Chapter 2 Solutions Problem 1

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SOM 306 – Operations Management

A. Dechter

Chapter 2 Solutions

Problem 1:

Productivity of worker 1 = 1000 labels/30 minutes = 33.33 labels per minute

Productivity of worker 2 = 850 labels/20 minutes = 42.5 labels per minute
Worker 2 is more productive than worker 1

Problem 5:

Productivity using old method = 3 walls/45 minutes = 0.067 walls per minute
Productivity using new method = 2 walls/20 minutes = 0.1 walls per minute
The painter is more productive using the new method

Problem 6:

Productivity using old process = (50 pieces/day)/(8 hours/day) = 6.25 pieces/hr

Productivity using new process = (89 pieces/day)/(8 hours/day) = 11.13 pieces/hr
Change in productivity = (11.13 – 6.25)/(6.25) x 100% = 78.08%

Problem 8:

a. Multifactor productivity = $60/($15 + $20 + $20) = $60/$55 = 1.09

Findings indicate that the average cost to each patient is about 9% higher than the total
overall costs per patient that include labor costs, materials costs, and overhead costs.

b. Labor productivity = $60/3 hours = $20/hour

Problem 9:

Work Crew Productivity

Anna, Sue, and Tim 10 homes/35 hours = 0.29 homes/hour
Jim, Hose, and Andy 15 homes/45 hours = 0.33 homes/hour
Dan, Wendy, and Carry 18 homes/56 hours = 0.32 homes/hour
Rosie, Chandra, and Seth 10 homes/30 hours = 0.33 homes/hour
Sherry, Vicky, and Roger 18 homes/42 hours = 0.43 homes/hour

The crew made up of Sherry, Vicky, and Roger are the most productive.

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