he Asian Corn Borer (ACB) mong the natural enemies of ACB which was 10.5% which means that 89.5% of Steps in Releasing Earwigs into the
(Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee) is can control its population are the earwig deposited eggs hatched become nymphs.
Sex ratio is 6:1 in favor of the female.
the most destructive pest of corn. (Euborellia annulata) and Tricho-
gramma (Trichogramma evanescens). Survivor from egg to adult is about 90%.
ACB starts to infest corn plants 20 to 25 1. Release adult earwigs at the rate of one
Earwig has a life span of 74 days.
earwig per square meter, usually in the late
days after planting. Within this period ACB
will start to lay eggs, usually underneath the afternoon.
Earwigs can be bred in laboratory on artificial
leaves. Sometimes the eggs are laid on the media such as dog food. This media is effective and
upper surface of the leaves near the midrib. 2. Walk across the rows and place one earwig
efficient because it is cheap and easily available. into the growing point of every plant (hill)
These eggs will hatch within three (3) days.
Predatory along the row, zigzagging through the
earwig is length of the row and back to the starting
After two hours, the newly hatched larvae
elongated, point until 10,000 earwigs are released into
will start to feed, causing pinhead-sized holes
flattened, and
Mass Rearing of Earwigs
on the leaves. The young larvae will molt, grow a 1 hectare lot.
is shiny black in A. Collection and Rearing of Founder
bigger, feed again, then drill larger holes the
color. It is 10– Population
size of a match head on the leaves. In their Number of
14 mm long and Number Earwigs per Age of Corn Where to
third instar (ACB goes through six instars or
has no wings. - Collection of initial earwig population: of release/ Place the
larval stages), the insect will eat more, this
-dissection of corn stalks heavily Release hectare Earwigs
time boring on the leaves holes the size of
The mobile infested with ACB. 2 Yellow corn 25-35 days Around the
shots from a gun. When the corn plants bear
a b d o m e n -pile of decomposing corn cobs - 10,000 after planting corn pant,
tassels (flowers), the larvae will go up and infest Earwigs
extends into a -request from NCPC (10 days in random
the tassel, which clump and eventually break.
pair of forcep- - Place 3-4 cm soil: sand mixture (3:1 by interval) order
like structures volume) inside an acrylic pan (14.5 cm
ACB larvae are most
called cerci. in diameter and 8.5 cm in height) Lagkitan 25-35 days Around the
damaging when they are on
It is capable of - Moisten the mixture to about 27-30% - 10,000 to after plant- corn pant,
their late fourth instar. This is
when the larvae bore inside moisture content 20,000 ing (10 days in random
maneuvering as well as opening and closing its - Release adults (12 females and 4 males)
the corn stalk and eat their interval) order
forceps which are used for a variety of purpose - Feed with corn cob and dog food mixture
way through. Once inside
such as in holding prey. The forceps tend (about 15 g. each)
the stalk, they are difficult
to be more curved in males than in females. - Feed the insect weekly with about 7.5 g
to control. The transport of
nutrients is disrupted and food mixture Effectiveness
Earwig feeds on eggs, larvae and - Adults will lay about 3-4 egg batches and
the stalk eventually breaks.
pupae of leafhoppers, aphids, semi-looper, these offspring will be utilized in the mass Studies have proven that release of earwigs
Corn stalk cutworm, armyworm diamond back moth, rearing. in corn is effective against ACB. In field evalu-
damaged by cabbage moth and other soft bodied insects. ations of green corn varieties conducted by
ACB infestation corn borer
reduces potential B. Mass Rearing of Earwigs PCARRD, the interventions of earwig releases
They are more active at night and prefer to increase corn yield by as high as 40%. Cost of
yield by an average stay in the soil during daytime. They crawl on the
of 52%. One major - Construct galvanized boxes production was reduced by 8% in open polli-
plants at nightime and tend to gather in damp (73 x 37.5 x 28 cm) nated varieties (OPV) and 10% in green corn.
control strategy is areas like the stalks and underneath the leaves.
to apply chemical - Place 7.5 cm. high soil: sand mixture
insecticides. How- (3:1) inside the rearing box Earwigs are voracious corn-borer eat-
ever, continuous - Maintain soil moisture content to 27 to ing insects, preying on egg masses, early in-
application of insec- Biological Cycle 30% stars, larvae and pupae of ACB. A matured
ticides can result to Earwigs develop from egg to adult in - Introduce adult earwigs (150 females earwig can eat more then 40 newly hatched
insect resistance, 35 days. It lays 6 egg batches with 40 eggs and 50 males) eggs of Asian Corn Borer in just one hour.
