Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction: 2.1 Basic Principles
Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction: 2.1 Basic Principles
The fundamentals of the microwave extraction (MAE) process are different from
those of conventional methods (solid–liquid or simply extraction) because the
extraction occurs as the result of changes in the cell structure caused by electromag-
netic waves.
In MAE, the process acceleration and high extraction yield may be the result of
a synergistic combination of two transport phenomena: heat and mass gradients
working in the same direction [1]. On the other hand, in conventional extractions the
mass transfer occurs from inside to the outside, although the heat transfer occurs
from the outside to the inside of the substrate (Fig. 2.1). In addition, although
in conventional extraction the heat is transferred from the heating medium to the
interior of the sample, in MAE the heat is dissipated volumetrically inside the
irradiated medium.
During the extraction process, the rate of recovery of the extract is not a linear
function of time: the concentration of solute inside the solid varies, leading to a
nonstationary or unsteady condition. A series of phenomenological steps must
occur during the period of interaction between the solid-containing particle and
the solvent effectuating the separation, including (1) penetration of the solvent
into the solid matrix; (2) solubilization and/or breakdown of components; (3)
transport of the solute out of the solid matrix; (4) migration of the extracted solute
from the external surface of the solid into the bulk solution; (5) movement of the
Fig. 2.1 Basic heat and mass transfer mechanisms in microwave and conventional extraction of
natural products. (Adapted from Périno-Issartier et al. [2])
extract with respect to the solid; and (6) separation and discharge of the extract
and solid [3].
Therefore, the solvent penetrates into the solid matrix by diffusion (effective),
and the solute is dissolved until reaching a concentration limited by the characteristics
of the solid. The solution containing the solute diffuses to the surface by effective
diffusion. Finally, by natural or forced convection, the solution is transferred from
the surface to the bulk solution (Fig. 2.2).
The extraction process takes place in three different steps: an equilibrium phase
where the phenomena of solubilization and partition intervene, in which the sub-
strate is removed from the outer surface of the particle at an approximately constant
velocity. Then, this stage is followed by an intermediary transition phase to
diffusion. The resistance to mass transfer begins to appear in the solid–liquid
interface; in this period the mass transfer by convection and diffusion prevails. In the
last phase, the solute must overcome the interactions that bind it to the matrix and
diffuse into the extracting solvent. The extraction rate in this period is low, character-
ized by the removal of the extract through the diffusion mechanism. This point is
an irreversible step of the extraction process; it is often regarded as the limiting
step of the process [5].
Many forces, such as the physicochemical interactions and relationships, can be
exposed during the extraction (dispersion forces, interstitial diffusion, driving
forces, and chemical interactions), and the persistence and strength of these
phenomena may be closely tied to the properties of the solvent (solubilization
power, solubility in water, purity, polarity, etc.) [6].
2 Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction 17
Fig. 2.2 Schematic representation of yield versus time in extraction processes. (Adapted from
Raynie [4])
ε = ε ′ − jε ′′ (2.1)
ε ′′
tan δ = (2.2)
j = −1 (2.3)
18 P.C. Veggi et al.
Table 2.1 Physical constants and dissipation factors for solvents usually used in microwave-assisted
extraction (MAE) [14, 15]
Dieletric constant,a Dissipator factor Boiling Viscosity,c
Solvent ε ′ tan d (×10 −4
) point, b
(°C) (cP)
Acetone 20.7 5,555 56 0.30
Acetronitrile 37.5 82
Ethanol 24.3 2,500 78 0.69
Hexane 1.89 69 0.30
Methanol 32.6 6,400 65 0.54
2-Propanol 19.9 6,700 82 0.30
Water 78.3 1,570 100 0.89
Ethyl acetate 6.02 5,316 77 0.43
Hexane–acetone (1:1) 52
Determined at 20°C
Determined at 101.4 kPa
Determined at 25°C
The material complex permittivity is related to the ability of the material to interact
with electromagnetic energy, whereas ε ′ is the real part, or dielectric constant, and
ε ′′ is the imaginary part, or loss factor. The dielectric constant determines how
much of the incident energy is reflected at the air–sample interface and how much
enters the sample (for vacuum, ε ′ = 1); the loss factor measures the efficiency of the
absorbed microwave energy to be converted into heat [12]. The loss tangent (tan d
or dielectric loss) is the most important property in microwave processing; it
measures the ability of the matrix to absorb microwave energy and dissipate heat to
surrounding molecules, being responsible for the efficiency of microwave heating
[12, 13] As a result, a material with high loss factor and tan d combined with a
moderate value of ε ′ allows converting microwave energy into thermal energy.
