Not All Visualizations Are Useful The Need To Targ
Not All Visualizations Are Useful The Need To Targ
Not All Visualizations Are Useful The Need To Targ
Not all Visualizations are Useful: The Need to Target User Needs when
Visualizing Object Oriented Software
0 92
2 authors, including:
Patrick Ogao
Makerere University
All content following this page was uploaded by Patrick Ogao on 09 March 2017.
Not all Visualizations are Useful:
The Need to Target User Needs when
Visualizing Object Oriented Software
Mariam Sensalire and Patrick Ogao
”A picture is worth a thousand words”. In the software field, this is justified by the
increasing research into software visualization. Pictures are increasingly being
used to represent software code with many studies establishing that they improve
comprehension. This paper discusses results from observing expert programmers
use 3 visualization tools. The results show that if tools are developed without user
consultation, they may fail to be useful for the users. The necessity for developers of
tools to target the needs of the users for whom the tools are aimed is further discussed.
1. Introduction
Understanding a program is usually of great importance to a software project.
Whether a programmer is maintaining or developing a program, it is paramount
that they understand the program being worked on [12]. In many cases, when
trying to understand software, many programmers have to read the lines of code
of a particular program. This approach is however not feasible as the program size
increases [19]. As a supplement method, visualization has been used to increase
program understanding [8]. Visualization is the process of transforming data into
insight [26]. It can also be looked at as the technique for creating images, diagrams,
or animations to communicate a message [6]. Software is complex, multifaceted,
large, and contains many relationships between its component parts.
Therefore there are many aspects of software that may be appropriate for
visualization [9]. Previously, different forms of visual presentations were used
in understanding software, among which were the UML diagrams. While these
mechanisms are good for representing a small component of the software, they
are not scalable with regard to large software systems [24]. Software visualization
aims to address these shortcomings and many designers have therefore embarked
on developing software visualization tools to meet these demands. Despite this,
not enough work is put into determining the desired features for such tools [27].
As such many of the designed tools are not used in practice. To be able to design a
software visualization tool that is effective however, a proper needs assessment of
the target users may need to be carried out.
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2. Motivation
It has been noted in the past that very few of the software visualization systems
developed are systematically evaluated to ascertain their effectiveness [18]. This
means that many of the developed software visualization systems may not even
be appropriate for their aims. Price [18], in his taxonomy, creates a scope for
effectiveness of software visualization systems. It looks at the purpose of the
system, the appropriateness and clarity, as well as empirical evaluation. It is further
noted by [24] that a useful software visualization tool can only be produced if it is
based on a study of program understanding.
It is important for software visualization tools to actually be able to increase
understanding. The images that are generated have to be easily interpreted by the
user in relation to the structure of the software being visualized [1] as effective
visualizations can be of assistance even to expert programmers. In many cases,
expert programmers join projects in whose initiation they were not involved
[2], as a result, they are faced with the challenge of contributing substantially
to a programming project whose low level and high-level structure they may
not understand. Such programmers can use visualizations as a starting point to
understanding the software.
There are other cases where programmers are recruited and given access to
the program documentation with the aim of making small changes to already
implemented projects. These programmers also face challenges. This is due to the
fact that documentation for software is usually not updated in parallel with the
software changes over time [2]. A result is documentation that may not reflect the
actual status of the program being worked on. Due to this, many programmers
consider source code to be the most trusted form of documentation making it
critical to be understood [25].
undesirable effects for the whole project ([2], [24]). If programmers had the ability
to know how the different components in a program relate, such problems would
be overcome. Even when programmers have access to the source code as well as
UML diagrams of the system, it is still not easy to understand the system since
these notations do not scale up well with respect to comprehension [11].
Source code becomes incomprehensible beyond hundreds of lines of code
while UML decreases information density, which in turn limits scalability [1].
With both these systems, it is quite difficult to see an entire system. Visualization
has been shown to improve the productivity and effectiveness of programmers,
especially when working with complex systems, which can span the work of
several people over extended periods of time [5]. Diagrams of a system are much
easier to understand and they convey a lot of information in a standardized way
[2]. It is also important to visualize from source code because in many situations,
it may be the only source of information available about a given program [25].
