variables under the profile of the respondents.

Respondents of the Study

Data in the study were treated in the enumeration of respondents of Senior

High School students of Calabanga National Science High School. There were 40

students who served as the respondents of the study.

Table 1: Age of the Respondents

Age Male Female Total %

15-16 11 8 19 38%
17-18 12 15 27 54%
19-20 3 1 4 8%
Table 2: Gender of the Respondents

Respondents No. Of Respondents % of Respondents

Male 20 50%
Female 20 50%
Total 40 100%

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers would use a standardized questionnaire to assess the effects

of Facebook on Social relations. The questionnaire required the respondents to put a

checkmark on a corresponding box.

Value Scale Mean Range Interpretation

1 0 - 0.43 Agree (A)

2 0.44 – 0.87 Disagree (D)

3 0.88 – 1.31 Moderately Agree (MA)

4 1.32 – 1.75 Highly Agree (HA)

Data Gathering Procedure

The initial process for the data gathering procedure starts with securing
permission from the advisers of the Senior High School students to administer a
survey. After obtaining the consent for the conduct of the study, standardized
questionnaire was disseminated among the respondents. Collected data would be
tallied, tabulated, analyzed and integrated.

Statistical Treatment
The data collected would be tallied, tabulated, analyzed and integrated
through statistical method in order to test the hypothesis formulated. The study
focused on variables which are the age and gender which were correlated to the
effect of Facebook on social relations of the Senior High School students. The
researchers would make use of the frequency counts and the percentages on
variables under the profile of the respondents.

Tools in Gathering Data

The tool used in gathering the data is a questionnaire. The questionnaire was
used to determine the effects of facebook to the social relationship of the Senior
High School Students.


The instrument that was used in the study is a survey questionnaire.

Statistical Tool

Descriptive Statistics (i.e. weighted mean and ranking, mean, standard

deviation, and performance level.)

x  Weighted mean

  Summation

f  Frequency

x  Weight

n  number of the respondents


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data and findings
relevant to the specific problems of the study.

Level of Effects of Facebook to the Social Relationship of the Senior High

School Students

Table 1

A. Financial Status

Indicator Frequency Total

100-200 IIIII-IIIII-III 13
Others 0 0
Total : 50

B. Social Relationship

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly Total

Agree Agree
Does Facebook helps improve your…
Attitude to peers IIIII-IIIII- IIIII-IIIII-I II I 50
towards teachers IIIII-IIIII-
Socialization Skills IIIII-IIIII- IIIII-I IIIII-II I 50
C. Facebook Usage

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly Total

Agree Agree
I used Facebook to…
For entertainment IIIII-IIIII- IIIII II II 50
Be updated on the IIIII-IIIII- II IIIII-I III 50
current trends IIIII-IIIII-
Gain more friends IIIII-IIIII- IIIII IIIII-II II 50

D. Facebook Effect

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly Agree Total

friend IIIII-

Awareness on IIIII- III IIIII-I III 50

what’s IIIII-
happening in IIIII-
your IIIII-
surroundings IIIII-
stress reliever IIIII- III
touch with IIIII- I
family and IIIII-
friend IIIII-
It can help to IIIII- IIIII-I IIIII-II IIII 50
express your IIIII-
feelings and IIIII-
emotions IIIII-
Negative: Facebook leads to…
Seek for more IIIII- IIIII- IIIII I 50
Introversion IIIII- IIIII- IIIII-II I 50
Table 2

A. Financial Status

Indicator Frequency Percentage

20-50 (1) 15 30%
50-100 (2) 22 44%
100-200 (3) 13 26%

Others (4) 0 0%
Total 50 Total 100%

B. Social Relationship

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly

(1) (2) Agree Agree
(3) (4)
Does Facebook helps improve your…
Attitude to peers 36 11 3 1
Behaviour towards 33 12 5
Self-esteem 35 13 2
Socialization Skills 36 6 7
Coping Ability 28 12 9 1

C. Facebook Usage

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly

(1) (2) Agree Agree
(3) (4)
I used Facebook to…
Communicate 36 7 2 5
For entertainment 41 5 2 2
Be updated on the 34 7 6 3
current trends
Socialize 35 5 7 3
Gain more friends 36 5 7 2

D. Facebook Effect

Indicator Agree Disagree Moderately Highly

(1) (2) Agree Agree
(3) (4)
Making new friend 37 4 5 4
Awareness on 38 3 6 3
what’s happening in
your surroundings
Becoming a stress 30 13 6 1
Easy keeping in 31 11 4 5
touch with family
and friend
It can help to 33 6 7 4
express your
feelings and
Negative: Facebook leads to…
Multi-media 24 13 10 3
Waste of Time 28 11 7 4
Cyber Bullying 26 10 11 3
Seek for more 30 14 5 1
Introversion 28 14 7 1

Respondents’ Perception about the effects of facebook to the Social

Relationship of Senior High School Students

Table 3

A. Financial Status

(AWM) (I) (R)

20-50 15 0.3 A 1
50-100 22 0.88 MA 3
100-200 13 0.78 D 2
Others 0 0 A 1

B: Social Relationship

INDICATOR Agree Disagre Moderately Highly AWM I R

S e Agree Agree
Attitude to 0.72 0.44 0.12 0.08 0.34 A 1
Behaviour 0.66 0.48 0.3 0 0.36 A 1
Self-esteem 0.7 0.52 0.12 0 0.34 A 1
Socialization 0.72 0.24 0.42 0.08 0.34 A 1
Coping Ability 0.76 0.48 0.54 0.08 0.37 A 1

