BCIL Tzed Homes Case Study
BCIL Tzed Homes Case Study
BCIL Tzed Homes Case Study
BCIL’s Tzed Homes is a Residential campus located in East Bangalore with 76 apartments, 15 independent homes on 5 Acres of
Site Area. Tzed Homes sports a number of green features like utilization of Soil stabilized blocks in the residential sector,
Reduction of plastered surfaces within each home, Largest possible utilization of Rubber wood for doors, No import of water, no
export of waste, no industrial floors, no toxic paints, Capital savings of approx 20,000 tonnes of Carbon emissions and
Operational savings of approx 1500 tonnes of Carbon emissions. This is the first residential project to have sought CER credits
The project achieved 18% usage of turf for landscape and drought tolerance of 87%.
Efficient water management techniques for rain water harvesting, grey water treatment for landscaping and flushing.
95% of the waste water generated at site is reused.
Low flow dual-flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures have been selected to install at site to reduce
water consumption by over 20%.
Provision of water meters for continuous monitoring of water usage in the homes.
The project has ensured up to 75.2% of total construction waste of debris has been recycled or reused thereby diverting
Waste from landfills.
The project has achieved a combined recyclable content value of 17% of total material by cost thereby reducing virgin
material exploitation
About 82% of the total material cost of the building was manufactured and extracted regionally thereby reducing the
pollution due to transportation
30% of the wood based materials by cost used in the project were FSC certified products.
• BCIL Tzed Homes was the first project under multi dwelling category to bag the IGBC Platinum rating.
• The project bagged an exemplary performance in water usage efficiency for chemical free treatment of swimming
pool water using ozone.
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