Fall 2010 QMB3250 Exam 1 C
Fall 2010 QMB3250 Exam 1 C
Fall 2010 QMB3250 Exam 1 C
Exam 1
Form C
Any question with more than two answer choices is worth 5 points. The TRUE/FALSE questions are worth 3 points each. The maximum score on the exam is 100 points. If you wish to file a protest about anything concerning this exam, check the syllabus for procedures. Get the Form Code from the header and bubble that in on the scantron. Put your UF ID number on the scantron. For this exam, your section number should be 00XX where XX is the twodigit room location code the proctors give you. Make sure you put that on the scantron. Sign your name, IN INK, in the shaded box below.
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SIMPLIFIED T-TABLE Use this for any t-values you need to look up on the exam.
(If your calculator does t-values, they may be different and thus wrong)
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
The Sergio Lumber Company manufactures plywood. One step in the process is the one where the veneer is dried by passing through a huge dryer (similar to an oven) where much of the moisture in the veneer is extracted. At the end of this step, sheets of veneer are tested for moisture content. It is believed that pine veneer will be less moist on average than will fir veneer. The data at the top of the page are random samples of 18 sheets of veneer (10 are pine and 8 are fir). The values represent the amount of moisture in the wood. Use this for all questions on this page.
Suppose you are combining all 18 sheets of veneer into one sample for the purposes of making an approximately 95% interval estimate for the population median moisture content. Using the .4n-2 rule developed by Walsh, what is the lower endpoint of this interval? A. 10.7 B. 13.1 C. 13.3 D. 13.5 E. something else
Now suppose you are performing a two sample test of the hypothesis that the average moisture content is the same for both types of wood, versus that it is lower for pine veneer. A correct way to state this hypothesis test is: H0: Pine - Fir = 0 versus H1: Pine - Fir 0. A. True B. False
Again assume you are performing a two sample test of the hypothesis that the average moisture content is the same for both types of wood, versus that it is lower for pine veneer. It appears reasonable to also assume that the variance in moisture content for the two types of wood is similar. The actual test would be performed by computing: TSTAT = {(Difference in sample means) 0}/se where se is the standard error for the comparison. What is the value of se for this data? 1.75 1.77 1.79 1.81 Choose one answer: <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
Regardless of what you got for the question above, assume the correct value for se is 1.91. If so, the correct value for TSTAT is -2.5524. A. True B. False
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
An economics class at a large university in Florida has 1350 students. The final examination is optional: taking it can raise, but not lower, a student's grade. In a random sample of 157 students from the course, 67 indicated that they would take the final. Find a 95% one-sided confidence interval for the upper bound (maximum) proportion of students in this class intending to take the final examination. Choose one: .4850 .4900 .4950 .5000 <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
Regardless of your answer above, assume that your estimate of the upper bound is that a proportion of .4238 students in the economics class intended to take the final exam. This means that you estimate a maximum of 572 students will take the exam. A. True B. False
USE THIS INFORMATION FOR THE TWO QUESTIONS BELOW A quality control engineer is in charge of the manufacture of USB drives. Two different processes can be used to manufacture the drives. He would like to estimate the difference in the proportions of defects produced by the Kohler method and the Russell method. He samples 150 of the Kohler drives and finds that 27 are defective. A sample of 200 Russell drives has 25 defectives. The estimated difference can be stated as: (ESTIMATE) ME where the margin of error (ME) has the form se with coming from some statistical table and se being the standard error of the estimate.
What is the standard error (se) for the interval? Choose one: .0385 .0395 .0405 .0415 <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
Regardless of the results you obtained in the above question, assume your interval estimate for the difference ( Kohler - Russell ) is -.022 to +.132. What is the best conclusion you can make about the two processes?
A. The Kohler process produces significantly more defects. B. The Kohler process produces significantly fewer defects. C. There is a significant difference in the defect rates of the processes.
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
Displayed above is an analysis of the service times for 23 customers at two offices (West and Central) of the license bureau. Use this for the following five questions: 9. If we were going to compare average service times with a two-sample Ttest assuming unequal variances, the degrees of freedom would be 21.
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
A. True 10.
B. False
The interquartile range of the service times at the Central Office is about 30. A. True B. False There are one or more outliers in the service times at the Central Office. A. True B. False The Wilcoxon analysis is based on the 23 observations ranked from lowest (rank = 1) to highest (rank = 23). The average rank of the observations in the West office is 6.50. A. True B. False
The results of the Wilcoxon test allow us to conclude that the median service time at the Central office is higher than the median service time at the West office. A. True B. False
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
Most companies that make golf balls and golf clubs use a one-armed robot named "Iron Byron" to test their balls for length and accuracy. Because of swing variations by real golfers, these test robots don't always indicate how the clubs will perform in actual use. One company in the golfing industry is testing its new driver (NewClub) to see how it compares to the current best-selling driver (Leader). To do this, it has selected a group of 10 golfers of differing abilities and ages. It has each player use each of the two clubs and hit five balls. It will record the average length of the drives with each club for each player. The resulting data for a sample of 10 players is in the table at the right.
