Evaluation of Bioactives Using Seaweed

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Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization



Evaluation of bioactive chemical composition, phenolic,

and antioxidant profiling of different crude extracts of Sargassum
coriifolium and Hypnea pannosa seaweeds
Mohammad Khairul Alam Sobuj1 · Md. Ariful Islam2 · Md. Amdadul Haque3 · Md. Mohidul Islam1 ·
Md. Jahangir Alam2 · S. M. Rafiquzzaman2

Received: 29 July 2020 / Accepted: 19 November 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Seaweed as a source of functionally bioactive components has been well recognized due to its beneficial effects for human
health. However, beneficial health effects of seaweeds vary with the different aspects especially geographical location of
the seaweed. In the present study, two seaweeds (Sargassum coriifolium, Hypnea pannosa) were collected from Bangladesh
and crude extracts were prepared using methanol, ethanol and water as extraction solvent. Here, we determined preliminary
phytochemical composition, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant activity of crude
extracts using different qualitative and quantitative in vitro assays. Overall, screening of phytochemicals revealed that both
the seaweeds contain diverse type bioactive compounds including terpenoid, saponin, phlobatannin, cardiac glycosides, phe-
nolic and flavonoid depending on the seaweed species and extraction solvents used. FT-IR spectroscopy also confirmed the
presence of phenols, carboxylic acid, ketones, ethers, aromatics, amides and sulfonates at varying degree. Methanol extract
of S. coriifolium and H. pannosa showed highest activity followed by ethanol and water extracts. Here, methanolic extract
of S. coriifolium showed highest amount of TPC (128.56 mg of GA/g), TFC (58.29 mg of quercetin/g), DPPH (75.01%,
­IC50 = 1.03 mg/ml), ABTS (72.24%, I­ C50 = 1.55 mg/ml), hydrogen peroxide (71.64%, I­ C50 = 1.98 mg/ml), phosphomolyb-
denum (28.08 mg of ASE/g) and reducing power assays (938.5208 mg of ASE/g). A positive correlation was found among
TPC and different antioxidant assays. These results confirmed the presence of diverse type of chemical composition with its
antioxidant activity which will be useful for pharmacological as well as in functional food application.

Keywords Sargassum coriifolium · Hypnea pannosa · Chemical composition · Antioxidant activity · Crude extracts

Introduction superoxide anion (­ O2−), hydroxyl radicals (OH⋅), hydrogen

peroxide ­(H2O2), and singlet oxygen (1O2) due to oxidation
The reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated in living process. ROS causes cellular and subcellular destruction by
organisms because of endogenous metabolic activity or from different ways like peroxidation of tissue membrane lipids,
exogenous sources [1, 2]. Generally, the oxygen molecule denaturing cellular proteins, DNA strands break down, and
reacts within the body and produces by-product element cellular function disruption [1, 3]. Excessive amounts of
called free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) (e.g., ROS creates oxidative stress which is thought to be involved
in the development of different non-curable diseases like
alzheimer’s, cancer, parkinson’s, heart failure, autism [4],
* S. M. Rafiquzzaman infection and chronic fatigue syndrome [5, 6]. Therefore, the
[email protected]
elimination of ROS from human body is one of the utmost
Marine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh concerning approaches to defend against these diseases.
Fisheries Research Institute, Cox’s Bazar 4700, Bangladesh Elimination of oxidative stress can be done by con-
Department of Fisheries Biology and Aquatic Environment, sumption of natural product which is rich in antioxidant
BSMRAU​, Gazipur, Bangladesh compounds to make balance between ROS production and
Department of Agro‑Processing, BSMRAU​, Gazipur, endogenous protection when the body is in under oxida-
Bangladesh tive stress. The common naturally occurring antioxidants

M. K. A. Sobuj et al.

include retinoids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, polyphe- Materials and methods