The first factor one must consider when selecting microwave physical constants
is the solvent to be used. It is important to select a solvent with high extracting
power and strong interaction with the matrix and the analyte. Polar molecules
and ionic solutions (typically acids) strongly absorb microwave energy because of
the permanent dipole moment. On the other hand, when exposed to microwaves,
nonpolar solvents such as hexane will not heat up.
The degree of microwave absorption usually increases with the dielectric constant.
In Table 2.1, the physical parameters, including dielectric constant and dissipation
factors, are shown for commonly used solvents. A simple comparison between water
and methanol shows that methanol has a lesser ability to obstruct the microwaves as
they pass through but has a greater ability to dissipate the microwave energy into heat
[8]. The higher dielectric constant of water implies a significantly lower dissipation
factor, which means that the system absorbs more microwave energy than it can
dissipate. This phenomenon is called superheating: it occurs in the presence of water
in the matrix. This strong absorption provides an increase of the temperature inside
the sample, leading to the rupture of cells by the in situ water. In some cases it can
promote the degradation of the target compound or an “explosion” of solvent, and in
2 Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction 19
other cases it can increase the diffusivity of the target compound in the matrix [16].
Therefore, the microwave power must be sufficient to reach the boiling point of the
water or other solvent, setting the separation temperature.
The second factor to be considered is the solid matrix. Its viscosity affects its
ability to absorb microwave energy because it affects molecular rotation. When the
molecules are “locked in position” as viscous molecules, molecular mobility is
reduced, thus making it difficult for the molecules to align with the microwave field.
Therefore, the heat produced by dipole rotation decreases, and considering the
higher dissipation factor (d), the higher is this factor, the faster the heat will be
transferred to the solvent [11].
When the system is subjected solely to heating, then Eq. (2.4) can be solved by
itself. Thus, the initial condition needed to determine the unique solution of
Eq. (2.4) is the initial temperature of the system, given as
( )
h Ta − T n = a = k t
∂n n = a
And, the adiabatic boundary condition applied in the center of the substrate par-
ticles is
=0 (2.6)
∂n n=0
∂ 2T q ′′ 1 ∂T
+ = (2.7)
∂x 2 kt α ∂t
where x is the heat flux direction, q ′′ is the heat generation, kt is the thermal con-
ductivity, and a is the thermal diffusivity.
20 P.C. Veggi et al.
Food materials are, in general, poor electric insulators. They have ability to store
and dissipate electric energy when subjected to an electromagnetic field. Microwave
energy in itself is not thermal energy. The heating is a result of the electromagnetic
energy generated with the dielectric properties of the material combined with the
electromagnetic field applied. Dielectric properties play a critical role in determining
the interaction between the electric field and the matrices [17]. The rate of conversion
of electrical energy into thermal energy in the material is described by Chen
et al. [18]:
P = K . f ε ′ E 2 tan δ (2.8)
Dp = 1/ 2
2π f ′ 2ε ′ ⎡ 1 + tan 2δ − 1⎤
⎣ ⎦
where c is the speed of light (m/s). This equation is approximated by the follow-
ing (Eq. (2.24)), when tan d << 1, which is usually the case:
λ0 ε r′
d= (2.10)
2πε r′′
The mass transfer equations for solid–liquid extraction were presented by Takeuchi
et al. [23] for an isothermal process. The factors that control the extraction of a
solute from a matrix using MAE are the mass transfer rate of the solute from the
matrix to the solution phase and the strength of solute–matrix interactions. Although
the solubility of the solute in the solvent is recurrently indicated as a limiting factor,
it should not be so because the solvent-to-solid ratio is large enough to assure that
the extract–solvent mixture forms an infinite diluted solution.
