PE 14 - Advanvced Individual-Dual Sports PRELIM EXAM

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Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
2nd Trimester, S.Y 2019-2020

` Preliminary Examination

Name Score:
Program, Year &
GENERAL DIRECTION: Read and comprehend the instructions given for every test parts.
Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET provided below.

1. 6. 11. 16.

2. 7. 12. 17.

3. 8. 13. 18.

4. 9. 14. 19.

5. 10. 15. 20.

Write the letter of the best answer. STRICTRICTLY NO ERASURES AND SUPER IMPOSITIONS!!

1. As with all sports there is a governing body. What is the governing body of badminton?
a. World Badminton Federation c. International Badminton Federation
b. Badminton World Federation d. Federation Internationale de
2. Which of these is a fault when serving?
a. Hitting the shuttle below the waist c. Hitting the cork of the shuttle first
b. The racquet point downwards at the d. Hitting the feathers of the shuttle
moment of hitting the shuttle first
3. Which of the following BEST describe the court of singles court
a. Wide and narrow c. Wide and long
b. Short and long d. Long and narrow
4. Each game is played of how many points?
a. 30 c. 16
b. 20 d. 22
5. What is the least amount of points a player must lead by to win the badminton match?
a. 1 c. 4
b. 2 d. 3
6. Let's say you are playing another person in a singles match. He sets you up, and you start
to smash from mid-court. The shuttle goes through his court, bounces off him, and lands
outside the boundaries. Is the play called in or out?
a. Inside, because hitting body of the player is just like hitting with the
b. Outside, the point will be given to your opponent.
c. Let, must be called by the referee.
d. Replay should be called because it is a game interruption.
7. In doubles, when do the players of one team change their places?
a. When they serve c. When they won a point
b. When receiving the shuttle d. When they loss a point
8. In singles play, if you are serving and the score is an even number you serve from which
service courts?
a. Right to left c. left to left
b. Right to right d. left to right
9. In tennis, when you are receiving your first serve, and the serve hits the net and lands in
the serving box. You call:
PE 19 | Page 1 of 4
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
2nd Trimester, S.Y 2019-2020

` Preliminary Examination
a. Second serve c. Fault
b. Let – first serve d. In

10.Which of the following constitutes the point accumulation in a tennis match?

a. Point-Set-Game Match b. Point-Game-Set-Match
c. Game-Point-Set-Match d. Set-Point-Game-Match
11.It is an actual fight between two competitors using both offensive and defensive skills
acquired through the practice of taekwondo.
a. Competition sparring c. Kyprugi
b. Pre-arranged sparring d. Free sparring
12.For which of the following a table tennis player serve would not receive a point?
a. If his opponent's free hand touches the table
b. If his opponent hits the ball twice in one turn
c. If his opponent's return passes without touching the table
d. If his opponent's ball touches the net
13.A standard table tennis game ends when one player scores how many points?
a. 12 c. 21
b. 11 d. 13
14.When playing tennis, what would be the score if the server was up 1 point and the receiver
was up points?
a. 15 – 30 c. 30 - 45
b. 15 – 45 d. 15 - 20
15.In tennis, what is the first thing done to score a point?
a. Grounding the ball to the opponent’s c. Smash
b. Receive d. Serve
16.What is the score if the server has scored 2 points and the receiver has scored 3 points?
a. 30 – 40 c. 30 - 40
b. 15 – 40 d. 40 – 60
17.What is it called when the ball touches the net during a serve?
a. Replay c. Stop
b. Default d. Let
18.How many service is allowed to a player in a game in tennis?
a. 2 c. No limit
b. 4 d. 14
19.The court dimension of tennis is _______________.
a. 76 ft. by 38 ft. c. 87 ft. by 38 ft.
b. 78 ft. by 36 ft. d. 87 ft by 36 ft.
20.How many lets can you have in a row on a serve?
a. 2 c. 1
b. 4 d. Unlimited

PE 19 | Page 2 of 4
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
2nd Trimester, S.Y 2019-2020

` Preliminary Examination



16-20 pts 11-15 pts 6-10 pts 0-5 pts
Serve Non-dominant Non-dominant Non-dominant Non-dominant 3
Long and shoulder points shoulder points shoulder points shoulder is not +
Short towards target. towards target, toward target, pointed towards
Contact is made below contact is made contact is made target, contact is
the waist. below the waist. below the waist. made above the
Shuttle is DROPPED Shuttle is dropped. Shuttle is tossed, waist, shuttle is
and contact is made in Contact is made in swing is too fast at tossed or swing is
front of body, weight is front of body, weight contact spot too fast at contact.
transferred from back is transferred from Contact is made in
to front foot as contact back to front foot on front of body,
is made, shuttle lands contact. Shuttle lands shuttle lands in
close to the net and high, but behind the front of the short
behind the short short service line. service line or
service line. Long Long serve lands too doesn't make it
serve is high and short or is hit too low. over the net.
Clear Contact is made high Contact is made near Contact is made Contact is made
Over and with a straight elbow head level in front of near head level, near head level and
Underhand in front of body, body, racket face is over the head. behind the body,
weight is shifted to slightly open, follow Racket face is racket face is open
front foot as contact is through is across the open, but follow to ceiling, follow
made, racket face is body, shuttle lands through stops at through stops at
slightly open, follow high and deep. contact. Shuttle contact, shuttle
through is across the lands high but not rarely makes it over
body, shuttle lands deep. the net.
high and deep
Drop Mechanics look like Mechanics look like Mechanics of Mechanics are not
the overhead clear, the overhead clear, overhead clear are similar to the clear,
contact is made above contact is made close evident, contact is contact is made at
the head or close to it, to the head or above made close to head level, hard
gentle "push" of the it, hard "push" of the head, racket speed "push" of the
shuttle lands it close shuttle lands it over is too fast for a shuttle over the net
to the net and in front the net and in front of "push" over the lands it well behind
of the short service the short service line, net therefore the short service
line, gentle follow gentle follow through. shuttle travels too line, follow through
through far into opponents stops at contact.
Smash Smash is taken no Smash is taken from Smash is taken Recognized the
further than 3/4 court, every area of the from every area on opportunity to
mechanics look like court, mechanics look the court, smash too late to
the overhead clear, like the overhead mechanics are not get ready.
contact is made above clear, contact is made like the clear,
the head, in front of without a straight contact in made
the body, with straight elbow, racket face is near the head,
elbow. Racket face is pointed downward, racket face is
pointed downward, follow through is somewhat pointing
follow through is downward across the downward. Follow
downward across the body, shuttle land through stops at
body, shuttle lands inbounds, but may be contact, shuttle
inbounds and is unable returnable. may not land
to be returned. inbounds or make
it over the net.
Drive Drive is contacted Drive is contacted Drive is contacted Little recognition of
around head height, in around head height, lower than head opportunity to
front of body. The in front of body. The level. and may not perform a drive
power of the shot power of the shot make it over the shot.
makes it difficult to allows for a return. net.
return. The drive is The drive is directed
directed towards towards opponent.
opponents chest.

PE 19 | Page 3 of 4
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
2nd Trimester, S.Y 2019-2020

` Preliminary Examination

Prepared by: Approved by:


Faculty Member, CTE Dean, CTE

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