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Notes-Indolence of The Filipino People

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INDOLENCE OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE “A man can live in any climate, if he

will only adapt himself to its requirements

and conditions.”
 Working hours of Filipinos (tenants)
 “La Indolencia de los Filipinos” vs. Spanish Official and Landlords
 Indolence means “Little love for
 Tendency to indolence is very
 It is an exploratory essay written by
Dr. Jose Rizal  Effect of misgovernment
 It explains the alleged idleness of his
people during the Spanish
colonization. PART 2
 The Indolence of the Filipino  analogy of physician( friars, Spanish
People is a study of the causes why government) , patient(Philippines),
the people did not work hard during illness (indolence)
the Spanish regime.
 The essay itself originally appeared in  indolence as a chronic illness
the Filipino forthrightly review, La “Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic
Solidaridad, of Madrid, in five malady, but not a hereditary one”
installments, running from July 15 to
 Before the arrival of Spaniards,
September 15, 1890.
Malayan Filipinos raised on an
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY active trade, not only
 It was a continuation of Rizal's among themselves but also with
campaign of education in which he other neighboring
sought by blunt truths to awaken his countries (evidence that Filipinos
countrymen to their own faults at the were not indolent)
same time that he was arousing the  an illness will worsen if the wrong
Spaniards to the defects in Spain's treatment is given
colonial system that caused and
“How is it that the Filipino people, so
continued such shortcomings.
fond of its customs as to border on routine,
(Craig, 1913)
has given up its ancient habits of work, of
trade, of navigation, etc., even to the
MAIN POINTS extent of completely forgetting its past?”

 indolence – misused in the sense of PART 3
little love for work and lack of energy  Enumerates several reasons that
 indolence does exist among the may have caused the Filipinos
Filipinos cultural and economic corruption

 examine the causes based on facts  Wars: conflict among Spaniards,

before proposing a remedy natives and Moros

 climate – factor for being indolent  Invasion of Pirates, Results:

diminished number of native Filipinos
“A hot, climate requires of the
individual quiet and rest, just as cold incites  Forced labor : Filipinos were sent
to labor and action.” abroad to fight for Spain or shipyards
to construct vessels
 Some Filipinos hide in the forest and without protesting against any
mountains and abandoned their injustice, against any arbitrary
farm lands (because of fear) action, against an assault, against
an insult; that is, not to have heart,
“Still they struggled a long time against
brain or spirit: a creature with arms
indolence, yes: but their enemies were
and a purse full of gold ............
so numerous that at last they gave up!
there's the ideal native!”
 Yet Filipinos still have inspirations, he
PART 4 thinks and strive to rise
 Cut-off of trading
 Monopoly and Abuse of land lords PART 5
 Causes of indolence can be
 Absence of encouragement from reduced to two factors(emerged
the government from the people)
 No aid for poor crops and does not  Limited training and education of
seek market for its products Filipino native
 Wrong teaching:  Developed inferiority
 Why work? If the rich man will not go  Lack of a national sentiment of unity
to heaven. among them
 False teaching of church “A man in the Philippines is only an
 Gambling – promise of sudden individual; he is not a member of a
wealth nation.”

 Discrimination on education  Education and liberty is the key to

solve this issue
 Spaniards insisted to Filipinos:
“The Filipino is convinced that to
get happiness it is necessary for him SUMMARY
to lay aside his dignity as a rational The Spanish reign brought about a
creature, to attend mass, to believe decline in economic activities because of
what is told him, to pay what is certain causes:
demanded of him, to pay and
1. The establishment of the Galleon
forever to pay; to work, suffer and be
silent, without aspiring to anything,
without aspiring to know or even to 2. Spain also extinguished the natives’
understand Spanish,without love of work because of the
separating himself from his carabao, implementation of forced labor.
as the priests shamelessly say,
QUIZ – Indolence of the Filipino People
Name: _____________________________________ Course & Year:_____________
Date:________ Score:_____

I. Identification
1. What is the Meaning of the word “Indolence”?
_____________ 2. He said that Indolence does not exist in Philippines.
_____________ 3. The essay itself originally appeared in the Filipino forthrightly review which is the?
_____________ 4. He wrote “La Indolencia de los Filipinos”
_____________ 5. Rizal wrote that this two is the key to solve the indolence issue.

II.T or F. Write “ANA” if it is true, “MAY” if it is false.

1. One of the main reasons of Indolence of the Filipino people is the effects of misgovernment.
2. Rizal wrote that “Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but a hereditary one”
3. Gambling is a promise of sudden wealth.
4. The tendency to indolence is very unnatural.
5. Filipinos were sent abroad to fight for Spain or shipyards to construct vessels.

III. Enumeration
Give 5 reasons why Filipinos become indolent.


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