The rate of dissolution of a solute into the extraction solvent is controlled by the
mass transfer rate of the solute from the solid matrix into the liquid. The transfer of
the solute inside the solid particle occurs because of the concentration gradient
in the solid–liquid interface, and it can be characterized by the effective diffusion.
The equation that describes this phenomenon is based on Fick’s law:
= − DBC (2.11)
AT dz
where NC is the rate of dissolution of the solute C in the solution (kg/s), AT is the
area of the solid–liquid interface (m2), DBC is the diffusivity of the solute in the solvent–
inert solid (m2/s), CC is the concentration of solute C in the solution (kg/m3), and z
is the distance inside the porous part of the solid matrix (m). The minus sign gives
a positive flux term because the gradient is negative (flow occurs down a concentration
gradient, from high to low concentration).
22 P.C. Veggi et al.
DCBeff = DBC (2.12)
where e is the void fraction or porosity of the solid and t is the tortuousness of the
On the surface of the solid particle, the transfer of the solute occurs simultane-
ously by molecular and turbulent transport. In this step, the mass transfer rate can be
expressed by the following equation:
NC = V = AT K L (CCS − CC ) (2.13)
dt S
where K L is the mass transfer coefficient (m/s), CCS is the reference concentration
of the solute C in the solid surface (kg/m3), and CC is the concentration of the solute
C in the solution at time t (kg/m3).
Integrating Eq. 2.14 from t = 0 and CC = CC0 to t = t and CC = CC, we obtain:
CC dCC Ak t
∫CC 0 CCS − CC
= L
V ∫ t =0
dt (2.14)
⎛ kL A ⎞
CCS − CC −⎜ ⎟t
=e ⎝ V ⎠
CCS − CC 0
⎛ kL A ⎞
C −⎜ t
V ⎟⎠
1− C = e ⎝ (2.16)
⎛ −⎜ L ⎟ t ⎞
⎛ k A⎞
CC = CCS ⎜ 1 − e ⎝ V ⎠ ⎟ (2.17)
⎝ ⎠
In order to formulate the heat and mass balance, material will be considered, as
suggested by Navarrete et al. [24], as a capillary-porous media that includes the
insoluble solids, bound and free water, and air. Heat is generated and conducted in
2 Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction 23
the capillary-porous medium. The vapor phase forms an homogeneous system, and
heat convection can be neglected. Steam is removed from the system instanta-
neously, that is, no diffusion or convection was considered. The evaporation of
water consumed all heat generated in the system. MAE is considered to be per-
formed in a fixed bed formed by the plant material packed inside the extraction
vessel. During the extraction, system temperature will be equal to or less than the
boiling temperature. So long as the temperature in a given location of the bed did
not reach the boiling temperature, the general heat transfer equation or the thermal
conduction equation can be used to estimate the heat transfer flux and describes the
space and time behavior of the temperature field [24]:
rS CP − ∇ • (K t ∇T ) = P (2.18)
where rS represents the solid material apparent density (kg m−3), CP is the specific
heat capacity (J kg−1 K−1), and K t is the thermal conductivity (A V−1 m−1). T = T (x,
y, z, t) is the absolute temperature and P = P (x, y, z, t) is the microwave energy power
dissipated per volume unit; this corresponds to the heat generated by the interaction
between microwaves in the plant material. Note that the parameters rS , CP and K t
should be estimated for the lumped capillary-porous media as already described.
The moisture content varies during the extraction process, and these parameters
vary with the moisture of the system: for MAE these parameters are not constant.
Nonetheless, for other systems in which only heating is the important phenomenon,
these parameters are usually taken as constants that are independent of position,
time, and temperature, which simplifies the solution of the heat transfer equation.