nols and tocopherols plays a vital role in developing the
immunity against many diseases. Report showed that use Chemicals and reagents
of synthetic antioxidant (e.g., butylated hydroxyl toluene
(BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and propyl gal- Aluminum chloride, hydrochloric acid, ammonium molyb-
late compounds in food preservative may cause blood clot- date, chloroform, sulfuric acid, ethanol, ethyl acetate, ferric
ting, tumor and also effects of lung [7]. In recent years, chloride, ferrous sulfate, Gallic acid, Folin-Ciocalteu’s phe-
researchers are focusing to search the natural sources anti- nol reagent, glacial acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, metha-
oxidant rich food materials rather than the synthetic one. nol, potassium acetate, potassium persulfate, sodium nitrite,
Previous research revealed that seaweeds to be an amusing sodium acetate, sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate,
sources of bioactive natural compounds which is potential 2,2-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)
as antioxidant compounds [8–11]. (ABTS) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were
Seaweeds are enormous collection of macro algae refers purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Wholly chemicals
to several species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine and reagents support in the study were of analytical grade.
algae. Marine algae or seaweed lives naturally in shal-
low water which is exposed to ultraviolet sunlight and
Sample collection and preparation
various abnormal environmental conditions. There is a
long tradition in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia
Mature S. coriifolium and H. pannosa sample were col-
of consuming seaweeds as part of the regular diet. The
lected from the Saint Martin’s Island (92°32ʹ43.04ʺE and
most remarkable utilization of seaweed is found in phy-
20°61ʹ65.74ʺN) of Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh in Novem-
cocolloid or hydrocolloid industry and cosmetic industry,
ber 2019. The seaweed was collected from exposed rock
biofuel industry, pharmaceutical industry for the develop-
exteriors and washed frequently with clean sea water to
ment of drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and gastric
eliminate rubbish and other foreign ingredients. The speci-
ulcer, waste water treatment industry, bioplastic indus-
mens were transported in an icebox (4 °C) and carried out
try [12, 13]. Traditionally seaweeds are rich in bioactive
it in the laboratory. The samples were rinsed with distilled
compounds possess strong anti-inflammatory, anti-pain
water to remove salt, sand, debris and any other contami-
activities, antibacterial, antifungal and high antioxidant
nation. Then the cleaned seaweed was left to freeze dried
properties [14, 15]. In addition, seaweed contains different
(VaCo 2, Zirbus, UK) at − 83 °C for two days to remove the
phytochemical composition such as tannins, saponins, phe-
moisture, powdered, sealed in airtight bags and preserved in
nols and flavonoids in varying concentration [11, 16]. In
a refrigerator at 4 °C for further analysis in the laboratory.
Bangladesh, diversity of seaweed is rich and reported
that there are 193 seaweed species belonging to 88 are
red (Rhodophyta), 51 green (Chlorophyta) and 54 brown Preparation of seaweed extract
(Phaeophyta) group occurring on Bangladesh coast [17].
However, researches on the exploring of seaweed Seaweed extract was prepared according to the method of
resources in Bangladesh is poorly elicited although it has Rafiquzzaman et al. [11]. Briefly, four gram of seaweed fine
immense potentialities. Most studies have been focused powder was soaked in 100 ml of solvent (water, methanol
on biochemical and proximate composition analysis of and ethanol) by maceration for the preparation of an extract
the seaweed [18]. Very few researches on the analysis of by solvent extraction. The sample was kept in the dark for
phytochemical composition with its antioxidant activity 24 h with intermittent shaking for better extraction. After
of seaweeds collected from Bangladesh coast have been incubation, the solution was filtered with Whatman filter
found in the literature [11]. The composition and yield paper No 4 (20–25 µm) retaining hygienic conditions. The
vary according to season, age, species and geographic methanol and ethanol extracts were then concentrated using
location [19]. Therefore, in the present study, we screened a Rotary Vacuum Evaporator (LRE-702A, Labocon, UK)
out functionally active chemical composition using dif- and Nitrogen Evaporator (AT-EV-50, Athena Technology,
ferent qualitative test and confirmed the presence of func- India) at 36 °C and the water solvent was dried by the Freeze
tional group of compounds by FT-IR spectroscopic method Dryer (VaCo 2, Zirbus, UK) at − 83 °C.
using different crude extracts of S. coriifolium and H. pan-
nosa. In addition, we also determined total phenolic con- Qualitative analysis of phytochemical substances
tent and antioxidant activities of crude extracts by different
in vitro spectroscopic assays with its correlation among Newly prepared all crude extracts of seaweed were subjected
total phenolic content and different antioxidant activities. to qualitative assessments for the identification of various

Evaluation of bioactive chemical composition, phenolic, and antioxidant profiling of different…

