Surface Chemistry Collaidal Solution
Surface Chemistry Collaidal Solution
Surface Chemistry Collaidal Solution
1 Introduction
2 Colloidal Dispersions
3 Classification of Colloids
4 Hydrocolloids
5 Dispersed Systems
9 Application of Colloids
10 Protection of colloids
11 Emulsions
12 Colloids around us
14 Conclusion
15 Bibliography
-> Introduction:
A colloid or colloidal dispersion is a type of homogenous mixture. A colloid
consists of two separate phases: Dispersed phase & Continuous phase. The
Dispersed phase is made of tiny particles or droplets that are distributed evenly
throughout the continuous phase. Homogeneous mixtures with a Dispersed phase in
the size range 1 nm to 100 nm may be called colloidal aerosols, colloidal
emulsions, colloidal foams, colloidal dispersions or hydrosols.
If a colloidal has a solid phase dispersed in a liquid, the solid particles will not pass
through a membrane, whereas the dissolved ions or molecules of a solution will
pass through.
Some colloids are translucent due to Tyndall effect (scattering of light by particles
in colloid).
Some of the examples of colloids include butter, milk, aerosols (fog, smoke),
paints, glues etc.
This field of study was introduced in 1861 by Scottish scientist “Thomas
Colloidal Dispersions
>> Solute doesn’t completely dissolve in solvent but not visible to the naked
>> Will Scatter light – gives an opaque, turbid appearance
>> Exhibits characteristics of a molecular solution
(Brownian motion, capacity for diffusion)
>> Size 1 nm - 0.5 nm
Classification of Colloids
-> Colloids can be classified on the basis of interaction between Dispersed
phase (DP) & Dispersion medium (DM) :
a) Lyophillic colloids / Hydrophilic colloids :
(i) Strong affinity is present between particles of DP &
(ii) It’s reversible because DP & DM can be separated.
(iii) It’s stable & don’t get easily precipitated.
(iv)When DM is water , it’s called Hydrophilic.
Macromolecular colloids -
Colloidal particles is big molecule or
atom like colloidal solution of
polymers. This type of colloidal
system is very stable. No need of
aggregation or subtraction.
A Hydrocolloid is defined as a colloidal system wherein the colloid particles are
dispersed in water. Hydrocolloids can be either irreversible or reversible. For
example, agar, can exist in a gel & sol state, & alternate between states with the
addition or elimination of heat. Many Hydrocolloids are derived from natural
sources like pectin is extracted from citrus peel & apple pomade. Hydrocolloids are
employed in food mainly to influence texture or viscosity (e.g. – sauce).
Hydrocolloids are also used in skin-care & wound – dressing.
Dispersed Systems
Dispersed systems may have different degrees of dispersion. Suspensions &
emulsions are classed as coarsely dispersed systems, as particles of their dispersed
phases are comparatively large. Ordinary
Solutions are systems having high degrees
of dispersion, as the distributed substance
is broken down into molecules or ions. An
intermediate position is occupied by
dispersed systems, in which size of
dispersed particles is larger than in
ordinary solutions. Such systems are called
colloidal solutions or sols.
Suspensions & emulsions contain particles
visible under an ordinary microscope.
Their size exceeds 100 mill microns ( 0.1 micron ). The heterogeneity of such a
system can be detected by naked eye.
Stabilization of Colloidal Dispersion :
Stabilization serves to prevent colloids
from aggregating. Steric stabilization &
electrostatic stabilization are the two
main mechanisms for colloid
stabilization. In a stable Colloid, mass of
a dispersed phase is so low that its
buoyancy or Kinetic energy is too little
to overcome the electrostatic repulsion
between charged layers of the dispersing
phase. The charge on the dispersed
particle can be observed by applying an
electric field : all particles migrate
towards same electrode possessing same sign charge.
Destabilization of Colloidal Dispersion :
Unstable colloidal dispersions form flocs as the particles aggregate due to
interparticle attractions. This can be accomplished by different methods :
Removal of electrostatic barrier that prevents aggregation of particles.
Addition of a charged polymer flocculant. Polymer flocculants can bridge
individual colloidal particles by attractive electrostatic interactions.
Addition of nonadsorbed polymers called depletants.
Physical deformation of the particle (e.g. stretching) may increase van der
Waals forces more than stabilizing forces (such as electrostatic), resulting in
coagulation of colloids at certain orientations.
Properties of Colloidal Solutions
Tyndall Effect :
Visible scattering of light along the
path of a beam of light as it passes
through a system containing
discontinuities. The Luminous path of
beam of light is called Tyndall cone. It
shows heterogeneous nature of
solution. This effect isn’t shown by
true solution due to small particle size.
