Idea Statica Connection Theoretical Background PDF
Idea Statica Connection Theoretical Background PDF
Idea Statica Connection Theoretical Background PDF
Theoretical background
March 2017
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2 CBFEM components ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Material model.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Plate model and mesh convergence ............................................................................................. 8
2.2.1 Plate model ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Mesh convergence................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Contacts ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Welds .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Direct connection of plates.................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Plastic welds ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Bolts ............................................................................................................................................ 15
2.6 Preloaded bolts ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.7 Anchor bolts ................................................................................................................................ 17
2.8 Concrete block ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.8.1 Design model ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.2 Resistance ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.8.3 Deformation stiffness .......................................................................................................... 21
3 Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Analysis model ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.2 Bearing member and supports ................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Equilibrium in node ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Loads ........................................................................................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Import loads from FEA programs ........................................................................................ 31
3.5 Strength analysis ......................................................................................................................... 32
3.6 Stiffness analysis ......................................................................................................................... 32
3.7 Member capacity design ............................................................................................................. 35
3.8 Design joint resistance ................................................................................................................ 36
3.9 Stability analysis .......................................................................................................................... 37
3.10 Deformation capacity................................................................................................................ 39
4 Check of components according to Eurocode.................................................................................... 41
4.1 Plates ........................................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Welds .......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 Fillet welds ........................................................................................................................... 42
4.2.2 Butt welds ............................................................................................................................ 43
4.3 Bolts ............................................................................................................................................ 44
4.4 Preloaded bolts ........................................................................................................................... 45
4.5 Anchors ....................................................................................................................................... 46
4.6 Concrete block ............................................................................................................................ 48
4.7 Shear in concrete block ............................................................................................................... 49
5 Check of components according to AISC ............................................................................................ 50
5.1 Plates ........................................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Welds .......................................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.1 Fillet welds ........................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.2 CJP groove welds ................................................................................................................. 52
5.3 Bolts ............................................................................................................................................ 53
5.3.1 Tensile and shear strength of bolts ..................................................................................... 53
5.3.2 Combined Tension and shear in bearing type connection .................................................. 53
5.3.3 Bearing strength in bolt holes ............................................................................................. 53
5.4 Preloaded bolts ........................................................................................................................... 54
5.5 Anchors ....................................................................................................................................... 55
5.5.1 Concrete breakout strength ................................................................................................ 55
5.5.2 Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear .................................................................. 55
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 4
1 Introduction
Beam members are preferred by engineers when designing steel structures. But there are many
points on the structure, where the theory of members is not valid, e.g. welded joints, bolted
connections, footing, holes in walls, tapering height of cross-section and point loads. The structural
analysis in such points is difficult and it requires special attention. The behaviour is non-linear and
the nonlinearities must be respected, e.g. plasticisation of material of plates, contact between end
plates or base plate and concrete block, one-sided actions of bolts and anchors, welds. National
codes, CSN EN1993-1-8 and also technical literature offer engineering solution methods. Their
general feature is derivation for typical structural shapes and simple loadings. The method of
components is used very often.
Components method
The components method solves the joint as system of interconnected items – components. The
corresponding model is built per each joint type to be able to determine forces and stresses in each
component – see the following picture.
Each component is checked separately using corresponding formulas. Because the proper model
must be created for each joint type, the method usage has limits when solving joints of general
shapes and general loads.
IDEA RS together with project team of Department of Steel and Timber Structures of Faculty of Civil
engineering in Prague and Institute of metal and timber structures of Faculty of Civil Engineering of
Brno University of Technology developed new method for advanced design of steel structure joints.
Name of the method is CBFEM – Component Based Finite Element Model – and it is:
• General enough to be usable for most of joints, footings and details in engineering practice.
• Simple and fast enough in daily practice to provide results in time comparable to current
methods and tools.
