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Chapter 1

The Problem on Its Background


Making the customers satisfied is one of the objectives of every

enterprise. Businesses that creates loyal customers is better for the

owners than be profitable in winning a lost. Customer satisfaction is a key

element of a company’s success in the market; a leading criterion in

determining the quality of service or products to the customers; and it is

also crucial for organizational survival. Customer satisfaction, loyalty, and

the image of the business have become the most discussed and relevant

topics in research for the service industry, especially for resorts, being

considered as the next source of competitive advantage (Woodruff &

Mavondo, 2015). The measurement of customer satisfaction has become

an important issue for researchers in service marketing and hospitality

management. According to Drucker, customer satisfaction, is and has

always been, “the mission and the purpose of every business” (Drucker,


The importance of customer satisfaction for marketing and

management is the key to business success. Customer is satisfied when

they feel that the products or services that they buy are made specially

produced for them and they provide feedback to product or services to

develop in further customization. In a competitive marketplace were

businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key

differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business

strategy customer satisfaction drives successful private sector business.

High performing businesses have developed principles and strategies for

achieving customer satisfaction.

Resort is a family-based business with customer satisfaction at the

center of the business. They pride in the excellence of service and the core

values as a business are commitment, excellence, customer service and

loyalty. Being part of the guest celebration and achievement always bring

the resort great satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a business term, is

a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or

surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator

within business and is part of the four perspectives of a balanced

scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for

customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and

increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

Customer satisfaction is important in any company as all

businesses depend entirely on their customers. It is the customers that

are responsible for the growth of companies and therefore, they should

always take center stage in any company. Customer satisfaction is related

to profit because satisfied customers often become repeat

customers. They shop regularly or use the services that the company

provides more frequently. When this happens, they are hooked to the

product or service and they become loyal customers. Moreover, to get the

customer satisfaction the company must imply some marketing strategies

that focuses on the quality assurance, reliability and durability of the

product and services that all our prospect customer is aiming for.

Therefore, the concept of customer satisfaction, profit and loyalty is

important to any company that wants to succeed. For this reason, there is

a need to ensure that indeed a company invests in these three crucial

items through its marketing and design departments. Measuring customer

satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at

providing products and or services to the market place. Customer

satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual

manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person

and services. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other

options the customer may have and other services against which the

customer can compare the organization's services.



Today’s businesses are struggling on how for them to attract more

customers and on how to satisfy them to be able to catch their attention

and satisfaction. This is a measurement of how services supplied by

business meet or surpass customer expectation. In general, satisfaction is

a person’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting it from

comparing a service perceived performance relation to his/her

expectations. If the performance falls short of expectation, the customer is

dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation the customer is

satisfied. If the performance exceeds the expectation of the customer, the

customer is highly satisfied. (


In Managing resort is not a simple task, you must be a professional,

your main responsibility will be to ensure that your guests have an

enjoyable vacation or recreational experience. You will also make sure that

your employer’s resort or lodging facility is running smoothly and must

respond to customer needs. The job is not simply about smiling and

making nice with visitors.

The reason why we conducted such a study is because it plays an

important role within the business and as a future business person, other

than knowing what they love or enjoy, we also need to know how could we

satisfy and what would give them dissatisfaction to gain their loyalty. Not

only that, this study is also made to measure and to identify unhappy

customers, with this, a business could find ways to increase revenue and

help for the business to attract new customers in competitive business


Statement of the problem

Basically, this study focuses on the assessment in determining the

overall customer satisfaction with products or service offered including the

service quality of the business to the customers of the said resorts in order

to identify what to improve and how to improve.

Specifically, the study intent to determine the answer for the following


1. What is the extent of the customer satisfaction on the following


a) Facilities

b) Resort Staff

c) Activities

d) Pricing

2. What issues or related problem are encountered by the customers

in the said resorts?

3. What measures can be proposed to improve the customer


Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the satisfaction of the customers in terms of

Facilities, which includes the ambiance, cleanliness of restroom,

cleanliness of resort, parking area, and cottage; Resort staff, with the sub-

area courtesy of the staff, approachability of the staff, staff knowledge

about their job, prompt service of the staff, responsiveness of the staff to

the customer needs, appearance, and pleasing personality; the Activities

including the pool activity (slide), videoke machine/room and function

hall; another is Pricing which includes affordability of the cottage, entrance

fee and the rentals of the other equipment; the other Issues and Problems

encountered by the customers; and lastly, the Measures that can be

proposed to improve the resort business.

It delimits from operational, financial, and technical aspect of the

said resorts. This research is designed to have a thorough knowledge about

the issues or related problems encountered by the customers in the said


Significance of the study

This study has been undertaken to find out the level of satisfaction

of every customer. The research study focuses on the Customer

Satisfaction on Resort Services of Verde Royal Resort, Hacienda Vista

Resort and Ali’I Vai Resort in Calasiao. This comprises the activities and

satisfying the customers to improve the quality of serving and providing

the needs of the customer.

Beneficiaries of the study are as follows: primarily the management

or owner of the resorts, the customers, the government, the business

administration practitioners and future researchers.

Owner or Management- this research in such way can help them to

determine customer satisfaction rate of their resort business. This can

help the business with low satisfaction rate to improve the growth of their

business. This will also help their human resource department in handling

their customers in a better way and to increase their revenue and for them

to know what to improve with their resort.

Customers- it will be a way for them to voice out the aspect or factors of

that give them satisfaction in the resort.

Government- because they will benefit from the tax that is usually paid

by the resorts especially those registered ones.

Business Administration practitioners and Future researcher- this

would be a big help for it may serve as their guide and a useful tool for

them in preparation for their future career.

Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the concepts of the study, the following

terms are operationally defined.

Customer Satisfaction on Resort Services in Calasiao, Pangasinan-

This refers to the extent of level of satisfaction of the said resorts in

Calasiao Pangasinan along with the following aspects;

Facilities- The factors that can affect the satisfaction of the

customers like the ambience of the resort, the cleanliness restroom, the

cleanliness of the resort, the space of parking area and cottages.

Resort Staff- This pertains to all the personnel that manage, work,

and maintains the resorts.

Activity- This factor refers to the resort activities including slides,

pool, videoke events at function hall.

Pricing- This aspect would be the basis of the customers if their

payment would be worth it in terms of the rent of the cottage, their

entrance fee and the rent of other equipment like floaters and the like.