classes of active phytochemical constituents such as terpe- was measured at 760 nm using the spectrophotometer
noid [20], phlobatannin [11], saponin [21] and cardiac gly- (T80 + UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, UK). The concentra-
cosides [22] following standard methods. General reactions tion of total phenolics was calculated as mg of Gallic acid
in these analyses exposed the presence or absence of these equivalent per gram. The calibration equation for Gallic acid
compounds in the crude extracts tested. was Y = 0.0116X + 0.0162 ­(R2 = 0.9987).
Test for terpenoids (Salkowski test): Five ml of each
extract was added with 2 ml of chloroform and 3 ml of con- Total flavonoid content (TFC)
centrated ­H2S04. Formation of a reddish brown color at the
interface indicates the presents of terpenoids of the sample Total flavonoid contents of crude extracts were deter-
extracts [20]. mined using the aluminum chloride colorimetric method,
Test for phlobatannins: Three ml of extract was mixed as described by Padhan, Nayak and Panda [28] with slight
with few drops of 1% hydrochloric acid and observed for the modifications. Briefly, 1 ml extract solution was mixed with
precipitation. A red precipitate showed the positive results 3 ml methanol, 0.2 ml 10% aluminum chloride and 0.2 ml
for the presence of phlobatannin in the crude extract [11]. 1 M potassium acetate. The solution was then incubated at
Test for saponin (frothing test): About 3 ml of each RT for 30 min and absorbance was measured at 420 nm. The
extracts was treated with 3 ml of distilled water and sample concentration of total flavonoids was calculated as mg of
was shaken vigorously for a stable persistent of froth about quercetin equivalent per gram. The calibration equation for
1 min. The frothing was added with 3 drops of olive oil and Quercetin was Y = 0.0102X − 0.0637 ­(R2 = 0.9693).
shaken vigorously, then observed for the formation of an
emulsion, which indicates the presence of saponins in the
extracts [21]. Evaluation of total antioxidant capacity
Test for cardiac glycosides (Keller-Killani test): Five ml
of each extracts was mixed with 2 ml of glacial acetic acid DPPH (2, 2‑diphenyl‑1‑picrylhydrazyl) assay
containing one drop of ferric chloride solution. Further 1 ml
of concentrated ­H2S04 was added into the solution. A brown The radical scavenging activity of different extracts was
ring at the interface indicates the presence of a deoxysugar determined by using DPPH assay according to Doh, Dunno
characteristic of cardenolides. A violet ring may appear and Whiteside [29] with minor modification. Extracts solu-
below the brown ring (at the H ­ 2SO4 layer), while in the ace- tion was mixed with 0.15 mM DPPH solution (prepared in
tic acid layer, a greenish ring may form just above the brown ethanol) with 1:1 ratio. After 30 min incubation, the absorb-
ring which will gradually spread throughout this layer [22]. ance was read at 517 nm. Different concentrations were
tested for each sample to get I­ C50 value which is defined as
Fourier‑Transformed infrared (FT‑IR) spectroscopy the amount of antioxidant necessary to decrease the initial
DPPH ion by 50%. Ascorbic acid was used as a positive con-
FT-IR analysis was performed to detect the characteristic trol and the values were compared with the crude extracts.
peaks in ranging from 500 to 4000 cm−1 and their func- The % radical scavenging activity of the crude extracts was
tional groups [23–26]. Different crude extracts of S. corii- calculated using the following formula: DPPH radical scav-
folium and H. pannosa were used to determine the presence enging activity (%) = [(A0 − A1)/ ­(A0)] × 100. Where, ­A0 is
of characteristic peaks and their functional groups using the Absorbance of control and ­A1 is the Absorbance of the
FT-IR spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer Spectrum 2). Analysis sample.
was repeated twice and confirmed the spectrum in case of
all extracts. ABTS radical scavenging assay

Quantitative analysis of phytochemicals The antioxidant activities of different extracts were evalu-
ated through the colorimetric method of ABTS radical
Total phenolic content (TPC) scavenging according to the method of Khan et al. [30]
with slight modification. Briefly, 7 mM ABTS solution
The concentration of total phenols in the crude extracts was and 2.45 mM Potassium persulfate was added in 1:1 ratio
determined using Folin-Ciocalteu Phenol reagents and exter- into water to prepare working solution. Extracts (50 μl) was
nal calibration with Gallic acid following by Karydas et al. added with ABTS solution (950 μl) followed by incubation
[27] with slight modification. Briefly, 0.5 ml extract solution at RT for 16 h in dark at 734 nm. I­ C50 values were tested
was added with 0.1 ml of FC reagent solution. After 15 min, for each sample at each concentration. Ascorbic acid was
2.5 ml of saturated ­Na2CO3 (75 g/l) was added in the solu- used as a positive control. The percentage of inhibition was
tion and allowed to stand for 30 min at RT and absorbance calculated using the following formula, ABTS scavenged