Suppose the company wants to make a 95% confidence interval estimate for the average difference in drive length for the two clubs. This interval could be stated as (estimate) ME where ME is the intervals margin of error. What is the margin of error ME in this case? Choose one: 1.93 2.07 2.30 24.50 <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
If the company wanted to test and see if their new club produced longer drives than the industry leader, which of these are the appropriate hypotheses to test? A. H0: NewClub Leader 0 H1: NewClub Leader < 0 C. H0: NewClub Leader = 0 H1: NewClub Leader 0 E. H0: NewClub Leader H1: NewClub < Leader B. H0: NewClub Leader 0 H1: NewClub Leader > 0 D. H0: NewClub Leader H1: NewClub > Leader
Assume you compute in the order (NewClub-Leader). If the company wanted to test (at = .05) and see if their new club produced longer drives than the industry leader, the critical value for the hypothesis test is 1.8331 and the value of the TSTAT is 2.7258. A. True B. False
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
In the garment industry, a customer is often entitled to a discount if they pay in cash at the time that the merchandise is received. But, customers dont always ask for it, so they dont get it. (Hey, remember this is New York City we are talking about!) An auditor is trying to estimate the impact of this for a wholesaler that had 3532 invoices last year. In a sample of 175 invoices, there were discounts totaling $1245.94 that were not taken. This information (analyzed below in PhStat) was projected to the entire years worth of business. Use it to answer the questions below. 17. For the invoices in the sample, 158 of them had no discount available. A. True
B. False
For the invoices in the sample, approximately 9.7% of them had a discount that was not taken. A. True B. False For the invoices in the sample that had a discount not taken, the average discount that was available was about $74.47. A. True B. False
For the entire year, an upper limit for the estimate of the amount of discounts not taken would be (39960.33)*(175) = $6,993,057.80. A. True B. False
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
An Internet service provider is interested in estimating the proportion of homes in a particular community that have computers but do not already have Internet access. The company surveyed a total of 188 homes, with 38 saying that they had a computer but no Internet access. A 95 percent confidence (two-sided) interval estimate of this proportion could be stated as (ESTIMATE) ME. Within .01, what is this margin of error ME? B. 0.0322 C. 0.0697 D. 0.0881 E. something else
A. 0.0441
Based on the correct interval, you could conclude 28% of the homes in this community have a computer but no internet access. A. True B. False
USE THIS INFORMATION FOR THE THREE QUESTIONS BELOW In a merger, a bank acquired 663 residential mortgages that were delinquent. For accounting purposes, it required an estimate of the current appraised value of the properties. A random sample of 27 properties was appraised and had an average value of $172.45 (thousand) with a standard deviation of $38.47 (thousand). Many confidence interval estimation procedures can be stated as: (ESTIMATE) ME where the margin of error (ME) has the form se with coming from some statistical table and se being the standard error of the estimate.
If the bank is estimating the average value of these properties with a 90% confidence interval, what is the standard error se? Choose one: 7.22 7.29 7.36 7.43 <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
If the bank is estimating the total value of these properties with a 95% confidence interval, what is the upper limit of the interval? Choose one: 119000 121000 123000 125000 <-------+-------+-------+-------+-------> A B C D E
In the two questions above, knowing the size of the finite population (663 properties) has relatively little impact because the sample size of 27 is just 27/663 = .0407 or 4% of the population.
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
A. True
B. False
QMB 3250
Exam 1
Form C
--- Interval estimate of population mean (finite population) --df = n-1
X t s n N n N 1
--- One-sided interval estimate of population proportion --Could be adapted for two-sided interval
p +Z p (1 p ) n N n N 1
--- Two-sample interval or hypothesis test, variances assumed equal --2 Sp = 2 (n1 1) S12 + (n 2 1) S 2 (n1 + n 2 2)
1 2 1 Std Error = s p + n n 2 1
df = n1 + n2 2
--- Two-sample hypothesis test, variances are not considered equal --df computed by formula (not required)
Std Error =
2 s12 s2 + n1 n2
--- Paired sample confidence interval or hypothesis test --compute differences di = (X1i X2i), df = n-1
Std Error = s D n
--- Two-sample confidence interval for proportions --Use Z distribution for multiplier
( p1 p 2 ) Z / 2 p1 (1 p1 ) p 2 (1 p 2 ) + n1 n2
T e s tS ta tis tic F = is
la rg e r 2 s m a lle r