• Comprehensive enough to provide structural engineer clear information about joint
behaviour, stress, strain and reserves of individual components and about overall safety and
The CBFEM method is based on the idea, that the most of verified and very useful parts of CM should
be kept. The weak point of CM – its generality when analysing stresses of individual components –
was replaced by modelling and analysis using finite elements method.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 5
2 CBFEM components
FEM is a general method commonly used for structural analysis. Usage of FEM for modelling of joints
of any shapes seems to offer directly (Virdi, 1999). The elastic-plastic analysis is required. Steel
plasticises ordinarily in the structure. In fact, the results of linear analysis are useless for joints
FEM models are used for research purposes of joint behaviour, which usually apply spatial elements
and measured values of material properties.
FEM model of joint for research. It uses spatial 3D elements for both plates and bolts.
Both webs and flanges of connected member are modelled using thin plates in CBFEM model, for
which the known and verified solution is available.
The fasteners – bolts and welds – are the most difficult in the point of view of the analysis model.
Modelling of such elements in general FEM programs is difficult, because the programs do no offer
required properties. Thus special FEM components had to be developed to model the welds and
bolts behaviour in joint.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 6
Joints of members are modelled as massless points when analysing steel frame or girder structure.
Equilibrium equations are assembled in joints and after solving the whole structure internal forces on
ends of beams are determined. In fact, the joint is loaded by those forces. The resultant of forces
from all members in the joint is zero – the whole joint is in equilibrium.
The real shape of joint is not known in the structural model. The engineer only defines, if the joint is
assumed to be rigid or hinged.
It is necessary to create the trustworthy model of joint, which respect the real state, to design the
joint properly. Ends of members with length of 2-3 multiple of maximal cross-section height are used
in CBFEM method. These segments are modelled using plate/wall elements.
Theoretical (massless) joint and real shape of joint without modified member ends.
For better precision of CBFEM model, the end forces on 1D members are applied as loads on
segment ends. Sextuplets of forces from the theoretical joint are transferred to the end of segment –
the values of forces are kept, but the moments are modified by the actions of forces on
corresponding arms.
Segment ends at the joint are not connected. The connection must be modelled. So called
manufacturing operations are used in CBFEM method to model the connection. Manufacturing
operations especially are: cuts, offsets, holes, stiffeners, ribs, end plates and splices, angles, gusset
plates and other. Fastening elements are added to them – welds and bolts.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 7
The ultimate limit state criteria for regions not susceptible to buckling is reaching of a limiting value
of the principal membrane strain. The value of 5% is recommended (e.g. EN1993-1-5 app. C par. C8
note 1).
The limit value of plastic strain is often discussed. In fact that ultimate load has low sensitivity to the
limit value of plastic strain when ideal plastic model is used. It is demonstrated on the following
example of a beam to column joint. An open section beam IPE 180 is connected to an open section
column HEB 300 and loaded by bending moment. The influence of the limit value of plastic strain on
the resistance of the beam is shown in following picture. The limit plastic strain is changing from 2 %
to 8 %, but the change in moment resistance is less than 4 %.
40.4 40.8
Resistance [kNm]
41 39.65
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Plastic strain [%]
Influence of the limit value of plastic strain on the moment resistance
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The mesh of end plates is separate and independent on other connection parts. Default finite
element size is set to 16 elements per cross-section height as shown in figure.
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Following example of a beam to column joint shows the influence of mesh size on the moment
resistance. An open section beam IPE 220 is connected to an open section column HEA200 and
loaded by bending moment, as shown in following picture. The critical component is column panel in
shear. The number of finite elements along the cross-section height is changing from 4 to 40 and the
results are compared. Dashed lines are representing 5%, 10% and 15% difference. It is recommended
to subdivide the cross-section height into 8 elements.
beam height
Beam to column joint model and plastic strains at ultimate limit state
49 15%
Resistance [kNm]
47 10%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Number of elements on edge [-]
Mesh sensitivity study of a slender compressed stiffener of column web panel is presented. The
geometry of the example is taken from section 6.3. The number of elements along the width of the
stiffener is changed from 4 to 20. The first buckling mode and the influence of number of elements
on the buckling resistance and critical load are shown in following picture. The difference of 5% and
10% are displayed. It is recommended to use 8 elements along the stiffener width.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 10
bs 0 4 8 12 16 20
stiffener width Number of elements [-]
First buckling mode and influence of number of elements along the stiffener
on the moment resistance
Mesh sensitivity study of T-stub in tension is presented. The geometry of the T-stub is described in
section 5.1. The half of the flange width is subdivided into 8 to 40 elements and the minimal element
size is set to 1 mm. The influence of number of elements on the T-stub resistance is shown in
following picture. The dashed lines are representing the 5%, 10% and 15% difference. It is
recommended to use 16 elements on the half of the flange width.
