Software Integration

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Software Integration This article is an excerpt

Boyd L. Summers
For more than 50 years,
Auerbach Publications The methods for software integration provide required steps to be
has been printing cutting-
edge books on all topics
conducted for integration & checkout of informal software engineering
IT. builds. The software design and development team and test engineers
need to develop a strategy for planning, design, execution, data collection,
and test evaluation. The software integration activities are informal and
flexible for software checkout to prepare for the software and systems
Read archived articles or integration phase for the work product.
become a new subscriber
to IT Today, a free
newsletter. Software Integration Strategy

The strategy for software integration provides a road map that describes
the steps to be conducted as part of the implementation of software to
start integration activities. When a strategy is planned, then resources are Before software engineering builds
This free newsetter offers
strategies and insight to required. This strategy should be flexible and promote an approach that and installations can be implemented
managers and hackers
could show change. Sometimes, planning by senior, program and project into software and/or systems
alike. Become a new
subscriber today. managers need to track program and project progress and require the integrations in military and aerospace
following characteristics: programs, a comprehensive
understanding of the software
Conduct effective technical reviews development life cycle is required.
Show different integration techniques and software approaches Covering all the development life
Software designers are required to be involved from the start to the cycle disciplines, Effective
finish Methods for Software and
Systems Integration explains how
The software integration strategy provides an en example of higher level to select and apply a life cycle that
integrations in Figure 1. promotes effective and efficient
software and systems integration.
The book defines time-tested
Figure 1. Software Integration Strategy methods for systems engineering,
software design, software
Approach to Software Integration engineering informal/formal builds,
software engineering installations,
The approach to software integration activities are planned in advance
Contact software and systems integration,
and the first start for effective software integration. This approach
delivery activities, and product
Interested in submitting accommodates lower-level integration to verify software code
an article? Want to
evaluations. Explaining how to deal
development that has not been implemented correctly and validate major
comment about an with scheduling issues, the text
article? system functional expectations by customers.
considers the use of IBM Rational
Contact John Wyzalek
ClearCase and ClearQuest tools for
editor of IT Performance The approach of effective planning for software integration provides
Improvement. software and systems integration.
guidance software design, development and test teams to reach milestones
Explains how to select and apply a
expectations by senior, program and project managers. The steps for
life cycle that promotes effective and
effective software integration occur numerous times when deadlines rise
efficient software and systems
and measurements problems are resolved early in schedules.
integration The text includes helpful
Software Integration Testing forms—such as an audit checklist, a
software/systems integration plan,
What is Software Integration Testing? The concept for testing software is and a software checklist PCA.
to uncover errors, troubleshoot, and fix problems that occur during test. Providing you with the understanding
Test plans and procedures are developed to test systems and if required, to achieve continuous improvements
rerun integration tests that are to being witnessed by quality or customers. in quality throughout the software
life cycle, it will help you deliver
The software test plans and procedures developed by program and project projects that are on time and within
managers and along with testing experts ensure that testing strategies are budget constraints in developmental
not a waste time during integration. Errors can appear went undetected. military and aerospace programs as
That is the purpose of having plans and procedures released and in place. well as the software industry.
Test specifications are also defined and documented to provide testing
steps that test conductors and experts can implement. About Boyd L. Summers
Performing a review of test specifications prior to software integration Boyd L. Summers is currently
testing is a strong attribute assessment before tests are complete. An working as a software engineer for
effective approach to utilize a test plan or procedure for software, do lead the Boeing Company in Seattle,
to the order and discovery of errors at each stage in the test integration Washington. With 30 years of
process. experience in software engineering
and as a leader of multiple software
The techniques for developing and the construction of the software development teams, Boyd continues
architecture goals take unit-tested components and build program to solve complex technical challenges
structures established by design. The "Bam Theory" approach is to to ensure that system and software
attempt non-scheduled software integration and testing. This approach is engineering problems are addressed,
performed in the following four steps: resolved, and compliant. Boyd is also
the author of the software technology
Planning and schedules are in place
book, Software Engineering
Software test plans, procedures, or internal work instructions are
Reviews and Audits. For
ready to support integration
questions about current and future
Software Integration is ready for testing to be conducted and
software technology solutions, e-mail
performed by all notified team members
[email protected]
Stay in control between multiple tests running at the same time. Out
of control can cause chaos.

The Big Picture

Software processes are viewed as a spiral concept in Figure 2 for software

integration to ensure testing is the development of software.

Figure 2. The Spiral Content

Development Facility

Early in the software design and development phases for military and
aerospace programs and projects, a Development Facility (DF) is
normally established for software integration activities. This facility is
used for preparation of software prior to delivery to a S/SIF. Many
statements or comments are made about these facilities, and if they have
an effective way to test traffic loads on specific work products. In
discussions with technicians and test teams for hours I have tried to
explain that we need traffic load tests in these development facilities.

An overview of developer facilities include geographic locations in which

software integration is performed, facilities used, and secure areas along
with other features. Customer furnished equipment, software, services,
documentation, data, and facilities are required contractual efforts along
with a schedule detailing when these items needed are included. Other
required resources, include plans for obtaining the resources, dates
needed, and availability of each resource item.

The engineering design and development teams are primarily located in a

designated software development geographic location.

