Brand Management MBA Spring 2019

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The key takeaways are that the course covers strategic brand management, the importance of brands, brand equity, brand architecture, and building brand value.

The course offers an intensive understanding of branding, brands as wealth generators, brand differentiation, brand equity, and strategic brand management.

The course objectives are to underline the importance of branding, explain brand architecture concepts, develop an ability to understand brand equity building, and analyze branding strategies.

Course Syllabus - MBA Program

A. Course and Faculty Information:

Course Title: Brand Management Course Code: MKT 814

Semester/Year: Spring 2018 Prerequisites: MKT 601

Credits: 2

Instructor: Dr. K. Abdul Waheed Course Coordinator: Dr. K. Abdul Waheed

Telephone (Ext.): 04 4227244 (115) Office/Room No: 12

Office Hours: 2.00-4.00 pm; Thursday E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone (Ext.) :04 4227244 (115) Office/Room No: 12

B. Course Description
The course offers an intensive and yet stimulating understanding of branding. Brands are wealth generators of the
twenty-first century. Earlier, firms differed on the basis of wealth producing assets like factories etc. In the new era
of a globalized marketplace, brands are key differentiators and drivers of economic value of a corporation. Jeans
manufactured in factories are just the same but Levi’s, Wrangler and Lee are much sought after. Brands are the
ultimate differentiators; they drive consumer buying, revenues and the ultimate value of the business. The course
introduces strategic brand management process and theory of customer based brand equity. The course explains
the importance positioning theory in brand management and highlights the concept of points of parity and points
of difference. The course further discusses the brand audit methodology and role of brand elements, marketing
programs and secondary associations that help in building brands. The principles of brand equity measurement
system and theory of brand extension and brand rejuvenation are also covered in the course.

C. Course Objectives
1. Underline the importance of studying brand management, role of brands, brand equity and benefits of
creating strong brands in an economy
2. Explain the concept and mechanics of ‘brand architecture’
3. Develop a critical ability to understand major routes to build brand equity
4. Analyze critically the practical implications of branding strategies in the Middle East.

D. Course Learning Outcomes

After completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Critique the conceptual knowledge of products, brands and branding. (Knowledge)
2. Critically analyse the framework of brand architecture in a multi-product functions. (Role in context)
3. Assess brands and brand extension processes. (Autonomy)
4. Measure brand equity in a firm. (Skill)
E. CLO-PLO Mapping

Course Course Title / CLO PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO5 (SELF

Brand Management CLO 1 CLO4 CLO3 CLO2

F. Textbook and Other Resources

Prescribed Textbook and Readings
Kevin Keller, Strategic Brand Management, Fourth edition, 2012, Prentice Hall.
Recommended Books:
a. Laforet, Managing Brands, 2009, McGraw-Hill Education – Europe, Middle East and Africa.
b. The New Strategic Brand Management, Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term 4th Ed, By
Jean-Noël Kapferer, Published January 2008, ISBN: 9780749450854, Kogan Sage.
c. Johny K. Johansson, Contemporary Brand Management, SAGE Publications, 2015.
d. Ries, Al & Laura Ries: The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding’ NY Harper Collins, 1998.

Recommended Readings:
1. Roland T. Rust; Valarie A. Zeithaml; Katherine N. Lemon (2004), ‘Customer-Centered Brand
Management’, Harvard Business Review, September, pp. 1-11.
2. Leonard M. Lodish and Carl F. Mela (2007), ‘If Brands Are Built over Years, Why Are They
Managed over Quarters?’, Harvard Business Review, July, pp-1-10.
3. Noël Albert, Dwight Merunka, Pierre Valette-Florence (2008), ‘When consumers love their
brands: Exploring the concept and its dimensions’, Journal of Business Research, Vol 61, Iss: 10,
October, pp. 1062-1075.
4. Christoph Burmann, Marc Jost-Benz, Nicola Riley (2009), ‘Towards an identity-based brand equity
model’, Journal of Business Research, Vol 62, Iss: 3, March, pp. 390-397.
5. Sonja Gensler, Franziska Völckner, Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Caroline Wiertz (2013), ‘Managing
Brands in the Social Media Environment’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27, Iss: 4,
November, pp. 242-256.
6. Claes Högström, Anders Gustafsson, Bård Tronvoll (2015), ‘Strategic brand management:
Archetypes for managing brands through paradoxes’, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68, Iss: 2,
February, pp. 391-404.
7. Kyeongheui Kim, Jongwon Park, Jungkeun Kim (2014), ‘Consumer–brand relationship quality:
When and how it helps brand extensions’, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Iss: 4, Apri, pp.
8. Annie Peng Cui, Michael Y. Hu, David A. Griffith (2014), ‘What makes a brand manager
effective?’, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Iss: 2, February, pp. 144-150.