T-stub resistance [kN]
190 15%
half of flange width
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Number of elements [-]
41 40.4
Resistance [kNm]
40 39.25
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Plastic strain [%]
Influence of the limit value of plastic strain on the moment resistance
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 11
2.3 Contacts
The standard penalty method is recommended for modelling of a contact between plates. If
penetration of a node into an opposite contact surface is detected, penalty stiffness is added
between the node and the opposite plate. The penalty stiffness is controlled by heuristic algorithm
during nonlinear iteration to get better convergence. The solver automatically detects the point of
penetration and solves the distribution of contact force between the penetrated node and nodes on
the opposite plate. It allows to create the contact between different meshes as shown. The
advantage of the penalty method is the automatic assembly of the model. The contact between the
plates has a major impact on the redistribution of forces in connection.
Example of separation plates in contact between web and flanges of two overlapped Z sections purlins
2.4 Welds
There exist several options how to treat welds in numerical models. Large deformations makes the
mechanical analysis more complex and it is possible to use different mesh descriptions, different
kinetic and kinematic variables, and constitutive models. The different types of geometric 2D and 3D
models and thereby finite elements with their applicability for different accuracy levels are generally
used. Most often used material model is the common rate-independent plasticity model based on
von Mises yield criterion. Two approaches which are used for welds are described.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 12
Equivalent load
This model does not respect the stiffness of the weld and the stress distribution is conservative.
Stress peaks, which appear at the end of plate edges, in corners and rounding, govern the resistance
along the whole length of the weld. To eliminate the effect three methods for evaluation of the weld
can be chosen
1. Maximal stress (conservative)
2. Average stress on weld
3. Linear interpolation along weld
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 13
2. Average stress
3. Linear interpolation
𝐿/ 𝐿
= ∫−𝐿/ 𝑞 𝑥 𝑥 =
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 14
Equivalent load
Weld throat
section Weld element
Equivalent solid
Multipoint constraint
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 15
2.5 Bolts
In the Component based finite element method (CBFEM) is component bolt with its behavior in
tension, shear and bearing by the dependent nonlinear springs. The bolt in tension is described by
spring with its axial initial stiffness, design resistance, initialization of yielding and deformation
capacity. The axial initial stiffness is derived analytically in guideline VDI2230. The model corresponds
to e peri e tal data, see Gödri h et al . For initialization of yielding and deformation capacity
is assumed that plastic deformation occurs in the threated part of the bolt shank only. The force at
beginning of yielding Fy,ini is
Fy,ini = fy,b At
where, fy,b is yield strength of bolts and At tensile area of the bolt. Relation gives for materials with
low ratio of the ultimate strength to yield strength higher values than design resistance Ft,Rd. To
assure a positive value of plastic stiffness it should be taken
𝑦, ≤ ,𝑅
Deformation capacity of the bolt c consists of elastic deformation of bolt shank el and plastic one of
the threated part only pl.
= + 𝑝
where kini is initial deformation stiffness of the bolt in tension according to guideline VDI2230, and
𝑝 = 𝑝
where, pl is limiting plastic strain, given by value 5%, and lt is length of threated part. The tensile
force is transmitted to the plates by interpolation links between the bolt shank and nodes in the
plate. The transfer area corresponds to the mean value of the bolt shank and the circle inscribed in
the hexagon of the bolt head.
The initial stiffness and design resistance of bolts in shear is in CBFEM modelled according to in cl. 3.6
and 6.3.2 in EN1993-1-8:2006. Linear behavior up to failure is considered.
