Project Proposal For Student Government Program
Project Proposal For Student Government Program
Project Proposal For Student Government Program
In 2003, the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA) now known as
the Youth Formation Division (YFD) in the Department of Education Central Office,
institutionalized the Supreme Student Government (SSG) in all public secondary
schools nationwide starting with the establishment of the National Federation of
Supreme Student Government. Three years after the institutionalization of SSG, in 2007
the Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) was also established through the issuance of
DepEd Order No. 45, s. 2007 – Institutionalization of the Supreme Pupil Government in
all Elementary Schools Nationwide. And in 2014, the Department of Education issued
the DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2014 Constitution and By-Laws of Supreme Pupil
Government and Supreme Student Government in Elementary and Secondary schools
which marked the year for the unification and institutionalization of student
government program in elementary and secondary schools.
Hence, one way to empower the student leaders is to, first, capacitate the SPG/SSG
advisers to increase and enhance their knowledge and skills on student government
operations for them to effectively guide and train the SPG and SSG Officers in the
implementation of their planned programs, projects and activities within the school
and in the community as a whole for the entire school year.
SPG/SSG Teacher-Advisers’ Training Program will equip the advisers with all
the knowledge and skills they need in handling the student government program
especially in managing the 21st century learners. SDO-Palawan recognizes the
significant role of SPG/SSG Advisers in the development and mobilization of student
leaders in the implementation of their programs, project and activities throughout the
whole school year. Moreover, a well-equipped and knowledgeable SPG/SSG Teacher-
Adviser could bring out the best character and potential in all student-leaders, develop
them holistically, inculcate with positive values for them to become better members and
role models of society who practice good deeds for the welfare of all the students and of
the community in general, and more importantly, cultivate a community that genuinely
bears in mind and in heart the DepEd Core Values - MakaDiyos, MakaTao,
MakaKalikasan at MakaBansa.
a. discuss the operations within the student government and among other student
organizations, and provide a deeper understanding of learners interests,
motivations, and the importance of youth participation in their holistic
b. provide teacher-advisers the venue for collaborative and integrative projects,
ideation, formulation and critiques of the dynamic, feasible, doable and concrete
general plan of activities, and social innovations for implementation in the
c. increase the support and contribution in the student organization as teacher-
adviser for school governance and community development and as an effective
partner in creating a child-friendly gender sensitive, safe and motivating
learning environment;
d. empower the teacher-advisers to be responsible, hardworking, service-oriented,
persevering, value-driven and culturally rooted equipped with world class skills
imbued with values such as MakaDiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa;
e. help them realize the importance of developing the leadership, knowledge, skills,
attitude, good governance and love of country of the student-leaders.
A. Work Plan
Physical Monthly Target
ity Unit of Measure / Means of Verification
Objectives / Major Activities Major Output/s Targets
Cod Indicator (MOV) Ja Fe Ma Ma Ju Au Se No De
(TOTAL) Apr Jul Oct
e n b r y n g pt v c
Preparation and planning for the Training Program
ive 1
Prepare and process all the necessary documents for the Submitted all the
Docs, NOA, activity
1.1 Activity 1 conduct of the training. Submit all the documents to BAC for necessary documents to BAC procurement
procurement procured
Identified and made a list
of participants per Finalized and approved
Identify the participants for the training. 1 from elementary and
district. Made a list of list of participants and Signed Posted Division
1.2 Activity 2 1 from secondary per district. Identify resource speakers. Draft
a Division Memorandum for the conduct of the training resource speakers, resource speaker and Memo
Drafted Division Division Memo
Delegated tasks and
Delegation of tasks, duties and assignment of duties, assigned Finalized, signed Copy of finalized, signed
1.3 Activity 3
topics/presentations, planning of activities topics/presentations, Program Matrix program matrix
activities planned
Conduct of the Training Program Proper
ive 2
Effective and smooth Report on Activity
Conduct SPG/SSG Teacher-Adviser Training Program, Capacitated the implementation of Conducted, Photo
2.1 Activity 4 70
provide technical assistance participants, provided TA Student Government Documentation,
Program Attendance sheets
Workshop on crafting of localized general plan of actions Conceptualized and Finalized and signed
Copy of finalized and
2.2 Activity 5 (GPOA) per school addressing the problems on their school crafted their localized localized general plan of
and community as well signed localized GPOA
(GPOA) actions
Objectives / Major Activities Key Persons Involved
Deliverables Description
B.1 – Materials/Items
PDO-I / Youth Formation Coordinator
DIVISION / OFFICE School Governance and Operations Division
Prepares the necessary documents for the
procurement of the activity; Prepares
Program Design/Matrix; Selects the
1. James Roin V. TASKS resource speakers/facilitators and
Manlavi participants; Ensure smooth flow of the
training; Monitors and provides technical
assistance for the project
Make sure all the needed documents for
procurement of the training are all correct
and submitted on time. Coordinates with
school heads in choosing the participants
and resource speakers/facilitators;
Delegates Tasks to Program Management
Conducts regular monitoring and
supervision of project implementation and
other related project activities
CONTACT NO. 0946 149 3214
EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
PDO-I / Youth Formation Coordinator
DIVISION / OFFICE School Governance and Operations Division
Assists in the preparation of necessary
documents for the procurement of the
Activity; Give suggestions in the
Preparation of Program Design/Matrix;
TASKS Suggest possible resource
speakers/facilitators and participants;
Ensure smooth flow of the training;
2. Rosalyne S. Ramos Monitors and provides technical assistance
for the project
Make sure all the needed documents for
procurement of the training are all correct
and submitted on time; Perform delegated
RESPONSIBILITES tasks in the conduct of the training program;
Conducts regular monitoring and
supervision of project implementation and
other related project activities
EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
PDO-I / Youth Formation Coordinator
DIVISION/OFFICE School Governance and Operations Division
Assists in the preparation of necessary
documents for the procurement of the
Activity; Give suggestions in the
Preparation of Program Design/Matrix;
3. Excil G. Puno TASKS Suggest possible resource
speakers/facilitators and participants;
Ensure smooth flow of the training;
Monitors and provides technical assistance
for the project
Make sure all the needed documents for
procurement of the training are all correct
and submitted on time; Perform delegated
tasks in the conduct of the training program;
Conducts regular monitoring and
supervision of project implementation and
other related project activities
EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
Prepared by: