Portfolio Summer 2020 PDF
Portfolio Summer 2020 PDF
Portfolio Summer 2020 PDF
spatial design //
ria yukta
hey there, thanks for taking
i’m ria yukta
an interest in my portfolio!
here’s my resume
01 Flow
02 Saudade
personal and internship projects.
Digital Renderings & Models
06 Live Projects
07 Internship Projects
concept model
deconstruction of ideas
such as repetitiveness
form development
layered structures
site analysis
interim model
Site: Block F, Lasalle College of the Arts
final model
The space has an inbuilt staircase and ramp
which can be altered/removed.
02 “saudade”
an art stay
structure of
the sea sponge
key design features adapted from the sea sponge inference of the site analysis
airy and raw structure The sea sponge- a primitive high noise levels around the site
acquatic invertebrate with soft
tapered porous body is typically supported majority of the demography are art enthusiasts
by a framework of fibrous/
asymmetrical calcerous, glassy spicules.This has site is present in the arts and culture hub
been reflected in the design of the
repitition structure of the art stay. site is a bridge between landmarks
technicals & renders
form development
graphic design
form development
farm to table
form development
Back of house
Mini Mrkt
“digital renderings
and models ”
barecelona pavilion
casa kao
cardboard seater
Project brief: Process:
The guidelines for this project is too create The process of designing Look Out was
a solo-dining seater for 1-2 people withina a rigorous process that began with the
2m x 2m x 2m box. The seater should theoritical and research section.This included
cater to the needs of the diner along and in depth research of the dimensions a
should be equipped with the necessary diner would need to sit, dine and relax
accessories needed for a diner. comfortably. This lead to the material
analysis (cardboard), which included the
Look out is view-centric dining space with cutting methods, joinery and learning to
the sole purpose of accustoming the diner adapt with the different types of cardboard
and orienting to the different views from and adjusting to their pros and cons. The
the site.The dining experience is designed ideation process was user centric and led to
with the intention of framing views for the creation of the two view orineted seats
the diners and viewers with the views we for the diners- The Lounge and The Nook.
often overlook as passerbys.The user is In the Lounge seat the user reclines and
oriented towards these curated scenes so takes in the subtle movements and forms of
users may indulge in the movement of the the Lasalle buildings. In the Nook the user
surrounding from a high vantage point. experiences a moredistant sense of stillness.
site analysis ideation
ingenio architects
final render
graphic design
& posters
brochure posters
outer folds
inner folds
A brochure made for a graphic design library. Poster made for a graphic design library
“art &
ink illustrations pen and ink renders
untagged- an installation