The spring representing bearing has bi-linear force deformation behavior with initial stiffness and
design resistance according to in cl. 3.6 and 6.3.2 in EN1993-1-8:2006. Deformation capacity is
considered according to (Wald et al 2002) as
𝑝 =
Initialization of yielding is expected, see following figure, at
Fini = / Fb,Rd
2/3 Fb,Rd ks
el pl
Relative deformation,
Force deformation diagram for bearing of the plate
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 16
Interaction of axial and shear force in the bolt is considered according to Tab. 3.4 in EN1993-1-
8:2006. Only the compression force is transferred from the bolt shank to the plate in the bolt hole. It
is modelled by interpolation links between the shank nodes and holes edge nodes. The deformation
stiffness of the shell element, which models the plates, distributes the forces between the bolts and
simulates the adequate bearing of the plate.
Interaction of axial and shear force can be introduced in directly the analysis model. Distribution of
forces better reflects the reality (see enclosed diagram). Bolts with high tensile force take less shear
force and vice versa.
Preloading force of bolt with tensile stress area As to be used EN 1993-1-8 3.9 (3.7)
Fp,C = 0,7 fub As.
IDEA StatiCa Connection checks Service Limit State of preloaded bolts. If there is a slipping effect,
bolts do not satisfy the check. Then the Ultimate limit State can be checked as a standard bearing
check of bolts.
User can decide which limit state to be checked. Either it is resistance to major slip or ultimate state
in shear of bolts. Both checks on one bolt are not combined in one solution. It is assumed, that bolt
has standard behaviour after major slip and can be checked by standard bearing procedure.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 17
Moment load of connection has small influence to the shear capacity. But, we solved simply friction
check on each bolt separately by the equations (3.8). This check is implemented in FEM component
of bolt. There is no information in general way, if external tension load of each bolt is from moment
or from tension load of connection.
Ft,el kt
uel ut,Rd
Deformation, mm
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 18
, =
∙ − +
𝑅 −𝑅
= ∙ ; =
∙𝐴− ∙
,𝑅 = ∙ ; =
Rm Re = Rp02 A E c1 c2
[MPa] [MPa] [%] [MPa] [-] [-]
The stiffness of the anchor bolt in shear is taken as the stiffness of the structural bolt in shear. The
anchor bolt resistance is evaluated according to ETAG 001 Annex C or prEN1992-1-4.2015. Steel
failure mode is determined according to cl. in EN 1993-1-8.
2.8.2 Resistance
The resistance of concrete in 3D compression is determined based on EN 1993-1-8:2006 by
calculating the design bearing strength of concrete in the joint fjd under the effective area Aeff of the
base plate. The design bearing strength of the joint fjd is evaluated according to Cl. 6.2.5 in EN 1993-
1-8:2006 and Cl. 6.7 in EN 1992-1-1:2005. The grout quality and thickness is introduced by the joint
coefficient jd. For grout quality equal or better than quality of the concrete block is expected jd =
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 19
1,0. The effective area Aeff under the base plate is estimated to be of the shape of the column cross-
section increased by additional bearing width c
3 fj M0
where t is the thickness of the base plate, fy is the base plate yield strength, c is the partial safety
factor for concrete and M0 is the partial safety factor for steel.
The effective area is calculated by iteration until the difference between additional bearing
widths of current and previous iteration | − − | is less than 1 mm.
The area where the concrete is in compression is taken from results of FEA. This area in
compression Acom allows to determine the position of neutral axis. The intersection of the area in
compression Acom and the effective area Aeff allows to assess the resistance for generally loaded
column base of any column shape with any stiffeners. The average stress σ on the effective area Aeff
is determined as the compression force divided by the effective area. Check of the component is in
stresses 𝜎 ≤ 𝑓 .
This procedure of assessing the resistance of the concrete in compression is independent on
the mesh of the base plate as can be seen in figures bellow. Two cases were investigated: loading by
pure compression 1200 kN, and loading by combination of compressive force 1200 kN and bending
moment 90 kN.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 20
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of elements [-]
Influence of number of elements on prediction of resistance of concrete in compression in case of pure compression
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of elements [-]
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 21
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 22
3 Analysis
3.1 Analysis model
New components method (CBFEM – Component Based Finite Element Model) enables fast analysis
of joints of several shapes and configurations.
The analysis FEM model is generated automatically. The designer does not create the analysis FEM
model, he creates the joint using manufacturing operations – see the picture.