C: Facebook Usage

INDICATORS Agre Disagree Moderately Highly AWM I R

Agree Agree
Communicate 0.72 0.28 0.12 0.4 0.38 A 1

For 0.82 0.2 0.12 0.16 0.33 A 1

Be updated on 0.68 0.28 0.36 0.24 0.39 A 1
the current
Socialize 0.7 0.2 0.42 0.24 0.39 A 1

Gain more 0.72 0.2 0.42 0.16 0.38 A 1


D: Facebook Effect
INDICATOR Agree Disagre Moderately Highly AWM I R
Agree Agree
S e

Making new 0.74 0.16 0.3 0.32 0.38 A 1

Awareness on 0.76 0.12 0.36 0.24 0.37 A 1
happening in
Becoming a 0.6 0.52 0.36 0.08 0.39 A 1
stress reliever
Easy keeping 0.62 0.44 0.24 0.4 0.43 A 1
in touch with
family and
It can help to 0.66 0.24 0.42 0.32 0.41 A 1
express your
feelings and

INDICATOR Agree Disagre Moderately Highly AWM I R

S e Agree Agree

Multi-media 0.48 0.52 0.6 0.24 0.46 D 2

Waste of Time 0.56 0.44 0.42 0.32 0.44 D 2

Cyber Bullying 0.52 0.4 0.66 0.24 0.46 D 2
Seek for more 0.6 0.56 0.3 0.08 0.39 A 1
Introversion 0.56 0.56 0.42 0.08 0.41 D 2


Value Scale 2 4

1 3 Mean Range
0 - 0.43 1.32 – 1.75 Disagree (D)

0.44 – 0.87 Interpretation Moderately Agree (MA)

0.88 – 1.31 Agree (A) Highly Agree (HA)

Chapter V


This chapter provides a summary of the findings of the study, the conclusions
base on the obtained results, as well as the recommendations forwarded in the light
of the conclusions arrived at. The essential findings of this research were base on
the specific question in the statement of the problem.

Problem 1

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents along:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Financial Status

d. (behaviour to peers) Social relationship


The study shows that the respondents age, range from 15-16 (38%), 17-18
(54%), 19-20 (8%). The total respondents of the study were Male (50%) and
Female (50%). Furthermore, the respondents financial status also shows that their
allowance every week, 20-50 (30%), 50-100 (44%), 100-200 (26%), and lastly
Others (0%).

It also shows how the Facebook affected the social relationship of senior high
school students and their weighted mean, attitude to peers (0.34), behaviour
towards teachers (0.36), self-esteem (0.34), socialization skills (0.34) and coping
ability (0.37).


Result of the respondents perception about the effects of facebook to the

social relationship of the senior high school student are summarize in Table 3. The
respondents’ interpretation about the social relationship of the senior high school
students shows that they (agree) that facebook improves the students’ attitude to
their peers, behaviour towards teachers, their self-esteem, socialization skills, and
coping ability.


Parents. Parents should monitor their children’s demeanour. Through this, they will
be able to know the effects of social networking in terms of their child’s social

Students. Students must know and evaluate their daily habits in terms of social

Teachers. The teachers must be responsible in mandating rules and regulations

specifically on the usage of any social networking platform, for example facebook.

Problem 2

2. What is the level of facebook usage to the respondents?


Base from the data the level of facebook usage was shown that the senior
high school students use it to communicate (0.38), for entertainment (0.33), be
updated on the current trends (0.39), to socialize (0.39), and to gain more friends


The results of the study revealed that the senior high school students agreed
that they usually use the social media network platform, specifically facebook for
various reasons such as for communication, entertainment, update about the latest
and for socialization.


Teachers. The teachers must be responsible to educate their students to become

more responsible of using networking platform, for example facebook.

Students. The students must know their limitation of using social networking in
order to minimize their daily habits of using facebook.

Parents. The parents must be responsible to guide their child and be observable in
terms of using social networking.

Problem 3

3. What is the level of effect of facebook usage to the respondents?


As shown in the data, results along the effects of facebook to the respondents
were concluded that it has positive and negative effects. The positive effects of the
study is that faacebook helps the senior high school students in, making new friends
(0.38), awareness on what’s happening around their surroundings (0.37), as a stress
reliever (0.39), to keep in touch with their family and friends (0.43), expressing their
feelings and emotions (0.41).

Consequently, The negative effects of the study were multi-media addiction

(0.46), waste of time (0.44), cyber bullying (0.46), seeking for more attention
(0.39), and introversion (0.41)


Results about the respondents perception about the effects of using facebook
were shown that the senior high school students agree that using facebook have
positive effects and disagree to most of the negative effects of using facebook aside
from agreeing to a negative effect which says that using facebook results to
students seeking for more attention.


Teachers. It is recommended for the teachers to provide interactive activities and

comradely strategies on their students. With this, they will not only educate the
students but will also help the students to become more responsible to use
Facebook and help to improve their knowledge about how Facebook affects social
relationships virtually

Students. Students should participate in any activities being established by the

school community. With this, they would be much aware about the effects of
Facebook to social relationship of students.

Problem 4

4. Is there any relationship between facebook usage and social relationship?



Teachers. The teachers must be responsible to monitor their students and as well
as to help the students to become responsible of using facebook networking site.

Parents. The parents should instruct their child to know the positive and negative
impacts in terms of using social networking site.

Students. The students should know how facebook usage become vulnerable in
terms of communicating, for example you communicate to stranger.

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