School Emergency Road Map

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII, Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Tacloban City
District Learning Center V
Tacloban City


Regional Office No. VIII, Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Tacloban City
cor. T. Claudio and Paterno Ext. Sts., Tacloban City
[email protected]


MS. MANUELA L. CORPIN, School Principal

MR. NILO D. DE PAZ, Head Teacher I, Project Development Officer

MS. OLIT M. DE GUZMAN, HRMO Designate, Head Teacher I Designate (Academic Subjects)

MS. RAYNONA J. FABULAR, Supply Officer, School ICT Designate


MS. RAQUEL S. ADVINCULA, Brigada Eskwela Coordinator, Adopt-a-School Designate,

Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator

MS. ROMELYN L. GUIBAO, Librarian Designate

MS. FILIPINAS S. HERNANDEZ, Guidance Counselor Designate

MR. MANLY R. CAÑEZO, Mathematics Chairperson

MR. LUIS A. IRIARTE, SSG Adviser, EsP Coordinator

MS. EVARIDES A. PANTAS, School Clinic-In-Charge

MS. BEVERLY-ANN M. VERZOSA, Administrative Aide

MS. JUDITH ESTOPIN, School Guard (Day)

MR. ALFREDO A. ALAMODIN, School Guard (Night)



1 Title

2 School Planning Team

3 Contents

3 Rationale

4 Objectives

5 The Road Map

A. Office of the School Head

Instructional Leadership

Learning Environment

Human Resource Management and Development

Parents’ Involvement and Community Partnership

School Leadership, Management, and Operation

B. Head Teachers

C. Highly Proficient Teachers (Master Teacher)

Professional Growth and Development

Instructional Competence

Instructional Supervision

B. Proficient Teachers (Teacher I-III)

Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Learning Environment

Diversity of Learners

Curriculum and Planning

Assessment and Reporting

D. Ancillaries

Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools (WinS)

Brigada Eskwela
School Health

Supplies and Facilities

Learning Resources Management and Development


Supreme Student Government


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many sudden subsequent impacts were unavoidably felt
by all individuals including the suspension of school operations and classes. Immediate actions
were decisively done by the government to address urgent national concerns following this global
pandemic. The national government promptly responded and implemented measures to curb the
spread of the disease. The Department of Education (DepEd) in support with the national
government laid out its Learning Continuity Plan in its desire for education to continue amidst the
global health crisis. In consonance with this, the DepEd Regional Office VIII crafted at its level an
emergency roadmap as an active response to adapt to the emerging new-normal in the field of
education. The Schools Division of Tacloban City paralleled its efforts to the central and regional
offices as it created its own emergency roadmap as well with similar objectives. In one with the
aims of these offices, the Cirilo Roy Montejo Night High School also drafted the same to address
the consequent school level concerns that would affect the continuity of delivering basic education
services to our clientele.

This school emergency roadmap aims to specify measures that the school will do to
address all concerns that have emerged due to this global pandemic. For each measure,
responsible individuals are identified to achieve targets at a specified period of time. Required
resources to achieve these measures are listed. Risks and challenges are also considered as well
as ways how to respond to them. Success indicators are set to ensure the actual conduct of these
measures. Likewise, costs in achieving these measures are assessed as well as on how they will
be financed.

Filipinos know the true value of education that nothing as severe as COVID-19 could even
hamper the pursuit of it. The Department of Education is dynamically preparing ways to continue
its mandate to deliver basic education services amidst the current health crisis with the careful
consideration of the safety and protection of students and teachers. The crafting of this emergency
roadmap primarily considered the alignment of Key Result Areas across different levels,
implementation of varied learning modalities, involvement of various stakeholders. We call for
understanding, we solicit support, and we seek divine guidance as together we collaboratively and
cohesively brave through the risks and challenges in realizing our goal of continuing the delivery of
basic education services to learners. Together we act, together we heal as one.

The main objective of this School Emergency Roadmap is to establish appropriate

measures and mechanisms to ensure that learners continue to get access to quality, relevant, and
liberating education amidst the global threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The specific objectives are as follows:

1. To ensure that the school is prepared to deliver the basic education services to its
learners and other stakeholders during this time of emergency with utmost
consideration to their safety and protection
2. To provide the required and essential knowledge, skills, and values to all types of
3. To capacitate the school teaching personnel in the varied alternative teaching-
learning modalities as approved by higher offices
4. To strengthen partnership and collaboration among various stakeholders


KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
Instruction Supervises and
al directs all school
Leadership teaching and non-
system; requests
and distributes
materials; inspects
regularly daily
lesson logs;
ons for learner’s

Conduct As School Class Specific Utilize SDO’s 100% of

alternative (non- frequent Head, Head Observation methods and ruling and teachers are
traditional) means as when Teacher, Tool strategies on policies observed in
to observe the classes Teachers how to pertaining to their
conduct of classes are conduct observing teaching-
by the teachers conducte actual learning learning
d observation; delivery delivery
Availability of
Tool, setting
of criteria,
and rating
Prepare and School
submit all required Head, Head Non face-to- 100% reports
reports As Teacher Report face Utilize online are timely
required Templates submissions; means of submitted
Internet submission;
Connectivity; Allot budget
Technical for internet
know-how on connection;
the use of ICT Seek technical
resources in assistance
of reports

Assign School Head

coordinators to None 100%
monitor teaching- BOSY Monitoring Not applicable monitoring
learning delivery Tool report
submission of

Identify, procure, School

and provide Head, Availability of 100% of
needed BOSY Supply Supply and Funds/Budge Outsource teachers are
instructional Officer, Procurement t funding from provided with
supplies to all Teachers Forms internal and instructional
teachers such as external supplies
wi-fi device, stakeholders
internet load,
papers, etc.

KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
Instruction Check if teachers Daily School LRMDS portal Internet Seek technical 100% of
al Delivery utilize instructional Head, Head log-in recorder Connectivity assistance teachers
materials readily Teacher, and from internet utilize
available in the Teachers Connection provider for instructional
LRMDS portal Issues faster materials
connection from LRMDS
as recorded
by system

Check if the Most Daily School Copy MELCs Production Find cheap 100% of
Essential Learning Head, Head for every Costs ways of teachers are
Competencies Teacher, subject area reproduction adhering to
(MELCs) are Teachers MELCs based
adhered to in on checking;
lesson planning 100% of
and design; teachers are
download, print, given copies
and provide copies of MELCs
to each teacher

Reproduce BOSY School Modules and Reproduction Look for 100% of

provided modules Head, Staff, other costs; affordable students are
and other Teachers instructional needed ways for provided with
instructional materials reproduction reproduction; modules
materials for the provided by tools and practice
new-normal in SDO supplies resourcefulne
instructional ss; outsource
delivery funds

Use the most BOSY School Survey Financial Implement 100% of

accessible learning Head, Head form/LESF related on the cheapest students have
delivery modalities Teacher, student’s learning access to
suited to the Teachers part; delivery chosen
learner’s particular Assurance of modality; learning
circumstance learning Ensure modality
assurance of
learning by
and evaluation

Assist teachers in As School List of Technical Provide 100% of

alternative needed Head, Head Alternative know-how technical teachers are
methods of Teacher, Methods of assistance to trained with
assessment in the Teachers Assessment in teachers by new methods
new-normal the new-normal someone of
learning modality of education knowledgeabl assessment
e and skillful

Provide technical Quarterl School Performance/M How to Utilize 100% of

assistance to y Head, Head PS Reports extend TAs different teachers were
teachers in the Teacher, modes of given TAs
analysis of Teachers communicatio
assessment n to extend
results for possible TAs

KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
Learning Evaluates the
Environme school plant,
nt physical facilities
fitness, safety and
sufficiency with
assistance of

Assess BOSY School Assessment How to meet Prioritize 100% of

preparedness of Head, Head Form with the lacking needs based facilities that
school facilities Teachers, Criteria for facilities on budget need repair,
and resources Teachers Preparedness availability; maintenance,
seek support replacement
from various is dealt with

Ensure practice of Year All Internal Posters, Information Implement 100% of

safety measures of round Stakeholder Signages, disseminatio clear and internal
all students, s Health n; budget in systematic stakeholders
teachers, and staff Facilities, buying directives practice and
Medical and medical and using posters, follow safety
Health health needs signages, precautions/
resources leaflets, etc. Measures

Implement WinS Year All Internal Handwashing Funds; Outsource Presence of

(WaSH in Schools) round Stakeholder Facility; Adherence by Funds; Be sufficient
Program s Organized Stakeholders resourceful quantity of
Dumping Area; and innovative handwashing
Information in coming up facility
Drive on Proper with hand-
Hygiene wash facilities

Putting up of School Signages, Monitor sanctions for Visible
social distancing BOSY Head, DRRM Posters, Tape compliance noncompliant signages of 1-
measures Coordinator meter