G. Pedagogical Approach
The course employs a balanced mix of lectures / class discussions and case studies / projects. Class lectures
and discussions provide an exposition of key concepts, and are supported by current brand marketing
practices. The key tools include conceptual inputs; Textbook cases / Exercises; Additional readings; Harvard
cases; Case presentations. The case studies/projects provide an opportunity to apply the theories, concepts,
and analytical devices developed in the lectures.
H. Course Assessment:

Components Weights Dates/Weeks Corresponding Learning Objective(s)

Case Analysis 15 % CLO 1, 2, 3 & 4
Brand Audit 15 % CLO 1, 2, 3 & 4
Brand Relationship Interview 10 % CLO 2, 3 & 4
Mid term 20 % CLO 1, 2, 3 & 4

Final exam. 40% CLO 1, 2, 3 & 4

Total 100%

I. Rubrics (or Feedback) for Assessment Components:

Written Assignment Grading Rubric
Evaluation Criteria Levels
Marks Level-4 Level-3 Level-2 Level-1
Written ____ / The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment
Content 2.5 has detailed, has adequate covers some of covers only some
critical, relevant, details on most of the issues superficial issues
concise and the issues required. It lacks of the
concrete details required. The in-depth assignment. The
on all issues points are clear discussions and issues covered
required. but lacks critical relevant details are weak in
analysis. on all issues. content and lacks
(2.5 marks) relevant and
(2 marks) (1.5 marks) concrete analysis.

(1 mark)

Organisation and ____ / The arguments The arguments The arguments The arguments
Arguments 2.5 and discussion is are coherent and and the and discussion is
very organized well organized on discussions are not appropriate,
and totally most of issues fairly coherent on not organized,
coherent in the that are required some topics to be and not all issues
context of the to be addressed addressed in the are addressed on
assignment topic. on the assignment the assignment
assignment topic topic
(2.5 marks) (1.5 marks)
(2 marks) (1 mark)
Conclusion ____ / Conclusions Conclusion Conclusions Conclusion is not
2.5 justify all the includes through drawn based on the
stated objectives analysis of most unsatisfactorily analysis.
of the of the stated from the analysis Conclusions
assignment. objectives of the on few stated justify none of the
assignment. objectives of the stated objectives
(2.5 marks) project. of the project.
(2 marks)
(1.5 marks) (1 mark)
Recommendations ____ / Appropriate, Appropriate and Appropriate and Superficial
2.5 realistic and relevant relevant recommendations
insightful recommendations recommendations based on analysis
recommendations based on analysis based on analysis of limited issues
based on analysis of most of the of some of the of the assignment
on the identified issues identified issues topic.
assignment topic. of the assignment of the assignment
topic. topic.
(2.5 marks) (1 mark)
(2 marks) (1.5 marks)

Total /10

Brand Audit Report Grading Rubric

Evaluatio Levels
n Criteria Marks Level-4 Level-3 Level-2 Level-1
Written ____ / 3 The assignment has The assignment has The assignment The assignment
Content detailed, critical, adequate details on covers some of the covers only
relevant, concise most of the issues issues required. It some
and concrete details required. The points lacks in-depth superficial
on all issues are clear but lacks discussions and issues of the
required. critical analysis. relevant details on assignment.
all issues. The issues
(3 marks) (2.5 marks) covered are
(2 marks) weak in
content and
lacks relevant
and concrete

(1 mark)

Organisa ____ / 3 The arguments and The arguments are The arguments and The arguments
tion and discussion is very coherent and well the discussions are and discussion
Argumen organized and organized on most of fairly coherent on is not
ts totally coherent in issues that are some topics to be appropriate,
the context of the required to be addressed in the not organized,
assignment topic. addressed on the assignment and not all
assignment topic issues are
(3 marks) (2 marks) addressed on
(2.5 marks) the assignment

