Portfolio Summer 2020 PDF

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spatial design //

selected work 2017-2020


ria yukta
hey there, thanks for taking

i’m ria yukta

an interest in my portfolio!

here’s my resume
01 Flow

02 Saudade

03 Graphic design library

my portfolio is a combination of university,

04 Communete

personal and internship projects.
Digital Renderings & Models

06 Live Projects

07 Internship Projects

08 Graphic Design & Posters

09 Art & Aesthetic

01 an architects office

Project brief: Process:

The aim of this project is identify the The design process includes understanding
design charecteristics and idealogies of and immersing onself in the design
the assigned architect- Zaha Hadid and idealogies of the Zaha Hadid.The
to design an office inclusive of a gallery for process transgresses into analysing and
the said architect.The design idealogies documenting the site and drawing to a
had to be incorporated in an existing site. conclusion as to how the design language
of the architect can be incorporated into the
The project was purely model based to site. Case studies have been researched
get a better feel of the spaces and also upon and used to influence and act as
to better understand spatial planning with guides in designing the project. Spatial
regards to scale. The first developmental analysis has also been done in order to
model was an intial exploration of the understanf the imprtance of spatial planning
design language and philosophy. The with regards to commercial and residential
interim model was a comprehensive spaces. A key feature was to work around
design created with functional and usable the existing metal black frames in the site
spaces. The underlying goal of this and to understand the use of a mezzanine
project apart from spatial understanding level. An intersting challenge was how the
was to analyse spaces and to be able to bold and organic design of Zaha Hadid
appropriate the dimensions of furniture. reacted to the linear and dynamic site.
design idealogies
ideas of abstraction and

concept model
deconstruction of ideas
such as repetitiveness

form development
layered structures

site analysis

interim model
Site: Block F, Lasalle College of the Arts

Double volume space, with 16 columns and

glass panels supported by black metal bands.

final model
The space has an inbuilt staircase and ramp
which can be altered/removed.
02 “saudade”

an art stay

Project brief: Process:

The aim of this project is to create and The design process originates from the
design an art stay for 3 or more artists/ understanding of the assigned sea creature,
designers. The art stay should comprise “Sea Sponge”, and highlighting the key
of a residence and recreational area. A features of the creature. The characteristic
key feature to incorporate is a space for are further converted into spatial qualities.
the artists to culiminate and go through With the spatial qualities acting as a
their design process. The art stay should platform for the process, a paper model was
also house programmes and workshop designed.The paper model/origami model
for the public. further converted into a wire frame was
inserted into an existing site. A conclusion
Saudade is an art stay where three was drawn as a result of site analysis/
different artists from all over the world documentation that the site had restrictions
will visit the art stay and work with local and a vast range of structural components
musicians, singer-songwriters and artists to work around. The newly designed being
to put up an album of indie folk music. a by-product of the montaged model. The
The programs at the art stay also include structure of the new art stay reflects the
open mic and jamming, bridge program features and properties of the sea sponge. A
for musicians from other genres. set of technical drawings were required.
characteristics site analysis
of a sea sponge



porous & hollow

structure of
the sea sponge

key design features adapted from the sea sponge inference of the site analysis
airy and raw structure The sea sponge- a primitive high noise levels around the site
acquatic invertebrate with soft
tapered porous body is typically supported majority of the demography are art enthusiasts
by a framework of fibrous/
asymmetrical calcerous, glassy spicules.This has site is present in the arts and culture hub
been reflected in the design of the
repitition structure of the art stay. site is a bridge between landmarks
technicals & renders

lobby render section B-B section A-A

form development

final model wire-frame model origami model

03 03

graphic design

Project brief: Process:

The design brief of this project was The process included a detailed site analysis
to renovate and design a library in an and documentation, followed by rigorous
existing shophouse turned coffee house ideation for the library program which adapts
in the Jalan Besar area of Singapore. and answers to the site analysis. A physiacl
The modified structure of the library is to model to scale, a set of technical drawings,
reflect its program.The question putforth and presentation boards are amongst the
being “Form follows function or function deliverable for this project.The existing site
follows form. did come with its facade restrictions.
about the site analysis
Concept of the Library?
A graphic design library to serve,inspire and
nurture Graphic Design and enthusiasts.
The library offers a series of books related
to graphic design and also has an in-house
paper and texture library.The library acts as
a place where the design can be sought
through right from the raw materials to
finished product, in a collaborative and
nurturing environment.

What are the programs at the library ?

