Admit Card: Sonam Bhal Solanki

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Admit Card

Forenoon Session


Parent's/Guardian's Contact No. 9410414597
Date : February 13, 2022 (Sunday)

Session Afternoon (AN)

Time 14:30 to 17:30 hrs

Enrolment ID R103F16

Test Paper (Code) Mathematics (MA)

Examination Centre Code: 810

Centre Name & Address: iON Digital Zone iDZ Ram Ganga Vihar Phase 2,
Moradabad Institute of Technology, MIT Campus, Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase -2, MDA
JAM 2022

Colony, Kanth Road

Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh - 244001
Photo ID No:********6574

Prof. Rama Krishna Peddinti

Organizing Chair, JAM 2022 MA810A096

Digital Signature : 24D56CC630D184C13B0ADC585D55A232

Instructions to the Candidates

1. A printed copy of this Admit Card must be presented for verification along with an original valid photo ID (not a photocopy or a scanned copy)
mentioned in the admit card. In case of poor quality of photo on ID proof, the candidate must bring an alternative valid photo ID (e.g., Passport,
PAN card, Voter ID card, Aadhaar card, College ID, Employee ID, Driver’s License).
2. Print the Admit Card on an A4-size paper, preferably in colour using laser printer. Both photograph and signature should be clearly visible.
3. Candidates will be permitted to appear for the examination ONLY after verification of their credentials by the centre personnel.
4. Candidates are advised to locate the examination centre at least a day in advance, so as to ensure that they can reach the centre on time on
the day of the exam. There may be multiple iDZ centres in a city. Candidates are advised to double-check the address on the Admit Card and

JAM 2022
reach the right centre.
5. To facilitate identity verification, candidates must report at the examination venue at least 90 minutes before the scheduled commencement of
6. Candidates will be permitted to enter the examination hall 40 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination. Candidate registration and
photo capture will be performed before candidates are allowed to login. They can login and start reading the instructions 20 minutes before the
start of the examination.
7. CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to enter at security gate 30 mins after the start of the exam.
8. Candidates will NOT be permitted to leave the examination hall before the end of the exam.
9. During the examination, a virtual scientific calculator will be available on the computer screen. Charts, tables, papers, books, bags, calculators,
watches of all kinds, wallets, mobile phones, and any other electronic/communication devices are STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the
examination hall.
10. Scribble pad will be provided for rough work. The candidates must write their name and registration number before using it. It must be returned
to the invigilator at the end of the examination. Additional scribble pad may be obtained after returning the previous pad.
11. JAM authorities are not responsible for the safe keep of the candidate’s personal belongings.
12. A candidate found to possess any prohibited item during the examination will be debarred from the examination and may be subjected to further
disciplinary action, which may include a ban from appearing in future examinations.
Afternoon Session

13. In case there is a restriction on movement in the city of the examination, the candidates can use the Admit Card as a pass.
14. Candidates are advised to bring their own pen, pencil, transparent water bottle and pocket-size hand sanitizer. Candidates will NOT BE
ALLOWED inside the examination centre without a proper facemask. The facemask must be worn properly throughout the examination.
15. The centre officials may assess the health condition of the candidates before permitting them to enter the examination centre. Candidates
MUST adhere to the social-distancing protocol in compliance with the orders and directives of Government of India and local authorities.
16. Candidates diagnosed with COVID-19 or any other infectious disease WILL NOT BE ALLOWED inside the examination centre.
17. Violation of the above guidelines, impersonation, or breach of code of conduct of the JAM 2022 examination will lead to cancellation of
candidature and appropriate legal action.

DECLARATION: I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to follow the above mentioned Instructions. I also declare that I
DO NOT have any COVID symptoms, I am NOT in quarantine and I was NOT in close contact with any COVID patient in the past 14 days.

__________________________________________________ (Signature of Candidate)

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