RHIST Midterm Handouts

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CUSTOMS AND WORSHIPS OF Pleiades – seven sisters or M45

Mapulon – change of seasons
TAGALOG Balatik – greater bear
 Author’s background Licha – idols that are images with
different shapes
Juan de Plasencia
Buaya – waterlizards; crocodilles
- family of Portocarreros;
Tigmamanuguin – bird singing in the
Extremadura, Spain; 16th century
- seven siblings of Pedro
Buyos – a small fruit wrapped in leaf
Portocarrero, Spanish Schooner;
with some lime
Spanish Friar; first batch
- spent his missionary life in the
Philippines; Luzon  Personalities
- Catecismo de la Doctrinal Cristiana Customs of Tagalog
1581 (Christian Doctrines in Tagalog; Datos – chiefs who governed them
first ever book printed in PH and were captains in their wars;
- initiated Reduction Policy; reduce or helped one another with their
resettle natives in central locations perspective…
Nobles – free-born whom they call
 Historical background of the Maharlica; after marriage, they could
not move from one village to another
as arranged among them
- talks about customs and traditions
Commoners - ordinary person
of Tagalogs; classification of social
without a ranking in life
classes in their barangays
Slave –
- information about the government,
1. Aliping sangguiguilid –
mode of dressing, the ornaments,
service within the house
administration of justice, inheritance
2. Aliping namamahay –
and marriage customs of Tagalogs
service living independently
back then.
Arbiters – said to give true judgment
- information about different
Alcaldes-Mayor – to whom decisions
religious and superstitious beliefs,
are given accompanied by an
their economic life and the languages
explanation for the absurbities which
and their system of writing
are to be fpund in their opinions are…

 Terminologies
Worship of Tagalog
Pandot – worship; celebrate a feast
Dian Masalanta – patron of the lovers
Sorihile – small lamps
and of the generation
Nagaanitos – where the whole
Bathala – whom the worship; title
barangay of family united and joined
seems or signify “all powerful or
in the worship
maker of all things”
Tala – morning star
Catalonan – a priest of the devil Lacapan and indianale - patrons of
either a man or a woman the cultivated lands and of the
Mangangauay – a priest of the devil husbandry
who deceived by pretending to heal Manggagayoma - a priest of the devil,
the sick; induced maladies by their made charms for lovers out of herbs,
charm, proportion to the strength stones, and wood which infuse the
and efficiency of the witchcraft heart with love.
capable of causing death Sonat - a priest of the devil,
Mangcocolam – a priest of the devil equivalent to a preacher, he
whose duty was to emit fire from predicted the salvation and
himself at night condemnation of the soul.
Hoclobon – a priest of the devil which Vibit and phantoms - ghosts, also
is another kind of witch, of greater known as Tigbalang
efficacy than the mangangauay Bayoguin - a priest of the devil,
without the use of medicine and by signified a Cotquean, a man whose
simply saluting or raising the hand, nature inclined toward that of a
they killed whom they chose: woman.
however, if the desired to heal Catalonan or sonat - a kind of internal
those… minister, who was a sort of bishop
Silagan – a priest of the devil who saw who ordained priestesses and
anyone clothed in white, to tear out received reverence, for they knelt
its liver and eat it, thus, causing his before him as before one who could
death pardon sins, and expected salvation
Magtatanal – a priest of the devil through him
which has the purpose to show
himself at night to many persons,  Places
without head or entrails Barangay - tribal gathering; origin
Osuang – a priest of the devil was a family of parents and children,
equivalent to a sorcerer; others seem relations and slaves
to saw him flying, murdered men and Village - composed of barangays
eat their flesh Casanaan - a place of punishment,
Pangatahojan - a priest of the devil, q grief, and affliction or a place of
soothsayer, and predicted the future. anguish
Sitan – demon Simbah - a temple or a place of
Aetas and negrillos (negritos) - adoration
inhabitants of the island Maca - paradise or village of rest
Patianac - made a sound of lamenting
Heathens - relating to people or
nations that do not acknowledge God
of the Bible but only the sun, moon,  Dates
star and the like.
July 2, 1578 - arrived at a port of the dowry was greater than the sum
Cavite, just a few kilometers South of given the other sons.
Manila If a man had a son from one
of his slaves as well as legitimate
 Economic children, the former had no share in
Agriculture in the plane lands, the inheritance, nit the legitimate
planting of rice, corn, banana, children were bound to free the
coconut, sugarcanes and other kinds mother and to give him something-
of vegetables and fruits. else or slave
Hunting in high lands If father were a chief; of if
Fishing in river banks and sea finally, anything else were given it
Ship building, weaving, poultry, was the unanimous consent of all.
mining and lumbering.
Domestic trade of different If besides the legitimate children, he
barangays by boat. had also some sons by a free
unmarried woman, to whom dowry
 Political was given but who was not
Dato/ Chief - governed them and considered as a real wife, all these
captains in their wars and whom were classed as a natural children.
people obeyed and revenced. In the case of a child of a free
Barangay - ruled by Dato or chief - married woman, born while she was
consist of 30 to hundred families married, if the husband punished the
together with their relatives and adulterer this was considered a
slaves. dowry; and the child entered with
the others in the partition in the
 Socio-cultural (Marriage)
Adoption children of whom
If maharlica and slave are
they are many among them,
married, their children are divided.
inherited the double of what was
The first, third and fifth belongs to
paid for Adoption.
the father while the second, fourth
Dowries we're given by the
and sixth belong to the mother.
men to the women's parent
If the father were slave all
In the case of divorce before the birth
those who belongs to him were also
of the children, if the wife left the
slave, and the same applied to the
husband for the purpose of marrying
another, all her dowry and an equal
Inheritance - legitimate children of a
additional amount fell to the
father and mother inherited equally.
husband, but if she left him and did
Dowry - when the parents give a
not marry another, the dowry was
dowry to any son, and when in order
to marry him to a chief’s daughter,
When the husband left his In case of young girls who first had
wife, he lost half of his dowry and the their monthly courses, their eyes
half was returned to him. were blindfolded four days and four
In case, upon the death of the nights: and in the meantime, friends
wife who in a year's time had born no and relatives we're all invited to
child, the parents returned the half of partake of food and drinks
the Dowries to the husband whose
wife had died. In case, upon the  Beliefs
death of the husband, one-half of the Mangangauay - wishes to deceived
dowry was returned to the relatives by pretending to heal the sick.
of the husband Manyisalat - same as Mangangauay’s
In the matter of Marriage power of applying remedies to lovers
Dowries which fathers bestow upon that they would abandon their own
their sons when they are about to wives and prevent having intercourse
married and half of the dowry is with latter.
given immediately, even when they Mancocolam - whose duty to emit
are only children, there is a great deal fire from himself at night, once or
more complexity. often each month.
Hocloban - which another kind of
 Religion witch of great efficacy of the
Worship/Pandot - celebrate a fest; Mangangauay; without the use of
whole barangay or family, United and medicine, and by simply saluting or
joined the worship and it is called raising the hand, they killed whom
Nagaanitos. they choose.