- Feed earwigs initially with 400 g mixture
hence the need to per batch or total of 240 eggs in its lifetime.
of diet, and 200 g diet every 10 days Their sustainability on the field would not be
identify potential
thereafter. A total of 1 kg diet can be hard to maintain since earwigs can disperse in
natural enemies as Corn ear damaged Egg hatches in 6-8 days. The
used per box per month. the fields 3-6 meters away from its release point.
control measure. by corn borer average natural mortality of E. annulata
Trichogramma Where to Get Earwigs and
Trichogramma are tiny black wasps,
almost too small to see with the naked eye. The Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC)
of the Department of Agriculture is into mass
These wasps are mass produced in many countries,
production of earwigs and trichogramma. These
including the Philippines, for biological pest control.
biocon agents can be availed for free by interested
individual corn farmers; Local Government
Laboratory reared Trichogramma are placed
Units (Provincial, Municipal, & Barangay
in trichocards and distributed to farmers.
level); students from agricultural schools
A trichocard has 1,500-2,000 trichogramma.
and Non-government Organizations (NGOs).
Trichogramma lay their eggs inside the
eggs of corn borers and other moths. When
the Trichogramma hatch, they begin to eat
Cultural Management Tips
the developing caterpillar inside the egg. Plant before or during the planting season.
ACB prefers younger plants. If you plant late, then
A parasitized caterpillar egg becomes black the newly built population of ACB from other fields
in color as the young wasp develops inside it. will transfer to your field and devour your corn.
After 8-10 days inside the host egg, the young
To reduce the ACB population, you can also
Trichogramma wasp emerges as an adult. The
females are then ready to parasitize other
remove the tassel (flowers) of 75% of all corn DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
moth eggs. A female wasp can parasitize up to
plants. This technique called detassling, helps to Regional Field Office No. 5
dispose larvae that attack the tassels. This can San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur
50 moth eggs during its lifetime of 5-14 days.
be done when at
least 2 cm of the
Release 50 to 70 cards stem has emerged AGRIPINOY CORN PROGRAM
of Trichogramma per hect- or prior to pollen
M agmamais
are if you see 3 to 4 ACB shedding. But be
egg masses per 100 plants. sure to properly
It is important to release dispose the tassels
Trichogramma within 20 to
25 days after planting, when
you removed by
burning them A ting alagaan
ACB eggs are newly laid and away from the para sa
still full of fluid which the
egg parasite can feed on.
field or feeding
them to livestock
to prevent the
I kauunlad ng
It is easy to see if a mass of corn borer
eggs has been parasitized by Trichogramma.
ACB from getting
back to the plants. S ambayanan
Parasitized eggs are pale dark and depressed
while those that are not, are shiny dark in color.
Source: Dr. Pio A. Javier, Research Associate Professor Lay-out: Lovella P. Guarin
Further, if the egg mass did not hatch within four
NCPC, UPLB-CA College, Laguna Editor: Emily B. Bordado
days after it was laid, then it might be parasitized.
If it hatched within four days, then Trichogramma Photography: Jun Collantes
was not able to parasitize the eggs. Trichogramma Earwig
has a life cycle of 7 to 8 days so if the ACB eggs
were parasitized, Trichogramma adults and not Subject Matter Specialist:
corn borer larvae will come out of the eggs. These Dr. Evangeline dela Trinidad
adults will look for another egg mass to feed on. Chief, Regional Crops Protection Center
(RCPC) Region 5