According to Navarrete et al. [24], the time-average power dissipated in a plant
material per unit volume can be calculated from
1 2
P= ( K t + ωε oε ′′) E (2.19)
= Rw (2.20)
where Cw (kg m−3) is the water concentration per unit volume of extractor vessel and
Rw is the water evaporation rate (kg s−1 m−3)
So long as water is evaporating, the rate of evaporation can be estimated from
Navarrete et al. [24]:
24 P.C. Veggi et al.
Rw = (2.21)
Equations 2.6 and 2.7 were proposed by Navarrete et al. [24] to describe the
SFME (solvent-free microwave extraction) of Lavandin essential oil. To solve Eqs.
(2.5), (2.6), and (2.7), the authors estimated the system properties using the equa-
tions of Datta [21, 22], Navarrete et al. [24], and Sihvola [25]. The specific heat of
the lumped system as a function of system moisture was estimated using [21]
where CPg , CPS and CPw are the air, insoluble solid, and water specific heat, and
rg , rS and rw are the air, insoluble solid, and water densities. Sw is the amount of
water in pores and is generally referred to as the water saturation; it is calculated
from [21]
M w (1 − j )rS
Sw = (2.23)
(1 − M w )jrS
Mw = (2.24)
CwV + (1 − M wo )mo
where M wo and mo are the initial moisture content of the plant material and the mass
of feed, respectively. j is the bed porosity and is calculated using [21]
rB (1 − M w )
j = 1− (2.25)
parameters that affect MAE, presenting guidelines regarding the selection of proper
operation conditions, and also discusses the interaction between these parameters.
The most important factor that affects MAE process is solvent selection. A proper
solvent choice will provide a more efficient extraction process. Solvent selection
depends on the solubility of the compounds of interest, solvent penetration and its
interaction with the sample matrix and its dielectric constant [26], and the mass
transfer kinetics of the process [27]. The solvent should preferably have a high selec-
tivity toward the solutes of interest excluding undesired matrix components. Another
important aspect is that the optimal extraction solvents cannot be selected directly
from those used in conventional extractions: it depends on the capacity of the solvent
to absorb the microwave energy and consequently heat up [7, 8, 13, 28].
In general, the capacity of the solvent to absorb microwave energy is high when
the solvent presents high dielectric constant and dielectric loss [27]. Solvents that
are transparent to microwaves do not heat when submitted to them. Hexane is an
example of microwave-transparent solvent whereas ethanol is an excellent micro-
wave-absorbing solvent [13, 29]. Both polar and nonpolar solvents can be used in
MAE, and solvents such as ethanol, methanol, and water are sufficiently polar to be
heated by microwave energy [30]. In this context, the properties of the solvent can
be modified when combining different solvents, which allow varying the solvent
selectivity for different compounds [30]. The addition of salts to the mixture can
also increase the heating rate, because besides dipole orientation the ion conductiv-
ity is the main origin of polarization and corresponds to losses to heat in dielectric
heating [27]. Studies have shown that small amounts of water in the extracting sol-
vent make possible the diffusion of water into the cells of the matrix, leading to
better heating and thus facilitating the transport of compounds into the solvent at
higher mass transfer rates.
In the case of volatile compounds, the addition of a solvent with relatively low
dielectric properties can be used to ensure that the solvent temperature is kept lower
to cool off the solutes once they are liberated into the solvent [7]. Generally, hexane
is used for the extraction of volatile oils [13]. In addition, the solvent-free MAE
(SFMAE) process has been designed for aromatic herbs rich in volatile oils; in this
case, the moisture content within the plant matrix itself serves for extraction and no
solvent is used [29, 31].
Studies have reported that ethanol or water can be added into poor microwave
absorbers, such as hexane, to improve the extraction efficiency. One of the most
used solvent mixtures is hexane-acetone [8], and only a small amount of water
(about 10%) must be added in nonpolar solvents such as hexane, xylene, or toluene
to improve the heating rate [8]. Zhou and Lui [32] evaluated different mixtures of
ethanol and hexane in the extraction of solanesol from tobacco leaves; the 1:3 ratio
gave the best yield. Comparing isopropanol and hexane for rice bran oil extraction,
26 P.C. Veggi et al.
hexane at 40°C extracted approximately 40% more oil than isopropanol. Although
by increasing the temperature hexane did not extract significantly more amount of
oil, isopropanol extracted about 25% more rice bran oil at 120°C [33].