Issues or related problem encountered by the customers- These

pertain to the reasons why the customers are somewhat unsatisfied with

some factors. This will also help the said resort to improve their service


Measure can be proposed to improve the customer satisfaction- This

refers to the ways on how or what the businesses should do to be able to

achieve the satisfaction of every customer.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Various related studies and review materials are presented which

have a direct bearing on this study. The conceptual and research

literatures were taken from different sources that served as a useful guide

for the researchers in the completion of the study.

Conceptual Literature

In order to understand and conceptualize the main point of this

study it is important to define what customer satisfaction is. “A satisfied

customer” may be an image of someone smiling with pride of knowing he

got a good deal or perhaps it is the childlike look of happiness someone

exhibits after purchasing a new cellphone that could contain all of the

“apps” a child wants. Whatever picture of a satisfied customer is, customer

satisfaction is typically defined as the feeling that a person experiences

when an offering meets his or her expectations. Customer satisfaction is a

marketing term that measures how products or services supplied by a

company meet or surpass a customer’s expectation (Ross Beard 2014).

In which pleasure shortly decays directly into one’s total mindset

“satisfaction can be regarded as a broad principle; supporting good quality

is a component of satisfaction.” Client satisfaction is usually defined the

conditions or consumer’s fulfillment result. It is a ruling that

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the quality of products or services, comes with a pleasurable level of intake

linked to the consumer’s fulfillment. In other words, it does not take total

level of well-being that has service/product knowledge (Olivers, 2007).

Service quality deemed a significant factor in increasing customer

satisfaction and loyalty. In the context of relationship marketing, customer

satisfaction is the way that leads to long term customer retention because

unsatisfied customers have very high switching rate (Lin & Wu, 2011).

Customer’s satisfaction has direct effect on customer loyalty (Mittal

& Lassar, 2008). Enhancing customer satisfaction is one of the key aspects

of enhancing competitiveness in the industry as well as insuring business

continuity (Goldsmith 2012). If a product or service fulfills the needs and

demand of a customer, he/she will become satisfied and will be converted

to as a loyal customer and thus will add in customer equity of the


Customer’s satisfaction doesn’t just give impact on the business’

bottom line, it also gives impact on the business’ morale and retention

rate, wherein, staff, employees and everyone involved in the organization,

will have a positive mindset that the company is secured to have resources

for their benefits. High level of satisfaction from customers leads in

lowering costs related to defective services which increased

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willingness of customers to pay prime premiums. It also leads to future

revenues and reduction in the cost of future transactions (Sarah

Chambers 2017).

Quality of Service

“A service is an activity or series of activities of more or less

intangible nature that normally, but not necessarily, takes place in

interaction between the customers and service employees.” (Randall 2013).

The nature of service defined as being an activity which involves a service.


Cleanliness, which refers to hygiene and sanitation is the most

important aspect in the resort business. Regardless of how good they treat

or how well they give a good service to their customers, customers will not

be win if the resort is dirty or untidy.


The “ambiance” which is an “artificial environment” influences both

clients and workers within the program progress. The ambient cues involve

the entire ambiance that the resort possess, the design cues consists of

the décor and interior design of a resort and the social cues includes the

people that are present in the resort, adding more to the

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resort’s quality and status. For the research, the focus was primarily on

the factors which makes up the ambient cue which includes cleanliness

of the resort and the scent that lingers in the background and give a

positive vibe to the customers (Bohl,2012).


Customer’s final pleasure has significant effect connected with

atmosphere. Bodily environment is useful to produce profit within the

mind connected with customer in order to affect their own behavior. Bodily

atmosphere with the dining places has the significant has an effect on the

client’s pleasure (Lim 2010).

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Research Literature

This presents the compilation of reviewed research literature from

the unpublished theses and dissertations which can enhance and provide

insights which are significant to the study. However, the researchers of

these theses and dissertations may help in enhancing knowledge of the

customers on how the owners managed their businesses which are Verde

Royale Resort, Ali I’ vai Resort and Hacienda Vista Resort and on how they

will reach the customer’s satisfaction. And this will help the researchers

as well as to find facts or reference about their studies about the customer

satisfaction and to be more knowledgeable and aware on how they will

satisfy the customers.

According to Jana & Chandra (2016), customer satisfaction has

become an important aspect of the hotel and resort industry. Unlike other

industries, the hotel and resort industry prospers due to customers’

retention. It is only through customer satisfaction that a hotel and resort

can retain its customers. Basically, customers’ loyalty is dependent on the

quality of the services that they get in a hotel and resort. Moreover, the

hospitality industry has experienced the entrance of many investors who

are willing to meet all the needs of their customers. Therefore, if customers

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are not satisfied by the services they receive in one hotel, they will look for

better services elsewhere (Jana & Chandra, 2016).

One of the main strategies used by hotels and resorts to enhance

customer satisfaction is benchmarking. Benchmarking enables hotels and

resorts to learn from other players in the industry and learn what makes

their competitors competitive. In some cases, some hotels and resort may

not reveal their secrets to their competitors. However, the hotel and resort

industry does not involve sensitive information. For this reason, most

hotels and resort are willing to share the secrets behind their success.

Nonetheless, the only thing that makes some hotels prosper as com-pared

to others is hotel innovativeness. Hotel and resort innovation enables

prosperous hotel and resort to create new strategies that enhance a

competitive advantage over their rivals. Benchmarking is easier for chain

hotels in that all hotels under the chain are able to borrow the traditions

of the chain and offer similar services irrespective of their geographical

locations. Hotel and resort industry customer loyalty is an element that

shows the effectiveness of the management and all the stakeholders. A

management approach focused on customer loyalty can improve the

competitiveness of the hotel (Tsiotsou & Goldsmith, 2012)

Satisfaction is the knowledge that one’s needs have been met;

satisfaction can also be related to other types of feelings depending on

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the particular context or type of service. For example; satisfaction can be

viewed as contentment- more of a passive response that consumers may

associate with service as they do not think a lot about the product or

service that they receive routinely over time. Satisfaction may also be

associated with feelings of pleasure for services that make the consumer

feel good or are associated with the sense of happiness. In some situation,

where the removal of negative leads to satisfaction, the consumer may

associate a sense of relief with satisfaction (Zarate 2006).

Many organizations merely categorize customer satisfaction

measurement as a type of “marketing intelligence” instead of using it as a

management tool to build the customer into their quality improvement

processes and increase profit. As a result, companies often know the cost

of providing good service but they seldom know the cost of providing bad

service (Linnell, 2006).