Seek support
Provide cleaning, School Budget Budget, from Purchase
disinfecting BOSY Head, DRRM Regular stakeholders receipts of
materials Coordinator Supply cleaning
materials or
Deed of

Provide hygiene All Internal Posters, Budget solicitations/ 100% of
supplies e.g. soap, Year- Stakeholder Leaflets, Bring own students have
alcohol, face mask, round s Information hygiene kits hygiene kits
gloves, etc. Drive, Budget

KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
Human Organizes and
Resource conducts INSET;
Manageme Promotes and
nt and coordinates
Developme services for the
nt holistic
development of
school personnel
and students;
assigns teachers
where they best fit
to teach; initiates
and compiles
documents in
portfolios; rates all
school personnel
performance and

Lead in the As School Training Budget; Seek 100%

conduct of needed Head, Proposal and Technicalities assistance participation
necessary non- Teachers Plan of organizing from SDO of teachers in
face-to-face virtual officials or in- the
trainings/seminars trainings charge and training/semin
to capacitate possible ar
teachers with resource
knowledge and speakers
skills of new
learning modalities

Assign teachers BOSY School Special Order Meeting the Let 100%
for ancillary Head, Head needs for coordinators teachers are
assignments (with Teachers, each ancillary prepare work assigned with
SO) appropriate Teachers committee to plan for their at least a
and needed for this function assigned committee
time of COVID-19 committee
pandemic like
DRRM, etc.

Receive, compile, Quarterl School IPCRF Forms IPCRF Use SDO 100% IPCRF
and validate y Head, Head and other templates, template; use of teachers
updated pertinent Teachers, pertinent and non-face- online modes are received
papers, IPCRF and Teachers documents to-face of submission and validated
other documents submission
of teachers for SY

Participate in the PSDS, Modes of

district-based School IPCRF Forms providing Explore and 100% of
IPCRF evaluation Quarterl Head, Head technical utilize online IPCRF of
and give related y Teacher, assistance means of teachers are
technical Teachers gathering and evaluated
assistance to evaluation of
teachers for IPCRF
correct preparation
of said documents

KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
Human Conduct SMEA Quarterl School SMEA Form How to Explore and Actual
Resource with y Head, Head and Template conduct use online conduct of
Manageme considerations to Teachers without modes of SMEA
nt and current work set- physical gathering;
Developme up due to COVID- contact of Adhere to
nt 19 pandemic involved; how SDO
it will be instructions
conducted at
this time
health crisis

Attend School Head Memos, Travel Technical Seek 100%

professional As Orders, etc. know-how if assistance to attendance to
development needed conducted someone all
trainings/seminars virtually knowledgeabl professional
especially e in school or development
pertaining to division trainings and
coping and seminars
adjusting to the
current situation

How to
Conduct School School Training plan, conduct Explore and 100% of all
Psychosocial First Breaks Head, Head Request for without use online teachers and
Aid (PFA) to Teachers, resource physical modes; Seek students are
teachers and Teachers persons for the contact; assistance to provided with
students in training Looking for qualified PFA training
coordination with resource people from
the guidance persons the Division
counselor and
SDO in-charge

How to be
Craft policies, BOSY School Related comprehensi Careful 100%
plans, and Head, Head Memos/Guides ve, clear, and planning and compliance
operational Teacher for Policy easy to follow brainstorming by teachers
framework as crafting and students
guidelines for to crafted
teachers and plans and
students policies
Parent’s Establish linkages
Involvemen with stakeholders;
t and meets parents to
Community inform about
Partnershi school
p accomplishments;
designs programs
with stakeholders
to address school
needs and
of stakeholders;
promotes welfare
of stakeholders;
promotes school
discipline with

Implement ways necessar School Forms of How to 100% of
how to reach and y Head, Communicatio encourage Information parents are
inform parents Teachers, n parental dissemination; contacted and
relevant concerns and Parents involvement; use possible communicate
without physical and other ways to reach means of d with
contact especially stakeholder them out communicatio
on their s n
involvement to
their child’s

Involve LGUS, round School MOA, Forms of Establishing 100%
barangay in school Head, Head communication connections, Coordinate participation
activities like Teacher, , coordination with of
enrollment and Teachers, documentation and crafting LGU/Barangay LGU/Baranga
others and give LGU/Barang plan of Officials and y Officials
due recognition ay Officials actions together craft
plan of action