Some authors studied the use of combined solvents in MAE according to the
polarity of the target compounds. A methanol–water (85:15) combination proved to
be a good solvent for MAE of gymnemagenin from Gymnema sylvestre R. Br.
Higher water concentration reduced the extraction yield because high water content
increases the mixture polarity to a degree where it is no longer is favorable for
extraction. The same was observed by Talebi et al. [34] when extracting paclitaxel
from Taxus baccata: a methanol–water (90:10) mixture was the best combination.
Song et al. [35], extracting sweet potato leaves, found that 60–80% (v/v) ethanol
concentration in water was optimal within proportions of 40% and 80% (v/v).
The solvent-to-solid (feed) ratio (S/F) is an important parameter to be optimized.
The solvent volume must be sufficient to guarantee that the entire sample is immersed
in the solvent throughout the entire irradiation process, especially when using a
matrix that will swell during the extraction [8, 13, 29].
In conventional extractions, the use of large volumes of solvent increases the
extraction recovery. Studies reported that the extraction solution must not exceed
30–34% (w/v) [8]. In many applications a ratio 10:1 (ml/mg) to 20:1 (ml/mg) was
found to be optimal [34, 36]. In addition, the solvent volume is an important factor
to be considered because too much of the extracting solvent means more energy and
time is required to condense the extraction solution in the later step and purification
process. On the other hand, MAE may give lower recoveries because of nonuniform
distribution and exposure to microwaves [37].
In some cases, small amounts of solvent are sufficient to extract the compounds
of interest. The phenol and methylphenol extracted from oils had optimal conditions
when S/F reached 2 [38]. A different behavior was observed in the MAE of artemisi-
nin from Aretimisia annua L.: a higher extraction rate was achieved by a greater
amount of solvent [39]. In Ganoderma atrum, the yield of triterpenoid saponins
increased with the increase of amount of solvent until the S/F reached 25, and then
it decreased rapidly [40].
influenced by the dielectric properties of the solvent. Solvents such as water, ethanol,
and methanol may heat up tremendously on longer exposure, thus risking the future
of thermolabile constituents [13].
Occasionally, when longer extraction time is required, the samples are extracted
in multiple steps using consecutive extraction cycles, which are also an example of
the use of a larger amount of solvent and higher microwave application time [28,
42]. In this case, the fresh solvent is fed to the residue and the process is repeated to
guarantee the exhaustion of the matrix. With this procedure, the extraction yield is
enhanced, avoiding long heating [7, 28]. The number of process cycles will depend
on the type of matrix and the solute. According to Li et al. [43], three cycles of
7 min were appropriate for MAE of triterpene saponins from yellow horn, whereas
in optimization of triterpenoid saponins MAE from Ganoderma atrum, cycles of
5 min each were recommended [26]. Yan et al. [44] found that three extraction
cycles of 5 min each are optimal for extracting astragalosides from Radix astragali.
They also found that increasing the irradiation time from 1 to 5 min increases the
extraction yield rapidly; extraction reaches its maximum at 5 min, and then the
yields decreased with the extension of the irradiation time. In the case of flavonoids
extraction from R. astragali, there was an increase in yield with time up to an expo-
sure of 25 min and then the extraction yield started to decrease [42]. In the work of
Chen et al. [26] it was observed that triterpenoid saponins yield from Ganoderma
atrum reached its maximum at 20 min; after this time, the target compounds easily
decomposed because of long exposure to high temperature. The same behavior was
found by Song et al. [35].
Microwave power and temperature are interrelated because high microwave power
can bring up the temperature of the system and result in the increase of the extraction
yield until it becomes insignificant or declines [4, 42, 45]. It is known that the tem-
perature is controlled by incident microwave power that controls the amount of energy
provided to the matrix, which is converted to heat energy in the dielectric material.