Each manufacturing operation adds new items into the connection – cuts, plates, bolts, welds.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 23
Fin plate connection. The connection can transfer only loads in XZ plane – internal forces N, Vz, My.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 24
Gusset connection – connection of truss member. The connection can transfer only axial force N.
Each joint is in the state of equilibrium during analysis of the frame structure. If the end forces of
individual members are applied to detailed CBFEM model, the state of equilibrium is met too. Thus it
would be not necessary to define supports in analysis model. However, for practical reasons, the
support resisting all translations is defined in the first end of bearing member. It does influence
neither state of stress nor internal forces in the joint, only the presentation of deformations.
Appropriate support types respecting the type of individual members are defined at ends of
connected members to prevent occurrence of instable mechanisms.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 25
The difference between modes is shown on following example of T-connection. Beam has end
bending moment 41kNm. There is also pressure normal force 100kN in column. In case of simplified
mode the normal force is not taken into account because the column is supported on both ends.
Program shows only effect of bending moment of beam. Effects of normal force are analysed only in
full mode and they are shown in results.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 26
Simplified method is easier for user, but it can be used only in case, when user is interested in
studying of connection items and not the behaviour of whole joint.
For cases where the bearing member is heavily loaded and close to its limit capacity the advanced
mode with respecting of all internal forces in the joint is necessary.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 27
3.4 Loads
End forces of member of the frame analysis model are transferred to the ends of member segments.
Eccentricities of members caused by the joint design are respected during transfer.
The analysis model created by CBFEM method corresponds to the real joint very precisely, whereas
the analysis of internal forces is performed on very idealised 3D FEM 1D model, where individual
beams are modelled using centrelines and the joints are modelled using immaterial nodes.
Internal forces are analysed using 1D members in 3D model. There is an example of courses of
internal forces in the following picture.
The effects caused by member on the joint are important to design the joint (connection). The
effects are illustrated in the following picture:
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 28
Moment M and force V act in theoretical joint. The point of theoretical joint does not exist ni CBFEM
model, thus the load cannot be applied here. The model must be loaded by actions M and V, which
have to be transferred to the end of segment in the distance r
Mc = M – V . r
Vc = V
In CBFEM model, the end section of segment is loaded by moment Mc and force Vc.
When designing the joint, its real position relative to the theoretical point of joint must be
determined and respected. The internal forces in the position of real joint are mostly different to the
internal forces in the theoretical point of joint. Thanks to the precise CBFEM model the design is
performed on reduced forces – see moment Mr in the following picture:.
Course of bending moment on CBFEM model. The arrow points to the real position of joint.
When loading the joint, it must be respected, that the solution of real joint must correspond to the
theoretical model used for calculation of internal forces. This is fulfilled for rigid joints, but the
situation may be completely different for hinges.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 29
It is illustrated in the previous picture, that the position of hinge in the theoretical 1D members
model differs from the real position in the structure. The theoretical model does not correspond to
the reality. When applying the calculated internal forces, significant bending moment is applied into
the shifted joint and the designed joint is overlarge or cannot be designed either. The solution is
simple – both models must correspond. Either the hinge in 1D members model must be defined in
the proper position or the courses of internal forces must be shifted to get the zero moment in the
position of hinge.
Shifted course of bending moment on beam. Zero moment is at the position of hinge.
The shift of internal force course can be defined in the table for internal forces definition.
The location of load effect has big influence for the correct design of the connection. To avoid all
misunderstandings we allow user to select from options – In node/ In bolts/ In position.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 30
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 31
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 32
• Analysis termination at reaching the ultimate limit state. The state is found in which all
checks of structure are still satisfactory. In the case that the defined load is higher than the
calculated capacity, the analysis is marked as non-satisfying and the percentage of used load
is printed.
The second mode is more suitable for practical design. The first one is preferable for detailed analysis
of complex joints.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 33
Loads can be applied only on the analysed member. If bending moment My is defined, the rotational
stiffness about y-axis is analysed. If bending moment Mz is defined, the rotational stiffness about z-
axis is analysed. If axial force is defined, the axial stiffness of connection is analysed.