M. K. A. Sobuj et al.

(%) = [(A0 − A1)/(A0)] × 100; where, ­A0 is the Absorbance Statistical analysis
of control and ­A1 is the Absorbance of the sample.
The obtained experimental data was analyzed through the
Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity standard statistical procedure. Data were analyzed using
SPSS software (IBM Co., Chicago, IL). Analysis of variance
Extracts antioxidant activities were evaluated by the hydro- (ANOVA) and Duncan’s multiple range method were used
gen peroxide scavenging activity according to the method to compare solvents and samples. Values were expressed
of Latos-Brozio and Masek [31] with slight modification. as means ± standard deviations. Differences were consid-
Briefly, aliquot extracts at various concentrations was added ered significant at P < 0.05. All analyses were performed
0.3 ml hydrogen peroxide solution (40 mM) and 1.2 ml in triplicate.
phosphate buffer (40 mM; pH 7.4) and vortexes well. After
10 min the absorbance was measured at 230 nm against a
blank solution (phosphate buffer). Different concentrations Results and discussion
were tested for each sample to get ­IC50 value. Ascorbic acid
was used as a positive control. The percentage of inhibi- The metabolic and physiological abilities of marine organ-
tion of the crude extracts was calculated using the follow- isms that allow them to persist in complex habitat types
ing formula, Hydrogen peroxide scavenged (%) = [(A0 − A1)/ provide a great potential for production of chemical com-
(A0)] × 100. Where, ­A0 is the Absorbance of control and ­A1 position (secondary metabolites), which are not found in
is the Absorbance of sample solution. earthbound situations. Thus, marine algae and their organic
extracts are among the most extravagant wellsprings of
Phosphomolybdenum assay known and novel bioactive compounds [33]. However, a
few studies have been concerned on presences of phytocon-
The antioxidant activity of different crude extracts was eval- stitute and bio-functional activities of seaweed resources in
uated by the green Phosphomolybdenum complex formation Bangladesh. Therefore, it is significant to recognizing Bang-
according to the method of Rafiquzzaman et al. [11] with ladeshi seaweed resources for better understanding of its bio-
negligible modification. Briefly, 0.9 ml of working reagent functional activities as the concentration and availability of
solution (0.6 M H ­ 2SO4, 28 mM Sodium phosphate, 4 mM phytochemicals of marine algae are largely varies accord-
Ammonium molybdate) was mixed with 0.1 ml of dilute ing to environmental condition, season, maturity, geographic
extract solution. The samples were then placed in a boiling location and just as depth of immersion [34, 35]. However,
water bath for 90 min at 95 °C and cool at room tempera- there are inadequate data available on available chemical
ture. After cooling down, the absorbance of each sample was composition and antioxidant activity of seaweeds resources
measured at 695 nm. Blank was run using 0.9 ml of reagent in Bangladesh. Though, Rafiquzzaman et al. [11] explore
solution and 0.1 ml of the same solvent used for the sample red algae H. musciformis collected from Bangladesh and
and incubated as for the other samples. Here ascorbic acid found a number of phytochemicals and promising antioxi-
was used as a positive control. Antioxidant activity was also dant properties. Therefore, in this study we identify several
expressed as equivalents of ascorbic acid. bioactive chemical compositions, total phenolic content and
antioxidant activity of altered crude extracts of two com-
Reducing power assay mercially important Bangladeshi seaweeds (S. coriifolium
and H. pannosa) along with correlation among TPC and
Antioxidant activity of different crude extracts reducing antioxidant activity was performed for better understanding
power at various concentrations was evaluated using the the function of phenols towards antioxidant activity.
method of Monir et al. [32] with insignificant modification.
Briefly, 1.5 μl of extracts was mixed with 1.5 μl of phosphate Phytochemical screening
buffer (0.2 M, pH 6.6) and 1.5 μl of potassium hexacyano-
ferrate (1%, w/v). After incubation at 50 °C in a water bath The nearness or nonappearance of phytoconstituents relies
for 20 min, 1.5 μl of trichloroacetic acid solution (10%) was on the dissolvable medium utilized for extraction and the
added and centrifuge at 800×g for 10 min. The supernatant physiological property of the seaweeds. The essential bioac-
was collected and mixed with 3 ml of DW and 200 μl of tive compounds can be screened in seaweed using frequent
ferric chloride solution (0.1%, w/v) and incubated at RT for methods retaining diverse solvents and conditions [36]. In
10 min for stable absorbance at 700 nm; greater absorbance this study, we used methanol, ethanol and water extracts
of the reaction mixture indicates greater reducing power. for phytochemical screening which confirms the presence of
Ascorbic acid was used as a positive control and the values active chemical composition including terpenoids, saponin,
were compared with the crude extracts of seaweed. phlobatannin, cardiac glycosides, phenolics and flavonoids

Evaluation of bioactive chemical composition, phenolic, and antioxidant profiling of different…