Haemoon Oh and Sara Parks state there is a desperate need for new

research that will advance customer satisfaction (CS) and service quality

(SO) methodologies in the hospitality industry. This comprehensive review

of the theories and methodologies reported in CS and SQ studies cited in

the hospitality literature provides suggestions for future CS and SQ

research in the hospitality field. First, the theoretical and methodological

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issues are critically reviewed. Next, major developments in CS and SQ

research methodologies are discussed. The concept of importance and its

role in behavioral models are included as they have been recently applied

in hospitality CS and SQ research. The final section of this study is devoted

to developing and proposing new directions for future CS and SQ research

in the hospitality industry.

Customer satisfaction theory has been brought out since last

century, but it drives higher attention just in recent years, as the

competition for the companies in the same business categories are getting

fierce; in order to stand out in their specific business field, awareness of

customer satisfaction is becoming more and more crucial for the

companies. Paul et al (2010) has mentioned that Customer satisfaction is

a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or

surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the

number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported

experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds

specified satisfaction goals" generally, the customer satisfaction. Service

performance – Expectation, if the service performance lower than what

customer expected, then the customer satisfaction is relatively lower; if the

service performance surpass the customer satisfaction, which means the

customer satisfaction is relatively higher. Gitman et al (2008) has pointed

out that customer

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satisfaction is seen as a key performance indicator within business. In a

competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers,

customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has

become a key element of business strategy. Therefore, it is essential for

businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be able do this,

firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is a driving force in sales growth, increased

loyalty and a strong multi-channel strategy where each channel is

optimized to meet customer’s need. According to Kuzak (2012), Customer

Service is defined as satisfying customer exceptionally well, positive

memorable customer service experience is what it takes in attaining

customer patronage and loyalty. The measurement of customer

satisfaction provides means of creating broader service improvement.

Organizations armed with the right information about customer

satisfaction can use it to better target services to their customers’ needs

or better manage customer expectation by improve the way program

benefits are communicated. This information also allows organizations to

improve those aspects of service delivery which are most important to

customers, focusing time and resources more effectively.

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It is important to note that the measurement of customer

satisfaction is not the same as measuring overall service quality but one

distinct part of an integrated framework for analyzing service quality and

efficacy. A broader quality improvement framework would likely include

methods and processes to measure unmet service demand, customers’

outcomes, and evaluation of external programs impacting on customers

support for continuous quality improvement.

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Chapter III

Research Design

This chapter presents the design of investigation used by the

researchers. It includes the research method used, locale of the study,

subject of the study, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure

and treatment of data.

The objective of this study is geared to the desire of the researchers

to find out the satisfaction of the customers in the service of Verde Royale

Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort and Ali’I Vai Resort in Calasiao, Pangasinan.

Research Method

The researchers used descriptive survey method specifically

survey questionnaire. Descriptive Method is a research method that

describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is

being studied. In other words, descriptive research primarily focuses on

describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on

“why” a certain phenomenon occurs. The researchers used the descriptive

survey questionnaire because it is quick and efficient way in obtaining

large amount of information from a large sample of people.

Descriptive Survey defined as a brief interview or discussion with an

individual about a specific topic, there are two types of survey the interview

and the questionnaire. According to Moser and Kalton (1971) a descriptive

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survey attempts to establish the range and distribution of some social

characteristics, such as education or training, occupation, and location,

and discover how these characteristics maybe related to certain behavior

patterns or attitudes.

Locale of the Study

According to, the name

Calasiao was derived from the native word Kalasian, which means "a place

where lightning frequently occurs", from the root word lasi, meaning

"lightning". Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, they called the place "Lugar

de Rayos", a literal Spanish translation of the word Kalasian. It was named

as such because it is said that Calasiao back in the day was always

frequented by this natural phenomenon. Today, Calasiao is known as a

First-Class Municipality and is located at the very heart of Pangasinan. It

governs 24 barangays and 31 sitios in a total land area of 4,836 hectares.

The researchers chose Calasiao because of its accessibility and

popularity of the products and services given in the said place. Calasiao's

flagship product is the native rice cake known as Puto Calasiao.

In figure 1, it shows the map of Verde Royale Resort (VRR), it is

located at Ambonao, Calasiao, Pangasinan. The mission of VRR is to

provide families and friends a venue where they can relax and enjoy, where

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they can celebrate important occasions in their lives and more

importantly, appreciate Mother Nature. It is owned by Attorney Rubenita


In figure 2, it shows the map of Ali’i Vai Resort, it is located at

Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Ali’i Vai is not just merely a resort but

also an event place where people can celebrate occasions and choose the

resort as place. It is owned by Mr. Lito and Minda Acosta and operated by

Ms. Nora Honrado.

In figure 3, it shows the map of Hacienda Vista Resort, it is located

at Songkoy, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Hacienda Vista is an event place as well

where reception in some weddings, christening and other events are

catered. It is owned by Ms. Yolanda Lopez

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Figure 1: Site Map indicating location of Verde Royale Resort in

Ambonao, Calasiao, Pangasinan

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Figure 2: Site Map indicating location of Ali’i Vai Resort in

Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan

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Figure 3: Site Map indicating location of Hacienda Vista Resort in

Songkoy, Calasiao, Pangasinan

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Respondents of the study

The researchers decided that the target respondents are not less

than 15 years old for more accurate answer for the study. The survey done

at Verde Royale Resort with 30 respondents, Hacienda Vista Resort with

30 respondents and Ali’i Vai Resort with 30 respondents, in total of 90

respondents over all. The researchers conducted the survey to the

customers inside their cottages or those customers/people around. The

respondents are very important because customers are the most

concerned about the services given in the resort and therefore customers

as a respondent can give every detailed fact and information regarding

what the failure and recovery of the resort are.

Table 1

Respondents’ Profile in Terms of Sex n= 90

Variables Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Male 40 45%
Female 50 55%

Total 90 100%


Table 1 shows that 50 out of 90 or 55 percent of the respondents

are female and 40 out of 90 or 45 percent are male. This simply means

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that there are more females engaged in swimming at resorts in Calasiao,


Table 2

Respondents’ Profile in Terms of Age Group n= 90

Variables Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

15 - 17 years old 28 31
18 – 30 years old 57 64
31- 40 years old 3 3
41- 60 years old 1 1
Above 60 years old 1 1

Total 90 100%

Age Group

The survey shows that out of 90 respondents, 57or 64 percentage

within the 18 – 30 year old bracket. Others respondents are within the

range below 18 years old (28 or 31%), 31 – 40 years old (3 or 3%), 41 – 60

year old (1 or 1%) and above 60 year old (1 or 1%). This is to say that young

adults prefer to spent time at swimming in a resort.