(1 mark)
Referenc ____ / 3 References and References and Most of sources are The assignment
es and Sources are cited sources are used in missing and poor does not have
Sources and used for critical most of the occasions. referencing across references and
analysis the assignment does not have
(2.5 marks) any critical
(3 marks) (2 marks) analysis
(1 mark)
Conclusi ____ / 3 Conclusions justify Conclusion includes Conclusions drawn Conclusion is
on all the stated through analysis of unsatisfactorily from not based on
objectives of the most of the stated the analysis on few the analysis.
assignment. objectives of the stated objectives of Conclusions
assignment. the project. justify none of
(3 marks) the stated
(2.5 marks) (2 marks) objectives of
the project.

(1 mark)

Recomm ____ / 3 Appropriate, Appropriate and Appropriate and Superficial

endation realistic and relevant relevant recommendati
s insightful recommendations recommendations ons based on
recommendations based on analysis of based on analysis of analysis of
based on analysis most of the identified some of the limited issues
on the assignment issues of the identified issues of of the
topic. assignment topic. the assignment assignment
topic. topic.
(3 marks) (2.5 marks)
(2 marks)
(1 mark)

Total /15

Case Study Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels
Marks Level-4 Level-3 Level-2 Level-1
Identification of /5 Identifies all the Understands Identifies limited Identifies few
the Case Problem management issues most of the issues and issues and
in the case study. issues mentioned problems of the problems of the
in the case study case study. case study.
(5 marks)
(4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
Analysis and /5 Very thorough and Analysis of most Superficial analysis Incomplete
Evaluation of astute analysis and of the case study of some issues analysis of the
Issues in the Case evaluation of case issues. A more mentioned in the issues
study issues thorough case study. mentioned in
analysis can be the case study.
(5 marks) done. (2 marks)
(1 mark)
(4 marks)
Recommendation /5 Well researched Appropriate Superficial or Incomplete and
on Effective comments, comments / inappropriate superficial
Management structured suggestions / comments / solutions of
Strategies solutions, apt solutions to most suggestions / some of the
suggestions to all of the issues in solutions to some issues
issues mentioned in the case study of the issues in the mentioned in
the case study case study the case study
(5 marks) (4 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
Total /15

Assignment: Brand Relationship Interview

Refer the topic on ‘Brand Relationships’ in the book (chapter no. 9) by Keller (Kevin Keller, Strategic Brand
Management, Fourth edition, 2012, Prentice Hall). which will give insight on how you may do this
assignment. You are required to understand the concept of brand by looking in-depth at the connections
that form between the consumers and the brands they use. Thus, it sheds light on the insights that are
possible when consumers’ lives are understood holistically, and brands are considered to be part of those

You have to conduct depth interviews among 3 consumers regarding a relationship they have or had with
a brand. Please prepare a 2 page write-up with your answers to the three following questions:
(1) What insights were revealed?
(2) As a brand manager, what would you do with this information?
(3) How might you measure the relationship type, quality and strength revealed in your interview?
(4) Create mental maps for the brands suggested by three consumers. Use these mental maps to develop
brand mantras that capture the core values and attributes of the brands. Then compare the mantras
generated through your work with the actual brand mantras of the companies. Are they similar? Why or
why not?

Brand Audit Guidelines

Form a group of your choice. The group should not exceed 3 members. Each group is required to prepare
a Brand Audit report. Brand Audit is a comprehensive examination of a brand in terms of its sources of
brand equity (Refer pages126-137 of the book by Keller for more details with a sample of brand audit

Your project is to select a real brand (new or well-established) which has a presence in UAE and conduct
an audit for that brand. You would be required to have access with the company so that you could get a
briefing on their situation from someone in a position of responsibility. It would add value to your work if
you would have access to some of their data on brand-building issues they are facing. The brand could be
a service or product and / or profit or not for profit category. As part of this project you will be required to
conduct customer surveys or depth interviews or focus groups to gain insights.

There will be a mid-term review on your progress. You have to submit a 10 pages report (single space, 12
font size, Times New Roman) and make a presentation. You must include brand positioning statement and
perceptual map of the chosen brand in your report.

Case Analysis
Each student will be provided with a case and is expected to present and submit a write-up.

