Deceptive Brain: What Our Brain Tells About Us Untrue: by Keneth Joe A. Cabungcal
Deceptive Brain: What Our Brain Tells About Us Untrue: by Keneth Joe A. Cabungcal
Deceptive Brain: What Our Brain Tells About Us Untrue: by Keneth Joe A. Cabungcal
What our Brain Tells beneficial and healthy living. Many of the impulses,
thoughts, urges and sensations we experience do
About Us Untrue not reflect who we are and therefore they are lies.
By Keneth Joe A. Cabungcal Some thoughts are: ‘I am ugly, ‘I am not well-able’,
‘I am not enough’, ‘I am not accepted’, ‘I am not
We often come to a point of confusion and belong’, ‘I am unfortunate’, ‘I am not smart’, ‘I am a
inquiries about who we really are. Does our family failure’, ‘I am abandoned’, ‘not friendly’, etc. They
background define us? Does our school chosen are not just negative thoughts playing in our minds
sector define us? Does our General Weighted but they are false missives, not true representation
Average (GWA) define us? Does our perception of us, but rather are vastly inaccurate and highly
toward things define us? This at times leads us to deceptive brain messages that will affect our daily
explore our real identity by relying also to a highly actions and decisions.
complex and the most powerful software in the
universe- our brain. Those deceptive brain messages does not only
make our days bad and our performance poor, but
Some scientists believe that there is nothing but it does affect our mental health as well as our
the brain—that it controls what we think, who we physical health, emotional and social aspects of our
are, our values and actions. To them, the mind life. They will cause problems such as overthinking
simply does not exist. Rather, it is the brain that and anxiety that can lead to depression and stress-
changes itself, not us or what we do. eating disorder.
Rebecca Gladding, M.D. and Jeffrey Schwartz, Mindfulness expert and teacher Bhante Henepola
believe that the mind is intimately connected with, Gunaratana said, “It beautifully encapsulates what
and can exert some pretty powerful effects on, the deceptive brain messages are, what they do to us,
brain. In short, they believe that people are so and how they keep us from following the path of
much more than what their brain is trying to tell our true self: We see life through a screen of
them they are and that the brain often gets in the thoughts and concepts, and we mistake those
way of our true, long-term goals and values in life [thoughts] for reality. We get so caught up in this
(i.e., our true self). endless thought-stream that reality flows by
So, do we have the power to influence our brain or unnoticed. We spend our time engrossed in
not? This may sound ironically that we can activity, caught up in an eternal pursuit of pleasure
influence our brain through our brain as well. But and gratification and eternal flight from pain and
let us try to put the other way. We cannot unpleasantness. We spend all our energies trying
influence our brain by removing it from our head to make ourselves feel better, trying to bury our
and let it read brain-altering books and listen from fears, and endlessly seeking security. To phrase it
motivational speakers that talk about another way: We spend a considerable amount of
neuroscience. our time engrossed in following deceptive brain
messages until we begin to see them for what they
“We believe that people are so much more than what their brain
is trying to tell them they are and that the brain often gets in the are and value our true emotions and needs.”
way of our true, long-term goals and values in life
(i.e., our true self).”
-Rebecca Gladding, M.D. and Jeffrey Schwartz-
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,
is not an act, but a habit.”-ARISTOTLE