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Data Gathering Instruments

Survey Questionnaire is the main instrument that will be use in this

study. Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of

questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. This

is designed to assess to the survey in other to collect relevant data needed

in the study. The survey guide has been made in a way that it is inter-

connected to the statement of the problem that will give answer to this

study. Our survey guide was contained by a set of specific questions about

the customer satisfaction in the services of the resort.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers sought permission from the research adviser to

allow them for the conduct of the study outside Dagupan City with the

advice and guidance of the thesis adviser and asked permission to the

management of Verde Royale Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort and Ali’i Vai

Resort to allow the researchers to include their customers as the subject

of this study. A letter of request was prepared and forwarded for their

approval. Upon approval, the researchers prepared sets of questions as a

chief total in gathering data with subject of the study, when the questions

are validated by their respective instructor, the researcher pre-arranged

the time and date of the interview according to the availability of the


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Treatment of Data

The researchers write down all the observations and measurement

that were gathered in the said survey. Organizing, interpreting and

analyzing the data were also part of the treatment of data for the

researchers to draw conclusions and recommendation for the said study

of the business resorts.

The overall mean of the extent of the customer satisfaction in terms

facility is 3.57 which means the customers are satisfied, resort staff is 3.64

which means that the customers are satisfied, activity is 3.37 which means

the customer is moderate satisfied and pricing is 3.73 which means that

the customers are satisfied. The highest issues and problems encountered

by the customer in terms of facility is the parking area which is not

spacious, in resort staff they are not responsive to the customers’ needs,

in pool activity the pool is not so clean and in pricing the rental of other

equipment is not worth it.

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Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered. The data presented with the use of table and figures to facilitate

understanding on the discussion of the stated problems such as; (1) what

is the extent of the customers’ satisfaction on the resort businesses in

Calasiao with regards to (a) facilities (b) resort staff (c) activities (d) pricing

(2) what issues or related problem are encountered by the customers in

the said resorts in Calasiao with regards to (a) facilities (b) resort staff (c)

activities (d) pricing (3) what measure can be proposed to improve the

customers’ satisfaction. Data are discussed or organize based on the

conducted survey.

The Extent of Customers’ Satisfaction

The following tables presented in the next pages will present the

extent of customers’ satisfaction in terms of four main distinguished

factors with their related sub-factors, these main factors are; Facilities,

Resort Staff, Activities and Pricing. Data is summarized and presented

using a four (4) Likert Scale giving their average weighted mean, overall

mean and adjectival description of the satisfaction level.

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Table 3

Extent of Customers Satisfaction in terms of the Facilities

The table shows the mean of every sub-areas and there adjectival

description, the overall mean and the interpretation of data how satisfied

the customers in terms of the facilities in resorts in Calasiao, Pangasinan.



85 184 75 4 0 348 3.87 S

35 128 123 8 6 300 3.33 M
Restroom cleanliness
Cleanliness of the 55 168 84 10 4 321 3.57 S
80 124 87 22 3 316 3.51 S
Parking Area
80 156 72 8 7 323 3.59 S
Overall Mean 3.57 S

Statistical Limit Adjectival Description (AD)

4.21- 5 Very Satisfied (VS)
3.41- 4.20 Satisfied (S)
2.61- 3.40 Moderate (M)
1.81- 2.60 Somewhat Satisfied (SS)
1- 1.80 Not Satisfied (NS)


Looking at the table three (3), we can see the average weighted mean

for each sub- factor under facilities. The average weighted mean of

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Ambiance is 3.87 which describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean

of Restroom Cleanliness is 3.33 which describe as moderate. The average

weighted mean of Cleanliness of the Resort is 3.57 which describe as

satisfied. The average weighted mean of Parking Area is 3.51 which

describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean of Cottage is 3.59 which

describe as satisfied.

The table shows that most customers are more satisfied with the

resorts’ ambiance. The physical surroundings of the resorts greatly affect

the extent of the customers’ satisfaction.

The fact that most of the customers rated the sub-areas of facilities

as satisfied and only number of customers rated the sub-areas as


Table 4

Extent of Customers Satisfaction in terms of the Resort Staff

The table in the next page shows the mean of every sub-areas and

there adjectival description, the overall and the interpretation of data how

satisfied the customers in terms of the resort staff in resorts in Calasiao,


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Resort Staff

50 168 102 8 0 328 3.64 S

Courtesy of the staff
Approachability of 65 132 120 8 0 325 3.61 S
the staff
Staff knowledgeable 50 152 111 10 0 323 3.59 S
about their job
Prompt Service of the 65 164 93 10 0 332 3.69 S
Responsiveness of 75 156 81 14 2 328 3.64 S
the staff to the
customer needs
65 168 90 8 1 332 3.69 S
55 156 102 12 0 325 3.61 S
Pleasing Personality
3.64 S
Overall Mean

Statistical Limit Adjectival Description (AD)

4.21- 5 Very Satisfied (VS)
3.41- 4.20 Satisfied (S)
2.61- 3.40 Moderate (M)
1.81- 2.60 Somewhat Satisfied (SS)
1- 1.80 Not Satisfied (NS)

Resort Staff

Table 4 shows the average weighted mean for each sub- factor under

resort staff. The average weighted mean of Courtesy of the Staff is 3.64

which describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean of Approachability

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of the Staff is 3.61 which describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean

of Staff knowledgeable about their job is 3.59

which describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean of Prompt Service

of the Staff is 3.69 which describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean

of Responsiveness of the staff to the customer needs is 6.64 which describe

as satisfied. The weighted mean of the Appearance is 3.69 which describe

as satisfied. The weighted mean of the Pleasing Personality is 6.61 which

describe as satisfied.

Most customers rated the sub-areas satisfaction especially on the

appearance of the staff and the promptness of the staff, it is because

customers are looking on how decent the staff is and with customers the

most important aspect for them is the promptness of the staff to their


Table 5

Extent of Customers Satisfaction in terms of the Activities

The table in the next page shows the mean of every sub-areas and

their adjectival description, the overall mean and the interpretation of

data, how satisfied are the customers in terms of the activities in resorts

in Calasiao, Pangasinan.