among different extracts at varying concentration (Table 1). 945.7, 942.6, 881.7, 870.4 cm−1. The pick at 1557.7 and
Out of 36 tests, 30 were positive and the left over six were 1629.7 cm−1 was for the C=C stretch of aromatics in water
negative. Among them phlobatannin were showed positive extracts. The functional group ether displayed C-O stretch
result in water extract and negative result in ethanol and between the areas of 1000 to 1300 cm−1 of different crude
methanol extracts. Phlobatannin is a tannin derivative and extracts of seaweeds. The sulfonates showed S=O stretch
tannin generally found in higher plants. This is an indication in the area of 1300 to 1365 cm−1 and ­NO2 and ­SO2 stretch
that this compound can only be derived in water extract. in the area of 1100 to 1200 cm−1. Other authors’ research
The occurrence of phlobatannin also indicates the diuretic [11, 16] also used FT-IR to identify several phytochemicals
property of the seaweed. No previous study on the prelimi- such as phenols, carboxylic acids, ketones, ethers, aromatics,
nary phytochemical screening of extracts from S. coriifo- amides and sulfonates from H. musciformis and S. wightii
lium was found in the literature. However, Rafiquzzaman respectively, which is interrelated with the present finding.
et al. [11] identify several phytochemicals from red algae H. Though, Raubbin et al. [39] identify phenols, carboxylic
musciformis collected from Bangladesh which is correlated acids, alkanes, esters, aromatics, amines, phosphine from
with the present finding. Other authors’ research [37, 38] ethyl acetate extract of H. flagelliformis. Also, Artemisia
also identify several phytoconstituents from brown algae S. et al. [40] identify several functional groups such as OH,
wightii with other classes of seaweed from Gulf of Mannar CH, S=O, C–O, C–S–O stretching and carbohydrate from
region which is verified by the present findings. brown seaweeds. As they found alcohols, phosphine and
halogen compounds in different extracts which may be due
Fourier Transformed infrared (FT‑IR) spectroscopy to the variation of solvent used for extraction and the origin
of the seaweed. The occurrence of certain fatty acids at dif-
The different crude extracts (water, ethanol and methanol) ferent crude extracts has been revealed to display antioxidant
of S. coriifolium and H. pannosa showed different peaks activity of each extracts.
which confirmed the presence of different functional groups
in the range between 4000 and 500 cm−1. The results of Quantitative analysis of phytochemicals
FT-IR analysis confirmed the presence of phenols, carbox-
ylic acids, aromatic, ketones, ethers, amides/amines and Total phenolic content (TPC)
sulfonates compounds at varying concentration (Fig. 1;
Table 2). Several peaks were identified in the single bond Extraction of phenolic compounds from plant materials or
area (900–4000 cm−1) of the different crude extracts of sea- from fruits largely depends on the solvent polarity (higher
weeds. The peaks at 3459.8, 3458.6, 3425.7, 3310, 3385.2, in polar solvent) or solubility of phenolic compounds [41].
3398 cm−1 arises due to the O–H stretch of H-bonded The concentration of total phenols in the crude extracts of
alcohols and phenols. Bands observed in the range of S. coriifolium and H. pannosa was determined using Folin-
2700–3300 cm−1 (2970, 2918.4, 2907.2, 2826, 2748.3, Ciocalteu Phenol reagents and external calibration with Gal-
2791.8) indicate the presence of O–H stretch of carboxylic lic acid at a concentration of 7 mg/ml. Significant differences
acids. The C=O stretch of amide were displayed in the pick were found in TPC among different solvent extracts, ranged
at 1673.4, 1660.5, 1629.7 cm−1. The C=O stretch of ketones between 128.56 and 49.26 mg of GA/g (Table 3). Among
were also arises in the double bond area (1500–2000 cm−1). the three crude extracts of S. coriifolium methanol extracts
The strong pick at 1026.3 cm−1 region arises due to the showed significantly highest amount (128.56 mg of GA/g)
C-O stretch of primary alcohol in case of S. coriifolium. of TPC followed by ethanol and water extract (106.43 and
The C-H stretch of aromatics can be found in the peaks at 78.67 mg of GA/g, respectively) (P < 0.05) (Table 3). And

Table 1  Preliminary phytochemical analysis of crude extracts of S. coriifolium and H. pannosa

Name of the Species Name of the Extracts Terpenoids Saponin Phlobatannin Cardiac Phenols Flavonoids

S. coriifolium Methanol + + − + + +
Ethanol + + − + + +
Water + + + − + +
H. pannosa Methanol + + − + + +
Ethanol + + − + + +
Water − + + + + +

“ + ” = Present of constituent; “ − ” = Absence of constituent

M. K. A. Sobuj et al.

Fig. 1  Fourier transform infrared spectrum of different crude extracts of seaweed a S. coriifolium and b H. pannosa

in case of TPC of H. pannosa significantly highest amount extract. Similar results were also found by other authors [11]
showed in methanol extracts (89.89 mg of GA/g) followed in case of red seaweed collected from Bangladesh coast.
by ethanol extract (84.12 mg of GA/g) and water extract Chandini et al. [44] reported that water extract of brown
(49.26 mg of GA/g) (P < 0.05) (Table 3). Our present finding seaweed, Sargassum marginatum showed a phenolic content
of TPC is supported with the agreement of other authors’ of 24.61 mg GAE/g which is lower than the present finding.
research [15, 42, 43], who also reported that methanol as This variation may be due to the variation of solvent, species
solvent extracted highest amount of TPC compared to other and origin of the seaweed.

Evaluation of bioactive chemical composition, phenolic, and antioxidant profiling of different…

Table 2  Summary of the functional groups of active components based on the peak value of Fourier transform infrared
Name of the Species Name of the Extracts Major Functional Groups
Phenol Carboxylic Ketones Ethers Aromatics Amides/ Sulfonates
acids Amines

S. coriifolium Methanol + + + + + + +
Ethanol + + + + + − −
Water + + + + + − +
H. pannosa Methanol + + + + + + +
Ethanol + + − + + − +
Water + + + + + + −

“ + ” = Present of constituent; “ − ” = Absence of constituent

Table 3  Total phenolic and Extracts S. coriifolium H. pannosa

flavonoid contents of different
crude extracts of S. coriifolium Total Phenolics (mg Total Favonoids (mg Total Phenolics (mg Total Favonoids
and H. pannosa of GA/g) quercetin/g) of GA/g) (mg quercetin/g)

Methanol 128.56 ± 0.59a 58.29 ± 1.19a 89.89 ± 1.13a 43.12 ± 0.98a

Ethanol 106.43 ± 0.28b 42.6 ± 2.15b 84.12 ± 2.09b 35.25 ± 1.65b
Water 78.67 ± 1.31c 31.75 ± 1.01c 49.26 ± 0.83c 25.48 ± 1.48c