Bathala - signify " all powerful" or " Silagan - if they saw anyone clothed
maker of all things in white to tear out it's liver and eat
Practice Divination - to see whether it, thus causing death.
weapons were useful and lucky for Matatangal - his purpose was to
their possession show himself at night to many
Offering sacrifices - done in the front persons without his head or entrails.
of the idol, which they anoint the OSUANG - equivalent to sorcerer;
fragrance of perfume and praise it they have seen fly and that he
with poetic song sung by the murdered men and ate their flesh.
officiating priest called Catolonan. Osuang - priest of the devil,
Catolonan - they were accustomed to equivalent to a sorcerer. They say to
place a good piece of cloth, doubled have seen him fly and murdered men
over idol, and over the cloth a chain and ate their flesh.
or a large gold ring, thus worshipping Mangagayoma – they made charms
the devil without having a sight of for the lovers out of herbs, stones,
and wood which would infuse the instance, were both regarded as
heart with love. “witches” who performed deceitful
Maca (Paradise or village of rest) - healing procedures, A judgment
another life of the rest said by Infidels made by an outsider who knew
Casaan (Place of anguish) - in other nothing about the complexity of
life and morality there was a place of indigenous psych. What he failed to
punishment, grief, and affliction. realize is that in traditional cultures,
Tikbalang - ghost called vibit and these so-called “evil” practices were
phatoms an integral part of Filipino folk
Patianac - if any woman died in beliefs; and the early Tagalogs, in
childbirth, she and the child suffered reality, never considered them as
this punishment. acts of the devil.
Sonat - equivalent to Preacher - it Readers should recognize
was his office to help one die at certain biases of the author and how
which time he predicted the it affected the text that he produced.
salvation or condemnation of soul In the case of (Plasencia) , the reader
Pangatahojan - was a soothsayer and needs to understand that he was a
predicted the future. Spanish Friar, a missionary who went
Bayoguin - signified a COTQUEAN a to the Philippines and therefore a
man whose nature inclined toward view from the outsider. One should
that of a woman. be careful for some of these
information are described in a way
 Manner of burying the dead that it needs to be analyzed which
Chief - he was place beneath a little may be generalize and exaggerate. It
house or porch which they is better if the views will come from
constructed for this purpose. Filipinos for they know better what
Warrior - a living slave was tied really are our beliefs and traditions.
beneath his body until it is wretched Thus, the original work itself is a
way he died. product of observations and
Aetas or Negrillos (Negritos) - they judgements.
dug a deep, perpendicular hole and
placed the deceased within it.  Relevance
It served as the basis of Filipino
 Analysis writings in Philippine history. without
On the Worsip of Tagalog, the these documents, maybe we
ritualistic and superstitious beliefs of wouldn't know that Tagalog society
the Tagalogs were mocked by de has social organization since Filipinos
Placencia, by coming up with various of the past did not leave any written
categories of devil-ish beliefs. The records (Spanish sources are all that
mangagauay and mangagayoma, for exist). -we wouldn't be able to
realized that there were customs and  Politics and Revolution
traditions that exist the, and are still - In his short life, Jacinto helped to
existing up until now. -gives us the lead the fight for Filipino
ideas that Filipinos have identity. independence from Spain. He laid
out principles for the new
government envisioned by Bonifacio;
II. KARTILYA NG KATIPUNAN in the end, however, neither man
would survive to see the Spanish
"A nation is born into freedom on the day overthrown.
when such a people, moulded into a nation - After dropping out of college at the
by a process of cultural evolution and sense age of 20, Emilio joined the
of oneness born of common struggle and Katipunan, a secret revolutionary
suffering, announces to the world that it society.
asserts its natural right to liberty and is ready - Known as both the soul and the
to defend it with blood, life, and honor." brain “Utak ng Katipunan” in the
-Diosdado Macapagal revolutionary organization.
- Jacinto became the secretary,
 Author’s background directly reporting to the leader of the
Emilio Jacinto Katipunan. He also became the chief
- was born in 1875 on the 15th of advisor on fiscal matters concerning
December this secret society.
- he was the only son of Mariano - He served as the spokesperson for
Jacinto and Josefa Dizon. Shortly the Katipunan, as well as handling its
after he was born, his father passed finances.
away. - Jacinto wrote for the official
- this forced Josefa to send Emilio to Katipunan newspaper, the Kalayaan.
live with his uncle, Don Jose Dizon. - He also penned the official
- he received a good education, and handbook of the movement, called
was fluent in both Tagalog and the Kartilya ng Katipunan. He was
Spanish. placed in charge of writing the
- went to the San Juan de Letran guidebook for new and current
College briefly. Deciding to study law, members of the Katipunan.
he transferred to the University of - Despite his young age of just 21,
Santo Tomas, where a future Jacinto became a general in the
president of the Philippines, Manuel group's guerrilla army, taking an
Quezon, was among his classmates. active role in the fight against the
Spanish near Manila.
- When the leader of the Katipunan
passed away, Emilio continued to
carry out the wishes of Bonifacio.
- The Katipunan at this time had Andres Bonifacio
many factions and not all of them - Andres Bonifacio y de Castro was
operated in the same way in their born on November 30, 1863 in
efforts to gain their independence Tondo, Manila.
from Spain. As with his predecessor - His parents were Santiago Bonifacio
before him, Jacinto refused to join and Catalina de Castro.
with these factions who had different - He obtained his basic education
views. This included refusing to join through a certain Guillermo Osmeña
the Magdalo faction of the Katipunan of Cebu.
under the leadership of Emilio - At a young age, he was orphaned
Aguinaldo. and assumed the responsibility of
- Emilio Jacinto lived and fought the raising his younger siblings.
Spanish in Magdalena, Laguna. He - He is known as the Father of the
was seriously injured in a battle at Katipunan and leader of the
the Maimpis River in February of Philippine Revolution, and was the
1898, but found refuge in the Santa President of the Tagalog Republic.
Maria Magdalena Parish Church, - On 10 May 1897, Andres was shot
which now boasts a marker noting at Mount Nagpatong, near Mount
the event. Buntis in Maragondon, Cavite. This
- Although he survived this wound, event ended the life of the Supremo.
the young revolutionary would not
live for much longer. He died on April  Background of the Document
16, 1898, of malaria, at 23 years old. Etymology
- His life was marked with tragedy - The word "katipunan" (literally means
and loss, but Emilio Jacinto’s association) came from the root word
enlightened ideas helped to shape "tipon", an indigenous Tagalog word,
the Philippine Revolution. meaning: "society" or "gather together".
- As Jacinto himself put it in the Its official revolutionary name is Kataas-
Kartilya, "...That person is pure and taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan
truly noble, even though he was born ng mga Anak ng Bayan.
in the forest and knows no language - It was written around 1896.
but his own, who is possessed of
good character, is true to his word, About the Kartilya ng Katipunan
has dignity and honor, who does not - Served as a guide for those new
oppress others nor help their members of the organization, which
oppressors, who knows how to feel includes the rules and its principles.
for and care for his native land." - It was first written by Andres
Bonifacio, and was later revised by
Emilio Jacinto.