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Pool Activity (Slide) 35 140 93 18 8 294 3.27 M

Videoke Machine/Room 60 124 96 20 5 305 3.39 M

Function Hall 55 124 111 20 1 311 3.46 S

Overall mean 3.37 M

Statistical Limit Adjectival Description (AD)

4.21- 5 Very Satisfied (VS)
3.41- 4.20 Satisfied (S)
2.61- 3.40 Moderate (M)
1.81- 2.60 Somewhat Satisfied (SS)
1- 1.80 Not Satisfied (NS)


Table 5, we can see the average weighted mean for each sub- factor

under the activities. The average weighted mean of Pool Activity (Slide) is

3.27 which describe as moderate. The average weighted mean of the

Videoke Machine/ room is 3.39 which describe as moderate. The average

weighted mean of the Function Hall is 3.46 which describe as satisfied.

Table 6

Extent of Customers Satisfaction in terms of the Pricing

The table in the next page shows the mean of every sub-areas and

their adjectival description, the overall mean and the interpretation of

35 | P a g e
data how satisfied the customers in terms of the pricing in resorts in

Calasiao, Pangasinan.



Affordability of the price of 70 172 93 4 0 339 3.77 S

Affordability of the entrance 75 140 108 8 0 331 3.68 S
Affordability of rental of 17 36 33 4 0 336 3.73 S
other equipment
3.73 S
Overall Mean

Statistical Limit Adjectival Description (AD)

4.21- 5 Very Satisfied (VS)
3.41- 4.20 Satisfied (S)
2.61- 3.40 Moderate (M)
1.81- 2.60 Somewhat Satisfied (SS)
1- 1.80 Not Satisfied (NS)

Looking at the table six (6), we can see the average weighted mean

for each sub- factor under the pricing. The average weighted mean of

Affordability of the price of cottage is 3.77 which describe as satisfied. The

average weighted mean of the Affordability of the entrance fee is 3.68 which

describe as satisfied. The average weighted mean of the affordability of

rental of other equipment is 3.73 which describe as satisfied.

36 | P a g e
The Issues or Related Problems Encountered by the Customers

In the questionnaire where customers were asked to answer

honestly provided some lists in the tables below on what these customer's

issues and concerns about the resort.

Table 7

Issues or Related Problems Encountered by the Customers in terms

of the Facilities

The table shows the frequency count of some issues or related

problems by the customers in resorts in Calasiao, Pangasinan in terms of

facilities and with the sub-areas.

Facilities Issues F %

Ambience -Small Space 1 1.11%

-Not Relaxing 1 1.11%
Restroom Cleanliness -Many Trashes 3 3.33%
-Bad Smell 4 4.44%
-Slippery Floor 3 3.33%
Cleanliness of the Resort -Not so clean 7 7.78%
-Other Equipment not in proper 2 2.22%
Parking Area -Not spacious 14 15.56%
Cottage -No outlet 5 5.56%
-Not well Maintained in 4 4.44%
-Baggage is not safe 2 2.22%

37 | P a g e

The table shows the percentage of the customers that is somewhat

satisfied and not satisfied in the sub-areas of the facilities. In Ambiance 1

out of 90 respondents said that Verde Royale Resort (VRR) has small space

and 1 out 90 respondents said that Ali’I Vai Resort is not relaxing. In

Restroom cleanliness 3 out of 90 respondents said that VRR, Ali’I Vai and

Hacienda Vista Resort (HVR) has many trashes in restroom, 4 out of 90

respondents said that VRR, Ali’I Vai and HVR has a bad smell and 3 out

of 90 respondents said that the restroom of the three resort is slippery

floor. In Cleanliness of the resort, 7 out of 90 respondents said that the

resorts are not so clean and 2 out of 90 respondents said that the other

equipments of Ali’I Vai and VRR are not in proper place. In parking area,

14 out of 90 said that it is not spacious. In Cottage, 5 out of 90 respondents

VRR and Ali’I Vai have no outlet, 4 out of 90 respondents said that the

cottages are not well maintained in cleanliness and 2 out of 90

respondents said that the baggage is not safe in VRR and HVR.

Almost all customers answered that the parking area is too

small and needs to be widen; this means that most customers own a

vehicle and are less satisfied to the facilities which include ambiance,

restroom cleanliness and cottages of the resort. In relation to Bittner

(2002) concluded that the intangible nature of services leads customers

38 | P a g e
to make cognitive assessment of service quality based on extrinsic cues

found in the services cape. These physical environments affect customers’

physical comfort and movement which affects their satisfaction.

The propose measure to improve the extent of customer satisfaction

on the resort services in terms of facilities. The management should take

consider to the space of the resorts parking area, the cleanliness of the

resort, having an outlet in every cottage and maintain the cleanliness of

the rest room. This would help the customer be more comfortable in the


39 | P a g e
Table 8

The Issues or Related Problems Encountered by the Customers in

terms of Resort Staff

The table below, shows the frequency count of some issues or related

problems by the customers in resorts in Calasiao, Pangasinan in terms of

the resort staff and with the sub-areas.

Resort Staff Issues F %

Courtesy of the staff -High Pitch voice of the staff 3 3.33%

-Disrespectful staff 1 1.11%
Approachability of the staff -Rugged staff 2 2.22%
-Not Friendly 2 2.22%
Staff knowledgeable about -Not well inform about their job 5 5.56%
their job
Prompt service of the staff -Service is to slow 5 5.56%

Responsiveness of the staff -Not Responsive 9 10%

to the customer needs
Appearance -Not in uniform/proper attire 1 1.11%
-Women not wearing make-up 1 1.11%
-Over make-up 1 1.11%
-Untidy look 2 2.22%
Pleasing personality -Unpleasant personality 4 4.44%
-Upsetting Personality 2 2.22%

Resort Staff

In Courtesy of the staff, 3 out of 90 respondents said that the staff of

Ali’I Vai and VRR has high pitch of voice, 1 out of 90 respondents said that

the staff in VRR have a disrespectful staff. In Approachability of the

40 | P a g e
staff, 2 out of 90 said that HVR have a rugged staff and 2 out of 90

respondents said that the staffs in Ali’I Vai have a not friendly staff. In

Staff knowledgeable about their job, 5 out of 90 said that the staff of the

three resorts are not well informed about their jobs. In prompt service of

the staff, 5 out of 90 said that the service of the staff of the three resorts

is too slow. In responsiveness of the staff to the customer needs, 9 out of

90 respondents said that three resorts have a not responsive staff. In

appearance, 1 out of 90 respondents said that in HVR the staff is not in

uniform/ proper attire, 1 out of 90 respondents said that the staff in Ali’I

Vai is not wearing make-up, 1 out of 90 respondents said that the staff in

Ali’I Vai has an over make-up and 2 out of 90 respondents said that the

staff in VRR looks untidy.

