Philippine Hero
Philippine Hero
Philippine Hero
Maria Josefa Gabriela, also known as Gabriela Silang was born on March 19, 1731 in Caniogan, Santa,
Ilocos Sur. She was married to Don Tomas Millan a wealthy and known businessman in Ilocos. Shortly,
after their marriage, Millan died of old age. Gabriela met Diego Silang, a man of great intelligence,
courage and determination who believed and fought towards the independence of the Filipino people.
The two wed in 1757 and in 1762, she joined the revolt against the Spaniards alongside Diego. His revolt
was successful at first but was derailed by fellow locals, Pedro Becbec and Miguel Vicos, who sided with
the Spaniards. Miguel Vicos, along with the hated and dreaded Spanish officials, orchestrated Diego’s
assassination on May 28, 1763.
After Diego was assassinated, Gabriela vowed to avenge his death, and to continue the struggle. She was
in great affliction, but had no time to lose. The rebels lost hope after the death of their leader. None of
the men stepped up to be the new face of the rebellion. So Gabriela did something very heroic, and took
her husband’s place as the leader of the rebellion. She greatly armed herself and informed the people
that the struggle was far from over. She soon gained more followers. Gabriela began to assist people
living in other cities. The people began to call her “Henerala” which meant woman general and were
gratified that Diego’s fighting spirit was continued with Gabriela.