A Narrative-Report-RCY

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Division of Iligan City
East 1- District


Kabangahan I, Rogongon Iligan City


August 30-31, 2018

Prepared by:

Love Mae G. Leyson

In strengthening the capacity for conflict-sensitive preparedness in vulnerable
communities in Mindanao, Kabanaghan I Elementary School participated RCY
Leadership Development last August 30-31, 2018 at the school campus. This training
was participated by the 33 pupils of kabangahan I Elementary School.

One of the main objectives of the training is to give the young children the basic
information about red cross and it function. It also aims to help the children improve
their social skills and cooperation that they will be needing in case of emergency. It is
also a doable school implementation for youth engagement in the humanitarian setting.

Participants gain further meaningful learnings through the topic discussed by the
active facilitators. They have learned the history of Red Cross, the reason why it was
created and it main purpose. They were also introduced to the different emblem of the
red cross and their meaning and uses.

The 2-day training was packed with a lot of information and activities that the
children happily participated. These activities and information were very useful as they
go along the way of life.

Leadership Development
August 30-31, 2018

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