- Andres Bonifacio’s Dekalogo ng
Katipunan was not published for he
thought that the Kartilya drafted by 4. We are all equal, regardless of color
Emilio Jacinto was more superior of their skin; While one could have
than his Dekalogo so he adopted it as more education, wealth or beauty
the official primer of the Katipunan. than the other, none of them can
- The oath was documented and overpass one's identity.
signed with the blood of the 5. A life that is not dedicated to a noble
Katipuneros, or the blood compact and divine cause is like a tree without
among its members to which they a shade, if not, a poisonous weed.
swore at the Katipunan Creed; to 6. A deed that is motivated by self-
defend the oppressed and fight the interest or self-pity and done without
oppressor even to the extent of self- sincerity lacks nobility.
sacrifice. 7. True piety is the act of being
- It was one of the most important charitable, loving one's fellowmen,
document in the Katipunan and being judicious in behavior,
- The original title of the document speech and deed.
was "Manga Aral Nang Katipunan ng 8. We are all equal, regardless of color
A.N.B." of their skin; While one could have
more education, wealth or beauty
About the Dekalgo than the other, none of them can
- Originally titled Katungkulang overpass one's identity.
Gagawin ng mga A.N.B. (Duties of the 9. In the thorny path of life, the man
Sons of the People). leads the way and his wife and
- Written by Andres Bonifacio. children follow; If the leader goes the
- It was not published. way of evil, so do the followers.
- Both the Dekalogo and Kartilya 10. Never regard a women as an object
were written a hundred years ago at for you to trifle with; rather you
a time when the idea of nationhood should consider her as a partner and
was still a dream. a friend in times of need; Give proper
considerations to a woman's frailty
Kartilya ng Katipunan (English) and never forget that your own
1. A life that is not dedicated to a noble mother, who brought you forth and
and divine cause is like a tree without nurtured you from infancy, is herself
a shade, if not, a poisonous weed. such a person.
2. A deed that is motivated by self- 11. Do not do to the wife, children and
interest or self-pity and done without brothers and sisters of others what
sincerity lacks nobility. you do not want others to do to your
3. True piety is the act of being wife, children, and brothers and
charitable, loving one's fellowmen, sisters.
and being judicious in behavior, 12. A (person's) worth is not measured
speech and deed. by his/her status in life, neither by
the length of his nose nor the fairness
of skin, and certainly not by whether 5. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y
he is a priest claiming to be God's panunumpa.
deputy. Even if he is 6. Huwag mong sayangin ang panahon;
tribesman/tribeswoman from the ang yamang nawala’y mangyayaring
hills and speaks only of his/her own magbalik; ngunit panahong nagdaan
tongue, a (person) is honorable if na’y di na muli pang magdadaan.
he/she possesses a good character, is 7. Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi at
true to his/her word, has fine kabakahin ang umaapi.
perceptions and is loyal to his/her 8. Ang taong matalino’y ang may pag-
native land. iingat sa bawat sasabihin; at
13. When these teachings shall have matutong ipaglihim ang dapat
been propogated and the glorious ipaglihim.
sun of freedom begins to shine on 9. Sa daang matinik ng kabuhayan,
these poor islands to enlighten a lalaki ay siyang patnugot ng asawa’t
united race and people, then all the at mga anak; kung ang umaakay ay
loves lost, all the struggle and tungo sa sama, ang patutunguhan ng
sacrifices shall not be in vain. inaakay ay kasamaan din.
10. Ang babae ay huwag mong tingnang
Kartilya ng Katipunan (Tagalog) isang bagay na libangan lamang,
1. Ang buhay na hindi itinalaga sa isang kundi isang katuwang at karamay sa
dakilang adhikain ay punong kahoy mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan;
na walang lilim, kundi man damong gamitin mo nang buong pagpipitagan
makamandag. ang kanyang kahinaan at alalahanin
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat ang inang pinagbuhata’t nag-iwi sa
sa pagpipita sa sarili at hindi sa iyong kasanggulan.
talagang nasang gumawa ng 11. Ang di mo ibig gawin sa asawa mo,
kagalingan, ay di kabaitan. Ang tunay anak at kapatid, ay huwag mong
na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang- gagawin sa asawa, anak at kapatid ng
gawa, ang pag-ibig sa kapwa at ang iba.
isukat ang bawat kilos, gawa’t 12. Ang kamahalan ng tao’y wala sa
pangungusap sa talagang Katuwiran. pagkahari, wala sa tangos ng ilong at
3. Maitim man o maputi ang kulay ng puti ng mukha, wala sa pagka-paring
balat, lahat ng tao’y magkakapantay; kahalili ng Diyos, wala sa mataas na
mangyayaring ang isa’y higtan sa kalagayan sa balat ng lupa: wagas at
dunong, sa yaman, sa ganda; ngunit tunay na mahal na tao, kahit laking-
di mahihigtan sa pagkatao. gubat at walang nababatid kundi
4. Ang may mataas na kalooban, inuuna sariling wika; yaong may magandang
ang puri kaysa pagpipita sa sarili; ang asal, may isang pangungusap, may
may hamak na kalooban, inuuna ang dangal at puri; yaong di napaaapi’t di
pagpipita sa sarili kaysa puri. nakikiapi; yaong marunong
magdamdam at marunong lumingap and children for your brothers and
sa bayang tinubuan. countrymen.
13. Paglaganap ng mga aral na ito at 10. Punish any scoundrel and traitor and
maningning na sumikat ang araw ng praise all good work. Believe,
mahal na Kalayaan dito sa kaaba- likewise, that the aims of the K.K.K.
abang Sangkapuluan at sabugan ng are God-given, for the will of the
matamis niyang liwanag ang people is also the will of God.
nangagkaisang magkalahi’t
magkakapatid ng ligayang walang
katapusan, ang mga ginugol na
buhay, pagod, at mga tiniis na
kahirapa’y labis nang natumbasan. DEKALOGO

Decalogue of a Katipunan It is more literary and Only had points and dealt
1. Love God with all your heart. philosophical where it primarily with one’s duties to
2. Bear always in mind that the love of presented concepts of God, the country, his family,
God is also the love of country, and virtuous living lessons his neighbors, the Katipunan
this, too, is love of one's fellowmen. for self-reflection. and himself
3. Engrave in your heart that the true
measure of honor and happiness is to It spoke of honor, charity
It is more practical and
die for the freedom of your country. and self-sacrifice, but
tackled current social
4. All your good wishes will be crowned warned of penalty to the
traitor and disobedient
with success if you have serenenity,
constancy, reason and faith in all
your acts and endeavor.
5. Guard the mandates and aims of the  Content Analysis
K.K.K. as you guard your honor.
6. It is the duty of all to deliver, at the - The original version of Kartilya ng
risk of their own lives and wealth, Katipunan has 14 that contains the
anyone who runs great risks in the values that a Katipunero should possess.
performance of his duty. It tackles different aspects of a person’s
7. Our responsibility to ourselves and life. In which case, anyone may have
the performance of duties will be the different interpretations. Hence, it is
example set for our fellowmen to only appropriate to have a better
follow. understanding or explanation to its
8. Insofar as it is within your power, contents.
share your means with the poor and - It presented its concept of virtuous
the unfortunate. living as lessons for self-reflection, rather
9. Diligence in the work that gives than as direct prescriptions. It
sustenance to you is the true basis of established that it was the internal, not
love-love for yourself, for your wife
the external qualifications that make on earth. He observed that the
human greatness. Filipinos during his time were not
- Kartilya ng Katipunan was meant to free and the Spanish government
guide us in living our everyday life its and the Catholic Church enslaved
fullest. More importantly, it highlights them. During the same period,
the importance of having the right Freemasonry and its doctrine gained
attitude towards other people. popularity.