Software Operations

Adaptation that is intrinsic to the software operations. Examples of this

include parameter-based initialization data and settings selected or
entered by a software designer and developer and test teams during
operations of the software and systems retained for other test integration

The requirements for a software design and development environment

must be understood when a schedule calls for software development and
integration activities to be performed. Software integration plans ensures
that each element of an environment performs to intended functions in
support of the software design and development activities. The plans also
provide requirements for test environments to perform software testing,
including integration, trouble shooting, and checkout to ensure that each
element of the test environment performs intended functions.

Software applications and tools used for designing, building, or

integration testing the work product could be deliverable. Any non-
deliverable software, upon which the operation depends on, after delivery,
can be identified and provisions made to ensure program and project
sponsors and stakeholders obtain the same software and work product.
Software tools used for integration and hardware units installed are placed
under configuration control. When software upgrades or new versions
become available, program and projects evaluate and recommend whether
the updates should be incorporated. Upgrades are installed as soon as is
reasonable for the design and development and integration activities are
agreed to by all affected organizations. The criteria for evaluating an
upgrade include considering integration problems detected, problems
solved, and impacts on software integration efforts.

Software Configuration

All software configuration identifications documented in accordance with

the program and project software plans are effective ways to ensure
configuration control. The configured baselines identify the development
life-cycle, namely functional and allocated work product baselines.
Unique software documentation and media define software configuration

Software Integration Setup

The software integration setup method is planning with program and

project managers to coordinate with the facility operations manager.
Allocated resources such as computers (i.e., work stations), and hardware
units are provided to the software design, developer, and test teams to
conduct informal integration testing. The software engineering builds and
loading into hardware units are performed by selected build engineers.

Integration Test

Inside programs and project integration facilities, system integration tests

are conducted and performed. Verification steps are to insure tests provide
a checkout of software and hardware unit’s capabilities. The software
integration test is to be repeated numerous times and ensure all
integration test problems are resolved and performance is accomplished
early in the defined system and also working to software requirements.

Installation Plans and Procedures

The installation plan and procedures developed, define systems

specification requirements. A plan and procedure for the software
integration tests cover the testing of requirements and verification
methods conducted and performed in the DF. Specific integration test
plans and procedures consist of checkout activities to ensure system
utilization. The integration testing environment provide necessary steps to
be followed, data collected, and analysis solutions are used or
implemented to produce test reports during the end of testing activities.
The installation test plans and procedures are to be peer reviewed and
approved for release by program and project managers to prepare for the
start of software integration testing.

Integration and Checkout

Early integration and checkouts focus on software components applied to

tests uncover errors. Once the components are tested, an informal system
is constructed. Tests are executed to fix software bugs and errors. The
recommendation of processing "draft only" test plans and procedures
provide loading instructions, execution, and the capabilities for
uncovering problems early during integration testing. The software design
and test engineers need to troubleshoot at long as possible before going
into a formal test environment.

Software Integration Log

The purpose of a software integration log provides day to day operations

for the design and test teams to use hardware units for integration and
checkout. Facility operations managers these logs to support operational
setup activities. There are no formal released plans or procedures required
during this informal phase of integration. Quality personnel are not
required to support integration and checkouts performed by the software
design and test teams. This is an effective method to use for conducting
informal software testing in preparing for such activities in a facility for
software and systems integration. Allow software design teams the
freedom to fix and debug problems and also work with test teams to
ensure released plans and procedures will be ready for release to support
formal test phases.

This software integration log is an effective method for the software

design and test team to troubleshoot problems discovered during this
informal test phase. Once the software is loaded into hardware units, the
software does not impact and take hardware out of configuration.
Hardware quality and quality software teams butt heads concerning this
issue. The quality team for software is right on and provides the correct
answer. No formal software plans such as step by step operational
paperwork or tools in the manufacturing environment is not required.

Software Test Completion

The term "Acceptance Testing" is a discussed topic all throughout

software integration program and projects. There are always questions
each time when this topic is mentioned or discussed. When will the
software integration testing be completed? There is never an accurate
answer and that frustrates program and project managers to no end. The
burden is always blamed on software engineering. Remember that the
importance for quality is first and not second in any software program and
projects. The pressure in on when integration testing keeps going on and
on and is not completed in time to deliver the S/SIL and the customer.

The metrics collected or testing models make it possible to develop

guidelines for many answers to; "When will software integration and
testing will is completed?" Software Integration is the first phase before
any stage of systems integration. Now understand that metrics do come
into play in the early stage of software integration and testing. All
program and project managers need to implement and use metrics instead
of solving problems with no data to support and make key decisions.

Integration Verification and Validation

One of the important software processes for integration is the element that
is often referred to a process model; "Verification and Validation". The
verification aspect is a set of tasks that ensure correct implementations
techniques are in place to verify that the right work product is being
integrated correctly. The validation concept ensures that the correct work
product is the right product to validate. The quality team roles are to

Technical reviews
Configuration Management audits
Monitor progression during software integration
Plans, procedures and documentation reviews
Qualification and Acceptance testing
Witness implemented plans and procedures during integration and

Quality during software integration throughout the life-cycle shows that

proper methods and tools are being utilized. The real motive for quality
can be applied for very large and small scale systems.

Further Reading

Dan Pilone and Russ Miles, Head First Software Development. O'Reilly
Media. 2008.

William A. Florac and Anita D. Carleton 1999 Measuring the Software

Process, St Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle. Measuring the Software
Process: Statistical Process Control for Software Process Improvement
Addison-Wesley. 1999.

Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle. "Statistical Process Control for Process
Improvement" CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software
Engineering. December 2008.

MIL-STD-480: Configuration Control: Engineering Changes,

Deviations, and Waivers.

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