3. Previous Work
In the past, there has been a lot of research on visualizing Object Oriented
Software. Jerding and Stasko [8], were among the first to advocate for the use of
visualization to foster the understanding of O-O software. Those events that need
to be visualized to enable comprehension of O-O software were specified. Jerding
and Stasko [8] however acknowledged the difficulty in gathering the necessary
information to construct useful visualizations. Based on these difficulties, a
framework was proposed which recommends that: Visualizations should
require no programmer intervention once developed and they should present
the aspects of a program that are important and will be of use to programmers.
The framework also specifies that visualizations should be able to cater for the
programmers’ needs in a timely manner, and lastly should be able to handle real
world problems. Jerding and Stasko [8] however did not mention carrying out a
user study to justify their conclusion despite the fact that a user study is critical
for producing useful visualization tools [8]. Malectic et al, [11] also made a case
for visualizing O-O software in virtual reality. The subsequent Imsovision tool
proposed was based on Shneiderman’s [22] Task by Data Type for Information
Visualization which specified a visual design guideline of overview first, zoom and
filter, details on demand, relate, history and extract. Imsovision was however not
based on any existing software comprehension models nor did it have a previous
validation procedure to prove that virtual reality enables comprehension better
than 2D or 3D methods.
In terms of proximity, this work closely relates to that of Pacione [17] who
supported the use of a multifaceted three-dimensional abstraction model for software
visualization. In that study, effective presentation techniques for visualization were
presented. These were specified as the use of diagrams for describing software as
well as the use of views for software comprehension. Diagrams were noted to be
more effective if used in an interrelated hierarchical manner that addresses all levels
436 Advances in Systems Modelling and ICT Applications
of abstraction. It was also specified that the use of multiple interdependent views
was the best arrangement in relation to comprehension. Pacione however noted
that identifying the views that were appropriate for particular comprehension
tasks was still a challenge. It was also stated that the usefulness of the multifaceted
three-dimensional model in software comprehension would be evaluated in
future. This therefore means that the procedure proposed was yet to be proven
as effective since it was not yet evaluated. Ihantola [7] on the other hand looked
at algorithm visualization and specified a taxonomy for effortless creation of
algorithm visualizations. The justification for this taxonomy was the identified
lack of use of algorithm visualization tools beyond the labs, a problem that also
applies to software visualization tools.
The view taken by that study was that the difficulty of creating visualizations
using the developed tools led to their lack of reception in the classrooms where
they were needed the most. This view was arrived at after consulting the different
teachers of algorithms and getting their views on the source of the problem.
Ihantola [7] also noted that many developers create systems based on their own
needs or beliefs about others’ needs.
This problem was also noted to be prevalent in software visualization tools
([28],[21]) thus justifying the need for user consultation before tool development.
Maletic at al. [11] also build the case for identifying the most appropriate
visualization techniques for given software visualization tasks. It is proposed that
this is done after considering why the visualization is needed, the people that will
be using it, the kind of information it is going to be representing as well as the
medium of representation. This is the same procedure that will be used in this
research with specialization put on O-O software.
4. The experiment
This section looks at the design and conduct of an experiment observing five
expert programmers use three visualization tools. The following section discusses
the programmers’ use of the tools, in an effort to show what useful visualizations
should be like as well as the process of generating them.
4.1 Tools and Source Code
Three tools were used for the study. These were Code Crawler ([20], [10]), Creole
([3], [14]), and Source Navigator [23]. These tools can all visualize Object oriented
software. In particular, they can all visualize Java, which was the language that
the source code used was in. The tools are all freely available and use different
techniques for visualizing.
Not all Visualizations are Useful 437
Figure 2 above shows the system complexity diagram display from Code-crawler
It is the default diagram generated by Code-Crawler when visualizing code.
while figure 3 and figure 4 display the sample class diagrams from Source Navigator
and Creole respectively.
The source code displayed represents one package from the total packages
included in the Lucene search engine. That package has 147 classes with 687
Three different sets of source code were used for the three different tools.
Code Crawler was evaluated using the Lucene search engine source code; Creole
was tested using Apache beehive code whereas Source Navigator was tried using
Apache tomcat code. The source code was in the same range in terms of size.
4.2 Participants
Five expert programmers participated in the study. They were all male with
over ten years experience both in programming and computer usage. They were
experienced with the object oriented paradigm with knowledge of at least two
object oriented languages as shown in table 1.