Different superscript letter illustrate significantly different from each other. The level of significance is P <

Total flavonoid content (TFC) DPPH radical in fact may be neutralized by either direct
reduction via single electron transfer (SET) or via hydrogen
Flavonoids are the most vital natural phenolic due to their atom transfer. The DPPH radical-scavenging capacities of
wide range of chemical and biological activities, including all crude extracts were showed extract and concentration
antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties [45]. The dependency and their activity varied significantly among
concentration of total flavonoid content in the crude extracts different extracts (P < 0.05). Here methanolic extracts of
was determined using the aluminum chloride method and S. coriifolium and H. pannosa showed significantly higher
external calibration with quercetin at a concentration of (P < 0.05) percentage of inhibition (75.01, 71.20% respec-
7 mg/ml. Amongst the three extracts of S. coriifolium metha- tively) followed by ethanolic and water extracts (Fig. 2a).
nol extracts showed significantly highest amount (58.29 mg Also, we observed that radical-scavenging capacities of
of quercetin/g) of TFC followed by ethanol and water extract brown seaweed (S. coriifolium) are higher compared with
(42.60 and 31.75 mg quercetin/g, respectively) (P < 0.05) the red seaweed (H. pannosa) which is correlated with the
(Table 3). And for the crude extracts of H. pannosa metha- findings of Yan et al. [47] and Jiménez‐Escrig et al. [48]. Lit-
nol extracts also showed significantly highest (P < 0.05) erature revealed that methanolic extract showed best DPPH
amount (43.12 mg of quercetin/g) of TFC followed by radical scavenging capacities compared to the other extracts
ethanol extract (35.25 mg of quercetin/g) and water extract from some red and brown seaweed [11, 37, 49, 50]. Though,
(25.48 mg of quercetin/g) (Table 3). Our present finding Hidayati et al. [51] found highest antioxidant activity in
of TFC is supported with the agreement of other authors aquadest extract of Sargassum sp. which is conflicted our
[11, 14, 46], who was also found that methanolic extracts present finding. These difference may be because the anti-
of brown and red seaweed contains 20.65 to 70.67, 42.5 and oxidant activity are varied, largely depends on the seaweed
31.9 to 131.3 mg of quercetin/g respectively. species, location and as well as seasons [52]. According to
the ­IC50 values showed in Table 4, the DPPH· scavenging
Evaluation of total antioxidant capacity ability of S. coriifolium exhibited the following extracts
order: Methanol (1.03) > Ethanol (1.42) > Water (2.67) and
DPPH assay for H. pannosa extracts order were Methanol (1.58) > Eth-
anol (2.17) > Water (3.04). The ­IC50 values of all crude
DPPH is a compound that retains a nitrogen free radical extracts exhibited lower DPPH radical scavenging effects
and is readily destroyed by a free radical scavenger. The when compared with the positive control (i.e., ascorbic acid,

M. K. A. Sobuj et al.

(a) 1 mg/ml 3 mg/ml

1 mg/ml 3 mg/ml (b) 5 mg/ml 7 mg/ml
5 mg/ml 7 mg/ml 80 cc
80 cc cc cc
cc cc
70 cd

% DPPH scavenging
70 b

% ABTS Scavenging
b b b
cd cc 60 b
60 b cc b cc
b 50
50 a a b a b b
a a
a 40 a a a
40 a a a
30 30

20 20
10 10
0 0
Sc- M Sc-E Sc-W Hy-M Hy-E Hy-W Sc-M Sc-E Sc-W Hy-M Hy-E Hy-W
Different Extracts Different Extracts

1 mg/ml 3 mg/ml (d) 1 mg/ml 3 mg/ml

(c) 5 mg/ml 7 mg/ml
5 mg/ml 7 mg/ml
cc cc 4 cd cc
b cc
% H2O2 Scavenging

cc 3.5 b b
b cc b cd
60 cd
b 3 a a
b b b
b a

OD at 695
50 cc cc 2.5
a a
a a
40 b a b
a 2
a a
30 a 1.5
20 1
10 0.5
0 0
Sc-M Sc-E Sc-W Hy-M Hy-E Hy-W Sc-M Sc-E Sc-W Hy-M Hy-E Hy-W
Different Extracts Different Extracts

3.5 (e) 1 mg/ml 3 mg/ml

5 mg/ml 7 mg/ml
3 cc
cc cd
2.5 b b
OD at 700

2 b
a cd cc
a a
1.5 b a b
a a


Sc-M Sc-E Sc-W Hy-M Hy-E Hy-W
Different Extracts

Fig. 2  a 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Assay, b 2,2-azino-bis (3-eth- Assay of different crude extracts of S. coriifolium and H. pannosa.
ylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Assay, c Hydrogen Peroxide Scav- Sc- Sargassum coriifolium, Hy- Hypnea pannosa, M- Methanol, E-
enging Assay, d Phosphomolybdenum Assay and e Reducing Power Ethanol, W- Water

Table 4  IC50 (mg/ml) values obtained from different crude extracts from different antioxidant assays