- Bonifacio had made the first version, - Hence, the creation of the
but he recognized the value and Katipunan. Followed by the written
intellect of Jacinto that upon seeing Decalogue by Andres Bonifacio, who
that Jacinto’s Kartilya was much better also had the same ideals as Emilio
than the Decalogue he wrote, he Jacinto.
willingly favored that the Kartilya be - The Kartilya ng Katipunan was
distributed to their fellow Katipuneros. written for the members of the
Katipunan who strongly believed in
these principles by Emilio Jacinto.
 Context - The Katipunan was a secret society
“The object pursued by this with a formal council, who shared
association is great and precious: to common ideas of the political and
unite in ideas and purposes all economic worldview in the
filipinos by means of a strong oath Philippines. Not only that, they acted
and from union derive force with upon what they believed.
which to tear the veil that obscures - The Spaniards persecution of the
intelligence and thus find the true innocent led them to the creation
path of reason and light.” this movement.
Three fundamental objectives of the
 Relevance of the document in
1. Political - separation of the the Philippine history
Philippines from Spain.
2. Moral - good manners, hygiene, - It is one of the Katipunan’s objective
good morals, and rejection of to give emphasis in morality and the
religious fanaticism and weakness of - Kartilya ng Katipunan was their
character. guide in order to achieve it.
3. Civic - self-help and the defense of The Document served as a basis as to
the poor and the oppressed. how our nation developed in living a
life with a set of rules, which
- Andres Bonifacio was born in an era contained good values.
when the natives were considered - The people in the organization lived
Indios and the Spanish friars were those lessons by heart and applied it
believed to be God’s representative
every single day; it was one of their - They even had a financial system,
acts of being patriotic. wherein each member rendered a
- It was one way of changing the payment of one peso upon entry and
Philippines for the better because another twelve and a half centimos
they worked and fought towards the every month, to fund their activities.
independence of the country. - Again, Bonifacio’s Decalogue was
- Led to the equality of races, origin, not chosen for the reason that he
education, and religion and gave thought Jacinto’s Kartilya ng
importance to the equality and rights Katipunan was superior to what he
of each citizen’s, especially the originally wrote.
women and the children.
 Overall assessment - As Filipinos, we should also strive to
know and live by the Kartilya ng
Katipunan for although it was made
for such reason, it can be applied
- The existence of the Kartilya ng
even today.
Katipunan is indeed unknown to
- Emilio Jacinto, who lived a short life
most Filipinos. The present
of 23, had already contributed one of
generation do not have enough
the most substantial writings in the
information or knowledge on what it
Philippines and as part of the
takes to become a member of the
Katipuneros. We ponder on the
Katipunan, and that it takes a lot of
thought of what more he could have
courage and great responsibility to
done for the Philippines, if not for his
enter such organization wherein you
fateful death.
wholeheartedly help your fellow
- Those who entered into the III. ACT OF DECLARATION OF THE
Association knew what they were PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE
getting themselves into. In other
words, they knew fully well the tasks  Author’s background
that would require their lives and the Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista
consequences if their actions were - December 7, 1830 – December 4,
that of betrayal. 1903
- The Katipuneros were genuinely - also known as Don Bosyong
committed and did not take their - was born in Biñan, Laguna to
movement lightly. They exhibited Gregorio Enriquez and Bautista
nationalism and patriotism. One Silvestra
factor of this would be the lives that - he attended preparatory school in
were at stake. Biñan and studied law at the
University of Santo Tomas (UST), on 1 May 1898 during the Spanish-
obtaining a degree in 1865. American War.
- a distant relative of the Rizal family - It was declared a national holiday
Bautista frequently provided advice and was witnessed by thousands of
to Philippine national hero Jose Rizal people who gathered in Kawit to
during his school days in Manila witness the historic event.
- he was a member of the La Liga - The declaration, however, was not
Filipina, Cuerpo de Compromisarios recognized by the United States or
and La Propaganda Spain, as the Spanish government
- In 1898, Bautista became the first ceded the Philippines (and other
adviser to President Emilio Aguinaldo Spanish colonial territories) to the
and subsequently wrote the United States in the 1898 Treaty of
Declaration of the Philippine Paris signed on 10 December 1898 in
Independence. consideration for any indemnity for
- On July 17, 1899, Bautista was Spanish expenses and assets lost.
elected to the position of president in - The United States of America
Tarlac’s Revolutionary Congress and proclaims and declares solemnly in
was later appointed judge of the the name of authority of the people
Court of First Instance of Pangasinan of Philippine Islands that they are and
- His purpose for writing the have the right to be free and
document was to declare the independent; that they have ceased
Independence and Freedom of allegiance to the Crown of Spain; that
Filipinos that they fought from the all political ties between them should
colonization of Spaniards be completely severed and annulled;
and that, like other free and
 About the document independent States, they enjoy the
- The document was translated by full power to make War and Peace,
Sulpicio Guevarra and do all other things which
Independent State has right to do.
Declaration of Philippine - And in punishment for the impunity
Independence with which the Government
- The Philippine Declaration of sanctioned the commission of abuses
Independence occurred in Kawit, by its officials, and for the unjust
Cavite on June 1898 where Filipino execution of Rizal and others who
revolutionary forces under General were sacrificed in order to please the
Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the insatiable friars in their hydropical
sovereignty and independence of the thirst for vengeance against and
Philippine Islands from Spanish extermination of all those who
colonization after the latter was oppose their Machiavellian ends,
defeated at the Battle of Manila Bay trampling upon the Penal code of
these Islands, and of those suspected
persons arrested by the Chiefs of Hinirang”, the National Anthem. The
Detachments at the instigation of the composer, Juan Filipe. Was a music
friars, without any form nor teacher from Cavite. The lyrics to the
semblance of trial and without any anthem were sourced a year after
spiritual aid of our sacred Religion; from the poem of Jose Palma entitled
and likewise, eminent Filipino priest, “Filipinas”.
Doctor Don Jose Burgos, Don - General Aguinaldo explained the
Mariano Gomez, and Don Jacinto symbolism of the Filipino flag. Each of
Zamora (GOMBURZA) were hanged the three colors has an appropriate
whose innocent blood was shed due meaning:
to the intrigues of these so-called 1. The lower red stripe represents
Religious corporations which made patriotism and valor
the authorities to believe that the 2. The upper blue stripe signifies peace,
military uprising at the fort of San truth and justice
Felipe in Cavite on the night of 3. The white triangle stands for
January 21, 1872 was instigated by Katipunan
those Filipino martyrs. 4. The three starts indicate the three
- Because of iniquitous measures of geographical areas of Luzon, Panay
oppressions, the first part of (Visayas) and Mindanao.
revolution broke out in Caloocan, 5. The eight rays of the sun refer to first
spread out to Santa Mesa and eight provinces of Manila, Bulacan,
continued its course to the adjoining Pampanga, Bataan, Laguna, Batangas
regions of the province were the and Cavite which took up arms
unequalled heroism of its inhabitants against Spain and were placed under
fought a one sided battle against martial law by the Spaniards at the
superior forces of General Blanco start of the Philippine Revolution in
and General Polavieja for a period of 1896.