Customers mostly wrote; “They are not well-informed about their

job”, in an informal interview with the customers while they were

answering the questionnaires, they observed that there are only few staff

who are handling in taking customer service or needs which results for

slow service. They felt that the resorts are running with lack of front staff

specially in peak hours where groups of people are quickly coming-in the

resort. When it comes to their appearance, they notice that staff doesn’t

have a proper uniform or even dress code.

41 | P a g e
The propose measure to improve the extent of customer satisfaction

on the resort services in terms of resort staff. The resort

management should consider enhancing their staff by increasing staff

responsiveness in giving the customer needs and being alert. Done by

insuring that staffs are given regular trainings on “effectively serving

customers” making more friendly, knowledgeable and attentive.

Table 9

The Issues or Related Problems Encountered by the Customers in

terms of the Activities

The table shows the frequency count of some issues or related

problems by the customers in resorts in Calasiao, Pangasinan in terms of

activities and with the sub-areas.

Activities Issues F %

Pool activity (slide) -Too much chlorine 8 8.89%

-Not so clean 9 10%
Videoke Machine/Room -The song book/list is out of date 8 8.89%
-Ground Microphone 7 7.78%
Function Hall -Incomplete equipment 11 12.22%

42 | P a g e

In Pool Activity (slide), 8 out of 90 respondents said that the three

resorts have too much chlorine and 9 out of 90 respondents said that the

pool of VRR and Ali’I Vai is not so clean. In Videoke Machine/ Room, 8 out

of 90 respondents said that the song book/ list of the three resorts is out

of date and 7 out of 90 respondents said that the microphone of the three

resorts have a ground. In Function Hall, 11 out of 90 respondents said

that the function hall of the three resorts has incomplete equipment.

In resort services, several problems are needed to resolve or improve

based on the customer’s feedback these include; the pool has too much

chlorine and the water is neither clean nor clear. Pool activities like slide

have a lot of problem and needed to renovate, some of the slide are not

functioning and has time limit. Also, some videoke microphone is

grounded and their song book is outdated and their function hall is lack

of chairs.

The proposed measure to improve the extent of customer

satisfaction on the resort services in terms of activities. The resort should

take consideration by completing the equipment in case customer would

have their event at the resort in that way they will provide the needs and

wants of the customer. Maintain the cleanliness of the pool area and lessen

the chlorine, so that the customer would enjoy their swimming activities.

43 | P a g e
Update the list of song book and fix the grounded microphone or put some

cover in the microphone so that even when their hands are wet, they’ll be

able to use it.

Table 10

The Issues or Related Problems Encountered by the Customers in

terms of the Pricing

The table shows the frequency count of some issues or related

problems by the customers in resorts in Calasiao, Pangasinan in terms of

pricing and with the sub-areas.

Pricing Issues F %

Affordability of the price of -Too expensive 2 2.22%

Affordability of the entrance -Too expensive in kids 2 2.22%
fee -Too expensive in adult 2 2.22%
Affordability of rental of other -Too expensive 1 1.11%
equipment -Not Worth it 3 3.33%


In affordability of the price of the cottage, 2 out of 90 respondents

said that the cottage of Hacienda Vista Resort and Ali’I Vai is too expensive.

In affordability of the entrance fee, 2 out of 90 respondents said that the

entrance for kids is too much expensive in Hacienda Vista Resort and 2

out of 90 respondents said that the entrance of the adults is too much

44 | P a g e
expensive in Ali’I Vai. In Affordability of rental of other equipment, 1 out of

90 respondents said that the rental in Hacienda Vista Resort is too

expensive and 3 out of 90 respondents said that the rental of other

equipment in Ali’I Vai and HVR is not worth it.

Based on the research that we have conducted, the affordability of

the price of the entrance fee, cottages and the rental of the equipment

needed are affordable for some and worth it, but some of them said it is

not worth it because it is too expensive, especially the cottages.

The resort management should implement the low price of rental of

other equipment so that the customer can afford it or extend the time limit

of usage so that it would be worth it.

45 | P a g e
Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter summarized the findings of the study, draws

conclusions and offered feasible recommendations based on the study’s

findings and conclusions.

This study sought to determine and analyze the level of customers’

satisfaction of Verde Royale Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort and Ali’I Vai

Resort that is located in Calasiao, Pangasinan. The descriptive survey was

used in this study. A research-made questionnaire was used as the main

gathering tool. A total of ninety (90) respondents was the subject of the


The frequency count and percentage formula were used to

determined and describe the respondents’ profile in terms of sex and age

group. The average weighted mean was used to determine the extent of

customers’ satisfaction in terms of the facilities, resort staff, activities and

pricing of said resorts and the customers’ responses on what they are most

dissatisfied about the entity are listed according to the four factors used.

46 | P a g e
Significant Findings

In view of the problems varied in this study, the following are the findings:

1. Most of the respondents (50 or 55%) were female and (57 or 64%)

were 18-30 years of age.

2. Under Facilities most customers are satisfied with the sub factors

which are: ambiance with an average of weighted mean of 3.87;

restroom cleanliness with an average of weighted mean of 3.33;

cleanliness of the resort with an average of weighted mean of 3.57;

parking area with an average of weighted mean of 3.51 and cottage

with an average of weighted mean of 3.59 respectively. It is found

that most customers are satisfied with the facilities with an overall

mean of 3.57.

3. Under Resort Staff most customers are satisfied with the sub factors

which are: courtesy of the staff with an average of weighted mean of

3.64; approachability of the staff with an average of weighted mean

of 3.61; staff knowledgeable about their job with an average of

weighted mean of 3.59; prompt service of the staff with an average

of weighted mean of 3.69; responsiveness of the staff to the customer

needs with an average of weighted mean of 3.64; appearance with

an average of weighted mean of 3.69 and pleasing personality with

an average of weighted mean of 3.61 respectively.

47 | P a g e
It is found that most customers are satisfied with the resort staff

with an overall mean of 3.64.

4. Under Activities most customers are moderately satisfied with the

sub factors which are: pool activity (slide) with an average of

weighted mean of 3.27, videoke machine/room with an average of

weighted mean of 3.39 and function hall with an average of weighted

mean of 3.46 respectively. This is to conclude that most of the

customers are moderately satisfied with the activities. It is found

that most customers are satisfied with the activities with an overall

mean of 3.37.