Antioxidant assay Name of the species IC50 (mg/ml) values of different crude extracts
Ascorbic acid Methanol Ethanol Water

DPPH assay S. coriifolium 0.00297 ± 0.0005a 1.03 ± 0.07b 1.42 ± 0.05c 2.67 ± 0.09d
H. pannosa 1.58 ± 0.11b 2.17 ± 0.04c 3.04 ± 0.08d
ABTS radical scavenging assay S. coriifolium 0.160 ± 0.006a 1.55 ± 0.04b 2.19 ± 0.03c 3.67 ± 0.06d
H. pannosa 1.86 ± 0.10b 2.28 ± 0.09c 3.98 ± 0.11d
H2O2 scavenging assay S. coriifolium 0.0783 ± 0.004a 1.98 ± 0.06b 2.54 ± 0.07c 4.81 ± 0.05d
H. pannosa 1.92 ± 0.10b 2.57 ± 0.11c 4.66 ± 0.08d

Different superscript letter illustrate significantly different from each other. The level of significance is P < 0.05

Evaluation of bioactive chemical composition, phenolic, and antioxidant profiling of different…

­IC50 = 0.00297 mg/ml). Here the extracts containing high extracts (Fig. 2c). The antioxidant activity of different crude
levels of TPC were also effectual DPPH radical scavenger, extracts showed an increasing trend with increasing concen-
signifying that algal polyphenols may be the foremost con- tration indicating the dose dependency of these properties.
stituents accountable for the superior percentage of inhibi- According to the ­IC50 values showed in Table 4, the ­H2O2
tion properties of the extracts. scavenging ability of S. coriifolium exhibited the following
extracts order: Methanol (1.98) > Ethanol (2.54) > Water
ABTS radical scavenging assay (4.81) and for H. pannosa extracts order were Methanol
(1.92) > Ethanol (2.57) > Water (4.66) which is similar to
ABTS scavenging involves the direct production of blue/ the DPPH and ABTS scavenging activity. The I­ C50 value of
green ABTS chromophore through the reaction between the positive control (i.e., ascorbic acid, ­IC50 = 0.0783 mg/ml)
ABTS and K ­ 2S2O8. The result reveals that the antioxidant is showed higher H ­ 2O2 scavenging ability when compared
activity of the crude extracts of seaweed is in the signifi- with all other crude extracts. Corpuz et al. [56] observed
cantly increasing trend with the increasing concentration ­IC50 value of 2.27 mg/mL for Sargassum siliquosum which
of the seaweed extract (P < 0.05). Among the methanolic is similar to our present finding but in different solvent
extracts S. coriifolium recorded significantly higher ABTS (dichloromethane). Also, Shireesha et al. [57] found 77.90%
free radical scavenging activity (72.24%, ­IC50 = 1.55 mg/ hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity of methonolic extract
ml) followed by H. pannosa (71.14%, ­IC50 = 1.86 mg/ml) of Hypnea musciformis with ­IC50 value 417.58 µg/ml.
(Fig. 2b). However, in case of ethanol extracts (5 mg/ml)
H. pannosa showed significantly higher ABTS free radical Phosphomolybdenum assay
scavenging activity (65.27%, I­ C50 = 2.28 mg/ml) compared
to S. coriifolium (67.62%, I­ C50 = 2.19 mg/ml). Similar obser- The phosphomolybdenum method has been routinely used
vation of antioxidant activities of the methanolic extract was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of extracts. In the pres-
observed in the previous literature for seaweed [53, 54]. This ence of extracts, Mo (VI) is reduced to Mo (V) and forms
is because methanol extracts may have H-donating property a green colored phosphomolybdenum V complex. Here S.
which can terminate the oxidation process by converting coriifolium showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) absorb-
free radicals to the stable forms. Though, Suganya et al. ance ­(A695nm 3.959) compared to the absorbance of H. pan-
[55] found highest antioxidant activity in ethanol extract of nosa ­(A695nm 3.716) (Fig. 2d). But in case of water extract
Sargassum wightii which is opposed to our present finding. H. pannosa ­(A695nm 3.037) showed better absorbance than
This variance might be because of the varietal extraction S. coriifolium ­(A695nm 2.947). Antioxidant activity of differ-
method, species variation and for location. According to the ent crude extracts showed increasing trend with increasing
­IC50 values showed in Table 4, the ABTS radical scaveng- concentration and slight variation showed at 5 and 7 mg/
ing ability of S. coriifolium exhibited the following extracts ml concentration. The antioxidant activity of different crude
order: Methanol (1.55) > Ethanol (2.19) > Water (3.67) and extracts was determined using ascorbic acid as a reference
for H. pannosa extracts order were Methanol (1.86) > Etha- compound. The highest antioxidant activity was observed for
nol (2.28) > Water (3.98). This order is also similar with the S. coriifolium was 28.08 mg of ASE/g in the crude metha-
extracts of phenolic and flavonoid content. The I­ C50 value nolic extract and for H. pannosa the data was 17.31 mg of
of the ascorbic acid (­ IC50 = 0.16 mg/ml) is showed higher ASE/g. Previous research [11, 37, 45] have also mentioned
ABTS radical scavenging ability when compared with all that crude extracts of brown and red seaweed can reduce
crude extracts. the phosphomolybdenum and the data were 8.2, 32.01 and
39.62 to 9.65 mg of ASE/g respectively, which is related to
Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity our present observation.

