This rubric evaluates student presentations of the face and persona of a character from a novel or story. It is assessed on four criteria across four levels of achievement:
1. Presentation skills (e.g. voice, eye contact, confidence)
2. Knowledge of character and story facts
3. Ability to establish the character's mood
4. Preparation and portrayal of the character
The highest level involves clear speaking, answering two challenging questions, fully embodying the character, and an in-depth 10-15 minute presentation with thorough character trait development. Lower levels have less proficient skills, knowledge, mood establishment and preparation.
This rubric evaluates student presentations of the face and persona of a character from a novel or story. It is assessed on four criteria across four levels of achievement:
1. Presentation skills (e.g. voice, eye contact, confidence)
2. Knowledge of character and story facts
3. Ability to establish the character's mood
4. Preparation and portrayal of the character
The highest level involves clear speaking, answering two challenging questions, fully embodying the character, and an in-depth 10-15 minute presentation with thorough character trait development. Lower levels have less proficient skills, knowledge, mood establishment and preparation.
This rubric evaluates student presentations of the face and persona of a character from a novel or story. It is assessed on four criteria across four levels of achievement:
1. Presentation skills (e.g. voice, eye contact, confidence)
2. Knowledge of character and story facts
3. Ability to establish the character's mood
4. Preparation and portrayal of the character
The highest level involves clear speaking, answering two challenging questions, fully embodying the character, and an in-depth 10-15 minute presentation with thorough character trait development. Lower levels have less proficient skills, knowledge, mood establishment and preparation.
This rubric evaluates student presentations of the face and persona of a character from a novel or story. It is assessed on four criteria across four levels of achievement:
1. Presentation skills (e.g. voice, eye contact, confidence)
2. Knowledge of character and story facts
3. Ability to establish the character's mood
4. Preparation and portrayal of the character
The highest level involves clear speaking, answering two challenging questions, fully embodying the character, and an in-depth 10-15 minute presentation with thorough character trait development. Lower levels have less proficient skills, knowledge, mood establishment and preparation.
Skills -clarity and -speak clearly -speaks clearly -speaks clearly-the -speak very projection of voice occasionally-the sometimes-the audience can hear the clearly-the -posture audience can hear audience can hear student audience can -eye contact occasional things the somethings the -uses expression and hear everything -confidence students say student says voice he/she says -use -uses some -relevant hand gestures -use masterful expression/voice expression and -makes flow expression/voice occasionally voice -movement that is -relevant hand -relevant hand -relevant hand appropriate to the gestures gestures at times gestures at times character -make flow -makes flow at times -makes flow effortlessly -movement is not sometimes -some appropriate to the -some movement movement that character that is appropriate is appropriate to to the character the character Fact Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge/Recall -preparation -answers no -answers one -answers two questions -answers two questions around the question around capably around the questions novel they read the novel they novel they read confidently -how character read -how character evolved around the novel evolved in the story -how character in the story(to be they read (to be considered) evolved in the considered) -how character story (to be evolved in the considered) story(to be considered) Establishing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Mood -student took on the -student took on -answers two questions -student took on appearance and the appearance capably around the the appearance personality of their and personality of novel they read and personality character in a vague their character in -how character evolved of their manner an acceptable in the story(to be character in a -you resemble manner considered) superior manner somewhat your -you resemble -you resemble character that you're your character your character portraying that you're completely that portraying you're portraying Preparation of Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Character Costume -little preparation -some -fairly well prepared -thorough preparation preparation Presentation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 -use two to four -use four to six -use six to eight -use eight to ten adjectives (or more) adjectives (or adjectives (or more) to adjectives (or to describe more) to describe describe more) to -minimum of forty -minimum of fifty -minimum of one describe seconds long seconds long minute long -minimum of -minimal use of cue -minimal use of -minimal use of cue 10 minutes and cards cue cards cards maximum of 15 -develops few -develops some -capably develops minutes long character traits of character traits of character traits of main -minimal use of main character main character character cue cards -develops masterfully character traits of main character