5. Under Pricing most customers are satisfied with the sub factors

which are; affordability of the price of cottage with an average of

weighted mean of 3.77, affordability of the entrance fee with an

average of weighted mean of 3.68 and affordability of rental of other

equipment with an average of weighted mean of 3.73 respectively. It

is found that most customers are satisfied with the pricing with an

overall mean of 3.73.

6. It is also found that the issues and concerns of the customers

coming in the resorts were: parking is too small and needs to be

widened. The staffs are not well-informed about their job and slow

service. The pool has too much chlorine and the water neither

48 | P a g e
clean nor clear. The pricing of the cottages and entrance fee and other

equipment’s too expensive.


In line with the findings of the study, the following, conclusions were

drawn by the researchers:

Most of the customers of the resorts’ in Calasiao Pangasinan are

young adult and females. Under Facilities most customers are satisfied

with the sub factors which are; ambiance, restroom cleanliness,

cleanliness of the resort, parking area and cottage. This is to conclude that

most customers are satisfied with the Facilities. Under Resort Staff most

customers are satisfied with the sub factors which are; courtesy of the

staff, approachability of the staff, staff knowledgeable about their job,

prompt service of the staff, responsiveness of the staff to the customer

needs, appearance and pleasing personality. This is to conclude that most

customers are satisfied with the Resort Staff. Under Activities most

customers are moderately satisfied with the sub factors which are; pool

activity (slide), videoke machine/room and function hall. This is to

conclude that most customers are moderately satisfied with the activities.

Under Pricing most customers are satisfied with the sub factors which are;

49 | P a g e
affordability of the price of cottage, affordability of the entrance fee and

affordability of rental of other equipment. This is to

conclude that most customers are satisfied with the pricing. The overall

extent of the customer satisfaction of resorts’ in Calasiao Pangasinan is

satisfied. The issues and concerns of the customers coming in at the

resorts are parking is too small and needs to be widened. The staffs are

not well-informed about their job and slow service. The pool has too much

chlorine and the water neither clean nor clear. The pricing of the cottages

and entrance fee and other equipment are too expensive.


Based on the result of the findings and conclusions, the researchers

recommend the following for consideration to enhance the resort

customers’ satisfaction level and also answer or to give consideration on

the issues and concerns which the customers face while swimming-in the


1. future researcher could either conduct further study which

similar and parallel on resort services which focuses on the

customer satisfaction.

50 | P a g e
2. there should be further conduct of studies with similar theme to

broaden the knowledge and idea of those that are in line with this


51 | P a g e

A. Books


2005 Basics of Customer Satisfaction

Malik and Ghaffor

2012 Behaviors of Satisfaction of Customers

Ross beard

2014 Relations on Satisfactions towards Demand,

Preference and Expectations


2012 Strategic Marketing in Resort Services

Thompson Anderson

2008 Customer Satisfaction in seven (7) steps

B. Internet Sources

Kurt Matzler, Johann Fuller and Rita Faullant

2007 Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty are key

drivers of performance

Haemoon Oh and Sara Parks

1996 Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in

Hospitality Industry

Gitman, L. J. and McDaniel, C. D.

52 | P a g e
2008 The Future of Business

George Costa, Elena Glinia, Mario Goudas and Panagiotis Antoniou

2004 Recreational Services in resort hotels: Customer

Satisfaction Aspects

53 | P a g e

Letter of Permit to Conduct the Study



Hacienda Vista Resort
Songkoy, Calasiao, Pangasinan

Dear Mrs. Lopez:

The Research Team from the College of Business Administration,

University of Luzon, Dagupan City, represented by the undersigned, is
currently embarking on a research study entitled: “Customer
Satisfaction on Resort Services in Calasiao, Pangasinan ,” in
fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Business Research (BCC
03).This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the clients
towards the services offered by Verde Royale Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort
and Ali’i Vai’ Resort.

In this connection, I wish to respectfully request from your good

office the approval of the conduct of the study focusing on the entity of
which you embody. Further, it is with fervent hope that you grant the Team
the opportunity to access data/information pertinent to the said research
through survey.

Anticipating your favorable response, kind consideration and

preferential attention on this matter, please accept my sincerest thanks
and gratitude.

More power and Godspeed.

Very truly yours,


Research Team Leader

Favorably endorsed:
Research Professor

54 | P a g e


Ali’i Vai Resort
Banaoang, Calasiao, Pangasinan

Dear Ms. Nora:

The Research Team from the College of Business Administration,

University of Luzon, Dagupan City, represented by the undersigned, is
currently embarking on a research study entitled: “Customer
Satisfaction on Resort Services in Calasiao, Pangasinan ,” in
fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Business Research (BCC
03).This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the clients
towards the services offered by Verde Royale Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort
and Ali’i Vai’ Resort.

In this connection, I wish to respectfully request from your good

office the approval of the conduct of the study focusing on the entity of
which you embody. Further, it is with fervent hope that you grant the Team
the opportunity to access data/information pertinent to the said research
through survey.

Anticipating your favorable response, kind consideration and

preferential attention on this matter, please accept my sincerest thanks
and gratitude.

More power and Godspeed.

Very truly yours,


Research Team Leader

Favorably endorsed:
Research Professor

55 | P a g e


Verde Royale Resort
Ambonao Street Calasiao,

Dear Atty. Bigol:

The Research Team from the College of Business Administration,

University of Luzon, Dagupan City, represented by the undersigned, is
currently embarking on a research study entitled: “Customer
Satisfaction on Resort Services in Calasiao, Pangasinan ,” in
fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Business Research (BCC
03).This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the clients
towards the services offered by Verde Royale Resort, Hacienda Vista Resort
and Ali’i Vai’ Resort.

In this connection, I wish to respectfully request from your good

office the approval of the conduct of the study focusing on the entity of
which you embody. Further, it is with fervent hope that you grant the Team
the opportunity to access data/information pertinent to the said research
through survey.

Anticipating your favorable response, kind consideration and

preferential attention on this matter, please accept my sincerest thanks
and gratitude.

More power and Godspeed.

Very truly yours,


Research Team Leader

Favorably endorsed:
Research Professor

56 | P a g e


Sex: Age Group:

Male Under 18 years old

Female 18-30 years old

31-40 years old

41-60 years old

Above 60 years old

During the interview customers were asked about their level of

agreement with each of the following statements.

Very Satisfied (VS), Satisfied (S), Moderate (M), Somewhat Satisfied (SS)

and Not Satisfied (NS)

Please check (✔) the Level of Satisfaction on the following factors.