At high temperatures the solvent power increases because of a drop in viscosity
and surface tension, facilitating the solvent to solubilize solutes, and improving
matrix wetting and penetration [13, 43, 46]. In addition, when MAE is performed in
closed vessels, the temperature may reach far above the boiling point of the solvent,
leading to better extraction efficiency by the desorption of solutes from actives sites
in the matrix [8]. However, Routray and Orsat [7] state that the efficiency increases
with the increase in temperature until an optimum temperature is reached and then
starts decreasing with the further increase in temperature: this happens because the
selection of ideal extraction temperature is directly linked with the stability and,
therefore, with the yield of the target compound.
Microwave power is directly related to the quantity of sample and the extraction
time required. However, the power provides localized heating in the sample, which
28 P.C. Veggi et al.
acts as a driving force for MAE to destroy the plant matrix so that the solute can
diffuse out and dissolve in the solvent. Therefore, increasing the power will generally
improve the extraction yield and result in shorter extraction time [4, 28]. On the
other hand, high microwave power can cause poor extraction yield because of the
degradation of thermally sensitive compounds. Also, rapid rupture of the cell wall
takes place at a higher temperature when using higher power, and as a result impuri-
ties can also be leached out into the solvent together with the desired solute [13].
Therefore, it is important to properly select the MAE power to minimize the time
needed to reach the set temperature and avoid a “bumping” phenomenon in
temperature during the extraction [8]. Moreover, the overexposure to microwave
radiation, even at low temperature or low operating power, was found to decrease the
extraction yield because of the loss of chemical structure of the active compounds.
Knowing that power level alone does not gives sufficient information about the
microwave energy absorbed into the extraction system, Alfaro et al. [47] created a
term to study the effect of microwave power on MAE: energy density, defined as the
microwave irradiation energy per unit of solvent volume for a given unit of time
(W/ml). According to Li et al. [43], the energy density should be considered as a
parameter as power level alone. In this study, the anthocyanin extraction rates from
grape peel were different under the same microwave power level, extraction time,
and S/F because the energy density levels were different.
Raner et al. [48] reported that variation of power from 500 to 1,000 W had no
significant effect on the yield of flavonoids. The decrease in extraction yield was
found at temperatures higher than 110°C because of instability of flavonoids and
consequent thermal degradation [42]. In another case, higher microwave power led
to thermal degradation of phenols when it was higher than 350 W (between 150 and
550 W) [35]. The temperature behavior was the same in other studies. In extracting
astragalosides from Radix astragali, Yan et al. [44] also found that yield increased
remarkably with temperature increase from 50°C to 70°C; above 70°C, the yields of
astragalosides increased slowly and even decreased.
Not only the parameters already discussed but the characteristics of the sample also
affect the MAE process. It is known that in a higher contact surface area the extrac-
tion efficiency increases. Also, finer particles allow improved or much deeper pen-
etration of the microwave [49]. On the other hand, very fine particles may pose
some technical problems; consequently, centrifugation or filtration is applied to pre-
pare the matrix [13, 29]. In the preparation step the sample is grinded and homog-
enized to increase the contact area between the matrix and the solvent. The particle
sizes are usually in the range of 100 mm to 2 mm [8]. In some cases soaking of the
dried plant material in the extracting solvent before MAE has resulted in improved
yield. This procedure is called pre-leaching extraction [13].
In many cases the extraction recovery is improved by the matrix moisture, which
acts as a solvent. The moisture in the matrix is heated, evaporated, and generates
2 Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction 29
internal pressure in the cell, which ruptures the cell to release the solutes, hence
improving the extraction yield [31]. When increasing the polarity of the solvent,
water addition has a positive effect on the microwave-absorbing ability and, hence,
facilitates the heating process [8, 28]. Moreover, the additional water promotes
hydrolyzation, thus reducing the risk of oxidation of the compounds [41].
In extraction of astragalosides from Radix astragali, extraction efficiency was
improved by the addition of water. The possible reason for the increased efficiency
is the increase in swelling of plant material by water, which enhances the contact
surface area between the plant matrix and the solvent [44].