Not all Visualizations are Useful 439
Langs Programming
User Computer Usage
1. >10 Yrs SmallTalk
>10 Yrs
2. >10 Yrs Python
>10 Yrs
3. >10 Yrs Python
>10 Yrs
4. >10 Yrs Ruby
>10 Yrs
5. >10 Yrs C++ >10 Yrs
Java was the language that was frequently used by all the expert programmers. The
experiments were therefore carried out using Java source code.
Creole’s default display, shown in figure 4, is that of packages. A double click
into a particular package shows the classes and methods inside the package as well
as any links between each other.
Each participant was given a 5 minutes introduction to a tool, after which they
had 5 extra minutes within which to familiarize with the tools themselves or seek
any extra information.
After the familiarization stage, 2 tasks were given to the participant for each
tool, one task at a time. The tasks given out were:
i) Describe the static structure of the system, ie the main classes and their
ii) What would be the effect of deleting the Hook class?
Those tasks were replicated for all the three tools, however the second task was
modified according to the source code being analyzed.
i) For Creole, the second task was changed to ”What would be the effect of
deleting the org.apache.beehive.netui.tags”
ii) Source Navigator’s second task was naming the effect of deleting the
DbStoreTest class.
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There was a 1-minute break between the completion of tasks for each tool after
which the second tool was evaluated and the third accordingly. The planned time
for the experiment was 1 and half hours calculated as shown by figure 5.
Summary of Results
Tool Best Features
Features needed
The Zooming Visualization
Interface Reduced Crowding
Eclipse Integration Better Speed
Search Abilities
Direct Code Access
Package views
Simple Interface
Based on the results of the study, there was a lot that was still lacking from all the
visualization displays as well as the tools used for the experiment. Some of the
queries from the expert programmers are summarized below.
The displays were too crowded. The visualizations tended to display too much
information in a small area rendering the display unhelpful for the programmers.
The ability to search the visualization was another desired component that the
users felt could have been addressed better. Even a good visualization that cannot
be manipulated was not found to be useful.
The speed of achieving the visualization was also highly complained about. More
than two users stopped the generation of call graphs because they felt it was taking
too long. So even after the visualization has been generated if the timing is not
right then it is not considered useful.
There was also concern about integrating the visualization tools with an IDE.
The reasoning was that when one visualizes, it is usually for a purpose. If the
desire were to add more code to existing software, then it would be too much
effort to switch between the visualization tool and the environment that is being
used to program. So even if a tool is able to generate amazing visualization, the
effort and time spent switching between the two environments may have on effect
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5.2: Interpretation
The results however showed that more time than had been planned was spent on
the tasks. Figure 7. Class interface hierarchy displayed in Creole. As shown in
figure 6 by the partial visualization from Lucene above, too much information in
a single display may be complex to understand.
The creole display was appreciated by the participants of the study due to the
ability to zoom in and expand particular components as well. Speed was however
still an issue.
Figure 8 shows the same source code that was displayed in Creole as displayed in
Source Navigator.
5.3. Effective Visualization
There are also different views from the literature about what an ideal visualization
must be like. According to Knight [9] a visualization can only be considered
effective if results can be achieved by users that use it without incurring any
extra cost. It has to be able to reduce complexity while increasing understanding
and must be able to capture the viewers attention [15]. Staples, [24] adds that a
visualization which provides information that can be readily got by inspection of
code, is not effective.
The presentation techniques also have to be chosen carefully as the style in
which a visualization is specified affects its usability (Price [24], Schafer [21],Tory
444 Advances in Systems Modelling and ICT Applications
[28]). If the visualization tool however requires too much effort to use, it would
not be adopted in the real world regardless of the advancements of the techniques
[2]. There is therefore need to know the kind of presentation that is suitable for
the users and the task to be visualized [15]. This re-emphasizes the need to consult
the group for which the visualizations are aimed before developing the tools.
5.4. Conclusions and Future work
From the results of the study carried out combined with literature from previous
studies, it can be concluded that better visualization tools and techniques can be
achieved if the views of the target group are sought before hand. Future work will
re-visit program comprehension models in an effort to supplement the current
work with the aim of better visualizations. It is not feasible to enforce processes
on programmers when they are not supported by validated cognition models
[13]. Despite this, some cognition models developed in the past were established
after carrying out experiments using very few lines Of code [13]. Future work
would include carrying out a comprehensive study on object oriented software
comprehension to supplement the existing comprehension models.
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