Display Area
Interactive Space
Paper and Texture Library
Physical Library

form development

resources from all over the world

cutting edge technology
collaborative spaces

The grid is the common element in the

different types of graphic design.It is used in
its 2D and 3D form as guideline and a gridline.
The similarities in the different types of graphic inference of the site analysis
design are showcased in the program and the
five foot way can act as extension to integrate
differences are reflected in the structure of the
library. public and private spaces
Apart from the existing structure the furniture
and seating is also inspired from various
the existing levels are to be retained
components in graphic design. strong cultural and religious heritage in the area

elevation illustrations level 2 plan level1 plan

technicals & model

scale model section b-b section a-a

04 “communete”

farm to table

Project brief: Process:

The design brief of this project was to The process included a detailed site analysis
renovate and design restaurant located and documentation, followed by rigorous
in Middle Road. The site is an existing ideation for the restaurant program which
restaurant, photo studio and museum adapts to the site analysis. A physical
that are to be converted and renocated model to scale, a set of technical drawings,
both spatially and programatically into and presentation boards are amongst the
a restaurant to serve about 150 people deliverable for this project.The existing site
along with the in house staff. did come with its facade restrictions.
about site analysis
What is Comunete?

A communal farm restaurant set in the

cultural and arts district of Singapore, with
a sole purpose of promoting local farmers
and creating an ‘environment’ to spread an
awareness about locally sourced food in

What are the programs at Comunete ?

Mini mrkt- Farmers Market
Community Centre
Workshop Space
Kitchen (wet/dry)
Staff and Managers office

“We support a large network of local and southeast Asian

organic growers, herders, food fanatics, busybodies who
are in the business of bringing culture back to agriculture.”

form development
Back of house

Wet and Dry Kitchen

Mini Mrkt

inference of the site analysis


being a corner site, the site acts as a catalyst

for the footfall that crosses
area attracts food and health junkies, because of the
gyms and fitness bars in the vicinity

section A-A level 2 plan level1 plan


exterior render lobby render indoor market render

05 05

“digital renderings
and models ”

Project brief: Process:

The aim of the series of projects is to The process of modelling to scale is a
model and render is a series of existing culimination of different skills that had to be
buildings like the Barcelona Pavilion, learnt and applied in this series of projects.
Paper House by Sou Fujimoto, and Casa Modelling to scale digitially and manually is
Kao by David Chipperfield. A furniture set a task that had to be conquered alongside
was also to be modelled with different the understanding the importance of scale
themes and to be able to adapt in the in real life. The rendering were modelled and
Barecelona Pavillion interiors. rendered on Autodesk 3ds Max using V-ray.
furniture rendering

furniture set render lamp render table render

barecelona pavilion

outdoor render lounge render bedroom render

paper house

outdoor render 3 outdoor render 2 outdoor render 1

casa kao

casa kao view 3 casa kao view 2 casa kao view 1

“look out”

cardboard seater
Project brief: Process:
The guidelines for this project is too create The process of designing Look Out was
a solo-dining seater for 1-2 people withina a rigorous process that began with the
2m x 2m x 2m box. The seater should theoritical and research section.This included
cater to the needs of the diner along and in depth research of the dimensions a
should be equipped with the necessary diner would need to sit, dine and relax
accessories needed for a diner. comfortably. This lead to the material
analysis (cardboard), which included the
Look out is view-centric dining space with cutting methods, joinery and learning to
the sole purpose of accustoming the diner adapt with the different types of cardboard
and orienting to the different views from and adjusting to their pros and cons. The
the site.The dining experience is designed ideation process was user centric and led to
with the intention of framing views for the creation of the two view orineted seats
the diners and viewers with the views we for the diners- The Lounge and The Nook.
often overlook as passerbys.The user is In the Lounge seat the user reclines and
oriented towards these curated scenes so takes in the subtle movements and forms of
users may indulge in the movement of the the Lasalle buildings. In the Nook the user
surrounding from a high vantage point. experiences a moredistant sense of stillness.
site analysis ideation

views from the site

Site: Bridge connecting Block E

& G, Lasalle College of the Arts,
vantage point Singapore.
inference of the ideation & research
The site is chosen because of it’s
proximity from the other blocks at target audience is the students and faculty
Lasalle college of the arts.A key
feature is that the installation was “look out” should be view and user centric
located on a bridge which acted as
accessibility a vantage point and also connector the structure is supported by slot & insert joinery
to two different blocks enabling the
footfall to the solo seating. a portion of the structure is porous (lounge feel)
the lounge the nook

details and views


ingenio architects

Project brief: Process:

The internship was a multidisciplinary The design process was broken down
internship focusing on interior design, into three steps- research, modelling
spatial design internship working on one and rendering and talking to vendors and
project in particular Raks Pallikkoodam- suppliers. Research was based on the
a 21st century learning school based in requirements of the kinder 1 & 2 children
India. The work I was assigned to included and appropriate zoning.Some of the zones
designing wall panels in the corridors and included sensory sound, visual 2D, motor
walkways for the kindergarden block. skills, sensory touch and fine motor skills.
site renders ideation

final render

Rak’s Pallikkoodam School of Excellence Sensory Board Render


graphic design
& posters
brochure posters

outer folds
inner folds

A brochure made for a graphic design library. Poster made for a graphic design library

“art &
ink illustrations pen and ink renders

Real life illustrations and sketches Perspective sketches

installations packaging

untagged- an installation

abstract photo collage catalog packaging

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