Program generates complete diagram automatically, is directly displayed in GUI and can be added
into the output report. Rotational or axial stiffness can be studied for specific design load. IDEA
StatiCa Connection can also deal with the influence of other internal forces.
Diagram shows:
• Level of design load
• Limit value of capacity of connection for 5% equivalent strain
• Limit value of capacity of connected member (useful also for seismic design)
• 2/3 of limit capacity for calculation of initial stiffness
• Value of initial stiffness
• Limits for the classification of connection – rigid and pinned
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 34
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Connections designed on maximal moment usually need to be much more stiffed than connections in
regular structures.
Connected member is not checked. It has to be properly designed in the global analysis of the
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 37
Designer usually solve the task to design the connection/joint to carry the know design load. But it is
also useful to know how far the design from the limit state is, in fact how big is the reserve in the
design and how safe it is. This can be done simply by the new type of analysis – Design joint
User input design load like in standard design. Software automatically proportionally increases all
load components until one of checks does not satisfy. User gets the ratio of maximal load to the
design load. Also simple diagram is provided.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 38
The critical buckling factor αcr is determined, which is obtained using FEM analysis of linear stability.
It is determined automatically in the developed software using the same FEM model as for
calculation of αult,k. It should be noted that the critical point in terms of plastic resistance is not
necessary assessed in first critical buckling mode. More buckling modes need to be assessed in a
complex joint, because they are related to different parts of the joint.
The non-dimensional plate slenderness λp of the examined buckling mode is determined:
p (1)
The reduction buckling factor ρ is determined according to Annex B of EN 1993-1-5. The reduction
factor is depending on the plate slenderness. The used buckling curve shows the influence of
reduction factor on the plate slenderness. The provided buckling factor applicable to non-uniform
members is based on the buckling curves of a beam. The verification is based on the von-Mises yield
criterion and reduced stress method. Buckling resistance is assessed as:
ult,k .
1 (2)
Buckling reduction factor ρ [-]
Annex B
0 1 2 3 4
Plate slenderness p [-]
Although the process seems to be trivial it is general, robust and easily automated. The advantage of
the procedure is the advanced FEM analysis of the whole joint, which can be applied to general
geometry. Moreover it is included in valid Eurocode standards. The advanced numerical analysis
gives quick overview of the global behaviour of the structure and its critical parts and allows fast
stiffening to prevent instabilities.
The limit slenderness λp is provided in Annex B of EN 1993-1-5 and sets all cases which must be
assessed according to previous procedure. The resistance is limited by buckling for plate slenderness
higher than 0.7. With the decreasing slenderness is the resistance governed by plastic strain. The
limit critical buckling factor for plate slenderness equal to 0.7 and buckling resistance equal to plastic
resistance may be obtained as follows:
ult,k 1
cr 2
p 0,7 2
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 39
It is recommended to check the buckling resistance for critical buckling resistance smaller than 3. The
influence of plate slenderness on the plastic resistance Mult,k and buckling resistance MCBFEM is shown
in figure bellow. The diagram shows the results of a numerical study of a triangular stiffener in a
portal frame joint.
M / V [kNm / kN]
0.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8
Plate slenderness p [-]
The influence of plate slenderness on the resistance of portal frame joint with slender stiffener
where d the column web panel width, tw is the web thickness and ≤ √ /𝑓𝑦 is the steel yield
strength ratio.
In cl 6.4.2(2) is limited the plastic distribution between the bolt rows, for joints with a bolted end-
plate connection provided that the design moment resistance of the joint is governed by the design
resistance of the column flange or the beam end-plate in bending or the thickness t of either the
column flange or the beam end-plate or tension flange cleat satisfies:
≤ , √𝑓 /𝑓𝑦 (3.11.2)
where d and fu.b are the diameter and strength of the bolt and fy is the yield strength of the relevant
The rotation capacity φCd of a welded beam-to-column connection may be assumed to be not less
that the value given by the following expression provided that its column web is stiffened in
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 40
compression but unstiffened in tension, and its design moment resistance is not governed by the
design shear resistance of the column web panel, see 6.4.2(1):
φCd = 0,025 hc / hb ... (3.11.3)
where hb is the depth of the beam and hc is the depth of the column. An unstiffened welded beam-
to-column joint designed in conformity with the provisions of this section, may be assumed to have a
rotation capacity φCd of at least 0,015 radians.