Restroom cleanliness

Cleanliness of the Resort

Parking Area


57 | P a g e

Resort Staff

Courtesy of the staff

Approachability of the Staff

Staff knowledgeable about their job

Prompt Service of the Staff

Responsiveness of the staff to the customer needs


Pleasing Personality


Pool Activity (Slide)

Videoke Machine/ Room

Function Hall


Affordability of the price of cottage

Affordability of the entrance fee

Affordability of rental of other equipment

Any suggestion or recommendations:

58 | P a g e
If your answer is Somewhat Satisfied (SS) or Not Satisfied (NS),

kindly put a check (✔) or state your reason why you are somewhat or not

satisfied on the said factors.



Bad Background-

Too Noisy- Small Space-

Not Relaxing- Other issues and concerns:

Lack of Decorations- ____________________________

Restroom Cleanliness

Many Trashes- Broken Doors/ Faucet/

Bad Smell- Flash-

Slippery Floor- Other issues and concerns:


Cleanliness of the Resort

Other Equipment not in Other issues and concerns:

proper place- ___________________________

Not so clean-

59 | P a g e
Parking Area Other issues and concerns:

Not Spacious- ________________________


Not well maintained in Baggage is not safe-

cleanliness- Other issues and concerns:

No outlet- _________________________

Resort Staff

Courtesy of the staff

Disrespectful staff- Other issues and concerns:

High pitch voice of the _________________________


Approachability of the Staff

Rugged Staff- Other issues and concerns:

Not Friendly- __________________________

Staff knowledgeable about their job

Not well inform about Other issues and concerns:

their job- __________________________

Prompt Service of the Staff

Service is too slow- Other issues and concerns:


60 | P a g e
Responsiveness of the Staff to the Customer Needs

Not so responsive- Other issues and concerns:



Not in uniform/ proper Over make-up-

attire- Untidy look-

Wearing Slippers- Other issues and concerns:

Women are not wearing- _________________________


Pleasing Personality

Unpleasant Personality- Other issues and concerns:

Upsetting personality- _________________________


Pool Activities

Not so Clean -

Too much chlorine- Other issues and concerns:


61 | P a g e

Not Working Other issues and concerns:

Not safe to use ______________________

Videoke Machine/ Room

The song book/ list is out Other issues and concerns:

of date __________________________

Ground Microphone

Function Hall

Incomplete Equipment Other issues and concerns:



Affordability of the price of cottage

Too expensive Other issues and concerns:


Affordability of the price of entrance fee

Too expensive in kids Other issues and concerns:

Too expensive in adult __________________________

62 | P a g e
Affordability of the rental of equipment

Too expensive

Not worth it

Other issues and concerns:


63 | P a g e


#136 Angarian Bugallon, Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Angarian Elementry School
Angarian Bugallon, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
Alvear St. Lingayen Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
Pangasinan School of Arta and Trades
Alvear St. Lingayen Pangasinan
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Financial Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: May 10, 1999
Place of Birth: Bugallon, Pangasinan
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Danilo R. Aragona
Mother’s Name: Tessie R. Aragona

64 | P a g e

#214 Songkoy Calasiao, Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Calasiao Central School
Poblacion West Calasiao, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Calasiao Comprehensive National Highschool
Poblacion East Calasiao, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
University of Luzon
Perez Blvd Dagupan City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: February 2, 2000
Place of Birth: bolingit San Carlos, Pangasinan
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Ronnie A. Baldueza
Mother’s Name: Maydeline F. Baldueza

65 | P a g e

#55 Guilig St. Lingayen, Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Padilla Central School
Avenida West Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Saint Columban’s College
Avenida St. Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
University of Pangasinan
Arellano St. Dagupan City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: December 1, 1999
Place of Birth: Lingayen, Pangasinan
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Randell C. Bantilan
Mother’s Name: Cecile Ma. C. Bantilan

66 | P a g e

Block 1 Lot 2 San Lorenzo Village Mancup Calasiao Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Calasiao Central School
Poblacion West Calasiao, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Calasiao Comprehensive National Highschool
Poblacion East Calasiao, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
University of Luzon
Perez Blvd Dagupan City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: December 12, 1999
Place of Birth: Bolingit San Carlos, Pangasinan
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Larry M. Clariño
Mothe’s Name: Michelle A. Clariño

67 | P a g e

#126 Carusucan Sta. Barbara Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Padilla Central School
Avenida West Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Daniel Maramba Nationa High School
Poblacion Norte Sta. Barbara Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
Daniel Maramba Nationa High School
Poblacion Norte Sta. Barbara Pangasinan
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: April 1, 2000
Place of Birth: San Carlos City
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Rodrigo B. Junatas
Mother’s Name: Evelyn C. Junatas

68 | P a g e

#19 Malanay Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Sta. Barbara Central School
Poblaion Norte Sta. Barbara Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Daniel Maramba Nationa High School
Poblacion Norte Sta. Barbara Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
University of Luzon
Perez Blvd. Dagupan City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 12, 1999
Place of Birth: Taguig City Manila
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Manuel G. Mateo
Mother’s Name: Wilma V. Mateo

69 | P a g e

#55 Guilig St. Lingayen, Pangasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Saint Columban’s College
Avenida St. Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Saint Columban’s College
Avenida St. Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
University of Pangasinan
Arellano St. Dagupan City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: August 3, 1999
Place of Birth: Lyceum Northwestern General Hospital
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Elmer V. Navato
Mother’s Name: Nina C. Navato

70 | P a g e

#1604 Javier, Pogo Chico Street, Dagupan City

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Camp Claudio Elementary School
C. Santos Street Tambo Parañaque City
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Bernardo College
Pulong Lupa Uno Las PiñasCity
S.Y. 2015-2016
Olivarez College
Dr. Santos Ave. Parañaque City
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Operation Management


Age: 20
Date of Birth: October 7, 1999
Place of Birth: Dasmariñas Cavite
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Ramelito P. Robledo Sr
Mother’s Name: Teresita D. Robledo

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Tadeo’s Rd. Buenlag, Mangaldan Pagasinan

Email Address: [email protected]


• Primary:
Buenlag Elementary School
Mangaldan Pangasinan
S.Y. 2011-2012
• Secondary:
Mangaldan National High School
P. De Guzman Street Mangaldan Pangasinan
S.Y. 2015-2016
Mangaldan National High School
P. De Guzman Street Mangaldan Pangasinan
S.Y. 2017-2018
• Tertiary:
Currently a Business Administration Student
Major in Business Management


Age: 19
Date of Birth: August 19, 2000
Place of Birth: Region 1
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Domides E. Soriano
Mother’s Name: Jeraldine A. Soriano

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