3 months, without proper arms nor
ammunitions, except bolos, pointed Key personalities
bamboos, and arrows. - Don Segundo Arellano
- Don Tiburcio del Rosario
Philippine Flag - Sergio Matias
- The National Flag of the Philippines, - Don Agapito Zialcita
designed by General Aguinaldo and - Don Flaviano Alonzo
made in Hongkong by Mrs. Marcela - Don Mariano Legazpi
Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo and - Don Jose Turiano Santiago y Acosta
Delfina Herboza unfurled for the first - Don Aurelio Tolentino
time. - Don Felix Ferrer
- This was followed by the - Don Felipe Buencamino
performance of the “Marcha Filipina - Don Fernando Canon Faustino
Magdalo” now known as “Lupang
- Don Anastacio Pinzun - Don Guido Yaptinchay
- Don Gavino Masancay - Don Mariano Rianzares Bautista
- Don Narcisco Mayuga - Don Francisco Arambulo
- Don Gregorio Villa - Don Antonio Gonzales
- Don Luis Perez Tagle - Don Juan Antonio Gonzales
- Don Canuto Celestino - Don Juan Arevalo
- Don Marcos Jocson - Don Ramon Delfino
- Don Martin de los Reyes - Don Honorio Tiongco
- Don Ciriaco Bausa - Don Francisco del Rosario
- Don Manuel Santos - Don Epifanio Saguil
- Don Mariano Toribio - Don Ladislao Afable Jose
- Don Gabriel de los Reyes - Don Sixto Roldan
- Don Hugo Lim - Don Luis de Lara
- Don Emiliano Lim - Don Pastor Lopez de Leon
- Don Faustino Tinorio - Don Mariano de los Santos
- Don Rosendo Simon - Don Santiago Garcia
- Don Leon Tanjanque - Don Andres Tria Tirona
- Don Gregorio Bonifacio - Don Estanislao Tria Tirona
- Don Manuel Salanfranca - Don Daniel Trio Tirona
- Don Simon Villareal - Don Carlos Tria Tirona
- Don Buenaventura Toribio - Don Sulpicio P. Antony
- Don Gabriel Reyes - Don Epitacio Asuncion
- Don Fausto Tinorio - Don Catalino Ramon
- Don Rosendo Simon - Don Juan Bordador
- Don Leon Tanjanque - Don Jose del Rosario
- Don Gregorio Bonifacio - Don Proceso Pulido
- Don Manuel Salafranca - Don Jose Maria del Rosario
- Don Simon Villareal - Don Ramon Magcamco
- Don Calixto Lara - Don Antonio Calingo
- Don Buenaventura Toribio - Don Pedro Mendiola
- Don Zacarias Fajardo - Don Estanislao Galinco
- Don Florencio Manalo - Don Numeriano Castillo
- Don Ramon Gana - Don Federico Tomacruz
- Don Marcelino Gomez - Don Teodoro Yatco
- Don Valentin Politan - Don Ladislao Diwa
- Don Felix Politan
- Don Evaristo Demalanta
- Don Gregorio Alvarez
- Don Sabas de Guzman
- Don Esteben Fracisco
IV. FILIPINO GRIEVANCES students during the Philippines'
immediate post-WWII period, and
AGAINST GOVERNOR became very influential because of
WOOD their influence on the education of
first generation after Philippine
"I would rather have a country run independence.
like hell by Filipinos than a country
run like heaven by the Americans,  Historical background of the
because however bad a Filipino document
government might be, we can always About the Document
change it."—Manuel L. Quezon - The document as a form of protest
and served as an impeachment
 Author’s background request for Governor Wood. It was
Gregorio Zaide approved by the Commission on
- May 25, 1907 – October 31, 1988 Independence on November 17,
- He was a Filipino historian, author 1926 (Appointed: October 14, 1921
and politician from the town of until August 7, 1927).
Pagsanjan, Laguna - A year after this document was
- obtained his Master of Arts in the approved, Governor Leonard Wood
University of the Philippines died due to surgery failure.
(Manila), Bachelor of Arts and Doctor
of Philosophy degrees in University General Leonard Wood
of Santo Tomas. - Born on October 9, 1860, in
- most traveled Filipino historian, Winchester, New Hampshire
with teaching and research stints at - Died on August 7, 1926, age 66, in
various universities around the world Boston, Massachusetts
- one of the founders of the - Awards given: Medal of Honor, Army
International Association of Distinguished, Service medal
Historians of Asia (IAHA), and - Governor-General of the Philippines
president of the Philippine Historical (1921-1927)
Association for three terms - Chief of staff of the United States
- a multi-awarded author, wrote 67 Army (1910-1914)
books and more than 500 articles - Governor of Moro Province (1903-
about history, he is also known as 1906)
“Dean of Filipino Historiographers.” - Governor-General of Cuba (1899-
- As a politician, he served as the 1902
mayor of his hometown of Pagsanjan - Was present during Apache Wars,
from 1971 to 1975. Spanish-American War, Philippine-
- The earliest editions of Zaide's American War and World War 1
books were standard texts studied by
- On year, 1884, he graduated from - On 1920, he ran unsuccessfully for
Harvard Medical School the Republican nomination for
- On 1885, he began his military career president
as a civilian contract surgeon with the - On 1921, President Harding
U.S. Army in the Southwest appointed him to the Wood-Forbes
- On 1886, he earned a Medal of Honor Mission to the Philippines (governor-
for his conduct in the Geronimo general)
campaign - On 1927, he held the post
- On 1890, he married Laura Condit (Philippines) until forced to resign by
Smith a terminal illness
- On 1891, he was promoted to captain
- On 1895, he was made assistant Historical Context
attending surgeon in Washington, - Political parties joined: Republican
D.C., responsible for the care of and Democratic
senior government officials, including - Policies: Francis B. Harrison’s Policy
the president of Filipinization (Argued by the
- On, 1898, during the Spanish- Republican as PREMATURE)
American War, Wood and his friend - Supports: Republican sent the
Theodore Roosevelt recruited the 1st “WOOD-FORBES Mission”
U.S. Volunteer Cavalry (the famous - Results: Philippines was reported to
“Rough Riders”), of which Wood was be not yet prepared for
the commanding officer/colonel independence
- On 1899–1902, after the war he - Cognizant of General Wood's
served as military governor of Cuba participation in the liberation of
- On 1903-1906, he was transferred to Cuba, Filipinos expected that spirit of
the Philippines and served as the cooperation would be maintained
governor of the Moro Province in the and political emancipation would be
Philippine Islands complete.
- On 1906-1908, he commanded the - Contrary to expectations, his conduct
Department of the East and served as of government has been
a special ambassador to Argentina to characterized by a train of
celebrate that country’s centennial usurpations and arbitrary acts,
birthday resulting in the curtailment of our
- On 1910–1914, he became chief of autonomy, destruction of our
staff US Army constitutional system, and the
- On 1914-1917, he once again reversal of America’s Philippine
commanded the Department of the policy.
East 1917–1918 - trained the 10th
Division at Camp Funston during
World War I.
Usurpations and Arbitrary acts impelled the Filipinos to ask for the
- On an interview with Robert Law Bacon, justification of their demand to the
he asked what would happen if he left American people, to be able to vindicate
and he mentioned that everything will their rights by appealing to their
topple down, and there would be judgment and conscience through this
disorder among fellowmen and the document.