The effect of stirring is directly related to the mass transfer process in the solvent
phase, which induces convection in the headspace. Therefore, equilibrium between
the aqueous and vapor phases can be achieved more rapidly. The use of agitation in
MAE accelerates the extraction by enhancing desorption and dissolution of active
compounds bound to the sample matrix [50]. Through stirring, the drawbacks of the
use of low solvent-to-solid ratio (S/F) can be minimized, together with the minimi-
zation of the mass transfer barrier created by the concentrated solute in a localized
region resulting from insufficient solvent [28]. In the work by Kovács et al. [51] it
is possible to observe the difference between suspensions with and without stirring.
The authors found that when the suspensions were agitated with magnetic stirrers
the temperature reached its maximum value within a shorter time, and the tempera-
ture differences inside individual vessels were not significant.
Table 2.3 Comparison on the extraction yield between MAE and other techniques
Operational conditions: type of solvent(s), solvent to feed ratio (S/F),
temperature (T), pressure (P), time (t), raw material moisture content (h), Bioactive compound extracted and
rotation (r), frequency (f), power (Pw), flow rate (v), power to feed ratio extraction yield (dry basis, db; wet
Plant material (P/F), humidity (h) basis, wb) References
Sweetgrass leaves MAE: 5,8-Dihydroxycoumarin (0.42% db ) [65]
(Hierochloe odorata L.) Pw = 200 W; s = acetone; S/F = 10; T = 80 C; 5-Hydroxy-8-O-b d-glucopyranosyl-
P = Patm; t = 15 min; one-step extraction benzopyranone (0.11% dba)
SFE: 5,8-Dihydroxycoumarin (0.49% dba)
Two-step: 5-hydroxy- 8-O-b - d-glucopyranosyl-
(1) = 35 MPa; T = 40 C benzopyranone (0.06% dba)
(2) = P = 25Mpa; T = 40 C
S = ethanol (20%); t = 2 h; v = 0.5 l/min
Soxhlet: 5,8-Dihydroxycoumarin (0.46% dba)
S/F = 50; s = acetone; t = 6 h 5-Hydroxy-8-O-b -d-glucopyranosyl-
benzopyranone (0.08% dba)
Artemisia annua L. MAE: Artemisinin (92.1% dba) [66]
Pw = 650 W; s = solvent oil; S/F = 15; T = ambient;
t = 12 min
SFE: Artemisinin (33.2% dba)
P = 30 MPa; s = CO2; S/F = 6; T = 35 C; t = 2.5 h
Soxhlet: Artemisinin (60.4% dba)
s = Solvent oil; S/F = 11.67; T = 35 C; t = 6 h
Licorice roots MAE: Glycyrrhizic acid –GA (2.26%a) [67]
(Glycyrrhizia glaubra) Pw = 700 W; s = ethanol; S/F = 10; T = 85 –90 C;
t = 4 min
US: Glycyrrhizic acid –GA (2.26%a)
s = ethanol; S/F = 10; t = 20.5 h
Soxhlet: Glycyrrhizic acid –GA (2.5%a)
P.C. Veggi et al.
rotation (r), frequency (f), power (Pw), flow rate (v), power to feed ratio extraction yield (dry basis, db; wet
Plant material (P/F), humidity (h) basis, wb) References
Radix astragali (dried MAE: Astragalosides I (0.0788% db ) [44]
root) Pw = 700 W; s = ethanol: water (80:20 v/v); S/F = 25; T = 70 C; Astragaloside II (0.0351% dba)
t = 5 min × 3 cycles Astragaloside III (0.0206% dba)
Astragaloside IV (0.0278% dba)
Soxhlet: Astragalosides I (0.770% dba)
s = ethanol: water (80:20 v/v); S/F = 20; T = 90 C; Astragaloside II (0.347% dba)
t=4 h Astragaloside III (0.193% dba)
Astragaloside IV (0.242% dba)
Reflux: Astragalosides I (0.761% dba)
s = ethanol: water (80:20 v/v); S/F = 20; T = 90 C; Astragaloside II (0.352% dba)
t=1 h Astragaloside III (0.203% dba)
Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction
VMHG vacuum microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity, CSE conventional solvent extraction
Yield (%) = g compound per 100 g sample
Yield (%) = g gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g mass of sample
Adapted from Eskilsson and Bjöklund [8]; Chemat et al. [64]