The estimation of the rotation capacity is important in connections exposed to seismic, see (Gioncu
and Mazzolani, 2002) and (Grecea 2004), and extreme loading, see (Sherbourne AN, Bahaari, 1994
and 1996). The deformation capacity of components has been studied from end of last century (Foley
and Vinnakota, 1995). Faella et al (2000) carried out tests on T-stubs and derived for the deformation
capacity the analytical expressions. Kuhlmann and Kuhnemund (2000) performed tests on the
column web subjected to transverse compression at different levels of compression axial force in the
column. Da Silva et al (2002) predicted deformation capacity at different levels of axial force in the
connected beam. Based on the test results combined with FE analysis deformation capacities are
established for the basic components by analytical models by Beg et al (2004). In the work are
represented components by non-linear springs, and appropriately combined in order to determine
the rotation capacity of the joint for the end-plate connections, with an extended or flush end-plate,
and welded connections. For these connections, the most important components that may
significantly contribute to the rotation capacity column were recognised as the web in compression,
column web in tension, column web in shear, column flange in bending, and end-plate in bending.
Components related to the column web are relevant only when there are no stiffeners in the column
that resist compression, tension or shear forces. The presence of a stiffener eliminates the
corresponding component, and its contribution to the rotation capacity of the joint can be therefore
neglected. End-plates and column flanges are important only for end-plate connections, where the
components act as a T-stub, where also the deformation capacity of the bolts in tension is included.
The questions and limits of deformation capacity of connections of high strength steel was studied by
Girao at al (2004).
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 41
4.1 Plates
The resulting equivalent stress (HMH, von Mieses) and plastic strain are calculated on plates. The
stress check cannot be performed, because the stress reaches the yield strength only. Thus the check
of equivalent plastic strain is performed. The limit value 5% is suggested in Eurocode (EN1993-1-5
app. C par. C8 note 1), this value can be modified in project settings.
Plate element is divided to 7 layers and elastic/plastic behaviour is investigated in each of them.
Program shows the worst result from all of them.
CBFEM method can provide stress rather higher than yield strength. The reason is the slight
inclination of plastic branch of stress-strain diagram, which is used in analysis to improve the stability
of interaction calculation. This is not problem for practical design. The equivalent plastic strain is
exceeded at higher stress and the joint does not satisfy anyway.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 42
4.2 Welds
4.2.1 Fillet welds
Design resistance
The stress in the throat section of fillet weld is determined according to art. 4.5.3. Stresses are
calculated from shear forces in weld links. Bending moment round the weld longitudinal axis is not
taken into account.
σw,Ed = [σ⏊2 + τ⏊2 + τ||2)] 0.5
σw,Rd = fu / βW γM2)
0.9σw,Rd = fu / γM2
Weld utilisation
Ut = min (σw,Ed/σw,Rd, σ⏊/ .9σw,Rd)
• βW - correlation factor tab 4.1
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4.3 Bolts
Design tension resistance of bolt:
FtRd = 0.9 fub As / γM2
• As - tensile stress area of the bolt,
• fub - ultimate tensile strength,
• dm - bolt head diameter,
• d - bolt diameter,
• tp - plate thickness under the bolt head/nut,
• fu - ultimate steel strength,
• αv = 0,6 for classes (4.6, 5.6, 8.8) ,
• αv = 0,5 for classes (4.8, 5.8, 6.8, 10,9),
• k1 = 2.5,
• ab = 1.0,
• FtEd - design tensile force in bolt,
• V - resultant of shear forces in bolt.