- The Filipinos expected that the spirit of  Relevance in today’s society
cooperation will be maintained during
his administration since it has been 20 - This historical account allows us to
years since there is a civil and mutual gain more insight and awareness to the
understanding between both American American Colonization in all its angles
and Filipinos after the Filipino – and viewpoints. In today’s time, we as
American War. citizens of this country, must be mindful
- Long-term effect in his administration is and of the governing body of our state.
the attempt to close the Philippine Acts of deceit and corruption among
National Bank which is vital in the government officials should be
country’s economic development since acknowledged more than ever. Like
the money that came from the people those before us, we must have the
only benefitted most of the Americans. courage to speak up our truth even if the
odds are never in our favor.
Executive Order No. 37
- The issuance of the Executive Order No.
37, culminated the line of conduct V. POLITICAL CARICATURES OF
wherein Wood has attempted to nullify THE AMERICAN ERA
laws creating the board of control and
assumed the function of that body. This
is evident when we recall the series of
usurpations committed by him. VI. CORAZON AQUINO’S SPEECH
 Overall assessment
- The Filipinos, having seen the THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS
arbitrary acts and usurpations
 Author’s background
conducted by General Wood, decided to
Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco
solemnly and publicly make known their
protest against his administration, more
- was born on January 25, 1933, in
specifically, his Executive Order No. 37.
the Tarlac Province
Their loyalty constrains them to
- attended school in Manila until the
denounce his foregoing acts as arbitrary,
age of 13
oppressive and undemocratic. This
- Finished her education in the - After three years in exile, Benigno
United States, first in Philadelphia Aquino returned to the Philippines
and later in New York City on August 21, 1983
- She graduated from the College of - He was killed by two soldiers soon
Mount St. Vincent in New York in after arriving.
1953, with a bachelor's degree in - Marcos was presumed to be behind
both French and mathematics. the killing
- Upon returning to the Philippines, - Benigno's assassination set off a
she enrolled in law school in wave of protests against Marcos'
Manila where she met Benigno administration. The opposition
Aquino, Jr. coalesced around Corazon Aquino.
- The couple married in 1954, and - While she gracefully dealt with her
would go on to have five children husband's death, Aquino evolved
together: one son and four into a national symbol of reform.
daughters. - With international pressure bearing
- Benigno soon abandoned a career down on his administration,
in journalism for politics. With Marcos unexpectedly called for
Corazon at his side, he quickly presidential elections in February
established himself as one of the 1986.
country's brightest young leaders. - Marcos' opposition chose Aquino as
- Over the span of just two decades, their candidate.
he was elected mayor, the - When she narrowly lost the
governor and, finally, senator. election, Aquino and her
Along the way, he challenged the supporters challenged the results.
rule of the country's president, - Quickly, Marco's fortunes began to
Ferdinand Marcos turn. The army, and then the
- Elected to the presidency in 1965, defense minister, soon declared
Marcos’ administration was marred support for Aquino, prompting
by corruption, human rights Marcos to seek exile in Hawaii.
violations and political repression. - Aquino was sworn into office on
In 1972, Marcos declared martial February 25, 1986, becoming the
law, effectively stripping his citizens first female president of the
of their democratic rights and Philippines.
arresting key opposition leaders, - That same year, she was named
including Benigno Aquino, who TIME magazine's Woman of the
spent seven years in jail before Year.
being permitted to relocate with his - During her six years as the country's
family to the United States in 1980. president, Aquino ended off
coup attempts by Marcos
supporters, and struggled to
address her country's economic 2.
problems. The speech was delivered
- In 1992 she left office, and was September 18, 1986, 7 months
succeeded by her former defense after the EDSA revolution (Feb
secretary, Fidel Ramos. 25,1986), 3 years after the
- Aquino did not go quietly into assassination of Senator Benigno
retirement. Instead, she ran a think Aquino (1983) at Washington DC,
tank on non-violence and U.S. Congress. The intentions of the
periodically helped lead street speech were to declare the freedom
protests against the policies of of the Filipinos from the Marcos
endorsed by her successors. regime, to mark a new beginning for
- In 2008, she learned she had colon the Filipinos and to its government,
cancer. She passed away on August and to appeal for financial
1, 2009. assistance by informing the
Americans about the Philippines’
Teodoro “Teddy Boy” L. Locsin Jr.
state. Corazon Aquino has the right
- Filipino politician, diplomat, lawyer,
to be the spokesperson of the people
and former journalist who served as
who suffered under Martial Law
congressman for the first District of
because her own family is a victim of
Makati from 2001-2010.
it and as the president it was her
- Later served as Philippine
responsibility to be the leading force
Ambassador to the United Nations
of change that will uplift her people
from 2017-2018.
to the eyes of foreigners, asking for
- was former Cory Aquino’s Executive
financial aid and helping restore
Secretary during her administration
democracy by means of democracy.
- told the back-story of the said
She spoke as a victim of Marcos’ cruel
speaking engagement in a
regime, as the faithful wife of Senator
certain news program during Cory’s
Benigno Aquino, as the People’s
Champion, and as the Mother of
Asian Democracy.
 Content Analysis
1. 3.
- Bone Cancer The first part of her speech
- Soldier Support focuses on her grief about her
- Craniofacial Acceptance husband's death and said that her
- Remembering Black Sunday husband's murder caused the
Bushfire victims country to find faith in democracy.
- Giving prisoners a second chance at The following paragraphs tackled
life about their challenges in life the
- Suicide Prevention Awareness three times they lost Ninoy, the
- Cory Aquino’s death dictator's cruel attempts to break
Ninoy but how Ninoy stood through. It is inconsistent in the
heroically firm and how the traitor sense that it has too many scattered
demolished democracy. Cory points (mentioning Ninoy,
narrated her perspective as the defaming Marcos, etc.) that leads to
"people's champion" on the one simple main point which is to
revolution that brought her seek for financial aid.
peacefully to power as the president.
She described Filipinos as people 6. Main Argument
willing to give anything just to President Corazon Aquino
achieve democracy. She described point outs the abuses of Marcos with
how democracy was achieved under his power and how much he grapples
the most difficult of circumstances it. But more importantly, the speech
and her ways to bring back is mostly about how the Philippines
democracy and restoring full have recovered its freedom
constitutional government. She also and what should be done next to
mentioned the 26B dollar foreign repair the monstrosity that the last
debt and that the Filipinos would regime had created in the
honor it despite not having received economy, politics, and the society of
its benefits. the said country. Beneath all this
She once again appealed to story-telling also lies the main.
the audience by strengthening the
national commitment of the Filipinos
7. Short-comings
despite the many challenges and
problems they just faced and She lacked statistical and
continue to face using it as her key numerical facts as to why the
point to why the American's should Philippines need financial aid. She
extend financial help to the country focused more on telling a story,
that fought for their own freedom. appealing to emotions, selling the
Filipinos as nationalistic people to
4. Biases appeal for aid when she could have
The speech is obviously tried to be more factual and
biased against the Marcos and is very objective.
positive towards Corazon’s husband
Benigno. 8. Relevance
- Shows the importance of
democracy not just in our
5. Inconsistencies
government system but also in our
The goal of the speech is hard society.
to identify and at first appeared - The speech serves as a reminder
as a story-telling of the challenges that once absolute power is granted
the Filipinos and Cory’s family went into a wrong person, abuse and
corruption will be widespread into Secondary Source
his administration. Artists base their
- Informed the world regarding the interpretation of the primary source.
challenges the Filipinos went They would sometimes illustrate
through but also one of their historical events based on their
greatest moment in Philippine research.