Case Write-up
The student is expected to analyze the case and prepare a write-up. The write-up should not exceed 5
pages (12 font; Times new roman, 1 ½ line space) excluding exhibits and appendices. Your write-up will be
graded on both style and content. Present your ideas in a clear, concise, logical and organized manner.
Don’t repeat the case facts in your write-up.

The student will get a maximum presentation time of 20 minutes with some 10 minutes for discussion and
Q&A. You should submit a copy of your slides before the presentation for some suggestions from me.
The following are some guidelines for your presentations:
* Focus on the key issues and do not spend (much) time on long, detailed, complete and repetition of
facts presented in the case.
* Involve the class by direct questioning, discussion of problems / issues, presentation of controversial
statements, etc.

J. Weekly (Session Wise) Details:

Session Day/Time Hours Activity

1. Course Introduction and Revisiting Key 2 Group formation & case
concepts of Marketing and branding decisions selection
Introducing strategic brand management All the cases will be
distributed on the first

2 Strategic implications of branding, Brand and 2

business building

Strategic brand management process

The theory of customer based brand equity:

brand salience, brand performance and
imagery, consumer judgements and feelings
and brand resonance
3 Brand identity and positioning 2 Case Study:
Points of parity and points of difference Dove: Evolution of a Brand
4. Brand Elements 2 Case Study:
Brand names Harley Davidson
Logos and symbols
5. Role of marketing programs in building 2 Case Study:
Customer based brand equity Pepsi

Strategic role of product, price and distribution

6. Strategic role of Integrated Marketing 2 Case Study:
Communications in building Customer based Hunger Games
brand equity Reading: Sonja Gensler,
Franziska Völckner, Yuping
Liu-Thompkins, Caroline
Wiertz (2013), ‘Managing
Brands in the Social Media
Environment’, Journal of
Interactive Marketing, Vol.
27, Iss: 4, November, pp.
7. Secondary associations Company 2 Reading: Kyeongheui Kim,
Country of origin Jongwon Park, Jungkeun
Co-branding Kim (2014), ‘Consumer–
Characters brand relationship quality:
Celebrity spokesperson When and how it helps
Events (through sponsorship) brand extensions’, Journal
of Business Research, Vol.
Other third-party sources (through awards and 67, Iss: 4, April, pp. 591-
reviews) 597.
Assignment Due: Brand
Relationship Interview
8. Brand equity: measurement and management 2 Mid Term review of Brand
Audit Project Progress
Residual approach and valuation approach
9. Financial valuation and accounting for brands 2 Case Study:
equity Inside Intel Inside
10. Summarizing brand valuation process 2 Case Study:
Elie Saab
11. Brand architecture and Multi-brand portfolios 2 Case study: Bur Berry
12. Adapting to the market: identity and change 2 Case Study:
and Growth through brand extensions Lenovo: Global Branding
13. Brand reinforcement strategies 2
14. Brand revitalization strategies 2 Brand Audit Project
15. Globalizing the brand 2 Brand Audit Project

K. Academic Integrity and Regulations:

a. Plagiarism: It is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of
another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own,
as by not crediting the original author1. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable at IMT Dubai and is
punishable by way of penalties as outlined in Students Handbook Section 12. All the students are
expected to have read the guidelines pertaining to this section.
b. Cheating: This includes, but not limited to:
i. Falsification of statements or data;
ii. Having another individual write your paper or do your assignments;
iii. Helping another student in Examination and/or Assignment or any other assessable work
without concurrence of the instructor;
iv. Purchasing someone else’s work and submitting as your own;
v. Using unauthorised electronic or written sources or aids during an examination except
when these are required for the examination and are permitted by the
instructor/invigilator explicitly.
c. Attendance and Participation: Attendance and participation are essential to learning and fulfilling
the outcomes of the course. Students are advised to inform the instructor in advance of any
anticipated absence(s). In some instances, you may be required to submit supporting documents.
L. Accommodation for Students with Disabilities:

IMT intends to provide reasonable accommodations to students with any disabilities. The authority to
sanction any accommodation lies with the Program Chair. The students seeking such accommodation(s)
should contact the Program Chair.
M. Student Resources:
Suggested web sites worth reviewing:
a. BrandChannel (by Interbrand):
b. BrandForward:
c. McKinsey & Company (McKinsey Quarterly):
d. Prophet Strategy:
e. BuildingBrands:
f. Brand Keys Research:
g. Upshaw Brand Consulting site:

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