Hydrogen peroxide is a fragile oxidizing mediator which Reducing power assay

can inactivate some enzymes directly, typically by oxidation
of essential thiol (-SH) groups. The ability of antioxidant The reducing power assay has been used to evaluate the
activities of different crude extracts of S. coriifolium and H. antioxidant activity of different crude extracts. Here S.
pannosa were evaluated by the hydrogen peroxide scaveng- coriifolium showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) absorb-
ing activity according to the method of Latos-Brozio and ance ­(A700nm 0.76–2.85) compared to the absorbance of H.
Masek [31]. All the raw seaweeds extracts were capable of pannosa ­(A700nm 0.85–2.69) (Fig. 2e). The reduction ability
scavenging hydrogen peroxide in a concentration depend- of different crude extracts from the seaweed species was
ent manner. Methanolic extracts showed significantly higher determined using ascorbic acid as a reference compound.
(P < 0.05) scavenging activity of S. coriifolium (71.64%) and Among the tested sample, the highest reducing power was
H. pannosa (69.08%) followed by ethanol extracts and water observed in the crude methanolic extract of S. coriifolium

M. K. A. Sobuj et al.

and H. pannosa and the data were 938.52 and 861.38 mg of (Fig. 3b), TPC-ABTS: ­R 2 = 0.637 (Fig. 3c), TFC-H 2O 2
ASE/g, respectively. Other researcher examined the reducing scavenging activity: R ­ 2 = 0.6 (Fig. 3d), TPC-Phospho-
power of ethyl acetate fraction from marine algae Polysipho- molybdenum: ­R = 0.714 (Fig. 3e), TPC-reducing ability:
nia urceolata and Rhodomela confervoides and the results ­R2 = 0.529 (Fig. 3f)]. All of the antioxidant activities of
were 383 and 426 mg of ASE/g respectively [58, 59]. The seaweed extracts were found to be positively correlated
result might be different because of the differences of the with each other which clearly indicate that phenolic com-
analytical method, variety among solvents and radicals or pounds are mainly responsible for the antioxidant proper-
reactive oxygen species that become target of the sample. ties. Other scholars also documented a similar positive
correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities of sea-
Correlations between total phenolic contents weed extracts [11, 59, 60]. Also, negative correlation [55]
and different antioxidant activity assays was found between TPC and antioxidant activity (lipid
peroxidation inhibition activity) which assay was not per-
A significant positive linear correlation between total formed in our present study. Our present finding clearly
phenolic contents (TPC) and different radical scavenging recommended that the antioxidant activity registered by
assays of seaweed extracts were recognized by Pearson crude extracts mainly methanolic may primarily be due to
correlation analysis method [TPC-DPPH: R ­ 2 = 0.8144 the existence of polar phenolic compounds.

Fig. 3  Scatter plot diagrams 65 (a) 80

showing the correlation of total 60 Sc-M
phenolic content (mg of GA/g) Sc-M 75

% DPPH Scavenging
Total Flavonoid (mg

vis-à-vis a Total Flavonoid 70
50 Sc-E

Content (n = 6; ­R2 = 0.914),

b DPPH (n = 6; ­R2 = 0.8144), Hy-M Sc-E 65 Hy-E
c ABTS (n = 6, ­R2 = 0.637), 40
d ­H2O2 scavenging activity 35 Hy-E 60 Sc-W
(n = 6, ­R2 = 0.6), e Phosphomo- 30 Hy-W
Sc-W 55
lybdenum (n = 6, ­R2 = 0.714) 25
and f Reducing ability (n = 6, 20 50
­R2 = 0.529). Sc- Sargassum 45 65 85 105 125 145 45 65 85 105 125 145
coriifolium, Hy- Hypnea pan- Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g) Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g)
nosa, M- Methanol, E- Ethanol,
W- Water 80 (c) 77.5 (d)
75 Sc-M
Hy-M Sc-M
% ABTS Scavenging

% H2O2 Scavenging

70 67.5
65 Sc-E 62.5
60 57.5 Hy-E Sc-E

55 52.5
50 Sc-W 47.5 Hy-W
Hy-W Sc-W
45 42.5
40 37.5
40 90 140 45 95 145
Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g) Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g)

4.2 (e)
3.1 (f)
2.9 Hy-M
4 Sc-M
2.7 Sc-M
3.8 2.5 Hy-E
OD at 700

OD at 695

3.6 Sc-E 2.3

Hy-W 1.7 Sc-W
Sc-W Hy-W
3 1.5
2.8 1.3
45 65 85 105 125 145 45 65 85 105 125 145
Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g) Total Phenolic Content (mg of GA/g)

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