Involve parents round School Forms of Means of 100% parent
and other Head, Communicatio communicati Utilize most involvement
stakeholders in Teachers, n; on with them accessible in school
school Parents documentation means of activities and
matters/activities of involvement; communicatio in the
especially attendance n with them; education of
pertaining to their sheet and ACR Invite parents their children
child’s education of activities to tune in to
DepEd weekly
radio program
97.5 for
information to
varied forms
of media like
Year- Addressing TV and radio
Assist school round Information concerns and 100% of
information School from School issues of In-depth issues and
officers in Information Information parents and analysis of the concerns are
managing school Officer, Officer others concern and handles and
issues and School Head issue and resolved
concerns raised by address the
parents and other root cause
Year- Reaching out
Strengthened round Brigada Plan of Action, and soliciting 100% of
conduct of Brigada Eskwela Communicatio support from Proper identified
Eskwela Program Coordinator, n letters to Stakeholders communicatio stakeholders
within the school School stakeholders n and are reached
to solicit support Head, description of out
from various Stakeholder school needs
stakeholders to s
address urgent
school needs
especially at this
time of health

KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
School Set up goals and
Leadership objectives; leads
Manageme and implements
nt and educational
Operation programs; directs
coordinates and
manages school
funds according to
prioritized needs;
practices equitable
distribution of
teaching loads and
observes teacher-
ratio; monitors
teachers upkeep of
student records;
KRA Implementing Timeline Responsible Pre-requisites Risks and Responses to Success Cost Sourc
Measures Person Challenges Risk and Indicator Estimat e of
Challenges e Fund
School Provides EPA
Leadership compliant
Manageme accommodation to
nt and learners amidst
Operation shortages;
determine the
opportunities, and
threats of the
school; meditates
and ensures
resolution of
conflicts in school

Crafts AIP, WFP BOSY School AIP, WFP Action Plans Require 100% of
with consideration Head, Head Forms and of each teachers to concerns are
on the urgent Teachers, Template teachers submit Action considered in
needs due to the Teachers Plan to the AIP/WFP
current health identify crafting
crisis specific needs
on planned

Review SIP for As School Head SIP Meeting goals Careful 100% targeted
checking of needed set planning and SIP goals are
developments doing action met
to meet goals

Liquidation 100% reports

Promote Monthly School Head Reports Technicalities Be available are posted
transparency by of for queries and made
posting MOOE, understandin available
Brigada Eskwela g the reports
Fund, liquidation
reports and other
Subject loading 100% of
Equally distribute BOSY School form, class and Unavailability Request subject areas
teaching loads Head, Head teacher’s of teachers teachers from in all grade
based on Teacher program with needed SDO or assign levels have
specializations and specialization to the one with teachers that
observes teacher- closest will handle
ratio qualification
to teach such
School 100% of
Check all school As School Head Records and Complete Encourage school
records/forms and needed Forms submission and reminders records/forms
provide technical of to submit are checked
assistance when reports/forms documents

Memos, 100% SDO

Implement the As School Policies, Financial, and Seek objectives are
objectives set by needed Head, HT, Guidelines Implementati stakeholders met
SDO in curbing the Teachers on concerns support and
spread of COVID- act upon
19 among all directives

Policies, and Plan and 100% of set
Keep updated and As School Head Guidelines Health risks implement plan of action
act upon the needed actions to to avoid
decision of SDO on avoid health health risks
the use schools as risks are
Quarantine centers implemented
KRA Implementin Timeline Responsible Pre- Risks and Responses Success Cost Source of
g Measures Person requisites Challenges to Risk and Indicator Estimate Fund
KRA Implementing Timeline Responsibl Pre-requisites Risks and Responses Success Cost Source
Measures e Person Challenges to Risk and Indicator Estimat of
Challenges e Fund
Professional Conduct in-depth
Growth and studies or action
Developmen research on
t instructional
participates in
seminar /training
within a year;
serves as
teacher; gets
involved in
community and
civic organization
conducts echo
seminar for co-
coordinates with
the grade
chairman in
information about
school problems,