- Managed to gain monetary aid from  Art Analysis
the Americans and strengthen
bonds with foreign countries Aspects
- Visual Elements or Content
- Design principles or Form
VII. WORKS OF JUAN LUNA AND - Communication, Meaning or
 History in Art Ways
- Art can be an act of individual Formal Analysis
insight like writing, but if it gains - Description of what and how
public regard, it can act as a mirror the artist did his painting
upon shared experiences – as - What are the principles or
opposed to written accounts which style did he employ?
is more individualistic. - What technique and medium
- Visual art is more holistic. Not only were used in the art?
can it communicate in a glance what Contextual Analysis
may have otherwise have taken a - Description of how the
thousand words, but communicate artwork impacts the world
feelings and intuitions beyond the - Context for creation and
possibilities of words. reception during the time
- What is the purpose of
creating the art?
 Art as a:
- What influenced the creation
of the artwork?
Primary Source
Historians use art to learn
about the culture of socially invisible
people. Many of whom were
illiterate and had no capacity to
provide written and recorded
 Juan Luna accused his wife Paz of having an affair
- Juan Luna y Novicio, “The First with a Surgeon Monsieur Dussaq.
Internationally known Painter” Finally, in a fit of jealousy, he killed his
- Born on October 23, 1857 in Badoc, wife and mother-in-law and wounded
Ilocos, Philippines. his brother-in-law, Felix, on September
- He was an Ilocano Filipino painter, 23, 1892. (Lopez Memorial Museum,
sculptor and a political activist of the 2018)
Philippine Revolution during the late - He travelled to Hong Kong and died
19th century. there on December 7, 1899 from a
- He became one of the first recognized heart attack.
Philippine artists. - His remains were buried in Hong
- He was the third among the seven Kong and in 1920 were exhumed and
children of Don Joaquin Luna de San kept in Andres Luna's house, to be
Pedro y Posadas and Doña Laureana later transferred to a niche at the
Novicio y Ancheta. Crypt of the San Agustin Church in
- Don Lorenzo Guerrero, the first the Philippines.
painting tutor of Juan Luna, easily - The young Luna received his early
recognized the young man's natural education at the Ateneo
talent and persuaded his parents to Municipal de Manila and later at
send him to Spain for advanced the Escuela Nautica de Manila.
painting lessons. Whenever his ship was in port in
- He took drawing lessons under the Manila, he took painting lessons in
illustrious painting teacher Lorenzo the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura
Guerrero of Ermita, Manila. (Academy of Drawing and
- He excelled in painting and drawing, Painting) of Fr. Agustin Saiz.
and was influenced by his However, because of his vigorous
brother, Manuel Luna, who, according brush strokes it displeased his
to Filipino patriot Jose Rizal, was a teacher and later on was discharged
better painter than Juan himself. from the academy.
- Juan married Paz (Chiching) Pardo de - Entered the Escuela de Bellas Artes
Tavera y Gorricho with whom he had de San Fernando in Madrid, where, in
two children, Andres Luna San Pedro, a year’s time, he won the only
and Maria de la Paz, but the latter died academic prize of his school.
at early ages. (Luzadas, 2010) A lot of art critics
- Luna became a friend of the King of would describe Luna’s painting style
Spain who was an art enthusiast as Vigorous and realistic
himself. characterized by drama and bravura,
- In 1884, Luna's huge painting that one can easily trace artistic
(Kiddle.co, 2019) “Spoliarium”, won influences of Michelangelo and
the first Gold Medal at the Exposicion Rafael.
Nacional de Bellas Artes in Spain. - He acknowledged having been influenced
- Luna was fond of painting his wife. by Rembrandt, the romantic Delacroix
However, the jealous Luna frequently and Daumier, Impressionist masters. His
movement is more of an impressionism,
realism and romanticism. Luna also - There is no definite number on how
painted literary and historical scenes, many Juan Luna’s paintings, since that
some with an underscore of political some of his works are burned, but there
commentary. are 25 collections of some of his
- His allegorical works were inspired with masterpieces.
classical balance, and often showed - His work Spoliarium is now in the
figures in theatrical poses. National Museum of Fine Arts here in the
- Medium used in painting was oil on Philippines and there were atleast six (6)
canvas and oil on wood. version of España y Filipinas which was
- Juan Luna's usual themes are realism, bought by the National Gallery of
tragedy, drama, and dynamics, because Singapore for its permanent collection
for him the scenario mirrors the on-going another for the collection of Prado, on
happenings of his countrymen under the loan to the Ayutamiento de Càdiz and
Spanish colonial masters. lastly, to the undated reduced copy
- Here in the Philippines, Juan Luna still presently in the Lopez Memorial
have a great impact on aspiring artists and Museum. Also, the La Muerte de
contributed our history. Not only here in Cleopatra can also be found on the
the Philippines, but also to other National Gallery of Singapore. The Blood
countries. Luna’s fame spread far and Compact is currently displayed at the
wide; he was acclaimed both in Europe Malacañang Palace. Meanwhile, The
and at home, yet there were skeptical Battle of Lepanto is in Palacio del Senaso
Spaniards who took his race against him. in Madrid. Lastly, the Parisian Life is
Rizal defended him by saying, “Genius has owned by GSIS Museum and is currently
no country, genius burst forth exhibited at the National Museum of the
everywhere, is like light and air – the Philipines.
patrimony of all; cosmopolitan as space,
as life as God.”
- His painting, Dafnis y Cloe, won the silver
Works of Juan Luna
palette award in 1883 from the Liceo 1. The Death of Cleopatra
Artistico de Manila and La Muerte de
Cleopatra won the second-class silver - It was painted on 1881
medal at the 1881 Madrid Exposición - Depicted the Egyptian queen’s suicide
General de Bellas Artes. - It does not use an Orientalist style but
- In 1884, Luna won the First-class gold rather a Neoclassicist themes related
medal out of three in Madrid for his to Greek and Roman antiquity.
famous work Spolarium, which depicts - Now stored at the National Gallery of
the Roman history centered on the Singapore
bloody carnage brought by gladiatorial - sold for 5,000 Spanish Pesetas which
matches where the fallen and dying considered as the highest price of a
gladiators are dumped and devoid of their painting that time but later acquired
worldly possessions. In that said by the Spanish Government for 1,000
exhibition, Luna gained recognition Duros
among the connoisseurs and art critics
women face away from us, there is a
remarkable depth of expression in the
2. Spoliarium
- It was a masterpiece created in 1884 - This painting shows his mastery of
- Latin word referring to the basement nineteenth century visual conventions.
of the Roman Colosseum where the - the painting was made for Luna's
fallen and dying gladiators are friend, the nationalist intellectual
dumped and devoid of their worldly Pedro Paterno.
- Features a glimpse of Roman history
5. The Battle of Lepanto
centered on the bloody carnage
brought by gladiatorial matches. - The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7
- He had spent almost eight months to October 1571 between the Catholic
finish this painting. Holy League fleet led by Don Juan
Austria, a bastard son of Habsburg
emperor Charles V, and an Ottoman
3. The Blood Compact
fleet under Müezzinzade Ali Pasha.