Colloidal solution & true solution are
differentiated by this effect.
Brownian Movement :
Zig zag motion of colloidal particles in solution is called
Brownian movement. Colloidal particle is bombarded by
particle of dispersion medium & hence rather than
following straight line path follows zig zag path. Brownian
movement provides stability to colloids as it doesn’t allow
the particle to settle down under the influence of
gravitational pull.
Colligative property :
Colloidal particles happen to be aggregate. The number of particles in solution
is very small & so all colligative properties are low & under the conditions only
osmotic pressure is suitable for measurement of molar mass.
Applications Of Colloids
(i) Cleansing action of soaps & detergents :
A micelle consists of hydrophobic hydrocarbon – like central core. The cleansing
action of soap is due to the fact that soap molecules form micelle around the oil
droplet in such a way that hydrophobic part of the stearate ions is in the oil droplet
& hyrophillic part projects out of the grease droplet. Since the polar groups can
interact with water, the oil droplet surrounded by stearate ions is now pulled in
water & removed from the dirty surface. Thus soap helps in emulsification &
washing away of oils & fats. The negatively charged sheath around the globules
prevents them from coming together & forming aggregates.
(ii) Purification of water :
The water obtained from natural sources often contains suspended impurities. Alum
is added to such water to coagulate the suspended impurities & make water fit for
dinking purposes.
(iii) Medicines :
Most of the medicines are colloidal in nature. For example – argyrols is a silver sol
used as an eye lotion, colloidal antimony is used in curing kaalazar etc. Colloidal
medicines are more effective because they have large surface area & are therefore
easily assimilated.
(iv) Photographic plates & films :
Photographic plates & films are prepared by coating an emulsion of the light
sensitive bromide in gelatin over glass plates or celluloid films.
(v) Tanning :
Animal hides are colloidal in nature. When a hide, which has positively charged
particles, is soaked in tannin, which contains negatively charged colloidal particles ,
mutual coagulation takes place. This results in hardening of leather. This process in
termed as tanning.
(vi) Rubber Industry :
Latex is colloidal solution of rubber particles which are negatively charged. Rubber
is obtained by coagulation of latex.
(vi) Industrial purposes :
Paints, inks, synthetic plastics, rubber, graphite lubricants, cement etc., are all
colloidal solutions.
Preparation of colloids
Chemical Methods : Colloids can be prepared by chemical reactions leading
to the formation of molecules. These molecules aggregate leading to formation
of sols.
As2 + 3H2O
Double Decomposition As2S3(Sol) + 3H2O
SO2 + 2H2O Oxidation
3S(Sol) + 2H2
Protection of colloids
Lyophillic sols are more stable than Lyophillic sols. This is due to the fact that
lyophobic colloids are extensively solvated, i.e the colloidal particles are covered by
a sheath of the liquids in which they are dispersed.
Lyophillic colloids have a unique property of protecting lyophobic colloids.
When lyophillic sol are added to lyophobic sols, the lyophillic particles form a
layer around a lyophobic particles and protect the latter from electrolyte.
Lyophillic colloids are also called as protective colloids.
Emulsion are the colloidal sols of liquid-liquid Colloidal system. These are of
two types :
Colloids around us
Most of the substances we came across in our daily life are colloids.:
(i) Blue colour of sky : Dust particles along with water suspended in air
scatter blue light which reaches our eye and the sky looks blue to us.
(ii) Artificial rain : It is possible to cause artificial rain by throwing an
electrolyte on the cloud by an aeroplane.
(iii) Blood : It is a colloidal solution of albuminoid substance. The styptic
action of alum and ferric chloride solution is due to coagulation of blood
forming a clot which stops further bleeding.
(iv) Formation of delta : River water is a colloidal solution of clay. Sea water
contains a number of electrolytes. When river water meets sea water, the
electrolytes present may coagulate with the colloidal particles results in the
formation of delta.
(v) Purification of drinking water : The water obtained from natural source often
contains suspended impurities. Alum is added to such water to coagulate the
suspended impurities and make water fit for drinking purpose.
(i) Apparatus Required : Two beakers of 250 ML & 50 ML, Funnel, glass
rod, tripod-stand, wire gauze, burner, filter papers, distilled water (100
ML), Arabic gum 4.5 g
a. Take 4-5 g of dry Arabic gum in a mortar and grind it with the help
of pestle.
(iv) Precautions :
(ii) Allergic reactions to Arabic gum sol may cause respiratory problems.
The information of the project “Colloidal Solutions” has been collected from the
following sources :
2. NCERT Chemistry Part I