44 P.C. Veggi et al.
Soxhlet is the typical technique and the main reference for evaluating the perfor-
mance of other solid–liquid extraction methods as it has long been one of the most
used solid–liquid extraction techniques. In Soxhlet extraction the solid material
containing the solutes is placed inside a thimble holder, which is connected to a
flask containing the extraction solvent, and submitted to reflux. After this process,
the extract is concentrated by evaporation of the solvent [87]. This method has a
large dependence on plant characteristics and particle size, as the internal diffusion
may be the limiting step during extraction, and extraction and evaporation tempera-
tures affect the quality of the final products [31].
It is a general and well-established technique, which surpasses in performance
other conventional extraction techniques except, in a limited field of applications,
the extraction of thermolabile compounds. Furthermore, it presents other disadvan-
tages such as poor extraction of lipids, long operation time, high solvent consump-
tion, and operation at the solvent’s boiling point [88]. The advantages of this method
include no requirement of a filtration step after leaching and the displacement of
transfer equilibrium by repeatedly bringing fresh solvent into contact with the solid
matrix [31, 88].
Studies show that MAE allows the reduction of time and solvent consumption,
as well as improvement in global yield. Kaufmann et al. [89], extracting whitano-
lides from Lochroma gesneroides, showed a drastic reduction in solvent usage
(5 vs. 100 ml) and in extraction time (40 s vs. 6 h). Another study concluded that the
same quantity and quality of tanshiones from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge was
obtained with 2 min of MAE and 90 min of Soxhlet [90]. Higher yield was obtained
when extracting artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. by MAE; in 12 min, 92.1% of
artemisinin was recuperated by MAE whereas several hours were needed by Soxhlet
to reach only about 60% extraction efficiency [66].
For green extraction, the use of SFE is very attractive because the solute is easily
recovered and the solvent can be recycled by the simple manipulation of parameters
such temperature and/or pressure. Supercritical fluids present liquid-like densities,
whereas their viscosity is near that of normal gases and their diffusivity is about two
orders of magnitude higher than in typical liquids [91]. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the
most used solvent in SFE because it is safe, nontoxic, and generally available at a
reasonable cost. However, even at high densities, CO2 has a limited ability to dis-
solve highly polar compounds. The addition of modifiers to CO2 can improve the
extraction efficiency by increasing the solubility of the solute in the solvent.
The ease of tuning the operating conditions to increase the solvation power
makes this technology a good option for the selective recovery of several types of
2 Fundamentals of Microwave Extraction 45
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) in the food industry has been the subject of
research and development; its emergence as a green novel technology has also
attracted attention to its role in environmental sustainability [94]. Ultrasound has
been used in various processes of the chemical and food industries; it is a rapid
technique, consumes small amounts of fossil energy, and allows reducing solvent
consumption, thus resulting in a more pure product and higher yields.
The principle of high-power ultrasound has been attributed to the acoustic cavita-
tion phenomenon that appears when high-intensity acoustic waves are generated in
a fluid [95]. The extraction mechanism involves two types of physical phenomena:
diffusion through the cell walls and washing out the cell content once the walls are
broken [96]. Ultrasound waves modify their physical and chemical properties after
their interaction with subjected plant material, and their cavitational effects facili-
tate the release of extractable compounds and enhance mass transport by disrupting
the plant cell walls [94, 97, 98].
46 P.C. Veggi et al.
Although good recovery rates were obtained with both extraction methods,
MAE provided advantages with regard to sample handling, cost, analysis time, and
solvent consumption.
2.5 Conclusion
There has been much research and many advances in development in the microwave-
assisted extraction of a number of plant compounds. This chapter showed the
phenomena of mass and heat transfer of the MAE process as well the parameters
that influence MAE extraction of bioactive compounds. Therefore, optimized operat-
ing parameters can improve MAE performance. Also, MAE is better or comparable
with other techniques. As a concluding remark, the MAE system is considered a
promising technique for plant extraction because of its use of different physical and
chemical phenomena compared to those in conventional extractions.
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