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4.5 Anchors
Concrete cone failure resistance of anchor or group of anchors ETAG-001
NRkc = N0Rkc AcN/ A0cN sN reN
Anchors shear resistance in case of transfer of shear forces. Friction is not taken into account. Valid in
case, that the anchor failure precedes the concrete failure ETAG-001
VRks = 0.5 fy As
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 47
α β
V0Rkc = 1.7 d lf fck0.5 c11.5
α= . lf / 1)0.5
β= . d / 1)0.2
• lf = hef,
• c1 - edge distance,
• d - anchor diameter,
• sV = 1,
• reV = 1,
• A0cV - area of concrete cone of an individual anchor at the lateral concrete surface not
affected by edges (4.5 c12),
• AcV - actual area of concrete cone of anchorage at the lateral concrete surface.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 48
Effective area is calculated according to the real course of contact stress and assumptions defined in
Eurocode. Graphical representation shows the way of checking. Calculated effective area is marked
as green. Final effective area for contact stress check is highlighted as shaded.
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IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 50
5.1 Plates
The resulting equivalent stress (HMH, von Mieses) and plastic strain are calculated on plates. The
stress check cannot be performed, because the stress reaches the yield strength only. Thus the check
of equivalent plastic strain is performed. The limit value 5% is suggested in Eurocode (EN1993-1-5
app. C par. C8 note 1), this value can be modified in project settings.
Plate element is divided to 7 layers and elastic/plastic behaviour is investigated in each of them.
Program shows the worst result from all of them.
CBFEM method can provide stress rather higher than yield strength. The reason is the slight
inclination of plastic branch of stress-strain diagram, which is used in analysis to improve the stability
of interaction calculation. This is not problem for practical design. The equivalent plastic strain is
exceeded at higher stress and the joint does not satisfy anyway.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 51
5.2 Welds
5.2.1 Fillet welds
The design strength, ΦRn and the allowable strength, Rn/ of welded joints are evaluated in
connection weld check.
Φ = .7 LRFD
= . ASD
Available strength of welded joints is evaluated according to AISC 360-10 table J2,5
Rn = Fnw Awe
Fnw = 0.60FEXX . + . si . Θ
• Fnw - nominal stress of weld material,
• Awe - effective area of the weld,
• FEXX - electrode classification number, i.e., minimum specified tensile strength,
• Θ - angle of loading measured from the weld longitudinal axis, degrees.
For end-loaded fillet welds with a length up to 100 times the weld size, it is permitted to take the
effective length equal to the actual length. When the length of the end-loaded fillet weld exceeds
100 times the weld size, the effective length shall be determined by multiplying the actual length by
the redu tio fa tor, β, deter i ed as follows:
β = . - 0.002 (l / w)
• l - weld length,
• w - size of weld leg.
When the length of the weld exceeds 300 times the leg size, w, the effective length
is taken as 180w.
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5.3 Bolts
5.3.1 Tensile and shear strength of bolts
The design tensile or shear strength, ΦRn, and the allowable tensile or shear strength, Rn/ of a snug-
tightened bolt is determined according to the limit states of tension rupture and shear rupture as
Rn = Fn Ab
Φ = .7 LRFD
= . ASD
• Ab - nominal unthreaded body area of bolt or threaded part, in2 (mm2)
• Fn - nominal tensile stress, Fnt, or shear stress, Fnv, from Table J3.2, ksi (MPa)
The required tensile strength includes any tension resulting from prying action produced by
deformation of the connected parts.
• F nt - nominal tensile stress modified to include the effects of shear stress
• Fnt - nominal tensile stress from AISC 360-10 Table J3.2
• Fnv - nominal shear stress from AISC 360-10 Table J3.2
• frv - required shear stress using LRFD or ASD load combinations. The available shear stress of
the fastener shall be equal or exceed the required shear stress, frv.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 54
When deformation at the bolt hole at service load is not a design consideration
Rn = 1.5 lc t Fu ≤ 3.0 d t Fu (AISC 360-10 J3-6b)
• Fu - specified minimum tensile strength of the connected material,
• d - nominal bolt diameter,
• lc - clear distance, in the direction of the force, between the edge of the hole and the edge of
the adjacent hole or edge of the material,
• t - thickness of connected material.
IDEA StatiCa Connection Theoretical background 55
5.5 Anchors
The following resistances of anchor bolts are evaluated:
• Steel strength of anchor in tension
• Steel strength of anchor in shear
• Concrete breakout strength in tension
• Concrete breakout strength in shear