Participate in
teleconferencing on
development to be As School DepEd Order Poor Internet Coordinate 100% 10,000 MOOE
conducted by required Head, (Regional, Connection for with the participation of
Central, Regional, Teachers Division Level) webinar and school head webinars/teleco
and Division teleconferencin on possible n
g WiFi ferencing
or provision
of load
Conduct online As School Division Memo Poor wifi signal Create team 100% online
survey on the most required Head, for online through collection of
appropriate and Teachers submission group chat data on most
viable learning that will accessible
modalities within cater in the learning
the school level data modality
Participate on As School Letter of Poor wifi signal, Arrange 100%
possible required Head, request from poor technical possible participation on
community activity Teacher stakeholders knowledge, load face to face community
through online fund meeting with meetings
meeting interested
all new-
Conduct online As School Special order No internet Update 100% of
updating to required Head, or instruction connectivity and teachers teachers are
teachers assigned Teacher from school dilatory through call informed on
to Master Teachers head on the responses of or text as different updates
for updating group of teachers the least
purposes teachers means of
assigned for updating
updating by
each MT
Instructional Handles teaching
Competence loads; achieve
75% proficiency
level of student
progress; assists
counselor in
handling students
with problem;
mentors co-
teachers in
content and skills
initiatives project
and programs
that will enhance
the curriculum
and its delivery,
makes the needed
available to
teachers and
students, assists
in schools in
class monitoring,
evaluates teacher-
made tests and
interpret results.
Collect data on As School Communicatio Intermittent, Advise 100% collection
enrollment, types of required Head, n regarding poor internet School of data
teaching-learning Teachers updating of signals to LIS/ICT
modalities data unavailability of Coordinator
internet s to utilize
connectivity; virtual/online
difficulty of mechanisms
transportation to in rendering
school and from online
home enrollment
Participate in As School Memorandum Poor internet Work from 100%
making of required Head, on module connection home on participation of
modules/module of Teachers making modules, Division Module
evaluation and submit making for a
other related through particular
module scheme USB, CDR subject area
strategy as defined
by the Division
Conduct online As School Guidelines on Challenging Reach out 100% conduct of
mentoring to required Head, things to be internet teachers mentoring
teachers Teachers mentored availability through text
or call or
the number
and new-
Assist school head As School Prior notice of Late information Arranged 100%
on module required Head, the school dissemination prior assistance
distribution Teachers head to MTs assignment rendered to
whenever possible with MTs on school head on
and availability of schedule module
modules released desired distribution
by Division Office
delivered by
Central Office
Prepare possible As School Complete copy Late uploading Prepared to 100%
worksheets; activity required Head, of MELCs of updated use the preparation of
sheets, modules, Teachers MELC by the MELC worksheets,
and other Central Office available activity sheets,
instructional modules, and
materials for other
learners based on instructional
Most Essential materials for
Learning learners based
Competencies on MELCs
Prepare online weekly Teachers Guidelines in Late updates on Preferred to 100%
lesson plan for making online lesson plan use the old preparation of
checking by school lesson plan guidelines format when lesson plan
head suited for this classes are
pandemic permitted on
Instructional Observes
Supervision teachers;
helps in the
proper and
Implementation of
school policies;
updates parents
on learner’s
progress and
problems through
conference, and
PTA meetings,
checked regularly
the lesson plans
of teachers in the
area, attained the
required learning
competencies for
the students
Assist the school Quarterl School Data on Late submission Individually 100%
head in monitoring y Head, different on the different reach each monitoring on
the different Master modalities modalities used teacher the different
learning modalities Teacher applied by by teachers through text modalities used
applied by each each teacher and call by teachers
teacher through
Monitor teacher’s Quarterl School Assessment Not all parents Inform 100% parents
assessment used y Head, guidelines and have an FB or parents were updated on
online Master procedures messenger through text the status of
Teacher suited in this and call learners
pandemic performance
and school
program and
projects in
fighting this
challenging time
through online
Update on the Quarterl School Communicatio Late delivery of Utilize social 100% of schools
status of learner’s y Head, n from school technical media to uploaded
performance and Master head, division assistance to intensify advocacy
school program Teacher personnel, schools for the partnerships materials in
and projects in calendar of preparation of and linkages social media
fighting this activities advocacy among
challenging time programs from possible
through online SOCMOB stakeholders
Develop advocacy Year- School Data on needs Late delivery of Utilize social 100% of schools
materials that round Head, of schools to technical media to uploaded
would Master cope with the assistance to intensify advocacy
encourage/increas Teacher new normal schools for the partnership materials in
e participation of set- up preparation of and linkages Social Media
stakeholders and advocacy among
support from programs from possible
stakeholders SOCMOB stakeholders

Prepared by:

Principal I

Noted by:


Public Schools District Supervisor – DLC V

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