- The Blood Compact was completed in - It was the Spanish senate through the
1886 influence of King Alfonso XII of Spain,
- Was painted during his four-year who commissioned Luna to paint The
pensionadoship from the Battle of Lepanto.
Ayuntamiento de Manila. - The Battle of Lepanto provides
- The blood compact is a testament to significance to the “Spanish victory
Legazpi’s tact and diplomacy as well as against the Turks”.
Sikatuna’s trusting nature.
- It is one of the three paintings Luna 6. The Parisian Life
gave the Government of Spain.
- The painting is also known
as Interior D’un Café or "Inside a
4. España y Filipinas Café", even titled in some books
as "The Maid" and "Un
- It is also known under its more
Coquette" or literally someone who
descriptive title Espana guinado a
is one step lower than prostitute
Filipinas al camino de progreso or
painted by Juan Luna
“Spain Leading the Philippines on Road
- Last major work Luna did during his
to Progress”
post-academic and life in Paris.
- It was painted in 1886 on oil on
- The Parisian Life has a “playful” and
“relaxed mood” that does not
- The work was painted at the height
provide “the slightest hint of the
of Luna's career, following his public
tumultuous happenings to come” in
acclaim for the monumental canvas
Luna’s personal life.
the Spoliarium.
- Parisian period, a time when his style
- The tension of color gives an
moved away from having “dark colors
unexplainable feeling, it is light and
of the academic palette” and became
almost soothing. Though the two
“increasingly lighter in color and - For seven months he sketched at the
mood”; as an artist. museums and on the streets of Madrid,
- In 1953, the artwork was given the experimenting with the use of light and
name of The Maid, followed by the color.
ownership of Prof. Emmanuel Torres in - Went to New York and discovered the
1963 where he gave the title of Un works of the postwar impressionists and
Coquette which identifies the woman cubists, who became the major influence
in the foreground as flirtatious, and on his works.
then was named as Interior d’Un Cafe - On his return to Manila, he set up his own
which literally means Inside the Cafe. studio.
- After the war Amorsolo served as director
Art Style of the College of Fine Arts of the
University of the Philippines, retiring in
- Impressionism, romanticism and 1950.
realism style from his study abroad - Married twice, he had 20 children, five of
- Oil on canvas and oil on wood whom became painters.
- Dark tones, rough and vigorous brush - He continued to paint even in his late 70s,
strokes despite arthritis in his hands.
- Literary and historical scenes with - Even his late works feature the classic
political undertone Amorsolo tropical sunlight
- he said he hated "sad and gloomy"
 Fernando Amorsolo paintings, and he executed only one
painting in which rain appears.
- He was born on May 30, 1892, in the Paco
- His trademark was later called his mastery
district of Manila.
of the “Philippine Sun”
- Parents: Pedro Amorsolo and Bonifacia
- died in 1972
- He was the “First National Artist” 1972
- Amorsolo would spend most of his
- The official title “Grand Old Man of
childhood in the small town setting
Philippine Art” was bestowed on
of Daet in Camarines Norte where his love
Amorsolo when the Manila Hilton
for the simple rural life would become the
inaugurated its art center on January 23,
foundation for his artistic output for which
1969 with an exhibit of a selection of his
he is most well-known.
- At 13 he was apprenticed to the noted
- Amorsolo was noted for his portraits
Philippine artist Fabian de la Rosa, his
- He is best known for his craftsmanship
mother's first cousin.
and mastery in the use of light.
- In 1909 Amorsolo enrolled at the Liceo de
- developed the backlighting technique
Manila and then attended the fine-arts
that became his trademark where figures,
school at the University of the Philippines,
a cluster of leaves, spill of hair, the swell
graduating in 1914.
of breast, are seen aglow on canvas.
- After working three years as a commercial
(greatest contribution to Philippine
artist and part-time instructor at the
university, he studied at the Escuela de San
- Amorsolo is best known for his
Fernando in Madrid.
illuminated landscapes, which often
portrayed traditional Filipino customs, 2. The Palay Maiden
culture, fiestas and occupations. - The Philippine version of the Greek
- His pastoral works presented "an ideal of the human form, basing the
imagined sense of nationhood in faces on members of his family.
counterpoint to American colonial rule" - Painted on 1920. In contrast to the
- Amorsolo rejected Western ideals of westernization of urban capital
beauty in favor of Filipino ideals and was
Manila, the work celebrates the
fond of basing the faces of his subjects on
pristine, rural Philippine countryside.
members of his family
- The Philippine collector Don Alfonso It emphasizes the importance of
Ongpin commissioned him to execute a Filipino national identity during the
portrait in absentia of Gen. Douglas height of American Colonial Rule.
MacArthur, which he did at great - The painting focuses on the country
personal risk. maiden, which is regarded by
- Painted Japanese occupation soldiers and Amorsolo as the epitome of Filipino
self-portraits. beauty and nature, which is
- He made oils of all the Philippine described as national pride and
presidents, including the revolutionary identity.
leader Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, and other - Women are the ones who harvest
noted Philippine figures. the rice while men plow the field. It
- He also painted many wartime scenes,
depicted the simplicity of life in the
including Bataan, Corner of Hell, and One
countryside (Visual Collection of
- Has more than 10,000 paintings Asian Masterpieces, n.d.).

Works of Fernando Amorsolo 3. The fruit pickers under the Mango

1. The making of the Philippine Flag - Start created during the rise of
- Have perpetuated the misleading
woman rights on year 1937
idea that the first Philippine flag was
- Painted on 1939 using oil on canvas
made by three grown-up women.
- The women are seen wearing their - Depicts the ideal Filipina beauty
traditional clothes despite being
situated in Hong Kong. 4. Bombing in Intendencia
- The main colors used in the painting - It was the Spanish government
was brown, red, blue and yellow. The custom house during the
mood and visual effect that this 19th century, which is located with
painting had is considered calm and the walled city of Intramuros.
serene contrary to the vibrant - First constructed in 1892, it was later
paintings of Amorsolo. rebuilt in 1876
- It was a work acquired by the Lopez
Museum in the mid-nineties.
- This was once again bombed by the VIII. MGA GUNITA NG
Americans during the Battle of
Manila in 1945

5. Defense of a Filipino woman’s honor

- Created January 1, 1945
- One of his war time paintings.
- Exhibited at Malacanang palace in
- Showcased the life of Filipinos under
Japanese rule

6. The Fruit Gatherers

- Painted on 1950
- Painted using oil on artist’s board and
belongs to his private collection
- This represents the hard workers that
are often not appreciated.
- Amorsolo’s conception of an ideal
beauty of Filipina; rounded face,
lively eyes, blunt form of nose but
firm and strongly marked, clear skin
or fresh colored type.

Art Style
- Idyllic and idealistic
- Oil on canvas
- Strokes of “perfection”, backlighting
technique or chairoscuro
- Nature, rural life, Filipino women

Additional information:
- Amorsolo’s last painting is Nena Belo,
the mother of Vicki Belo
- Luna’s Spolarium/Spoliarium was
used as the title of a song by
Eraserheads that depicts Pepsi
Paloma’s death

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